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This paper provides a multi‐dimensional analysis of the impacts of the Indian Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme using a case study from rural Tamil Nadu. Drawing on structured interviews in households and semi‐structured interviews with local employers and officials, we analyse the effects of the workfare scheme when it is widely and properly implemented. We distinguish between different conceptualizations of the work scheme as a means of welfare provision, labour market policy and intervention directed towards other objectives. We found that the goals of the scheme were fulfilled unevenly in the given context. Among other findings, we show that positive effects on the welfare of participating and non‐participating households were accompanied by adverse effects on the local economy and negligible impact on out‐migration for work.  相似文献   
Crowd-based hydrological observations can supplement existing monitoring networks and allow data collection in regions where otherwise no data would be available. In the citizen science project CrowdWater, repeated water level observations using a virtual staff gauge approach result in time series of water level classes (WL-classes). To investigate the quality of these observations, we compared the WL-class data with “real” (i.e., measured) water levels from the same stream at a nearby gauging station. We did this for nine locations where citizen scientists reported multiple observations using a smartphone app and at 12 locations where signposts were set up to ask citizens to record observations on a paper form that could be left in a letterbox. The results indicate that the quality of the data collected with the app was better than for the forms. A possible explanation is that for each app location, a single person submitted the vast majority of the observations, whereas at the locations of the forms almost every observation was made by a different person. On average, there were more contributions between May and September than during the other months. Observations were submitted for a range of flow conditions, with a higher fraction of high flow observations for the locations were data were collected with the app. Overall, the results are encouraging for citizen science approaches in hydrology and demonstrate that the smartphone application and the virtual staff gauge are a promising approach for crowd-based water level class observations.  相似文献   
Monitoring of the ecological as well as economical aspects of the planet Earth will in future require more sophisticated data obtaining systems (e. g. satellites) and data processing devices (e. g. GIS). In order to process the great amount of data, detailed information on geographical databases has to be provided in an easy way. In this paper a concept of an information system on geographical databases is presented which encompasses a centrally managed international directory with summary information as well as local information interfaces geographical databases. An information interface provides detailed information on the extent, structure and geographical meaning of the data stored in the geographical database belonging to it. To describe this information a conceptual scheme, based on an object oriented approach, is developed.  相似文献   
Summary The paper deals with a non-linear regression model, linear in parameters. The least-squares adaptation method has been used to determine the model parameters. The conditionality problem in solving equations, which follows from the dependent predictors, has been suppressed by singular decomposition. This model is especially suitable for treating meteorological problems because non-linear processes, e.g. changes of air masses, changes of circulation patterns, etc., can be treated. The model has been tested in connection with the forecast of daily maximum and minimum temperatures. The RMS error lies in the range of 1–2°C, if the principal PPM is supposed.
Резюме Оnuсывеamся мamемamuческuŭ annaрam нелuнеŭноŭ ре?rt;рессuонноŭ мо?rt;елu, лuнеŭноŭ оmнос umельно naрaмеmров. Для оnре?rt;еленuя naрaмеmров мо?rt;елu uсnользуеmся меmо?rt; нauменьщuх квa?rt;рamов. Плохaя обусловленносmь сuсmемы нauменьщuх квa?rt;рamов, коmорaя вызвaнa взauмноŭ зaвuсuмосmью nре?rt;uкmоров, всmрaняеmся nрu nомощu сuн?rt;улярноŭ ?rt;екомnозuцuu. Эma мо?rt;ель nо?rt;хо?rt;um ?rt;ля nрuмененuя в меmеороло?rt;uu, maк кaк онa nозволяеm рaбоmamь с нелuнеŭносmямu, кaк нanрuмер uзмененuе воз?rt;ущных мaсс, uзмененuе хaрaкmерa цuркуляцuu u m. n. Мо?rt;ель nроверяеmся нa nро?rt;нозе ?rt;невных мuнuмaльных u мaксuмaльных mемnерamур. Сре?rt;няя квa?rt;рamuческaя ошuбкa нaхо?rt;umся в uнmе?rt;рaле оm 1 ?rt;о 2° (uсnользовaн nрuнцun РРМ).
Summary Phase velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves have been measured between the broadband seismic stations KHC (Kaperské Hory, South Bohemia) and KSP (Ksi, Lower Silesia), a profile that nearly coincides with the Interactional DSS Profile VII. The data for both wave types were separately inverted into models of shear-wave velocity versus depth. Novotný's model KHKS 82[1] for the DSS Profile VII was used as a start model. While the crustal section of Novotný's model is compatible with both of our data sets, our Rayleigh-wave data require smaller shear-wave velocities, on the average by 0.24 km/s, in the top 180 km of the mantle. The average difference between Novotný's model and our Love-wave model in that depth range is only 0.06 km/s. If our identification of the observed Love waves as the fundamental mode is correct, this result indicates the presence of polarization anisotropy in the uppermost mantle.
u a mu u a ¶rt; unu uuu mauu (an , a u) u S (, ua uu). u - S nuuum mmmm ¶rt;a¶rt; nu VII . a ¶rt; u mun m¶rt; umua ¶rt;u auumu mu nn mu. am mam¶rt;u a unaa ¶rt; S 82 m[1] ¶rt; nu VII . a am ¶rt;u m aua uu aau au ¶rt;a, ¶rt;a au ¶rt;a ¶rt; mm uu m nn — ¶rt; a 0,24 / 180 uma amuu. ¶rt;a aua ¶rt; ¶rt; m u a ¶rt; ¶rt; a m ¶rt;uanau n¶rt;mam 0,06 /. u aa u¶rt;muuau a¶rt;a a a ¶rt;ama ¶rt;a m nau, m mm mam u¶rt;ummm numuu nuau aumnuu amuu.
Zusammenfassung Künstlich hergestellter Löweit kristallisiert trigonal in kleinen Rhomboedern. Die Gitterkonstanten für die hexagonale Zelle sind:a = 18,96 Å,c = 13,47 Å. Die systematischen Auslöschungen führen auf die Raumgruppe R 3 oder R 3. Der Zellinhalt wird diskutiert.  相似文献   
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