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Lake sedimentation has a fundamental impact on lake lifetime. In this paper, we show how sensitive calculation of the latter is to the quality of data available and assumptions made during analysis. Based on the collection of a large new dataset, we quantify the sediment masses (1) mobilized on the hillslopes draining towards Lake Tana (Ethiopia), (2) stored in the floodplains, (3) transported into the lake, (4) deposited in the lake and (5) delivered out from the lake so as to establish a sediment budget. In 2012–2013, suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and discharge measurements were made at 13 monitoring stations, including two lake outlets. Altogether, 4635 SSC samples were collected and sediment rating curves that account for land cover conditions and rainfall seasonality were established for the 11 river stations, and mean monthly SSC was calculated for the outlets. Effects of the floodplain on rivers' sediment yield (SY) were investigated using measurements at both sides of the floodplains. SY from ungauged rivers was assessed using a model that includes catchment area and rainfall, whereas bedload and direct sediment input from lake shores were estimated. As a result, the gross annual SY was c. 39.55 (± 0.15) Mt, dominantly from Gilgel Abay and Gumara Rivers. The 2.57 (± 0.17) Mt sediment deposited in floodplains indicate that the floodplains serve as an important sediment sink. Moreover, annually c. 1.09 Mt of sediment leaves the lake through the two outlets. Annual sediment deposition in the lake was c. 36.97 (± 0.22) Mt and organic matter accumulation was 2.15 Mt, with a mean sediment trapping efficiency of 97%. Furthermore, SSC and SY are generally higher at the beginning of the rainy season because soils in cultivated fields are bare and loose due to frequent ploughing and seedbed preparation. Later in the season, increased crop and vegetation cover lead to a decrease in sediment production. Based on the established sediment budget with average rainfall, the lifetime of Lake Tana was estimated as 764 to 1032 years, which is shorter than what was anticipated in earlier studies. The sedimentation rate of Lake Tana (11.7 ± 0.1 kg m?2 yr?1) is in line with the sedimentation rates of larger lakes in the world, like Lake Dongting and Lake Kivu. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Ko?ice meteorite was observed to fall on 28 February 2010 at 23:25 UT near the city of Ko?ice in eastern Slovakia and its mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry are described. The characteristic features of the meteorite fragments are fan‐like, mosaic, lamellar, and granular chondrules, which were up to 1.2 mm in diameter. The fusion crust has a black‐gray color with a thickness up to 0.6 mm. The matrix of the meteorite is formed mainly by forsterite (Fo80.6); diopside; enstatite (Fs16.7); albite; troilite; Fe‐Ni metals such as iron and taenite; and some augite, chlorapatite, merrillite, chromite, and tetrataenite. Plagioclase‐like glass was also identified. Relative uniform chemical composition of basic silicates, partially brecciated textures, as well as skeletal taenite crystals into troilite veinlets suggest monomict breccia formed at conditions of rapid cooling. The Ko?ice meteorite is classified as ordinary chondrite of the H5 type which has been slightly weathered, and only short veinlets of Fe hydroxides are present. The textural relationships indicate an S3 degree of shock metamorphism and W0 weathering grade. Some fragments of the meteorite Ko?ice are formed by monomict breccia of the petrological type H5. On the basis of REE content, we suggest the Ko?ice chondrite is probably from the same parent body as H5 chondrite Morávka from Czech Republic. Electron‐microprobe analysis (EMPA) with focused and defocused electron beam, whole‐rock analysis (WRA), inductively coupled plasma mass and optical emission spectroscopy (ICP MS, ICP OES), and calibration‐free laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (CF‐LIBS) were used to characterize the Ko?ice fragments. The results provide further evidence that whole‐rock analysis gives the most accurate analyses, but this method is completely destructive. Two other proposed methods are partially destructive (EMPA) or nondestructive (CF‐LIBS), but only major and minor elements can be evaluated due to the significantly lower sample consumption.  相似文献   
