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Summary By analogy with the calculation from data of angular momentum flow across latitude surfaces in the earth's atmosphere, the corresponding calculation is proposed for the case of our galaxy and possibly other spiral nebulae. A cylindrical wall of constant radius is used to replace the latitude wall, and the subject is developed through consideration of an ideal model. Gravitational torques enter the problem in addition to advective effects and possible other torques in actual systems. The relation of gravitational torques to the structure of ordinary spirals is discussed, and certain more special effects for the case of barred spirals are introduced and discussed. The connection of the subject with the classical theory of tidal evolution is pointed out.
Zusammenfassung Analog mit der Berechnung von Daten des Flusses des Momentes der Bewegungsgrösse über Breiten-Oberflächen in der Erd-Atmosphäre wird eine korrespondierende Berechnung für den Fall unseres Sternsystems und eventuell anderer spiraler Himmelskörper vorgeschlagen. Eine zylindrische Wand mit konstantem Radius wird benutzt, um die Breitenwand zu ersetzen, und dieses Problem wird entwickelt durch die Betrachtung eines idealen Modelles. Drehmomente der Schwerkraft kommen bei diesen Problem hinzu, zusätzlich der Wirkungen von Advektion und in aller Wahrscheinlichkeit anderer Drehmomente in den vorhandenen Systemen. Die Beziehung der Drehmomente der Schwerkraft in Bezug auf gewöhnliche Spiralen ist besprochen, und gewisse mehr spezialisierte Wirkungen für den Fall von Stangen-Spiralen werden eingeführt und besprochen. Der Zusammenhang dieses Problems mit der klassischen Theorie von Drehmomenten der Gezeiten ist nachgewiesen.

Sommario In analogia ai calcoli che, partendo da dati sperimentali, vengono fatti sul trasferimento del momento angolare fra zone dell'atmosfera a diverse latitudini, vengono qui proposti corrispondenti calcoli per la nostra galassia e possibilmente per altre nebulose a spirale. Viene usata una superficie cilindrica a raggio costante in sostituzione della superficie conica a latitudine costante; l'argomento è sviluppato secondo un modello ideale. La coppia gravitazionale viene presa in considerazione insieme agli effetti convettivi e ad altre possibili coppie. Viene discussa la relazione fra la coppia gravitazionale e la struttura di una spirale ordinaria; sono quindi introdotti e discussi certi effetti nel caso di spirali a sbarra. Infine viene messo in luce la relazione del presente argomento con la teoria classica della coppia dovuta alle marce.
A radiolitid fauna, rudist bivalves, composed of Durania acuticostata Caffau and Pleni?ar, Eoradiolites fleuriausus (d’Orbigny), Eoradiolites liratus (Conrad), Paronaites zuffardii (Parona), and Sauvagesia sharpei (Bayle) is described from the upper Cenomanian Monrupino Formation in the Malchina area, Karst of Trieste. The taxonomic part includes [1] the proposal of the new genus Paronaites and [2] neotypes for E. liratus, [3] the identification of several junior synonyms (Eoradiolites zucchii Caffau and Pleni?ar and Praeradiolites acutilamellosus Caffau and Pleni?ar for E. fleuriausus; Eoradiolites zizensis Astre and Eoradiolites adriaticus Caffau and Pleni?ar for E. liratus; and Eoradiolites carsicus Caffau and Pleni?ar for P. zuffardii), [4] the discrimination between E. liratus and Eoradiolites schweinfurthi Zittel, and [5] the identification in Europe of species so far only reported in North Africa, besides [6] illustrating the diagnostic characters and morphologic variability of the treated species. All this facilitates their proper identification and certainly helps the stratigraphic correlation of the Cenomanian shallow water carbonates deposited on the margins of the Tethys.  相似文献   
Ferrari  Alessio  Bosch  Jose A.  Baryla  Patrycja  Rosone  Marco 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(9):3719-3730

Despite the increasing understanding of bentonite behaviour, there is still missing evidence on how different hydro-mechanical loadings, including sequences of hydration and compression, affect the fabric and the volume change behaviour of the material. It is generally assumed that the interplay between the behaviour of clay assemblages and the overall fabric of the material is the reason of having final states that are dependent on the stress path followed. Here the results of an experimental campaign aiming to study these factors are reported and discussed. Free swelling and swelling pressure tests were performed, both followed by compression to a relatively high stress. The experimental program involved various samples that were dismantled at intermediate states in order to perform microstructural observations by means of mercury intrusion porosimetry and electronic scanning microscopy. It was observed that while the void ratio at a given stress level depends on the stress path, subsequent compression led to a unique virgin compression line. The data obtained at the microscale gave further insight for an interpretation of the volume change behaviour observed at the macroscale, showing that at high stress the material tends to recover the same fabric regardless of the path to saturation.

