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Zosterophyllum(工蕨属)是早期陆生植物的代表性类群之一,全球广泛分布。Z.australianum(澳大利亚工蕨)产自华南和澳大利亚,是东北冈瓦纳古植物地理区系的典型分子。文中描述了产自贵州都匀包阳剖面蟒山群中的Z.australianum新材料。该标本的孢子囊具短柄,呈椭圆形或扇形,宽2.6~4.1 mm,高可达3.9 mm,加厚带宽约0.6 mm,紧密螺旋排列形成孢子囊穗,与云南文山早泥盆世坡松冲植物群中的Z. australiaunum极为相似。依据目前对Z. australianum时代延限的认识,并结合蟒山群其他植物属种的发现(如Adoketophyton subverticillatum),推断该群下段的时代为早泥盆世布拉格期。Z. australianum在蟒山群中的发现,扩展了该植物的地理分布范围,反映出蟒山群中的植物组合与坡松冲植物群存在一定联系。  相似文献   
To improve our knowledge of glacier change in the Tanggula Mountains located in the northeast of the Tibetan Plateau, we delineated outlines of the glaciers in 1991 and 2015 using Landsat TM/OLI images and compared them with the reported glacier data in the First Chinese Glacier Inventory in 1969 and the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory in 2007. These comparisons showed that the glacier area and ice volume decreased by 524.8 km 2 and 37 km 3, respectively. The majority of the glacier area loss was concentrated in the area class of 1–5 km 2, between 5300 m and 5500 m in elevation, on north and east facing slopes and in the Dam Qu River basin. These glacier changes exhibited spatial and temporal differences. The glacier retreat rate gradually increased from 1969 to 2015, and the rate in the east was higher than that in the west. From 1969 to 2015, the warming rate in the Tanggula Mountains was 0.38℃/10a, while the annual precipitation only increased by 0.4%. The slight increase in the amount of precipitation made a limited contribution to glacier change, while the change in temperature led to noticeable shrinkage of the glaciers. Contrary to the retreat or stagnation of most glaciers in the study area, there were 10 glaciers that experienced clear advance in 1986–2015 with noticeable increases in both area and length. Whether or not these 10 glaciers are surge glaciers requires further study.  相似文献   
The use of dendrochronology to study and date geomorphic processes in volcanic environments is still incipient, even more so on the volcanic slopes covered by temperate forests in central Mexico. Mass movements, such as debris flows, often impact forest stands where they cause damage to individual trees, thereby generating growth disturbances (GD) in the tree-ring records. The identification and dating of GD enables reconstruction of the age of trees colonizing bare surfaces after major events, but also allows the assessment of the frequency or spatial distribution of past geomorphic process activity. Here we used increment cores from 65 Pinus leiophylla, Abies religiosa, and Alnus jorullensis trees growing in the Axal gorge, on the southern slopes of La Malinche volcano, to unravel past debris-flow activity both temporally and spatially. Based on the combination of GD records, a weighted tree response index (Wit), field evidence and hydrometeorological records, we reconstructed 23 debris flows since 1933. Interestingly, almost two-thirds of the reconstructed years with debris-flow activity in Axal gorge match with events recorded in Axaltzintle gorge located on the NE slopes of La Malinche. These findings suggest a regional triggering mechanism, most likely related to the occurrence of hurricanes. This research could be useful for disaster risk management of the La Malinche National Park.  相似文献   
依据云南省者奄—嘎洒地区土地质量地球化学调查数据,研究了表层土壤中Cr、Ni地球化学特征及主要影响因素,分析了农产品Cr、Ni含量特征.结果 表明,研究区表层土壤中Cr、Ni含量受控于地质背景,光山—和平丫口岩体(σ)发育的土壤中Cr、Ni含量明显高于其他地层发育的土壤;不同类型土壤中Cr、Ni含量差异较大,且土地利用方式也会对土壤中Cr、Ni含量产生一定影响;研究区玉米、柑橘、茶叶、甘蔗、香蕉、核桃等农产品Cr、Ni含量均未超标,仅11件水稻Cr含量超过国家标准,占水稻样品总数的11.3%,区内农产品安全性总体较好;区内农用地(水田、旱地、园地、草地)面积为554.73 km2,其中无风险(含量低于筛选值)面积为408.61 km2,占比为73.66%,风险可控(含量在筛选值与管制值之间)面积为112.96 km2,占比为20.36%,风险较高(含量>管制值)面积为33.16km2,占比为5.98%,土壤环境质量总体较好.针对部分土壤存在Cr、Ni污染风险问题,从水土保持、施肥方式、水旱轮作等角度提出了污染防控措施建议.  相似文献   
