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In the Central Andes of Argentina (30–37°S), snowmelt is the main source of freshwater, an essential natural resource for ~2.2 million people in the adjacent arid lowlands. In this region, Laguna Llancanelo collects the water inputs from the Malargüe endorheic basin. Previous studies concerning the annual and intra-annual variations of this lagoon and its relationship with regional climate are rare. We obtained a monthly record for the Laguna Llancanelo area (LLA, 1984–2013) using the modified normalized difference water index derived from Landsat images. Monthly LLA ranges between 35 km2 and 411 km2 and is significantly related to variations of the Río Malargüe, the main snow-fed tributary to the lagoon. There is no long-term relationship between LLA and local rainfall, but rapid increases in LLA result from heavy rainfall around the lagoon. Conversely, rapid reductions in LLA encompass periods with both reduced discharge from the Río Malargüe and low local rainfall. The LLA integrates moisture of both Pacific (snowfall in the upper Andes) and Atlantic (lowland rainfall) origins; therefore, we propose using LLA as an indicator of regional water balance.  相似文献   
Laguna Melincué is a shallow lake located in Santa Fe Province, Argentina (33°41′27.8″S, 61°31′36.5″W). The catchment area is around 1495 km2 and it is located in the Pampean Plains. It was reduced to 678 km2 by the construction of the San Urbano channel in 1941 and reconditioned in 1977, which was built to avoid floods. The floods are related to some El Niño episodes, with high precipitation events. The lake has been previously studied from different approaches, mainly to understand hydrological and climatic variations, but more multidisciplinary studies are needed to understand its complex hydrological situation. Here we present the first paleomagnetic and rock magnetic studies made on a short sediment core collected from the lake in order to contribute to identifying paleoclimatic proxies and to present the first paleomagnetic results for the site. Rock magnetic analyses suggest that the well-preserved magnetic mineralogy is dominated by pseudo single-domain (titano)magnetite and/or maghemite. The results also indicate that a stable characteristic remanent magnetisation can be isolated and thus the directions of the geomagnetic field may be obtained, providing evidence for the use of this lake for paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental studies. Changes in magnetic grain size and concentration of magnetic minerals suggest environmental variations and changes in the lake level, which are consistent with historical reports. The paleomagnetic results agree well with Cals3k.3 model for inclination and declination of the geomagnetic field except for the dry period probably due to the fact that the core was extracted near the shore.  相似文献   
内蒙古阿拉善地区几次中等强度地震震源深度测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
震源深度对发震构造研究具有重要意义,内蒙古阿拉善地区近年来地震活动频繁,发生数次中强地震和大量中小地震。选取阿拉善地区8个中等强度地震,使用Pn、Pg联合测定深度方法(PTD)、sPn和Pn走时差方法和CAP方法测定震源深度,3种方法计算结果的一致,重新测定的震源深度范围为(18±7)km。  相似文献   
区域历史人口空间格局精细化重建:方法与实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛樵风  金晓斌  韩娟  杨绪红  周寅康 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1857-1865
以清中期(1736~1820年)苏州府为例,探索历史时期人口空间分布的影响机制,构建历史人口空间分布适宜性计算方法,在2个典型时段(1776年、1820年)重建1 km×1 km空间格网下的人口数据集。研究结果表明:在数量上,1776年,苏州府人口总量为511.1万,其中城市人口120.1万,农村人口391.0万;1820年,总人口为590.8万,其中城市168.7万,农村422.1万;城市人口增长速率明显快于农村人口。空间格局上,1776~1820年,苏州府中部的吴县、长洲、元和等县人口较为集中,东北部昭文、新阳及中南部吴江、震泽等县较为稀疏,但区域间差异渐趋缩小;人口增长主要集中在城镇区域,较高等级城镇人口集聚特征更为显著。通过与当地历史文献及现代人口格局进行相关性和趋势检验,总体特征、分布趋势和变化特点具有一致性。  相似文献   