Various researchers have studied the spatial pattern of soil surface components such as vegetation, rock fragments, bare soil, litter and surface crusts, as a key factor of hydrological behaviour in Mediterranean settings with heterogeneous patches of vegetation cover and strong human impact. The studies indicate that there is a mosaic of patches that generate run-off or infiltrate overland flow, distributed in various ways along hillslopes. Few of these studies, however, have looked at areas underlain by metamorphic rocks such as phyllites or schists. This study analysed the temporal and spatial variability of the effects of soil surface components on hydrological processes in a small dry Mediterranean catchment underlain by metamorphic rocks. A systematic sampling of multiple sites throughout a hydrological year was carried out.We related the hydrological behaviour of soil surface components to 1) their position along the hillslope, 2) the distance of existing vegetation tussocks from the line of run-off, 3) rainfall intensity and 4) the main physical/chemical soil properties affecting infiltration processes. Statistical analysis was used to check the validity of the relationships. The results show that soil surface components have highly variable effects, in both space and time, on soil hydrological behaviour. These effects particularly depend on the location along the line of maximum slope and the intensity of preceding rainfall, whose interaction defines soil hydrological status. These results are similar to those for other Mediterranean settings with different lithology, in that the succession of contributing patches are hydrologically interconnected along a hillslope. The variables used and the grouping of explanatory variables through principal component analyses were found to be suitable for discussing the spatial distribution of soil surface components in the hydrologically dynamic environment of the study area.  相似文献   
Summary The earthquakes of 19 September 1985 (18.2° N, 102.7° W and a magnitude of 8.1 Richter scale) and of 20 (17.6° N, 101.8° W and a magnitude of 7.5 Richter scale) September 1985, caused the total or partial destruction of more than 2000 structures in Mexico City. The most affected areas are located along the fringes of and bordering old roadways, earthworks (dikes), aquaducts and pre-hispanic population centres. Ancient construction artificially modified the sedimentation in the basin of the Mexico Valley Lakes making the sub-soil of Mexico City more rigid near to the surface, and producing deviations of the surface seismic waves (Rayleigh waves and Love waves). Also, when earthquakes occur on the Pacific coast, seismic waves travel quickly through plutonic, metamorphics and continental and marine rocks of different ages, having high seismic velocities. When the seismic waves enter the poorly consolidated lake sediments having low seismic velocities in the Mexico City Basin, they produce an energy buildup that causes the phenomenon called magnification.There exists a direct relation between the amplification mentioned above and the presence of rigid bodies that are buried in the sub-soil. The length of these bodies is of the order of tens of kilometres horizontally with thicknesses less than 50 metres. These Rigid Barriers produce reflections and refractions of the surface waves along their borders with destructive consequences for the buildings. A correlation between the buildings and the houses damaged and destroyed and the location of the prehispanic construction on the sub-soil has been made which shows that the most damage happened in the borders of old roadways (i.e. Tlalpan road), perimeter walls (i.e. San Lazaro), aqueducts (i.e. Chapultepec Avenue), pyramids (i.e. Templo Mayor) and population centres (i.e. Tlaltelolco).  相似文献   
Geo-environmental terrain assessments and territorial zoning are useful tools for the formulation and implementation of environmental management instruments (including policy-making, planning, and enforcement of statutory regulations). They usually involve a set of procedures and techniques for delimitation, characterisation and classification of terrain units. However, terrain assessments and zoning exercises are often costly and time-consuming, particularly when encompassing large areas, which in many cases prevent local agencies in developing countries from properly benefiting from such assessments. In the present paper, a low-cost technique based on the analysis of texture of satellite imagery was used for delimitation of terrain units. The delimited units were further analysed in two test areas situated in Southeast Brazil to provide estimates of land instability and the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution hazards. The implementation incorporated procedures for inferring the influences and potential implications of tectonic fractures and other discontinuities on ground behaviour and local groundwater flow. Terrain attributes such as degree of fracturing, bedrock lithology and weathered materials were explored as indicators of ground properties. The paper also discusses constraints on- and limitations of- the approaches taken.  相似文献   
