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A very bright and long bolide was observed over the eastern part of the Czech Republic during late local evening on December 9, 2014. This bolide was recorded by professional instruments in the Czech part of the European Fireball Network. Three meteorites weighing in total 87 g were found in the predicted area and were named ??ár nad Sázavou. The complete material composition of the meteorite was obtained from one cut‐off piece using petrography, mineralogy, and scanning electron microscopy (together with X‐ray energy dispersive spectroscopy and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy). X‐ray computed tomography (CT) was applied on all pieces for the determination of their grain and bulk density, digitization of shape, and examination of the structural homogeneity. CT has proved its important role for nondestructive exploration of brecciated meteorites formed by distinct lithologies or petrological types. In this article, we discuss its limits in terms of structural and material resolution based on the correlation of state‐of‐the‐art CT data and SEM images. Furthermore, we introduce a new way of air cavity quantification, which distinguishes the natural porosity of meteorite and cracks related to erosion processes. This helps to discuss the presence of weathering products based on comparison of the meteorite pieces found at different times after impact.  相似文献   
On February 15, 2013, after the observation of a brilliant fireball and a spectacular airburst over the southern Ural region (Russia), thousands of stones fell and were rapidly recovered, bringing some extremely fresh material for scientific investigations. We undertook a multidisciplinary study of a dozen stones of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, including petrographic and microprobe investigations to unravel intrinsic characteristics of this meteorite. We also study the short and long‐lived cosmogenic radionuclides to characterize the initial meteoroid size and exposure age. Petrographic observations, as well as the mineral compositions obtained by electron microprobe analyses, allow us to confirm the classification of the Chelyabinsk meteorite as an LL5 chondrite. The fragments studied, a few of which are impact melt rocks, contain abundant shock melt veins and melt pockets. It is likely that the catastrophic explosion and fragmentation of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid into thousands of stones was in part determined by the initial state of the meteoroid. The radionuclide results obtained show a wide range of concentrations of 14C, 22Na, 26Al, 54Mn, 57Co, 58Co, and 60Co, which indicate that the pre‐atmospheric object had a radius >5 m, consistent with other size estimates based on the magnitude of the airburst caused by the atmospheric entry and breakup of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid. Considering the observed 26Al activities of the investigated samples, Monte Carlo simulations, and taking into account the 26Al half‐life (0.717 Myr), the cosmic‐ray exposure age of the Chelyabinsk meteorite is estimated to be 1.2 ± 0.2 Myr. In contrast to the other radionuclides, 14C showed a very large range only consistent with most samples having been exposed to anthropogenic sources of 14C, which we associate with radioactive contamination of the Chelyabinsk region by past nuclear accidents and waste disposal, which has also been confirmed by elevated levels of anthropogenic 137Cs and primordial 40K in some of the Chelyabinsk fragments.  相似文献   
From 1955 to 1985 an intensive hydrogeological survey has been carried out in Slovakia, in order to ascertain the conditions of forming mineral and geothermal waters in various geological structures and to find new sources of the afore-mentioned waters. The survey helped to clarify the laws of their distribution and evaluate the quantitative and qualitative properties of water developing on the basis of geologic-tectonic conditions and physical-geographic terms of the given territory. The Slovakian territory belongs to the Carpathian geological system. Five separate geological units having a different hydrologic characteristic, quality and water yield of reserves and resources form this geological system. A great number of mineral and thermal springs in Slovakia displaying different quantities and quality, provide numerous possibilities of their practical utilization.  相似文献   
Loess-palaeosol deposits in the lower Danube area represent the southeastern edge of the loess cover in Europe. Detailed rock magnetic investigations of the loess/palaeosol sequence in Viatovo in NE Bulgaria reveal that magnetite and maghemite of very fine superparamagnetic grain size are responsible for the magnetic enhancement of palaeosol units. A detailed palaeoclimatic record is obtained through high-resolution measurements of magnetic susceptibility, frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility and CaCO3 content. Magnetic proxies indicate a more warm and humid climate during the development of the older palaeosol units (S4–S6).  相似文献   
