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Mapping, lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and structural detailed analyses in Sierra Espuña area (Internal Betic Zone, SE Spain) have allowed us to reconstruct the Jurassic–Cretaceous evolution of the Westernmost Mesomediterranean Microplate palaeomargin and, by correlation with other sectors (Northern Rift, central and western Internal Betic Zone), to propose a geodynamic evolution for the Westernmost Tethys. Extension began from Late Toarcian, when listric normal faults activated; these faults are arranged in three categories: large-scale faults, separating hectometric cortical blocks; main faults, dividing the former blocks into some kilometre-length blocks; and secondary faults, affecting the kilometric blocks. This fault ensemble, actually outcropping, in the Sierra Espuña area, broke the palaeomargin allowing the westerly Tethyan Oceanic aperture with an extension at about 17.2%. Extension was not homogeneous in time, being the Late Toarcian to the Dogger–Malm boundary the period when blocks underwent the greatest movement (rifting phase), leading to the drowning of the area (8.2% extension). During the Malm (drifting phase) extension followed (5.7%), while during the Cretaceous a change to pelagic facies is recorded with an extension of about 3.3% (post-drift stage). This evolution in the Westernmost Tethys seems to be related to areas out of the limit of significant crustal extension in the hanging wall block of the main cortical low-angle fault of the rifting.  相似文献   
Total trace metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), Al, and pyrite- and reactive-associated metals were measured for the first time in a microbial mat and its underlying anoxic-sulfidic sediment collected in the saltern of Guerrero Negro (GN), Baja California Sur, Mexico. It is postulated that the formation of acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and pyrite in the area of GN could be limited by the availability of reactive Fe, as suggested by its limited abundance (mat and sediment combined average value of only 19 ± 10 ??mol g?1; n = 22) as well as the low pyrite (0.89?C7.9 ??mol g?1) and AVS (0.19?C21 ??mol g?1) concentrations (for anoxic-sulfidic sediments), intermediate degrees of pyritization (12?C50%), high degrees of sulfidization (14?C100%), generally low degrees of trace metal pyritization, and slight impoverishment in total Fe. This is a surprising result considering the large potential reservoir of available Fe in the surrounding desert. Our findings suggest that pyrite formation in the cycling of trace metals in the saltern of GN is not very important and that other sedimentary phases (e.g., organic matter, carbonates) may be more important reservoirs of trace elements. Enrichment factors [EFMe = (Me/Al)sample/(Me/Al)background] of Co, Pb, and Cd were high in the mat (EFMe = 2.2 ± 0.4, 2.8 ± 1.6 and 34.5 ± 9.8, respectively) and even higher in the underlying sediment (EFMe = 4.7 ± 1.5, 14.5 ± 6.2 and 89 ± 27, respectively), but Fe was slightly impoverished (average EFFe of 0.49 ± 0.13 and 0.50 ± 0.27 in both mat and sediment). Organic carbon to pyrite-sulfur (C/S) molar ratios measured in the mat (2.9 × 102?C27 × 102) and sediment (0.81 × 102?C6.6 × 102) were, on average, approximately 77 times higher than those typically found in marine sediments (7.5 ± 2.1). These results may indicate that ancient evaporation basins or hypersaline sedimentary environments could be identified on the basis of extremely high C/S ratios (e.g., >100) and low reactive Fe.  相似文献   
Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) are non-breeding winter visitors to the Brazilian coast. In 2008 and 2010, plastic items and other marine debris were found in the stomachs and intestines of 15% of 175 dead penguins collected in the Lagos Region of the state of Rio de Janeiro. One bird had its stomach perforated by a plastic straw, which may have caused its death. There are few records of penguins ingesting plastic litter, but previous studies have found similar levels of debris ingestion among Magellanic penguins stranded on the Brazilian coast (35.8% of 397 birds). The high incidence of marine debris in this species in Brazil may result at least in part from the predominance of juveniles reaching these waters, as juvenile penguins may have a broader diet than adults. It is unclear to what extent plastic ingestion affects the mortality rate in this species and whether the incidence in stranded birds reflects that in the entire population. The present study addresses the increasing impact of plastic debris on marine life.  相似文献   
In the last several decades, population growth in the cities of the Andes has caused urban areas to expand into landslide-prone areas. Fatal landslides affecting urban settlements are especially frequent in cities located in the Neogene intramontane basins of the Andes. These basins have similar situations and include geographical and geological features that frequently generate ground instabilities. We studied the characteristics of the mass movements observed in these basins by carrying out a detailed analysis of four landslides that have occurred in the Loja Basin (Ecuador). This multi-method study integrated geophysical, geotechnical methods, mineralogical studies and analyses of precipitation time series. Our study characterizes the slope movements as active, slow-moving, complex earthslide earthflows. According to Differential GPS measurements, these