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Given incident logarithmic profiles of wind and pollutant concentration above a rough, absorbing surface, the three-dimensional distribution of pollutant concentration over a hill of gentle slope is determined from a linearized model. The model is applied in neutrally stratified flow, without chemistry, and is integrated using spectral methods in the horizontal and a finite-difference scheme in the vertical. This approach allows for flexibility in choosing a closure scheme and a variety of surface boundary conditions. This was not possible in the analytic approach of Padro (1987) who added pollutant concentration and flux to the MS3DJH/1 model of Walmsley et al. (1980). The present model requires as input the turbulent kinetic energy, E, dissipation, , and the perturbation vertical velocity, w, from the three-dimensional boundary-layer flow model of Beljaars et al. (1987), hereinafter referred to as MSFD, The latter model also supplies wind velocity perturbations at the upper boundary, as input to upper boundary conditions on the pollutant flux perturbations.The present study describes applications of the model to idealized terrain features: isolated two- and three-dimensional hills and ridges and an infinite series of ridges. (Application to real terrain, however, presents no difficulties.) Comparisons were made with different (though uniform) surface roughnesses. Tests were performed to examine the effect of upstream terrain features in the periodic domain and to illustrate the importance of the vertical resolution of the output for interpreting results from the sinusoidal terrain case.  相似文献   
The Siljan Ring is a 362-Ma-old impact structure formed in 1700-Ma-old I-type granites. A 6.8-km-deep borehole provides a vertical profile through granites and isolated horizontal diabase sills. Fluid-inclusion thermometry, and oxygen-isotope compositions of vein quartz, granite, diabase, impact melt, and pseudotachylite, reveal a complex history of fluid activity in the Siljan Ring, much of which can be related to the meteorite impact. In granites from the deep borehole, 18O values of matrix quartz increase with depth from near 8.0 at the surface to 9.5 at 5760 m depth. In contrast, feldspar 18O values decrease with depth from near 10 at the surface to 7.1 at 5760 m, forming a pattern opposite to the one defined by quartz isotopic compositions. Values of 18O for surface granites outside the impact structure are distinct from those in near-surface samples from the deep borehole. In the deep borehole, feldspar coloration varies from brick-red at the surface to white at 5760 m, and the abundances of crack-healing calcite and other secondary minerals decrease over the same interval. Superimposed on the overall decrease in alteration intensity with depth are localized fracture zones at 4662, 5415, and 6044 m depth that contain altered granites, and which provided pathways for deep penetration of surface water. The antithetic variation of quartz and feldspar 18O values, which can be correlated with mineralogical evidence of alteration, provides evidence for interaction between rocks and impact-heated fluids (100–300° C) in the upper 2 km of the pluton. Penetration of water to depths below 2 km was restricted by a general decrease in impact-fracturing with depth, and by a 60-m-thick diabase sill at 1500 m depth that may have been an aquitard. At depths below 4 km in the pluton, where water/rock ratios were low, oxygen isotopic compositions preserve evidence for limited high-temperature (>500° C) exchange between alkali feldspar and fluids. The high-temperature exchange may have been a post-impact event involving impact-heated fluids, or a post-magmatic event.  相似文献   
A comparison is made between the flux-versus-time profile in the EUV band and the thick target electron flux profile as inferred from hard X-rays for a number of moderately large solar flares. This complements Kane and Donnelly's (1971) study of small flares. The hard X-ray data are from ESRO TD-1A and the EUV inferred from SFD observations.Use of a 2 minimising method shows that the best overall fit between the profile fine structures obtains for synchronism to 5 s which is within the timing accuracy. This suggests that neither conduction nor convection is fast enough as the primary mechanism of energy transport into the EUV flare and rather favours heating by the electrons themselves or by some MHD wave process much faster than acoustic waves.The electron power deposited, for a thick target model, is however far greater than the EUV luminosity for any reasonable assumptions about the area and depth over which EUV is emitted. This means that either most of the power deposited is conducted away to the optical flare or that only a fraction 1–10% of the X-ray emitting electrons are injected downwards. Recent work on H flare heating strongly favours the latter alternative - i.e. that electrons are mostly confined in the corona.  相似文献   