随着能源改革进一步推进,地热能这种中深层清洁能源的勘探开发利用迫在眉睫,目前勘探开发利用重点在中深层位,且主要在城区,限制了常规地震、大地电磁等物探方法的使用,需引进新方法.本文通过微动勘查技术在某城区开展相关实验,对比以往高精度重力、大地电磁测深、地热孔等资料,验证了本次微动实验成果,解释推断的地层划分和构造位置与已知资料基本吻合,值得进一步研究和推广,对实现微动勘查技术在中深层地热能源快速勘探开发具有重要意义.  相似文献   
070703天长超级单体龙卷的多普勒雷达典型特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
刘娟  朱君鉴  魏德斌  宋子忠  卢海  周红根 《气象》2009,35(10):32-39
主要使用南京多普勒天气雷达资料,分析了2007年7月3日发生在安徽天长和江苏高邮的龙卷风天气,着重分析了中气旋和龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)等产品的典型特征.龙卷发生在飑线回波带的北端强烈发展的超级风暴单体中,回波带前沿存在强烈的水平风切变,使得回波带上不断有中气旋生成.对产生龙卷的超级风暴单体,龙卷发生30min前,雷达给出了中气旋(M)产品,该中气旋持续了7个体扫的时间(42min),在中气旋出现后第5个体扫,雷达给出龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)产品,龙卷涡旋特征持续了3个体扫,综合切变产品也给出了显著的提醒.实地调查结果,龙卷风和第2个TVS同时发生,龙卷风位置与TVS位置对应,但位于TVS的南侧,位于中气旋最大风速圈的南缘.虽然CINRAD/SA雷达的TVS产品有虚警的情况,但结合反射率因子、平均径向速度、中气旋、综合切变等产品的分析,对于龙卷监测和预警会很有帮助的.  相似文献   
To understand the effects of animal grazing activities and climate change on sandy grassland vegetation in northern China, a field grazing and protected enclosure experiment was conducted from 1992 through 2006 in Horqin Sand Land, Inner Mongolia. The results showed that (1) the grazing was primary responsible for changes of the vegetation richness and diversity in the grazing grassland and that changing climate was the main reason for changes in the species richness and diversity in the grassland protected from grazing; (2) light and moderate grazing can promote restoration of the richness and the diversity in the degraded grassland, and heavy grazing could result in a decrease of the richness and diversity; (3) heavy grazing can result in significant decrease of the perennial diversity, and moderate and light grazing promotes increase of the perennial diversity; the grazing, whether heavy or moderate and light grazing, was beneficial to increase of the annual diversity; (4) heavy grazing was not beneficial to diversity of Graminean and Chenopodiaceae, and moderate and light grazing was favorable the diversity of Compositae and Chenopodiaceae; (5) the warm-humid climate was favorable to increase of the richness and the diversity, and the warm-drought climate could result in decease of the richness and the diversity; (6) increased precipitation was favorable to perennial diversity and the diversity of Graminean, Leguminosae, and Compositae, and decreased precipitation had few effects on the annual diversity and Chenopodiaceae diversity.  相似文献   
热带扰动在大尺度经圈中的行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
巢纪平  徐昭 《地球物理学报》2008,51(6):1657-1662
在赤道β平面上经圈流的背景流场内,利用等值浅水模式来分析波动的不稳定性.结果显示,在经圈半地转假设下,扰动信号通过变性的Rossby波来传递.对于大洋西部,由于向极地方向经圈流的引入,赤道对称的扰动模态对所有的波数k都是不稳定的.对于大洋东部的向赤道流,对赤道对称的扰动却是稳定的.由于一般来讲,扰动倾向于对赤道对称,因此西边界的向极流,如黑潮,比东边界的向赤道流,如加尼福尼亚洋流,更易因扰动的不稳定而产生涡旋.  相似文献   
Yanshanianmagma-tectonic-metalogenicbeltoftheEastChinaisapartofthecircum-Pacificdomain.Alotofpapershavebeenpublishedtodiscuss...  相似文献   
豫西中元古代汝阳群微生物形成的沉积构造简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
豫西地区中元古代汝阳群砂岩中普遍发育微生物形成的沉积构造(Microbial Induced Sedimentary Strutures),简称MISS构造,这些MISS构造在过去通常被误认为前寒武纪后生动物遗迹化石。本文对豫西地区中元古代汝阳群MISS构造的形态、结构及显微构造特征进行了详细地分析研究,结果表明该区发育的MISS构造有4种类型:多边形网状裂隙构造、纺锤形裂隙、鸟足形裂隙和典型的正弦曲线型Manchuriophycus构造。豫西地区中元古代汝阳群微生物形成的沉积构造的发现,不仅表明这些砂岩层面上曾经存在微生物席活动,对今后与一些微生物席活动有关的沉积构造的研究有着重要的借鉴意义,为过去被误认为各种遗迹化石的修定提供了证据,而且对恢复前寒武纪沉积古地理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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