Abstract— Here we present the first purely physical model for cosmogenic production rates in iron meteorites with radii from 5 cm to 120 cm and for the outermost 1.3 m of an object having a radius of 10 m. The calculations are based on our current best knowledge of the particle spectra and the cross sections for the relevant nuclear reactions. The model usually describes the production rates for cosmogenic radionuclides within their uncertainties; exceptions are 53Mn and 60Fe, possibly due to normalization problems. When an average S content of about 1 ± 0.5% is assumed for Grant and Carbo samples, which is consistent with our earlier study, the model predictions for 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar are in agreement. For 4He the model has to be adjusted by 24%, possibly a result of our rather crude approximation for the primary galactic α particles. For reasons not yet understood the modeled 36Ar/38Ar ratio is about 30–40% higher than the ratio typically measured in iron meteorites. Currently, the only reasonable explanation for this discrepancy is the lack of experimentally determined neutron induced cross sections and therefore the uncertainties of the model itself. However, the new model predictions, though not yet perfect, enable determining the radius of the meteoroid, the exposure age, the sulphur content of the studied sample as well as the terrestrial residence time. The determination of exposure ages is of special interest because of the still open question whether the GCR was constant over long time scales. Therefore we will discuss in detail the differences between exposure ages determined with different cosmogenic nuclides. With the new model we can calculate exposure ages that are based on the production rates (cm3STP/(gMa)) of noble gases only. These exposure ages, referred to as noble gas exposure ages or simply 3,4He, 21Ne, or 36,38Ar ages, are calculated assuming the current GCR flux. Besides calculating noble gas ages we were also able to improve the 41K‐40K‐and the 36Cl‐36Ar dating methods with the new model. Note that we distinguish between 36Ar ages (calculated via 36Ar production rates only) and 36Cl‐36Ar ages. Exposure ages for Grant and Carbo, calculated with the revised 41K‐40K method, are 628 ± 30 Ma and 841 ± 19 Ma, respectively. For Grant this is equal to the ages obtained using 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar but higher than the 36Ar‐ and 36Cl‐36Ar ages by ?30%. For Carbo the 41K‐40K age is ?40% lower than the ages obtained using 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar but equal to the 36Ar age. These differences can either be explained by our still insufficient knowledge of the neutron‐induced cross sections or by a long‐term variation of the GCR.  相似文献   
Abstract— Cosmogenic He, Ne, and Ar were measured in the iron meteorites Grant (IIIAB) and Carbo (IID) to re‐determine their preatmospheric geometries and exposure histories. We also investigated the influence of sulphur‐ and/or phosphorus‐rich inclusions on the production rates of cosmogenic Ne. Depth profiles measured in Grant indicate a preatmospheric center location 117 mm left from the reference line and 9 mm below bar B, which is clearly different (?10 cm) from earlier results (?165 mm left from the reference line on bar F). For Carbo the preatmospheric center location was found to be 120 mm right of the reference line and 15 mm above bar J, which is in agreement with literature data. The new measurements indicate a spherical preatmospheric shape for both meteorites and, based on literature 36C1 data, the radii were estimated to be about 32 cm and 70 cm for Grant and Carbo, respectively. We demonstrate that minor elements like S and P have a significant influence on the production rates of cosmogenic Ne. In our samples, containing on average 0.5% S and/or P, about 20% of 21Ne was produced from these minor elements. Using measured 21Ne concentrations and endmember 22Ne/21Ne ratios for Fe + Ni and S + P, respectively, we show that it is possible to correct for 21Ne produced from S and/or P. The thus corrected data are then used to calculate new 41K‐40K exposure ages—using published K data—which results in 564 ± 78 Ma for Grant and 725 ± 100 Ma for Carbo. The correction always lowers the 21Ne concentrations and consequently decreases the 41K‐40K exposure ages. The discrepancies between 36Cl‐36Ar and 41K‐40K ages are accordingly reduced. The existence of a significant long‐term variation of the GCR, which is based on a former 30–50% difference between 41K‐40K and 36Cl‐36Ar ages, may warrant re‐investigation.  相似文献   
The shape of meteorites is one of the major factors influencing the production of cosmogenic nuclides. Numerical simulations using the Los Alamos Code System (LCS) particle production and transport codes were done to investigate particle fluxes and production rates of cosmogenic nuclides 10Be, 26Al, and 60Co in meteoroids of spherical, ellipsoidal, and cylindrical shapes. The calculations show that fluxes of nuclear active particles and also production rates of cosmogenic nuclides are sensitive to the shape of the irradiated parent body.  相似文献   
