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Fluvial seed dispersal considers both the transport and deposition of seeds where channel geomorphic structures, hydrology and seed dispersal traits contribute to transport times and depositional locations. This study examines the influence of stream flow patterns on fluvial seed dispersal of buoyant white alder (Alnus rhombifolia) seeds by applying a one‐dimensional transport model. Conceptually, the model separates the stream into two components: (i) the main channel where the seeds are transported downstream; and (ii) the transient storage zone where seeds are temporarily detained or deposited on the river bank. Transport processes are characterized by an advection–dispersion equation which is coupled to a transient storage model using an exponential decay term. The model parameters: longitudinal dispersion (DL), exchange coefficient (α), main channel area (A) and storage zone (As) are estimated based on field experiments conducted in a confined, bedrock‐gravel bed river with pool‐riffle morphology located in coastal northern California. The riparian zone is inhabited by Alnus rhombifolia that disperse buoyant seeds in mid‐spring coinciding with the end of the wet, Mediterranean season. Artificial seeds, with similar traits of buoyancy and density to alder seeds, were used to quantify transport times and depositional locations. Preferential deposition resulted in stream reaches with larger As, high As/A ratios, and faster exchange coefficients corresponding to divergent stream flow (back‐eddies, re‐circulating flow, flow expansions) caused by geomorphic structures such as the ends of bar/riffle features and bends in the stream. The results demonstrate the importance of transient storage for seed transport and depositional processes. Morphological features that increase a channel's complexity create complex flow structures that detain seeds and provide a greater opportunity for deposition to occur. The model provides a simplification of river hydraulics to represent dispersal dynamics and lends itself to further understanding of hydrochory processes and associated population structure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydrological cycle in arid and semi-arid climates is highly controlled by evaporation. The correct quantification of this process is essential for improving the accuracy of water balance estimates, especially in closed basins. The objective of this paper is to characterize evaporation rates from shallow groundwater using the chamber approach in six closed basins in the Altiplano of northern Chile. Measurements were made at 49 locations with water-table depths ranging from 0.09 m to 3.3 m. Estimated daily evaporation rates appeared to be strongly related to groundwater depth and soil texture. In particular, the highest rates were recorded in areas with high groundwater tables and coarse-grained soils. Evaporation curves were derived by fitting exponential and power relationships as functions of the groundwater depths that we proposed to use in the study area. An application of these curves for the Salar de Pedernales basin produced an estimated evaporation flow of 530 L s-1, using the average curve.

Citation Johnson, E., Yáñez, J., Ortiz, C. & Muñoz, J. (2010) Evaporation from shallow groundwater in closed basins in the Chilean Altiplano. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 624–635.  相似文献   