红碱淖面积时空演变规律及保护措施成效   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
红碱淖是中国面积最大的沙漠淡水湖,也是全世界最大的遗鸥繁殖和栖息地,2012年被列为全国重点保护湖泊,保护工作对于当地的生态环境和重点保护鸟类繁衍都具有十分重要的意义。在遥感和观测数据的基础上,构建了1986-2018年高精度的长时间序列湖泊面积连续监测数据集,并在此基础上研究其时空演变规律以及与自然因素和人类活动的耦合关系,同时实现了针对2012年以来实施的保护措施的成效监测。结果表明:(1)1986-2018年红碱淖面积经历了波动期-萎缩期-增长期,总体呈现萎缩趋势。(2)红碱淖的萎缩原因以人为为主\,自然为辅。其中人为因素主要由上游河流建设水库、工业发展用水和植被生长所需用水增加组成。(3)从水量平衡的角度分析,湖泊萎缩期自然因素贡献率为18.26%,人为因素贡献率为81.74%。湖泊面积增长期气候因素贡献16.76%,人为因素贡献83.24%。(4)2012年以来实施的保护措施,已经初步取得成效。主要体现在通过人工增雨和上游水库地面生态补水促使红碱淖面积在2016年出现了2006年以来的首次正增长。建议人工增雨和地面生态补水常态化,来有效抑制红碱淖面积的萎缩,使湿地生态得到长期持续性恢复。  相似文献   
针对最小范数解缠方法的代价函数模型以及迭代效率问题,提出一种符合L0范数准则的高效的二维相位全局最优解缠方法。在对最小范数代价函数模型特征进行分析的基础上,给出一种符合L0范数准则的代价函数,满足在相位不连续边界的切方向上相对法方向具有更强的约束作用,保证解缠迭代处理时连续相位按照代价函数的约束条件进行趋近的同时,不连续边界不会被破坏。为了解决线性方程中低频误差收敛慢的问题,根据最小范数方法独立性的特点,采用数据分块处理方法,注重高频信息以提高迭代处理效率,将低频信息处理转移到数据块间偏移量计算中。实验对比分析表明,新解缠方法在可靠性和效率方面都能够达到较好的水平。  相似文献   
The latitudinal migration of sunspots toward the equator,which implies there is propagation of the toroidal magnetic flux wave at the base of the solar convection zone,is one of the crucial observational bases for the solar dynamo to generate a magnetic field by shearing of the pre-existing poloidal magnetic field through differential rotation.The Extended time series of Solar Activity Indices(ESAI)elongated the Greenwich observation record of sunspots by several decades in the past.In this study,ESAI's yearly mean latitude of sunspots in the northern and southern hemispheres during the years 1854 to 1985 is utilized to statistically test whether hemispherical latitudinal migration of sunspots in a solar cycle is linear or nonlinear.It is found that a quadratic function is statistically significantly better at describing hemispherical latitudinal migration of sunspots in a solar cycle than a linear function.In addition,the latitude migration velocity of sunspots in a solar cycle decreases as the cycle progresses,providing a particular constraint for solar dynamo models.Indeed,the butterfly wing pattern with a faster latitudinal migration rate should present stronger solar activity with a shorter cycle period,and it is located at higher latitudinal position,giving evidence to support the Babcock-Leighton dynamo mechanism.  相似文献   
Tide gauge data are used to investigate sea level variability off the northwest coast of the South China Sea (SCS) in 2012, and a significant sea level elevation with a magnitude approaching 79 mm is observed. Analysis suggests that an abnormal sea surface heat flux and freshwater flux may have contributed to this abnormal rise in sea level, together with the remote influence of an ENSO event. Further investigation shows that the event was dominated by the positive freshwater flux, where large volumes of water entered the ocean, and a maximum is centered to the south of Guangdong province, China. Simultaneously, a positive anomalous heat flux occurred in the northwestern part of the SCS, which is considered to have made a positive contribution to the high local sea level elevation. In addition to the heat flux, the ENSO event also had a significant effect on the event, where the La Niña-induced northwest Pacific cyclone contributed to sea level rise over the northwestern SCS through dynamic and thermodynamic interactions.  相似文献   
东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu)是我国东海海域的典型赤潮藻种,其在水体中通常呈垂直非均匀分布,并存在季节性和日内的垂直迁移现象。本文通过量化垂直迁移过程中东海原甲藻的分布状态,利用Hydrolight软件数值模拟各状态下的水体反射光谱,研究其光谱特征和变化规律。利用叶绿素浓度高斯垂向模型表征东海原甲藻在水体中的垂直分布,结合东海近岸海域二类水体的生物光学模型,模拟得到垂直迁移过程中东海原甲藻赤潮水体的反射光谱。对比分析叶绿素浓度垂向分布参数(背景叶绿素浓度、甲藻主体水层厚度、水体总生物量和叶绿素浓度峰值深度)对水体反射光谱的影响。研究结果表明,在东海原甲藻从次表层向表层垂直向上迁移过程中,水体反射光谱数值在蓝绿波段(400—570nm)减小,在黄红波段(570—720nm)增大,特别是在叶绿素荧光效应波段(680nm)处的变化尤为明显。  相似文献   
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