Abstract— Elemental composition and composition ratios derived from gamma‐ray measurements collected by the NEAR‐Shoemaker spacecraft while on the surface of 433 Eros are reported. Performance of the gamma‐ray spectrometer (GRS) during cruise and orbit is reviewed. The best gamma‐ray data were collected on the surface of Eros after the spacecraft's controlled descent on 2001 February 12. Methods used in spectral analysis, to convert peak areas to incident photons, and photons to elemental composition are described in some detail. The elemental abundance of K and the Mg/Si, Fe/Si, Si/O and Fe/O abundance ratios were determined. The Mg/Si and Si/O ratios and the K abundance are roughly chondritic, but the Fe/Si and Fe/O ratios are low compared to expected chondritic values. Three possible explanations for the apparent Fe depletion are considered.  相似文献   
Three epochs of primary and four epochs of secondary minima of TX Her were determined from photoelectric observations made between 1968 and 1973. The individual observations in three colours are given in Tables I-III.  相似文献   
This study presented herein compares the bivariate and multivariate landslide susceptibility mapping methods and presents the landslide susceptibility map of the territory of Western Carpathians in small scale. This study also describes pioneer work for the territory of Western Carpathians, overreaching state borders, using verified sophisticated statistical methods. In the susceptibility mapping, digital elevation model was first constructed using a GIS software, and parameter maps affecting the slope stability such as geology, seismicity, precipitation, topographical elevation, slope angle, slope aspect and land cover were considered. In the last stage of the analyses, landslide susceptibility maps were produced using bivariate and multivariate analyses, and they were then compared by means of their validations. The validation of the bivariate analysis data was performed using the results of bivariate analysis for landslide areas of Slovakia containing five classes of susceptibility in scale 1:500,000. The validation area is the area of Western Carpathians within Slovakia. Eighty-two per cent of area does not differ in more than one class. The validation of the multivariate analysis data was performed using the results from the Kysuce region in the northern part of Slovakia in scale 1:10,000. The raster calculator was used to express the difference between each pair of pixels within these two layers. Seventy-seven per cent of the pixels do not differ in more than 25 %, 94 % of the pixels do not differ in more than 50 %. The maximal possible difference is 100 % (one pixel with value 0 and other with value 1, or vice versa). Receiver operating characteristic analysis was also performed, the area under curve value for bivariate model was calculated to be 0.735, while it was 0.823 for multivariate. The results of the validation can be considered as satisfactory.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to date by the archaeomagnetic method the last heatingcooling cycle of one Roman and two Medieval tile kilns, discovered in Belgium. The investigation demonstrates the limitations when well-documented local directional secular variation curves of the geomagnetic field in the past are used for dating and the difficulties when trying to determine field intensities from “in situ” baked clays from the kilns. The three kilns yielded very well defined ancient field directions but two possible dating solutions for each of them when no a priori time constraints are taken into account, due to field direction recurrence. As an increase of the dating accuracy and reduction of the number of dating solutions can be expected using the full field vector information, also field intensity determinations on burnt clays from the kilns were attempted. Field intensities from samples of the Roman and of one of the Medieval kilns are quite scattered. On the other hand, results obtained applying the Thellier-Thellier method and the modified method developed by Dekkers and Böhnel on sister samples from the Roman kiln agree fairly well. Rock magnetic properties reveal high variance in the kilns that point to varying spatial heating and cooling conditions in the kilns. Even well burnt material from the kilns shows irreversible changes when heated in air in the laboratory. Reliable field intensities on “in situ” baked materials from kilns themselves can therefore only be obtained when measuring sufficient number of samples from different parts of the kiln, taking into account the spatial-temporal conditions during kiln operation and cooling history. More reference intensity data is needed in our regions in order to improve dating based on directional reference data only.  相似文献   
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