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中国西部开发对西部地理信息基础设施建设提出了迫切要求。优先发展在西部大开发中具有关键作用的地理信息系统,积极培育地理信息技术市场,建设一支服务于西部大开发地理信息产业化队伍,尽快制定适应西部大开发的地理信息产业发展规划,协调解决地理信息的标准化,对发展西部地理信息产业、促进西部大开发具有战略意义。  相似文献   
为改变以单个监测点为研究对象分析大坝变形规律的方法,提出位移强度概念,并以此作为分类标准,借鉴决策树算法,根据大坝所有监测点的坐标建立模型,计算并分析大坝在某一方向上的整体变形规律。  相似文献   
The chemical compositions of the atmospheres of six metal-poor stars are analyzed. Spectra with signal-to-noise ratios of no less than 100 and a resolution of R≈17 000 were obtained using the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The abundances of Li, O, α-process elements (Mg, Si, Ca, Ti), Na, K, Sc, iron-peak elements (Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn), and s-process elements (Y, Ba) are derived. The star G251-54 ([Fe/H]=?1.55, T eff=5541 K, logg=3.58) is deficient in some elements compared to both stars with similar metallicities and the Sun. The atmosphere of G251-54 has the following elemental abundances relative to iron: [O/Fe]=+0.47, [α/Fe]≈?0.3, [Na/Fe]=?0.60, [Sc/Fe]=?0.57, [Cr, Ni, Fe]≈0, [Zn/Fe]=+0.16, [Cu/Fe]=?0.66, [Y/Fe]=?0.70, and [Ba/Fe]=?1.35. The remaining five stars have metallicities in the range ?1.6<[Fe/H]相似文献   
A detailed relative sea-level (RSL) record was constructed for the time interval 600–1600 AD, using basal peat to track sea level and containing 16 sea-level index points that capture ~60 cm of RSL rise. The study area is in the Mississippi Delta where the spring tidal range is ~0.47 m, the impact of ocean currents on sea-surface topography is limited, and crustal motions are well constrained. Age control was obtained by AMS 14C dating and most ages represent weighted means of two subsamples. Sample elevations were determined by combining differential GPS measurements with optical surveying. All index points were plotted as error boxes using 2σ confidence intervals for the ages, plus all vertical errors involved in sampling and surveying, as well as the indicative range of the samples. A striking clustering of sea-level index points between ~1000 and ~1200 AD suggests a possible acceleration in the rate of RSL rise. Removal of the long-term trend (0.60 mm yr?1) allows for the possibility of a sea-level oscillation with a maximum amplitude of ~55 cm. However, given the size of the error boxes the possibility that oscillations did not occur cannot be entirely ruled out. Comparison of the new RSL record with various proxy climate records suggests that sea level in this area may have responded to hemispheric temperature changes, including the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. However, given the error margins associated with this reconstruction, it is stressed that this causal mechanism is tentative and requires corroboration by high-resolution sea-level reconstructions elsewhere.  相似文献   
云南省东北部拱王山第四纪冰川遗迹研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
况明生  李吉均 《冰川冻土》1997,19(4):366-372
云南省东北部的拱王山海拔3100m以上的山地发生过第四纪冰川作用,典型的冰川遗迹集中分布在轿子山峰附近和妖精塘-牛洞坪两个地区,遗存的冰川地貌主要有冰斗,冰蚀岩盆和侧碛堤。根据冰川地貌的组合特征,以及它们生成的先后顺序,将拱王山第四纪冰川作用划分为末次冰期的倒数第二期冰期。  相似文献   
