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The IHY Secretariat and the United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative (UNBSSI) assist scientists and engineers from all over the world in participating in the International Heliophysical Year (IHY) 2007. A major thrust of IHY/UNBSSI is to deploy arrays of small, inexpensive instruments such as magnetometers, radio telescopes, GPS receivers, all-sky cameras, etc. around the world to allow global measurements of ionospheric and heliospheric phenomena. The small instrument programme is envisioned as a partnership between instrument providers and instrument hosts in developing nations. The IHY/UNBSSI can facilitate the deployment of several of these networks world-wide. Existing data bases and relevant software tools will be identified to promote space science activities in developing nations. Extensive data on space science have been accumulated by a number of space missions. Similarly, long-term data bases are available from ground-based observations. These data can be utilized in ways different from originally intended for understanding the heliophysical processes. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of IHY/UNBSSI, its achievements, future plans, and outreach to the 192 Member States of the United Nations as recorded in the UN/NASA workshop in India.  相似文献   
A comprehensive study of mid-mountain clouds and their impacts on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics is presented. Mid-mountain clouds were frequently present on the Whistler alpine venue, as identified in an extensive archive of webcam images over a 45-day period from February 5 to March 21, 2010. These clouds posed serious forecast challenges and had significant impacts on some Olympic and Paralympic alpine skiing competitions. Under fair weather conditions, a diurnal upslope (anabatic) flow can work in concert with a diurnal temperature inversion aloft to produce a localized phenomenon known as “Harvey’s Cloud” at Whistler. Two detailed case studies in this paper suggest that mid-mountain clouds can also develop in the area as a result of a moist valley flow interacting with a downslope flow descending from the mountaintop. A southerly inflow through the Sea-to-Sky corridor can be channeled by the local topography into a westerly upslope flow toward Whistler Mountain, resulting in orographic clouds on the alpine venue. Under favorable circumstances, these clouds are trapped to the mid-mountain zone by the leeward subsidence of an elevated southerly flow. The presence of the downslope subsidence was manifested by a distinguished dry layer observed on the top of the mid-mountain clouds in both cases. It is the subsidence-induced adiabatic warming that imposes a strong buoyant suppression to trap the mid-mountain cloud. On the other hand, the subsidence-induced dry layer has the potential to trigger evaporative instability to periodically breakup the mid-mountain cloud.  相似文献   
The basic functionality and performance of a new Schlumberger active wireline heave compensation system on the JOIDES Resolution was evaluated during the sea trial and a 3-year period of the IODP Phase II operations. A suite of software programs was developed to enable real-time monitoring of the dynamics of logging tools, and assess the efficiency of wireline heave compensation during downhole operations. The evaluation of the system effectiveness was performed under normal logging conditions as well as during stationary tests. Logging data were analyzed for their overall quality and repeatability, and to assess the reliability of high-resolution data such as formation microscanner (FMS) electrical images. This revealed that the system reduces 65–80 % of displacement or 88–98 % variance of downhole tool motion in stationary mode under heave conditions of ±0.2–1.5 m and water depths of 300–4,500 m in open holes. Under similar water/heave conditions, the compensator system reduces tool displacement by 50–60 %, or 75–84 % variance in downhole tool motion during normal logging operations. Such compensation efficiency (CE) is comparable to previous compensation systems, but using advanced and upgradeable technologies, and provides 50–85 % heave motion and heave variance attenuation. Moreover, logging down/up at low speeds (300–600 m/h) reduces the system’s CE values by 15–20 %, and logging down at higher speeds (1,000–1,200 m/h) eliminates CE values by 55–65 %. Considering the high quality of the logging data collected, it is concluded that the new system can provide an improved level of compensation over previous systems. Also, if practically feasible, future integration of downhole cable dynamics as an input feedback into the current system could further improve its compensation efficiency during logging operations.  相似文献   
The geometry and evolution of vertically segmented normal faults, with dip separations of < ca 11.5 m have been studied in a coastal outcrop of finely bedded Cretaceous chalk at Flamborough Head, U.K. Fault trace segments are separated by both contractional and extensional offsets which have step, overlap or bend geometries. The location of fault trace offsets is strongly controlled by lithology occurring at either thin (ca 1 mm-8 cm) and mechanically weak marl layers or partings between chalk units. Fault segmentation occurred during either fault nucleation within, or propagation through, the strongly anisotropic lithological sequence. An inverse relationship between fault displacement and number of offsets per length of fault trace reflects the progressive destruction of offsets during fault growth. The preservation of fault offsets is therefore dependent on offset width and fault displacement. Fault rock, comprising gouge and chalk breccia, may vary in thickness by 1.5–2.0 orders of magnitude on individual fault traces. Strongly heterogeneous fault rock distributions are most common on small faults (< 10 cm displacement) and are produced mainly by destruction of fault offsets. Shearing of fault rock with increasing displacement gives rise to a more homogeneous fault rock distribution on large faults at the outcrop scale.  相似文献   