Water balance studies with stable water isotopes have rarely been conducted in remote and tropical wetland areas. As such, little is known regarding the water balance and groundwater–surface water interaction in the Pantanal, one of the largest and most pristine wetlands in the world. We applied MINA TrêS, a water balance model utilizing stable water isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) and chloride (Cl-) to assess the dry-season hydrological processes controlling groundwater–surface water interactions and the water balance of six floodplain lakes in the northern Pantanal, Brazil. Qualitatively, all lakes exhibited similarity in hydrological controls. Quantitatively, they differed significantly due to morphological differences in controlling groundwater inflow and lake volume. Our approach is readily transferable to other remote and tropical wetland systems with minimal data input requirements, which is useful in regions with sparse hydrometric monitoring.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   
Diel (24-h) changes in Se and As concentrations in a freshwater wetland pond bordering the Great Salt Lake (GSL) were examined. Selenium concentrations (filtered and unfiltered) changed on a diel basis, i.e., were depleted during early morning and enriched during daytime over August 17-18. During the May 24-25, 2006 and September 29-30 diel studies, no significant 24-h trends were observed in Se concentrations compared to August, which showed daily maximums up to 59% greater than the daily minimum. Both filtered and unfiltered As concentrations also varied on a diel cycle, with increased concentrations during early morning and decreased concentrations during daytime. Filtered As concentrations increased 110% during the May 24-25, 2006 diel study. Selenium varied in phase with pH, dissolved O2 (DO), and water temperature (Tw) whereas As varied opposite to Se, pH, DO and Tw. Changes in pH, DO and Tw showed a direct linear correlation (r = 0.74, 0.75, and 0.55, respectively) to filtered Se. Also pH, DO and Tw were inversely correlated to filtered As concentration (r = −0.88, −0.87, and −0.84, respectively). Equilibrium geochemical speciation and sorption models were used to examine the potential oxidation state changes in Se and As, and sorption and desorption reactions corresponding to the observed 24-h variations in pe and pH. In this wetland it was postulated that diel Se variation was driven by sorption and desorption due to photosynthesis-induced changes in pH and redox conditions. Diel variations of As were hypothesized to be linked to pH-driven sorption and desorption as well as co-precipitation and co-dissolution with mineral phases of Mn.  相似文献   
Ice-core samples from Upper Fremont Glacier (UFG), Wyoming, were used as proxy records for the chemical composition of atmospheric deposition. Results of analysis of the ice-core samples for stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N, ) and sulfur (δ34S, ), as well as and deposition rates from the late-1940s thru the early-1990s, were used to enhance and extend existing National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) data in western Wyoming. The most enriched δ34S value in the UFG ice-core samples coincided with snow deposited during the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens, Washington. The remaining δ34S values were similar to the isotopic composition of coal from southern Wyoming. The δ15N values in ice-core samples representing a similar period of snow deposition were negative, ranging from -5.9 to -3.2 ‰ and all fall within the δ15N values expected from vehicle emissions. Ice-core nitrate and sulfate deposition data reflect the sharply increasing U.S. emissions data from 1950 to the mid-1970s.  相似文献   
During the Younger Dryas cold event, the Scandinavian ice sheet readvanced in southwest Sweden and formed the Middle Swedish end-moraine zone (MSEMZ). Recent highway construction near Skara has created an exposure through the prominent ridge at Ledsjö. Through sketching and measurement of structural information, we have documented the internal character of the Ledsjö moraine. The moraine consists predominantly of clay with numerous sand pods and lenses, which show undeformed, brittle deformed, or fluidized structures. Based on geomorphology and structural geology, it is clear the moraine was made during two advances. As ice advanced, proglacial marine clay was subglacially mobilized by the ice and extruded at the ice margin forming a ramp of debris-flow sediment. Contemporaneously, subglacial meltwater transported sand to the margin, where the meltwater became a buoyant plume, and sand was deposited near the ice margin by currents moving away from as well as toward the ice margin. These processes resulted in interbedded sand and clay. Continued advance of the ice margin deformed this package and further pushed the assemblage into a ridge form with gravity sliding of portions of the ridge. Prior to the second advance, sand was deposited on the proximal side of the initial ridge. During readvance, this sand was thrust faulted and intruded by mobilized clay. Up ice of the intruded sands, subglacial, extensional deformation created a complex shear zone of faulted sand and clay. The Ledsjö moraine represents a subaerial example of submarine push moraines like the submerged moraines recently documented in Svalbard.  相似文献   
Covenants and restrictions (C&Rs) have increased in popularity in recent decades, being commonly applied in new residential developments. Despite the fact that developers are more commonly writing C&Rs for their developments, little research has investigated how well C&Rs actually fit the preferences of residents. Recognizing this gap in the literature, this paper examines the fit of neighborhood C&Rs with resident preferences in Porter County, Indiana, a growing suburban/exurban place in the Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 51 residents to ascertain how well C&Rs fit resident preferences. The majority of interviewees stated that C&Rs match resident preferences because they believed that C&Rs promoted subdivision tidiness and worked to support property values. The minority view was that C&Rs do not fit because they are too strict and residents do not obey C&Rs. Interviewees who perceived a fit were more likely to have a lower level of engagement with C&Rs and were more likely to live in developments with no C&R enforcement attempts by the homeowners’ association (HOA). The results suggest the particular content of C&Rs does not seem to fit resident preference; rather the fact that C&Rs are not enforced fits resident preference. Seemingly, residents are content being unaware of the C&Rs, then they do not know if someone is breaking the rules or not. This may imply that residents would not want to have C&Rs in the first place.  相似文献   
The bedrock topography of the Botany Basin has been determined from seismic‐sparker records made in Botany Bay and Bate Bay, and from seismic‐refraction and gravity measurements on the Kurnell Peninsula. Supplementary information has been obtained from boreholes both on land and in the sea.

The Cooks and Georges Rivers formerly constituted the main drainage of the Basin and flowed generally southeastwards (beneath the present Kurnell Peninsula) and joined the Port Hacking River east of Cronulla. The depth of the bedrock channel of the former Georges River is 75–80 m b.s.l. at Taren Point, 90–95 m beneath the Kurnell Peninsula and 110–115 m at its junction with the Port Hacking River channel. The bedrock channel of the former Cooks River is about 30 m b.s.l. at Kyeemagh, its present entrance to Botany Bay, and it joined the Georges River at a location now 90 m b.s.l. beneath the Kurnell Peninsula.

A second drainage system existed in the north and east of Botany Bay and generated the present mouth beneath which the bedrock is now 110 m b.s.l. This channel followed a southeasterly course parallel to the present northern shore of Botany Bay and was separated from that of the ‘Cooks and Georges Rivers’ by a bedrock ridge which extended from beneath Sydney Airport to the northern extremity of the Kurnell Peninsula. Over much of its length this divide had a depth of about 30 m b.s.l.

The formation of the Kurnell Peninsula tombolo led to the diversion of the ‘Cooks/Georges River’ through the mouth of Botany Bay and subsequently led to the development of the bay. This change in the drainage system occurred when the sea was less than 30 m below the present sea level.  相似文献   
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