利用历史资料和Landsat TM卫星遥感图像,研究了唐山市滨海湿地自建国以来的演变特征,着重对1987~2004年陡河———滦河之间的滨海平原湿地类型进行了识别,绘制了不同时期的景观面解译图。利用Mapinfo制图软件计算出两个时期的面积(比例)转化矩阵,显示该区滨海湿地破碎化加重,其动态演变特征呈明显退化趋势,进而提出引起其退化的原因和发展趋势预测。  相似文献   
ASTER遥感数据蚀变遥感异常提取研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
吕凤军  郝跃生  石静  王娟 《地球学报》2009,30(2):271-276
基于ETM+/TM数据提取矿化蚀变遥感异常已趋于成熟,而利用ASTER(先进星载热发射和反射辐射仪)遥感数据提取矿化蚀变遥感异常鲜有报道.本研究利用USGS波谱数据库中典型蚀变矿物反射率数据,重建其在ASTER数据中波谱曲线.研究表明,ASTER遥感数据可以提取Mg-OH、Al-OH、CO32-和Fe3+离子(基团)信息.热液矿床的蚀变围岩通常含有上述4种离子(基团),它们的波谱特征是蚀变遥感异常提取的理论依据.本研究利用改进"去干扰异常主分量门限技术流程",以河北省承德地区和太行山区为例,上述离子(基团)信息提取结果与野外实际分布相一致,表明利用ASTER遥感数据提取上述4种离子(基团)信息是可靠的.  相似文献   
基于时序MODIS NDVI的黑河流域土地覆盖分类研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
归一化植被指数(NDVI)是植被生长状态及植被覆盖度的最佳指示因子,其时序数据也已成为基于生物气候特征开展大区域植被和土地覆盖分类的基本手段。基于时序NDVI数据的土地覆盖分类,即通过提取NDVI时间信号所包含的植被生物学参数,构建起一个包含植被生物学信息的分类特征空间。利用2006年重建得到的MODIS NDVI 16天合成时间序列数据,并结合1 km分辨率的DEM数据、野外实地调查资料等辅助数据,综合分析了不同土地覆盖类型对应的时序NDVI谱线及其第一、二谐波的特征阈值,建立决策树对黑河流域的土地覆盖开展分类研究。结果表明,基于时序MODIS NDVI谱线特征的决策树分类精度为78%,Kappa系数为0.74。利用1 km时序MODIS NDVI时间序列获得较为准确的黑河流域土地覆盖类型是可行的。  相似文献   
Autonomous vehicles are being developed to replace the conventional, manned surface vehicles that tow mine hunting towed platforms. While a wide body of work exists that describes numerical models of towed systems, they usually include relatively simple models of the towed bodies and neglect the dynamics of the towing vehicle. For systems in which the mass of the towing vehicle is comparable to that of the towed vehicle, it becomes important to consider the dynamics of both vehicles. In this work, we describe the development of a numerical model that accurately captures the dynamics of these new mine hunting systems. We use a lumped mass approximation for the towcable and couple this model to non-linear numerical models of an autonomous surface vehicle and an actively controlled towfish. Within the dynamics models of the two vehicles, we include non-linear controllers to allow accurate maneuvering of the towed system.  相似文献   
Southward thrusting occurred in Late Oligocene-Early Miocene in southern East Kunlun (昆仑) Mountains formed the South Kunlun thrust (SKT). Permian strata and Triassic rocks were thrusted over the Paleocene-Eocene red-beds of Fenghuoshan (风火山) Group and Oligocene brownish red conglomerate and sandstone of Yaxicuo (雅西错) Group along SKT faults, formed tectonic slices, low-angle thrust faults, multi-scaled outliers, and nappe structures in south of Middle Kunlun fault (MKF). In addition, SKT displacement or shortening is estimated to be ~(30-35) km across Dongdatan (东大滩) valley and East Wenquan (温泉) basin. 39Ar-40Ar dating of chlorite of ductile shear zone along front thrust fault indicates that SKT thrusting occurred at 26.5±2.7 Ma, and fission track dating of apatite from mylonitic granite in SKT gives the age 26±2 Ma, corresponding to initial time of rapid uplift of East Kunlun Mountains. Thrust faults and folds of SKT were covered unconformably by Late Miocene lacustrine strata, and major thrusting of SKT ended before 13.5-14.5 Ma according to regional chronological data in northern Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   
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