landslides move at velocities of up to several metres per year. Electrical resistivity tomography profiles show that most of the landslides are mainly surficial. Time-series analyses of precipitation reveal that rainfall events that are not exceptionally intensive can reactivate these landslides. This characteristic and the development of these landslides on low-gradient slopes are explained using the results obtained from the geotechnical and mineralogical analyses. We find that the smectite clay minerals detected in the mobilized geological formations, combined with the tropical climate of the northern Andean region, induce the observed weak slope stability conditions. The conceptual model for the studied landslides may aid in assessing landslide-prone areas in Loja and other Neogene intramontane basins of the Andes and can help to mitigate the associated risks.  相似文献   
Basic magmatism in central Spain occurred sporadically during a long period of ca. 140 Ma. The geochemical data on representative samples from the five igneous episodes show that different mantle reservoirs were tapped. Crustal involvement (via recycling in mantle sources or by hybridization at emplacement levels) was important in the basic magmas related to the Hercynian orogeny (Gb1 to Gb3 suites). Samples occurring as later dykes have signatures ranging from OIB-like values (Gb4 alkaline lamprophyres) to those of a formerly enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle (tholeiites Gb5). To cite this article: C. Villaseca et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
We present the results of a high temporal resolution spectroscopic monitoring of the flare (UV Cet type) star V1054 Oph (Wolf 630AB), classified as a dM3.5e visual binary system. Intermediate resolution spectra have been taken during four nights (2–5 April 2001) using the IDS spectrograph of the 2.5 m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). The V1054 Oph spectra show very strong emission lines even in its quiescent state. The analysis of the temporal evolution of the observed emission lines (from Hβ to H11 and the Ca II H and K lines) reveals four strong flares and several weak flares. We have studied in detail the behaviour of the chromospheric lines during the different phases (pre-flare, impulsive and gradual decay) of these flares. The observed flares last from ~25 to 95 min. The equivalent width of the Hβ line changes by a factor up to ~2.3. Broad wings and asymmetric (red-shifted) lines are observed as well.  相似文献   
This concluding chapter is divided into two main parts. The first part is a summary of the main facts and events which constitute the present body of knowledge of the chronology of life in the solar system, in the form of “highlights” in astronomy, geology, chemistry and biology. The second part raises the interrogation “Is life universal?”, and tries to provide answers based on these facts and events. These answers turn out to differ widely among the various disciplines, depending on how far they feel able to extrapolate their current knowledge.  相似文献   
We report and describe an L6 ordinary chondrite fall that occurred in Ardón, León province, Spain (longitude 5.5605°W, latitude 42.4364°N) on July 9th, 1931. The 5.5 g single stone was kept hidden for 83 yr by Rosa González Pérez, at the time an 11 yr old who had observed the fall and had recovered the meteorite. According to various newspaper reports, the event was widely observed in Northern Spain. Ardón is a very well‐preserved, fresh, strongly metamorphosed (petrologic type 6), and weakly shocked (S3) ordinary chondrite with well‐equilibrated and recrystallized minerals. The mineral compositions (olivine Fa23.7±0.3, low‐Ca pyroxene Fs20.4±0.2Wo1.5±0.2, plagioclase An10.3±0.5Ab84.3±1.2), magnetic susceptibility (log χ = 4.95 ± 0.05 × 10?9 mkg?1), bulk density (3.49 ± 0.05 g   cm?3), grain density (3.58 ± 0.05 g   cm?3), and porosity (2.5 vol%) are typical for L6 chondrites. Short‐lived radionuclides confirm that the meteorite constitutes a recent fall. The 21Ne and 38Ar cosmic ray exposure ages are both about 20–30 Ma, similar to values for many other L chondrites. The cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio indicates that preatmospheric Ardón was a relatively large body. The fact that the meteorite was hidden in private hands for 83 yr makes one wonder if other meteorite falls may have experienced the same fate, thus possibly explaining the anomalously low number of falls reported in continental Spain in the 20th century.  相似文献   

An improved definition of the lacustrian thermocline is introduced, allowing a minimization of the random type fluctuations, with the aim of establishing more precise predictive models of the internal energy of lakes. The method consists first of determining the limits of the zone of thermal transition, referred to as the “thermoclinal zone”, and then of defining the plane of the thermocline by calculating its depth, either from the temperatures or from the depths to the limits of this zone. Six new definitions, each borrowing more or less from existing concepts in the literature, are compared with the Brönsted and Wesenburg‐Lund's definition. The best definitions are those for which the plane of the thermocline is defined from the mean temperatures to the limits of the thermoclinal zone. Of these, the most satisfactory is the one obtained from a mean thermal gradient limited to about twice the thermocline depth.  相似文献   
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