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李霞  胡秀清  崔彩霞  李娟 《中国沙漠》2005,25(4):488-495
依据气溶胶光学厚度测量原理,利用布设于塔里木盆地腹地塔中和盆地西南边缘和田气象站的2部CE318自动跟踪太阳光度计于2002年6月至2003年11月期间的探测结果,结合地面气象实测资料,分析了南疆盆地大气气溶胶的光学特性。同时结合我国已有的沙尘气溶胶光学特性的研究成果,初步提出了依据气溶胶光学厚度判断沙尘天气强度的标准。结果表明:塔中、和田气溶胶光学厚度随波长的增大多呈现减小趋势,塔中个别季节有些例外;2站气溶胶光学厚度的日变化基本保持对称的抛物线形,在春、夏季尤为明显;Angstrom浑浊度系数β的拟合曲线显示β随能见度增大而减小,波长指数α随能见度的变化趋势说明弱沙尘天气下,大气中主要弥漫着小粒径的气溶胶颗粒,而强沙尘天气则以大粒径为主;沙尘气溶胶光学厚度随晴空、浮尘、扬沙、沙尘暴依次增加;沙尘天气发生时,气溶胶光学厚度的临界值基本为晴空值的两倍,沙漠地区气溶胶光学厚度≥1.1206,北京≥0.3174。而发生沙尘暴的阈值则有很大不同,沙漠区气溶胶光学厚度至少 > 3.0,北京由于大气污染等因素,其判断沙尘暴发生的阈值为1.9982。另外笔者认为AOD与水平能见度之比值能够较全面地考虑水平和垂直两个方向的要素变化,衡量沙尘天气强度更具有合理意义,值得更深一步的探讨。  相似文献   
We developed a seismic geomorphology-based procedure to enhance traditional trajectory analysis with the ability to visualize and quantify lateral variability along carbonate prograding-margin types (ramps and rimmed shelves) in 3D and 4D. This quantitative approach analysed the shelf break geometric evolution of the Oligo-Miocene carbonate clinoform system in the Browse Basin and delineated the feedback between antecedent topography and carbonate system response as controlling factor on shelf break rugosity. Our geometrical analysis identified a systematic shift in the large-scale average shelf break strike direction over a transect of 10 km from 62° to 55° in the Oligo-Miocene interval of the Browse Basin, which is likely controlled by far-field allogenic forcing from the Timor Trough collision zone. Plotting of 3D shelf break trajectories represents a convenient way to visualize the lateral variability in shelf break evolution. Shelf break trajectories that indicate contemporaneous along-strike progradation and retrogradation correlate with phases of autogenic slope system re-organization and may be a proxy for morphological stability of the shelf break. Shelf break rugosity and shelf break trajectory rugosity are not inherited parameters and antecedent topography does not dictate long-term differential movement of the shelf margin through successive depositional sequences. The autogenic carbonate system response to antecedent topography smooths high-rugosity areas by filling accommodation and maintains a relatively constant shelf break rugosity of ~150 m. Color-coding of the vertical component in the shelf break trajectory captures the creation and filling of accommodation, and highlights areas of the transect that are likely to yield inconsistent 2D sequence stratigraphic interpretations.  相似文献   
Spatially-explicit estimation of aboveground biomass(AGB) plays an important role to generate action policies focused in climate change mitigation,since carbon(C) retained in the biomass is vital for regulating Earth’s temperature.This work estimates AGB using both chlorophyll(red,near infrared) and moisture(middle infrared) based normalized vegetation indices constructed with MCD43A4 MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) and MOD44B vegetation continuous fields(VCF) data.The study area is located in San Luis Potosí,Mexico,a region that comprises a part of the upper limit of the intertropical zone.AGB estimations were made using both individual tree data from the National Forest Inventory of Mexico and allometric equations reported in scientific literature.Linear and nonlinear(expo-nential) models were fitted to find their predictive potential when using satellite spectral data as explanatory variables.Highly-significant correlations(p = 0.01) were found between all the explaining variables tested.NDVI62,linked to chlorophyll content and moisture stress,showed the highest correlation.The best model(nonlinear) showed an index of fit(Pseudo-r2) equal to 0.77 and a root mean square error equal to 26.00 Mg/ha using NDVI62 and VCF as explanatory variables.Validation correlation coefficients were similar for both models:lin-ear(r = 0.87**) and nonlinear(r = 0.86**).  相似文献   

