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Concentrations of Al, Mn, Fe, Ag, and Pb in dissolved and particulate phases of the surface water were determined at 15 stations along the coastline off western Taiwan in April of 2007. This study presents the first set of data for Al, Ag, and Pb in the nearshore waters. Latitudinal distribution of these metals showed that high values were present in the regions affected by high fluvial discharge from the Dan-Sui River and the Cho-Sui River. Using the particle fluxes from 210Po/210Pb disequilibria, the removal fluxes and the residence times of the trace metals were calculated. Based on the K d values, the sequence of particle affinity of trace metals, Fe ~ Al >> Pb > Mn > Ag, was found. The correlation of the residence times and of the partitioning coefficients of multiple metals in the nearshore waters implies that the affinities to the particles determine the geochemical cycling of metals in the coastal water.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates that intracrystalline organic matter in coral skeletons is well preserved over century timescales. The extent of preservation of organic matter in coral skeletons was investigated by measuring total organic carbon (TOC), total hydrolyzable amino acid (THAA), chloropigment, and lipid concentrations in 0-300 year old annual growth bands from Montastraea annularis (Florida Keys) and Porites lutea (Red Sea). Organic matter intrinsic to the calcium carbonate mineral (intracrystalline) was analyzed separately from total skeletal organic matter. The Red Sea coral had less TOC (0.02-0.04 wt%) than the Florida Keys coral (0.04-0.11 wt%), but a higher percent of intracrystalline organic matter in all annual bands measured. Carbon in the form of THAA, most likely from mineral-precipitating proteins, contributed 30-45% of the TOC in both corals. Carbon in lipids represented about 3% of the TOC in the coral skeletons. Chlorophyll-a and b were present in annual bands where endolithic algae were present, but these compounds were minor contributors to TOC. The distribution of specific organic compounds showed that organic matter was well preserved throughout the time period sampled in both the total and intracrystalline pools. Variations in THAA were not correlated with TOC over time, suggesting that organic matter that is involved in biomineralization, like amino acids, may be deposited in response to different environmental factors than are other components of skeletal organic matter. Differences in the quantity and composition of organic matter between the two corals investigated here were assessed using principal components analysis and suggest that location, species and skeletal structure may all influence organic matter content and possibly the degree of physical protection of organic matter by the coral skeleton. Further, our study suggests that intracrystalline organic matter may be better protected from diagenesis than non-intracrystalline organic matter and may therefore be a more reliable source of organic matter for paleoceanographic studies than total skeletal organic matter.  相似文献   
The southwestern region of Australia contains the Yilgarn Craton that has been exposed to subaerial weathering since mid-Proterozoic. The gently undulating landscape experienced lateritic weathering so that today variably dissected, deep in situ isovolumetrically weathered regolith is widespread. Imposition of a more arid climate since the Miocene with the cessation of effective external drainage has resulted in substantial geochemical modification of the highly porous regolith. This vast pore volume acts as a reservoir for complex solutions that may be highly saline, extremely acid to alkaline and reducing. Diverse precipitates have formed in the regolith including widespread occurrence of silcrete, calcrete, dolocrete, ferricrete and gypcrete together with localised occurrences of pyrite, alunite, jarosite, barite, halite and other salts. Clearing of bush land for agriculture in the 20th century increased recharge so that rising chemically active groundwaters are damaging farmland and infrastructure throughout the region. To cite this article: B. Gilkes et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
This study has evaluated the main hydrogeochemical characteristics that affect the quality of shallow groundwater in the coastal area at Kimje in South Korea. In this area, the chemical composition of groundwater is mostly classified into Na+?Cl? and Ca2++Mg2+?NO3-+Cl? types. These types are affected by three major factors: seawater intrusion, fertilizers and redox processes. The Na+?Cl? type, which is generally localized in the coastal area, shows typical characteristics of groundwater affected not only by modern seawater but also by old seawater residing in the reclaimed land. In contrast, the Ca2++Mg2+?NO3-+Cl? type, which is usually found inland, is very contaminated by fertilizers. As groundwater flows from the inland area to the coast, the redox condition changes from an oxic condition to a suboxic/anoxic condition. In addition, the reclamation has caused a large amount of underlying organic matter. These effects provide optimum conditions for the occurrence of redox processes in the coastal area.  相似文献   