The Great Sumatra Tsunami on 26 December 2004 generated large amounts of debris and waste throughout the affected coastal region in the Indian Ocean. In Banda Aceh—Indonesia, the tsunami flows were observed carrying a thick muddy sludge that mixed with all kinds of debris from the destroyed buildings, bridges and culverts, vehicles, fallen trees, and other flotsam. This waste and debris was mostly deposited inland, but traveled both onshore and offshore. Numerical dispersal modeling is carried out to simulate the transport of debris and waste produced by the tsunamis during the event. The model solves the Lagrangian form of the transport/dispersion equations using novel particle tracking techniques. Model results show that understanding the pathway and distribution of the suspended materials and flotsam caused by tsunamis is important for a proper hazards mitigation plan and waste management action, and to minimize serious long-term adverse environmental and natural resources consequences.  相似文献   
Monitoring of crater lake chemistry during the recent decline and disappearance of the crater lake of Poás Volcano revealed that large variations in SO4/Cl, F/Cl, and Mg/Cl ratios were caused by the enhanced release of HCl vapor from the lake surface due to increasing lake temperature and solution acidity. Variation in the concentration of polythionic acids (H2SxO6, x=4–6) was the most reliable predictor of renewed phreatic eruptive activity at the volcano, exhibiting sharp decreases three months prior to the initiation of phreatic eruptions in June 1987. Polythionic acids may offer a direct indicator of changing subsurface magmatic activity whereas chloride-based element ratios may be influenced by surface volatilization of HCl and subsequent recycling of acidic fluids in crater lake volcanoes.  相似文献   
We have monitored the distribution, population status, breeding success, turnover rate and diet of a Peregrine Falcon population in Bizkaia (North of Spain) since 1997. On the 13th November 2002, the tanker Prestige sunk off La Coruña (NW Spain) causing an oil spill that affected the whole of the Cantabrian Coast and the Southwest of France. The total number of birds affected by the Prestige oil spill was expected to be between 115,000 and 230,000, some of them raptors. The loss of clutches during the incubation period increased significantly and was correlated with the loss of females. Moreover, the turnover rate of the population increased from 21% to 30%. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in the eggs, collected from five nests after they were deserted, ranged from 21.20 ng/g to 461.08 ng/g, values which are high enough to cause the death of the embryos and poisoning of adult birds. The effects of pollution reached inland since some inland-breeding falcons prey on shorebirds that use rivers during their migratory flights. As the Prestige oil spill has clearly resulted in increased rates of adult mortality and reduced fertility, we suggest that the environmental authorities urgently undertake measures aimed at protecting the Peregrine Falcon in Bizkaia.  相似文献   
The lake levels in Lake Michigan‐Huron have recently fallen to near historical lows, as has the elevation difference between Lake Michigan‐Huron compared to Lake Erie. This decline in lake levels has the potential to cause detrimental impacts on the lake ecosystems, together with social and economic impacts on communities in the entire Great Lakes region. Results from past work suggest that morphological changes in the St Clair River, which is the only natural outlet for Lake Michigan‐Huron, could be an appreciable factor in the recent trends of lake level decline. A key research question is whether bed erosion within the river has caused an increase in water conveyance, therefore, contributed to the falling lake level. In this paper, a numerical modeling approach with field data is used to investigate the possibility of sediment movement in the St Clair River and assess the likelihood of morphological change under the current flow regime. A two‐dimensional numerical model was used to study flow structure, bed shear stress, and sediment mobility/armoring over a range of flow discharges. Boundary conditions for the numerical model were provided by detailed field measurements that included high‐resolution bathymetry and three‐dimensional flow velocities. The results indicate that, without considering other effects, under the current range of flow conditions, the shear stresses produced by the river flow are too low to transport most of the coarse bed sediment within the reach and are too low to cause substantial bed erosion or bed scour. However, the detailed maps of the bed show mobile bedforms in the upper St Clair River that are indicative of sediment transport. Relatively high shear stresses near a constriction at the upstream end of the river and at channel bends could cause local scour and deposition. Ship‐induced propeller wake erosion also is a likely cause of sediment movement in the entire reach. Other factors that may promote sediment movement, such as ice cover and dredging in the lower river, require further investigation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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