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中国地质灾害类型、分布及防治建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了中国地质灾害的空间分类和成因分类系统,并根据13类常见的地质灾害组合类型进行了区划,基本上反映了我国高原、山地、内陆盆地、平原及滨海地区地质灾害的地带性和地区性分布规律,以小比例尺图显示了中国地质灾害的类型与分布。该图共划分为11个地质灾害区。在此基础上初步论述了1949—1990年间我国崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害的主要受灾地区和受灾损失。最后,根据当前形势,提出了减灾、防灾的对策意见和建议。  相似文献   
集安群片麻岩中石榴子石和黑云母接触带两侧边缘广泛发育Fe-Mg交换反应所形成的扩散环带,但晶体内部各自保持变质峰期的成分,中温带石榴子石可保留生长环带。经微区化学成分详细研究后,正确运用Grt-Bt温度计获得进变质阶段,变质高峰期和修期后Fe-Mg交换反应停止时的温度条件。按石榴子石和斜长石的微区钙含量变化确定了峰期和退变质阶段压力。据此建立起逆时针形式的变质作用p-T-t轨迹,反映该区早元古代陆壳内裂陷带的闭合过程。  相似文献   
A sequential waveform method is developed to simulate the seismic response of basin-edge structure excited by a plane incident P-wave. The full procedure involves: (a) a previous parameterization of the investigated model using the seismic wave velocities and depths of the sedimentary stratifications; (b) an input motion determined from the records at stations installed on hard rock; (c) forward computation of the P-SV elastic wave field by means of a two-dimensional finite difference (FD) method; (d) the optimization of the model vector using simulated annealing technique and comparing the simulated seismic response of the tested structure with the observed wave field; (e) the correction of the initial model by trial-and-error by testing the differences between synthetics and observed data, and (f) the final solution obtained by iteration using the conjugate gradient algorithm. The search of an optimal basin-edge model has been parallel processed by varying the shapes and velocities of strata on the basis of the fitting of relative timing, amplitude and phase between the output and the observed data. The input motion and sensitivity have been checked and the validity of the method has been demonstrated by numeric analysis. Using the teleseismic records generated by 7 earthquakes recorded at 26 broadband seismic stations, we have studied the seismic velocity structure of the southern edge of the Jiyang depression located in the Bohai Bay basin, northern China. Two cross sections show an agreement between the velocity results and the geological sections available in the region. In addition, we obtain evidence of three hidden faults under the sections and features that suggest major extensions at the Paleogene.  相似文献   
The parrotfish Sparisoma viride often grazes live coral from edges undermined by the Caribbean encrusting and excavating sponge Cliona tenuis. To test whether parrotfish biting action has an effect on the dynamics of the sponge–coral interaction, we manipulated access of parrotfishes to the sponge–coral border in two species of massive corals. When parrotfish had access to the border, C. tenuis advanced significantly more slowly into the coral Siderastrea siderea than into the coral Diploria strigosa. When fish bites were prevented, sponge spread into S. siderea was further slowed down but remained the same for D. strigosa. Additionally, a thinner layer of the outer coral skeleton was removed by bioerosion when fish were excluded, a condition more pronounced in D. strigosa than in S. siderea. Thus, the speed of sponge‐spread and the extent of bioerosion by parrotfish was coral species‐dependent. It is hypothesized that coral skeleton architecture is the main variable associated with such dependency. Cliona tenuis spread is slow when undermining live S. siderea owing to the coral’s compact skeleton. The coral’s smooth and hard surface promotes a wide and shallow parrotfish bite morphology, which allows the sponge to overgrow the denuded area and thus advance slightly faster. On the less compact skeleton of the brain coral, D. strigosa, sponge spread is more rapid. This coral’s rather uneven surface sustains narrower and deeper parrotfish bites which do not facilitate the already fast sponge progress. Parrotfish corallivory thus acts synergistically with C. tenuis to further harm corals whose skeletal architecture slows sponge lateral spread. In addition, C. tenuis also appears to mediate the predator–prey fish–coral interaction by attracting parrotfish biting.  相似文献   
活性炭从硫脲浸出液中回收金的工艺研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张云  杨建元 《矿物岩石》1999,19(2):98-100
本文研究了在酸性硫脲浸出液中活性炭回收金的工艺过程,实验表明,在该浸出液中活性炭对金具有较高的吸附速度、吸附率和吸附容量并易于解吸,为工业应用提供了可靠的技术依据。  相似文献   
Conclusions When the aseismic test of large scale structure is performed, it is a major performance that the actual response waveform is identical to the input signal waveform under the condition of analog control, especially when the damping of the structure tested is small. The rotational motions of the simulator are induced due to the structure inertia, so that it is a key technique for the simulator design that realizes independent control of the simulator with six degrees of freedom and suppresses the rotational motions. In the design, the modern control techniques are applied and a high performance of the three dimensional earthquake simulator is developed successfully. The simulator can simulate actual earthquake load and it is an important test device for aseismic research. This paper is a main project of the Eighth Five Plan, State Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Chilean geography exposes the country to high-level risks such as earthquakes and tsunamis. The disasters of 1930, 1960, 2010, and 2014 testify to the continuous link between...  相似文献   
Blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa occur frequently in many freshwater ecosystems around the world, but the mechanism of recovery has not been fully understood. I...  相似文献   
Assumptions of simple geometries for alluvial deposits (related to main rivers) can preclude determination of complexities that are revealed as fundamental controls in underground flow. Although subhorizontal contacts between alluvial and substratum materials are expected, previous sedimentary or erosional processes can result in irregular geometries, only accessible through detailed analysis. The studied case presents the 3D reconstruction of a Quaternary terrace in the proximities of Sabiñánigo (Southern Pyrenees, Northeastern Spain), lying on homogeneous Eocene marls. The studied area is located in an industrialized area supporting strongly pollutant chemical industry (chlorinated pesticides) for the past 50 years. The objective of the study was to constrain the groundwater pathway along the area to subsequently analyze leakage of chemicals to the water table. In order to reveal preferred flow paths, a detailed characterization of the internal structure of the alluvial deposits (0.5–13 m thick) and their relations with the Tertiary substratum was carried out by means of ground penetrating radar (GPR, 50 and 100 MHz antennas). The obtained models permit identifying several topographic highs in the alluvial/substratum contact, determining preferred pathways in water flow, favoring particular conditions associated with low levels of the water table. The presented results support the interest of application of GPR surveys in order to characterize the groundwater pathways in expected homogeneous areas and their importance in order to establish the contaminant surveillance network.  相似文献   
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