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The silica-scaled chrysophytes are being used increasingly in paleolimnological studies of lake acidification. This study compares the distribution of scaled chrysophytes in the surface sediment of a calibration set of lakes from the Adirondack Park and from northern New England. With the exception of two taxa, species distributions with respect to pH are similar in the two regions. The stratigraphic distribution of chrysophytes is then compared in five Adirondack and three New England lakes. All the presently acid lakes indicate recent lake acidification, with more acid tolerant chrysophytes increasing in relative frequency in the recent sediments. Because the timing of these species changes is unrelated to any watershed disturbances that may have occurred in the lakes' catchments, atmospheric deposition of acids is believed responsible for these recent pH changes.This is the seventh of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D. F. Charles and D. R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   
This is the first part of a study on the seismic response of the L’Aquila city using 2D simulation and experimental data. We have studied two velocity-depth models with the aim of outlining the behavior of a velocity reversal in the top layer, which is associated with the stiff Brecce de L’Aquila unit (BrA). In this setting, the SMTH model is topped by a layer with about 2:1 impedance contrast with the underlying layer while the NORV model has no velocity reversal. We have simulated the propagation of SH and P-SV wavefields in the range 0–10 Hz for incidence 0°–90°. Earthquake spectral ratios of the horizontal and vertical components at six sites in L’Aquila downtown are compared to corresponding synthetics spectral ratios. The vertical component of P-SV synthetics enables us to investigate a remarkable amplification effect seen in the vertical component of the recorded strong motion. Sites AQ04 and AQ05 are best matched by synthetics from the NORV model while FAQ5 and AQ06 have a better match with synthetics spectral ratios from the SMTH model. All simulations show this behavior systematically, with horizontal and near-horizontal incident waves predicting the overall pattern of matches more clearly than vertical and near-vertical incidence. The model inferences are in agreement with new geological data reporting lateral passages in the top layer from the stiff BrA to softer sediments. Matches are good in terms of frequency of the first amplification peak and of spectral amplitude: the horizontal components have spectral ratio peaks predominantly at 0.5 Hz in the simulations and at 0.7 Hz in the data, both with amplitudes of 4, while the vertical component spectral ratios reach values of 6 at frequencies of about 1 Hz in both data and simulations. The vertical component spectral ratios are very well matched using Rayleigh waves with incidence at 90°. The NORV model without the velocity reversal predicts spectral ratio peaks for the horizontal components at frequencies up to 6 Hz. The reversal of velocity acts as a low-pass frequency filter on the horizontal components reducing the amplification effect of the sediment filled valley.  相似文献   
The inherent problems of classifying or inventorying potential mineral resources (as opposed to known mineral resources) pose specific challenges. In this paper, the application of a conceptual mineral exploration model and GIS to generate mineral potential maps as input to land-use policy decision-making is illustrated. We implement the criteria provided by a conceptual exploration model for nickeliferous-laterites by using a GIS to classify the nickeliferous-laterite potential of an area in the northeastern part of the Philippines. The spatial data inputs to the GIS are geological map data, topographic map data, and stream sediment point data. Processing of these data yields derivative maps, which are used as indicators of nickeliferous-laterite potential. The indicator maps then are integrated to furnish a nickeliferous-laterite potential map. This map is compared with present land-use classification and policy in the area. The results indicate high potential for nickeliferous-laterite occurrence in the area, but the zones of potential are in places where mineral resources development is prohibited. The prohibition was imposed before the nickeliferous-laterite potential was assessed by this study. Mineral potential classification therefore is a critical input to land-use policy-making so that prospective land is not alienated from future mineral resource development.  相似文献   
微型抗滑桩单桩设计计算模型及算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王金梅  张迎宾  赵兴权 《岩土力学》2015,36(8):2395-2401
考虑微型桩与周围岩土体间摩擦力的作用,提出了一种新的微型抗滑桩单桩设计计算模型,并给出了具体算法。由微型桩加固滑坡体的变形特点,分析微型桩与岩土体之间的相互作用机制,将微型桩与周围岩土体的摩擦作用引入其受力分析中;根据微型桩上各部分受力特点的不同,将微型桩分成上部摩擦受拉段、中部滑坡推力作用段和下部锚固段3段进行分析,推导了微型桩总的变形控制方程及各分段的变形控制方程;采用初参数法对控制方程进行求解,得到了微型抗滑桩上的内力分布及变形规律。计算结果表明,在滑坡推力作用下,微型桩的变形主要发生在滑面附近及以上桩段,滑面附近桩段将产生较大的内力和弯曲变形,受拉段弯曲变形较小,近似水平移动;桩与岩土体间的摩擦力是微型桩与周围岩土体相互作用的重要组成部分,摩擦力的作用能显著减小微型桩的弯曲变形,有效控制滑坡体的位移。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a method to quantify the effectiveness of carbon mitigation options taking into account the `permanence' of the emissions reduction. While the issue of permanence is most commonly associated with a `leaky' carbon sequestration reservoir, we argue that this is an issue that applies to just about all carbon mitigation options. The appropriate formulation of this problem is to ask `what is the value of temporary storage?' Valuing temporary storage can be represented as a familiar economic problem, with explicitly stated assumptions about carbon prices and the discount rate. To illustrate the methodology, we calculate the sequestration effectiveness for injecting CO2 at various depths in the ocean. Analysis is performed for three limiting carbon price assumptions: constant carbon prices (assumes constant marginal damages), carbon prices rise at the discount rate (assumes efficient allocation of a cumulative emissions cap without a backstop technology), and carbon prices first rise at the discount rate but become constant after a given time (assumes introduction of a backstop technology). Our results show that the value of relatively deep ocean carbon sequestration can be nearly equivalent to permanent sequestration if marginal damages (i.e., carbon prices) remain constant or if there is a backstop technology that caps the abatement cost in the not too distant future. On the other hand, if climate damages are such as to require a fixed cumulative emissions limit and there is no backstop, then a storage option with even very slow leakage has limited value relative to a permanent storage option.  相似文献   