The relationship between the maximum cumulative displacement on a fault (D) and the maximum linear dimension of the fault surface (W) is given by the expression D = cWn, where the value of c is determined by rock properties; proposed values for n range from 1.0 to 2.0. Published datasets of D vs W measurements, together with new data, are presented in a common format. Most datasets are derived from maps and so the measurements of displacement and length do not represent maximum values for each fault. This factor, together with more than an order of magnitude range of c, causes regression on D vs W plots to be unsafe unless the range of W values plotted is ca 5 orders of magnitude. This restriction means that individual datasets must be combined to achieve the required range of fault size. Data analysis shows that the value of n must exceed 1.0 but discrimination between values of 1.5 and 2.0 cannot be made on the basis of data analysis alone. A modified fault growth model in which the increase in dimension of a fault with each slip event is proportional to W0.5 gives rise to a value for n of 1.5. As this model has a sound mechanical basis 1.5 is the preferred value for n. The value of n influences other aspects of fault geometry, including the displacement profile on a fault surface, the spacing of depth contours on faulted horizons and the displacement populations of single fault surfaces.  相似文献   
Constructed wetlands and other aquatic habitat creation or restoration efforts offer both potential benefits and problems for arid areas. An unintentional consequence of these efforts has been the potential for an increase in local adult mosquito populations. Shallow water-emergent plant zones may provide ideal conditions for mosquito larval growth, and areas of high humidity, dense vegetation, and abundant birds and other wildlife may provide ideal conditions for adult mosquitoes. Three constructed wetlands in southern Arizona were studied over a period of years before and after they were constructed and operational. Mosquito populations were sampled using a variety of methods, primarily trapping of adults with CO2-baited traps. Populations apparently increased, sometimes by several orders of magnitude, after wetlands became operational. Several methods of mosquito abatement were initiated and their results are discussed. However, no definitive conclusions can be drawn because no untreated areas were available for comparison and many factors that may have affected mosquito populations also changed. Based on the experience gained at these three sites, mosquito control is an especially important design and management component for constructed wetlands in arid environments with low background populations of mosquitoes.  相似文献   
The interannual variability of monthly mean January and July precipitation and its possible change due to global warming are assessed using a five-member ensemble of climate for the period 1871–2100, simulated by the CSIRO Mark 2 global coupled atmosphere–ocean model. In the 1961–1990 climate, for much of the middle to high latitudes the standard deviation of precipitation for both months is roughly proportional to the mean, with the coefficient of variation (C) typically 0.3–0.5. The variability there is shown to be largely consistent with that from a first-order Markov chain model of the daily rainfall occurrence, with the distribution of wet-day amounts approximated by a gamma distribution. Global distributions of Mark 2-based parameters of this stochastic model, commonly used in weather generators, are presented. In low latitudes, however, the variability from the coupled model is typically double that anticipated by the stochastic model, as quantified by an ‘overdispersion ratio’. C often exceeds one at subtropical locations, where rain is less frequent, but sometimes relatively heavy.The standard deviation of monthly mean precipitation S generally increases as the global model warms, with the global mean S in 2071–2100 in January (July) being 9.0% (11.5%) larger than in 1961–1990. Decreases in some subtropical locations occur, particularly where mean precipitation decreases. The global pattern of overdispersion is largely unchanged, however, and the changes in S can be related to those in the stochastic model parameters. Much of the increase in S is associated with increases in the scale parameter of the gamma distribution of wet-day amounts. Changes in C, which is unaffected by this parameter, are generally small. Increases in C in several subtropical bands and over northern midlatitude land in July are related to a decreased frequency of precipitation, and (to a lesser degree) changes in the gamma shape parameter. Some potential applications of the results to downscaling are discussed, and illustrated using observed rainfall from southeast Australia.  相似文献   
On the basis of results of simple box-counting analysis, it has been suggested in several recent publications that natural fracture patterns are fractal. Fractal patterns are characterized by self-similarity of structure on a range of scales and provide straight-line distributions on box-counting plots. New analysis of a fracture pattern that provided the most convincing straight-line box-counting curve previously published, shows that the curve is non-linear and, therefore, that the fracture pattern is not fractal. Non-linear box-counting curves are also characteristic of other natural fracture patterns analysed but spurious linear curves can be obtained if the area analysed extends beyond the mapped area.  相似文献   
Displacement profiles (normalized displacement vs normalized distance from the point of maximum displacement) have been plotted for 34 horizontal radii from 25 normal faults with maximum displacements ranging from 1.0 to 37.5 m. The composite displacement profile for these faults, when corrected for systematic inaccuracies of the data, is significantly different from the theoretical slip profile for a single seismic slip event. The integration of slip displacement profiles of many slip events on a growing fault shows that a steady-state displacement profile will be established. This theoretical displacement profile is similar to the composite profile derived from the fault data. Analysis of displacement data from 488 fault traces, which do not necessarily pass through the point of maximum displacement of their respective faults, shows that although displacement measurements are strongly influenced by ductile drag the theoretical distribution can still be identified in the data. Although the slip distribution on a fault during a single slip event, or during a period of stable sliding, is not simply related to the distribution of cumulative displacement on the fault, a knowledge of both characteristics places firm constraints on fault growth models.  相似文献   
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