2021年8月7—8日,四川盆地中东部出现大暴雨、局地特大暴雨,是重庆2021年度社会影响最大的一次暴雨过程。采用多源观测及ERA5再分析资料,对此次大暴雨过程进行诊断分析。结果表明:大暴雨发生在低槽移入四川盆地诱发暖性西南低涡背景下,具有显著的阶段性、跳跃性和极端性特征。大暴雨先后形成于西南低涡中心东南部、西南低涡东侧和西南低涡南侧暖湿的边界层辐合线附近。各阶段大暴雨均由移动缓慢、维持时间达3~6 h的β中尺度对流系统影响形成,暖湿不稳定和弱垂直风切变为β中尺度对流系统的形成提供了有利的环境条件。涡度分析表明,西南低涡的发展主要源于低空辐合及垂直涡度输送效应,但暴雨区的正涡度发展与西南低涡并不完全相同,水平涡度倾侧效应较为显著。第一阶段暴雨区正涡度主要源于对流层中低层西南低涡中心附近显著的低空辐合、涡度垂直输送及水平涡度倾侧效应;第二阶段和第三阶段暴雨区正涡度主要源于边界层辐合及边界层以上的水平涡度倾侧效应,边界层辐合触发暖湿大气中的中尺度对流活动促进了第二阶段和第三阶段大暴雨的形成。

Paeonia delavayi is a wild tree peony species endemic to high-altitude regions in southwestern China. Recent agricultural land expansion, however, not only causes its dwindling population size, but also poses a severe threat to its long-term persistence. Since our knowledge of the reproductive biology of P. delavayi is very limited, and some management misconceptions have further exacerbated the already worrisome situation, the aim of the present study is to provide some scientific evidence regarding habitat preference and breeding system of P. delavayi, and to help correct some management misconceptions. Specifically, morphological traits of P. delavayi populations growing in two different habitats (i.e., the open area versus forest understory), including basal stem diameter, plant height and flower numbers per plant, were measured and compared with each other. A range of floral manipulation experiments was further conducted to study the extent of self-compatibility and pollen limitation. The results showed that P. delavayi preferred the open habitat over forest understory as it generally grew bigger with thicker stems, and produced a higher number of flowers in the former habitat. Therefore, the open habitat should receive immediate priority for conservation action instead of being converted to agricultural land; also, P. delavayi is pollen limited, as evidenced by the fact that experimental flowers receiving supplemental non-self pollen generally displayed elevated seed production than flowers subjected to other treatments (e.g., non-supplemental self pollen, non-supplemental non-self pollen and supplemental self pollen), which is consistent with reported observations that alpine plants are more likely to be pollen-limited than lowland plants. We suggest that human intervention might be necessary to guarantee the long-term persistence of P. delavayi as harsh alpine environment, intense competition for pollinators and different anthropogenic perturbations co-limit its reproductive success.  相似文献   
将Google Earth应用于遥感影像数据资料归档系统中,是一种新的遥感资料归档方法,能将归档的成果文件整合,克服了传统归档方式不能快速查看数据效果、位置、属性信息的缺点,很好地适应了信息化工作程序对图像数据库的快速响应的要求.ARCGIS补充了Google Earth薄弱的空间分析功能.系统再联合EXCLE表件,方...  相似文献   
2019年以来,自然资源部全面推进普适型设备研发与地质灾害自动化监测预警工作,截至2023年6月,已在17个地质灾害重点防治省份的5.5万处隐患点推广应用,全国地质灾害风险预警系统也进入了快速发展阶段。目前,系统每日接收监测数据超千万,在海量数据存储管理、时序数据并行处理、大数据智能分析和多参数风险预警等方面取得积极进展。然而,系统在数据安全方面仍存在诸多挑战,尤其是在数据一致性、数据防篡改和系统可靠性等方面有较大提升空间。文章在系统研究区块链技术特点及其在相关领域典型应用的基础上,提出基于分布式账本技术和共识机制的“可信数据流”建立方法,依此形成“区块链+全国地质灾害风险预警系统”总体框架,同时建立了原型系统。实验数据显示改进系统可以解决省-部数据不一致问题,识别并阻止非法数据篡改,多节点故障情况下仍可保障系统稳定运行,系统总体性能损耗低于20%。研究成果可为区块链技术在各级地质灾害风险预警系统中的应用提供顶层设计思路与技术方法,对于提升全国地质灾害自动化监测网安全运行能力具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
杜娟  刘星  陈正阁 《全球定位系统》2012,37(3):19-21,25
卫星轨道误差是影响定位精度的重要误差源,在轨道精度、表示方式和实时性等方面对广播星历、超快速星历、快速星历和精密星历进行了比较分析,得出广播星历与精密星历所提供的卫星轨道相差较大,超快速星历居中,快速星历轨道与精密轨道接近,在测量设备的高精度比对鉴定中,满足不同试验需求对卫星星历的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   
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