A simple method is proposed for using gas Chromatographic data on the high molecular weight saturated fractions of crude oils to make comparisons of source materials, migration mechanisms and, in particular, alteration processes within reservoirs. The preferential loss of normal alkanes by bacterial attack on a light crude is one of several processes readily followed using this scheme.  相似文献   
The Bencubbin meteorite is a polymict breccia consisting of a host fraction of ~60% metal and ~40% ferromagnesian silicates and a selection of carbonaceous, ordinary and ‘enstatite’ chondritic clasts. Concentrations of 27 elements were determined by neutron activation in replicate samples of the host silicates and the ordinary and carbonaceous chondritic clasts; 12 elements were determined in the host metal. Compositional data for the ordinary chondrite clast indicate a classification of LL4 ± 1. Refractory element data for the carbonaceous chondrite clast indicate that it belongs to the CI-CM-CO clan; its volatile element abundances are intermediate between those of CM and CO chondrites. Abundances of nonvolatile elements in the silicate host are similar to those in the carbonaceous chondrite clast and in CM chondrites; the rare earths are unfractionated. We conclude that it is not achondritic as previously designated, but chondritic and that it is probably related to the CI-CM-CO clan; its volatile abundances are lower than those in CO chondrites. Oxygen isotope data are consistent with these classifications. Host metal in Bencubbin and in the closely related Weatherford meteorite has low abundances of moderately volatile siderophiles; among iron meteorite groups its nearest relative is group IIIF.We suggest that Bencubbin and Weatherford formed as a result of an impact event on a carbonaceous chondrite regolith. The impact generated an ‘instant magma’ that trapped and surrounded regolithic clasts to form the polymict breccia. The parent of this ‘magma’ was probably the regolith itself, perhaps mainly consisting of the so-called ‘enstatite’ chondrite materials. Accretion of such a variety of materials to a small parent body was probably only possible in the asteroid belt.  相似文献   
The chemistry of orthophosphate uptake from synthetic seawater onto the surfaces of synthetic calcite, aragonite and low-magnesium biogenic calcite has been studied, in order to elucidate the kinetics of the process (generally believed to be the major control of dissolved reactive phosphate in carbonate-rich marine sediments). Our results differ from those obtained by others, who have studied orthophosphate uptake in low ionic strength solutions and at much higher supersaturations relative to apatite.In both ‘free drift’ and chemostat experiments, Mg and F have only a minor effect on the reaction rate. Even at constant solution composition the rate of orthophosphate uptake was found to decrease by 106 over a two week period. The data from the ‘free drift’ experiments can be fitted to the Elovich equation. This indicates that the kinetics observed for this reaction can be explained by an exponential decrease in available surface reaction sites and/or a linear increase in the activation energy associated with chemisorption as the reaction proceeds.  相似文献   
Sugars and amino acids condense readily to form polymers known as melanoidins that closely resemble natural humic substances. In this study melanoidins are formed by reacting glucose with each of three amino acids: glutamic acid, valine and lysine. The basic amino acid, lysine, reacts with glucose at a much greater rate than either of the other two compounds. The chemical properties of the melanoidins are strongly influenced by the amino acid from which they are formed. The nitrogen contents, acidities and electrophoretic behavior of the polymers all reflect functional group distributions inherited from the amino acids. These chemical differences strongly influence the extent of association of the melanoidins with kaolinite and montmorillonite clay minerals. Laboratory simulations suggest that melanoidin formation may be favored in marine environments where basic amino acids should preferentially condense with sugars to form nitrogen-rich polymers that have a great affinity for clay mineral surfaces.  相似文献   
Absolute spectrophotometric measurements of the Swan bands of two comets have been compared with computed synthetic spectra using modern Franck-Condon and Hönl-London factors, and varying rotational, vibrational, and electronic excitation temperatures. Rotational and vibrational temperatures were obtained for the comets. Although the electronic excitation temperature and the molecular column density cannot be separated, a relationship is found between these two quantities. A review is made of recent determinations of column densities for CN in comets.  相似文献   
Ruminations of a Dyspeptic Ex-Editor*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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