The Bencubbin meteorite is a polymict breccia consisting of a host fraction of ~60% metal and ~40% ferromagnesian silicates and a selection of carbonaceous, ordinary and ‘enstatite’ chondritic clasts. Concentrations of 27 elements were determined by neutron activation in replicate samples of the host silicates and the ordinary and carbonaceous chondritic clasts; 12 elements were determined in the host metal. Compositional data for the ordinary chondrite clast indicate a classification of LL4 ± 1. Refractory element data for the carbonaceous chondrite clast indicate that it belongs to the CI-CM-CO clan; its volatile element abundances are intermediate between those of CM and CO chondrites. Abundances of nonvolatile elements in the silicate host are similar to those in the carbonaceous chondrite clast and in CM chondrites; the rare earths are unfractionated. We conclude that it is not achondritic as previously designated, but chondritic and that it is probably related to the CI-CM-CO clan; its volatile abundances are lower than those in CO chondrites. Oxygen isotope data are consistent with these classifications. Host metal in Bencubbin and in the closely related Weatherford meteorite has low abundances of moderately volatile siderophiles; among iron meteorite groups its nearest relative is group IIIF.We suggest that Bencubbin and Weatherford formed as a result of an impact event on a carbonaceous chondrite regolith. The impact generated an ‘instant magma’ that trapped and surrounded regolithic clasts to form the polymict breccia. The parent of this ‘magma’ was probably the regolith itself, perhaps mainly consisting of the so-called ‘enstatite’ chondrite materials. Accretion of such a variety of materials to a small parent body was probably only possible in the asteroid belt.  相似文献   
Drumlins are enigmatic subglacial landforms that have been interpreted to form by a number of processes, including incremental accumulation of till, erosion of previously deposited sediment, catastrophic meltwater floods, and sediment deformation. However, relatively little is known about the controls on drumlin formation, such as spatially variable glacial processes or substrate characteristics, and how these controls may be identified from variations in drumlin morphology within a single drumlin field. This paper explores a computational method that allows identification of drumlins and extraction of their morphological characteristics from existing topographic digital data for a portion of the Peterborough drumlin field in Ontario, Canada. Spatial and non‐spatial analysis of the form and distribution of drumlins across the study area identifies drumlin characteristics such as size, elongation ratio, symmetry and long axis orientation and shows that drumlins are not randomly distributed across the region and their form characteristics have distinct regional trends. Kernel density analysis is used to identify the regional trends in drumlin characteristics. Factors that appear to influence the form and distribution of drumlins in the study area include sediment thickness, length of time beneath the ice, ice velocity and direction of ice movement. The distribution of particularly well developed asymmetric and elongate drumlins coincides with the location of a broad bedrock low and is interpreted to identify the former location of a fast‐flowing ice stream.  相似文献   
北京地区单双频地基GPS大气水汽遥测试验与研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
该文对北京地区单双频地基GPS大气水汽监测网布网依据、单频与双频地基GPS测量数据解算技术应用、GAMIT和Bernese地基GPS数据分析处理软件应用、远程遥控GPS数据采集与通讯系统、资料分析与数值同化应用等方面的工作进展进行简要介绍,重点讨论了单双频地基GPS大气水汽资料的解算技术及其应用效果。结果表明:在北京天气敏感区通过单双频地基GPS接收机合理组网布局,可构建并利用高分辨率电离层延迟订正技术将单频接收机的大气水汽监测精度提高到实用水平,为强降水天气预报提供有价值的产品。  相似文献   
The accuracy of three methods used to estimate the whole-lake accumulation rate of chemicals in sediment, the simple mean accumulation rate, regression against water depth and the mean accumulation rate in sedimentation zones, was assessed. The concentrations and accumulation rates of organic carbon, four major cations, phosphorus and four heavy metals in the 1902 to 1988 sediment layer at 43 sites in Kassjön were used and the three methods gave identical results. The accuracy of the simple mean accumulation rate method using 5 or 10 sites was investigated using Monte Carlo simulation and both versions gave accurate results. If the method used the dry sediment accumulation rate at 5 or 10 sites, along with chemical concentration at one central site, then the errors were less than ±10% for five of the chemicals and larger for the others (?20 or 20–40%), although the direction of the bias was predictable. If chemical accumulation rate at the central site only was used to estimate the whole-lake value, the bias increased to 25% for the major cations, 50% for the heavy metals and P, and 85% for organic carbon. Having 43 sites in Kassjön meant that the true whole-lake chemical accumulation rate was known and so the accuracy of the methods and their variants could be assessed for the first time. These findings allow the particulars of the simple mean accumulation rate method to be chosen to suit the accuracy needed for a palaeolimnological investigation.  相似文献   
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