This study evaluated remedial alternatives for a petroleum-contaminated site where an unconfined aquifer composed of a sandy layer of about 3–3.5 m thickness is covered by alluvial deposits and reclaimed soil of about 1.5 m thickness. Precambrian gneiss, of low permeability, lies below the sandy layer. The shallow water table is about 3 m below the surface, but shows high fluctuations of up to 1.5 m in response to precipitation events. The unsaturated soil near the water table and the groundwater are highly contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, especially toluene, which have apparently leaked from storage tanks. Selection of the remedial alternatives required consideration of the relevant laws on soil and groundwater conservation in Korea, the results of risk analysis and the hydrogeological conditions. The contaminated area has been divided into zones in which different remediation goals are set based on risk analysis and the degree of natural attenuation. It is estimated that the clean-up goal can be achieved in two years by the combined use of a trench drain and well point pumping to collect the contaminated groundwater for treatment, and a dual air injection system for the contaminated soil.  相似文献   
We conducted a comprehensive 40Ar/39Ar geochronological study of the Jiali and Gaoligong shear zones to obtain a better understanding of crustal deformation and tectonic evolution around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS). The new age data reveal that the main phase of deformation in the Jiali and Gaoligong shear zones occurred from 22 to 11 Ma and from 18 to 13 Ma, respectively. Structural data collected during this study indicate that the Jiali shear zone underwent a change in shear sense from sinistral to dextral during its movement history. Based on a comparison with the deformation histories of other major shear zones in the region, we argue that the initial sinistral motion recorded by the Jiali shear zone was coincident with that of the Ailao Shan–Red River shear zone, which marked the northern boundary of the southeastward extrusion of the Indochina block during the Early Miocene. From the Middle Miocene (~18 Ma), the Jiali shear zone changed to dextral displacement, becoming linked with the dextral Gaoligong shear zone that developed as a consequence of continued northward indentation of the Indian continent into Asia. Since this time, the Jiali and Gaoligong shear zones have been united, defining the southwestern boundary of the EHS during clockwise rotation of the eastward-extruding Tibetan block, as revealed by recent GPS data. The temporal change in regional deformation pattern from southeastward block extrusion to clockwise rotation of crustal fragments may have played an important role in the development of the eastern Himalayan drainage system around the EHS.  相似文献   
Low-frequency current and temperature variability on the southeast US continental shelf during summer conditions of weak wind forcing and vertical stratification was found to be similar in many aspects to previous findings for winter, when stronger wind forcing and vertical homogeneity prevails. Subtidal variability in the outer shelf is dominated by the weekly occurrence of Gulf Stream frontal eddies and meanders. These baroclinic events strongly affect the balance of momentum in the outer shelf, but not at mid-shelf. A negative alongshore sea level slope of order −10−7 is required to balance mean along-shelf momentum at the shelf edge, similar to oceanic estimates, and can contribute to the observed northward mean flow over the shelf.Low-frequency flow at mid-shelf and coastal sea level fluctuations appear to occur as a forced wave response to local alongshore wind stress events that are coherent over the shelf domain. Momentum balances indicate a trapped wave response similar to the arrested topographic wave found in the mid-Atlantic Bight (CSANADY, 1978). Density driven currents from river discharge do not appear to be significant at mid-shelf. Cold, subsurface intrusions of deeper, nutrient rich Gulf Stream waters can occasionally penetrate to mid- and inner-shelf regions north of Cape Canaveral, causing strong phytoplankton and zooplankton responses. These events were observed following the simultaneous occurrence of upwellings from northward winds and Gulf Stream frontal eddies at the shelf break during periods when the Stream was in an onshore position. Subsurface Gulf Stream intrusions to mid-shelf occur only during the summer, when the shelf is vertically stratified and cross-shelf density gradients do not present a barrier as in winter.  相似文献   
A series of trenches about a metre deep, 20 to 30 m wide, and as much as 2 km in length occurs in central Wisconsin, along the east shore of proglacial Lake Wisconsin. They are interpreted to be collapse trenches formed when shore ice melted after being buried beneath an expanding outwash plain.  相似文献   
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