The seasonal mean variability of the atmospheric circulation is affected by processes with time scales from less than seasonal to interannual or longer. Using monthly mean data from an ensemble of Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) realisations, the interannual variability of the seasonal mean is separated into intraseasonal, and slowly varying components. For the first time, using a recently developed method, the slowly varying component in multiple AGCM ensembles is further separated into internal and externally forced components. This is done for Southern Hemisphere 500?hPa geopotential height from five AGCMs in the CLIVAR International Climate of the Twentieth Century project for the summer and winter seasons. In both seasons, the intraseasonal and slow modes of variability are qualitatively well reproduced by the models when compared with reanalysis data, with a relative metric finding little overall difference between the models. The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is by far the dominant mode of slowly varying internal atmospheric variability. Two slow-external modes of variability are related to El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability, and a third is the atmospheric response to trends in external forcing. An ENSO-SAM relationship is found in the model slow modes of variability, similar to that found by earlier studies using reanalysis data. There is a greater spread in the representation of model slow-external modes in winter than summer, particularly in the atmospheric response to external forcing trends. This may be attributable to weaker external forcing constraints on SH atmospheric circulation in winter.  相似文献   
Statistical approach to the analysis of the relationship between the frequency of flood events and land cover (LC) changes in small catchments of Slovakia is presented in this paper. The data for identification of LC changes were taken from the 1990 and 2006 CORINE LC (CLC) data layers. They were derived by computer-aided visual interpretation of satellite images under the CLC Projects. The data about frequency of flood events in small catchments are from the period 1996–2006. Two hypotheses were formulated: (1) the greater the area of LC changes, the more frequent flood events; (2) in catchments where LC changes accelerating formation of direct runoff (e.g. urbanization, deforestation, farming) dominates, flood events are more frequent than in catchments where the prevailing LC changes (e.g. afforestation) reduce formation of direct runoff. Validity of hypotheses was tested in the framework of flood potential of catchments by two-factor ANOVA method. The obtained results indicate that (1) flood event frequency increases with the increasing total area of LC changes in a catchment. This tendency clearly manifests itself in catchments with very high flood potential. It is somewhat less distinct in catchments with moderate and high flood potentials. (2) There were no differences in flood event frequency between the group of catchments, where LC changes accelerating the formation of the direct runoff prevailed and the group of catchments where LC changes decelerating the formation of direct runoff were dominated.  相似文献   
A hydrogeological study was undertaken in the Zenako-Argaka catchment, near Hagere Selam in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, during the rainy season of 2006. A geological map was produced through geophysical measurements and field observations, and a fracture zone identified in the north west of the catchment. A perched water table was found within the Trap Basalt series above the laterized upper Aram Aradam Sandstones. A map of this water table was compiled. Water-level variation during the measurement period was at least 4.5?m. Variation in basal flow for the whole catchment for the measurement period was between 12 and 276?m3/day. A groundwater flow model was produced using Visual MODFLOW, indicating the general direction of flow to be towards the south, and illustrating that the waterways have only a limited influence on groundwater flow. The soil water budget was calculated for the period 1995?C2006, which showed the important influence of the distribution of rainfall in time. Although Hagere Selam received some 724?mm of rainfall per year over this period, the strong seasonal variation in rainfall meant there was a water deficit for on average 10?months per year.  相似文献   
Archaeomagnetic dates derived from geomagnetic field direction records in baked materials are proposed for a mediaeval brick kiln (from inclination I and declination D) and for bricks from a brick wall (from I only) in northern Belgium. They are used to verify whether a brick chronology based on the format of bricks is feasible in Flanders. The brick kiln yielded a highly reliable average magnetization direction corresponding to an archaeomagnetic date around A.D. 1650, using the British and French geomagnetic field secular variation curves as a reference, at least half a century younger than expected from historical data. The fidelity of the geomagnetic records was controlled by measuring the magnetic anisotropy of the bricks. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements demonstrate that the bricks have a shape related magnetic fabric, which is induced during the molding process. A test to control whether AMS can substitute for the anisotropy of thermo‐remanent magnetization (ATRM) failed because of induced changes during laboratory heating. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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