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This paper describes the transfer of organic contaminants to the sea, using PAHs (12 compounds) and PCBs (11 congeners) as examples, through a eutrophicated coastal lagoon (Szczecin Lagoon, on the Polish-German border). The transfer of contaminants study was based on their concentration in recent sediments (0-10 cm), in relation to different environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity, turbidity, oxygen and nutrients in water, hydrological conditions, organic carbon and biomarkers (pigments and their derivatives) in sediments. Results include the data obtained between 1994 and 2000, also those on before and afterwards the great flood in July 1997, at different stations in the Lagoon and the adjacent Pomeranian Bay. The results indicated that the eutrophic estuary of the shape of lagoon acts as an effective trap for the hydrophobic organic pollutants. The abundance and taxonomy of plankton as well as detritus derived from it play an important role in bonding the studied compounds. The salinity gradient in the lagoon has a significant influence upon deposition of the pollutants from the water column to the sediments and the residence time of the compounds there depends strongly on oxic-anoxic status of the sediments and the strength of interaction with sediments resulting from polarity, the type and stability of associates formed, as well as on hydrological conditions. We conclude that eutrophication in this area prevents pollution of the sea to some extent.  相似文献   
Icing fields are common in Svalbard and very diverse with respect to shape. The occurrence and spatial structure of icing fields in front of glaciers were analysed using aerial photographs (at a scale of 1:50000) taken from 19 July to 25 August 1990–a unique set of images covering the whole archipelago in one summer season. Icing fields were observed in front of 217 glaciers. A total area of 12.3 km2 appeared to be covered by the icings. This value, from late in the ablation season, is likely to be near the seasonal minimum. Of the 217 glaciers, 192 were selected for further analysis, carried out by stereoscopic observation of the aerial photographs. Striking difference in brightness of the icing fields in comparison to the surrounded terrain combined with field experience of the geomorphic setting of its occurrence made possible the complete inventory of the icing phenomena for the whole of Svalbard. Morphometric features were measured directly on photographs and on scanned portions of them. Results from field studies of melting and the decrease of the area of icing fields at the front of two glaciers are also presented. The shape and distribution of icings depend on a set of glaciological factors and on the glacial and geomorphologic setting. The duration of frigid temperatures in the winter when the icing fields were formed is also important. Results show that oval and circular shapes are characteristic for icing fields after surviving the ablation season. These fields have an important geomorphological influence on the outwash plains that currently develop in Svalbard.  相似文献   
A data base of 111 filter-collected marine atmospheric particulates is used to describe the distribution of lead over the North and South Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the northern and central Arabian Sea. The distribution of atmospheric Pb is assessed in terms of enrichment factor diagrams, and it is shown that over the marine regions studied in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres the distribution of Pb in the atmosphere is controlled by the mixing of a background component, or components, with crustal material within certain concentration limits. For the Northern Hemisphere samples used in the investigation there is a reasonably well-defined Pb concentration minimum of ~ 0.6 ng m?3 of air; however, this will be severely decreased in more remote Northern Hemisphere marine regions. Geometric average Pb atmospheric concentrations vary from one marine region to another, ranging from ~ 0.98 ng m?3 of air for the South Atlantic westerlies to ~ 15 ng m?3 of air in the North Atlantic westerlies; although the latter reduces to ~ 7 ng m?3 of air when ‘polluted’ samples are excluded. Lead sea-surface deposition fluxes are calculated on the basis of two deposition velocities (0.25 and 1 cm s?1), the largest flux (220 ng Pb cm?2 yr?1) being found for the westerlies over the eastern margins of the North Atlantic. The distribution of lead over the North Atlantic is assessed in terms of the global lead budget and it is estimated that a maximum of ~ 24% of the total ‘natural’ lead injected annually into the World atmosphere, and ~ 3.5% of the anthropogenic lead injected annually into the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere, are deposited over the North Atlantic sea surface.  相似文献   
A detailed fluid inclusion study has been carried out on the hydrocarbon-bearing fluids found in the peralkaline complex, Lovozero. Petrographic, microthermometric, laser Raman and bulk gas data are presented and discussed in context with previously published data from Lovozero and similar hydrocarbon-bearing alkaline complexes in order to further understand the processes which have generated these hydrocarbons. CH4-dominated inclusions have been identified in all Lovozero samples. They occur predominantly as secondary inclusions trapped along cleavage planes and healed fractures together with rare H2O-dominant inclusions. They are consistently observed in close association with either arfvedsonite crystals, partially replaced by aegirine, aegirine crystals or areas of zeolitization. The majority of inclusions consist of a low-density fluid with CH4 homogenisation temperatures between −25 and −120 °C. Those in near-surface hand specimens contain CH4+H2 (up to 40 mol%)±higher hydrocarbons. However, inclusions in borehole samples contain CH4+higher hydrocarbons±H2 indicating that, at depth, higher hydrocarbons are more likely to form. Estimated entrapment temperatures and pressures for these inclusions are 350 °C and 0.2–0.7 kbar. A population of high-density, liquid, CH4-dominant inclusions have also been recorded, mainly in the borehole samples, homogenising between −78 and −99 °C. These consist of pure CH4, trapped between 1.2 and 2.1 kbar and may represent an early CH4-bearing fluid overprinted by the low-density population. The microthermometric and laser Raman data are in agreement with bulk gas data, which have recorded significant concentrations of H2 and higher hydrocarbons up to C6H12 in these samples. These data, combined with published isotopic data for the gases CH4, C2H6, H2, He and Ar indicate that these hydrocarbons have an abiogenic, crustal origin and were generated during postmagmatic, low temperature, alteration reactions of the mineral assemblage. This would suggest that these data favour a model for formation of hydrocarbons through Fischer–Tropsch type reactions involving an early CO2-rich fluid and H2 derived from alteration reactions. This is in contrast to the late-magmatic model suggested for the formation of hydrocarbons in the similar peralkaline intrusion, Ilímaussaq, at temperatures between 400 and 500 °C.  相似文献   
Interactions between aeolian and fluvial systems in dryland environments   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Historically, fluvial and aeolian processes in dryland environments have been viewed as mutually exclusive. However, recent research indicates that in many regions dryland aeolian and fluvial systems do not operate independently. There are interactions between the two systems that have important implications for the geomorphology of the landscape. This paper reviews the factors controlling the transfer of sediments between aeolian and fluvial systems, focusing on moisture availability, sediment supply and the magnitude/frequency characteristics of fluvial and aeolian events. We conclude by highlighting areas of future research that will contribute greatly to our understanding of aeolian–fluvial relationships in dryland areas.  相似文献   
We compared species presence, abundance, and size characteristics of fish in three brackish, coastal marshes at Humacao, Roosevelt Roads, and Boqueron, Puerto Rico, in February and March 1988. The three marsh ecosystems were similar with respect to the presence of large expanses of open water bordered by emergent vegetation, creeks, and mangroves, and all had some recreational use. We sampled fish using gill nets. Tilapia (Oreochromis) mossambica were the most abundant fish, accounting for 55–79% of the samples at all three marshes. Overall, tilapia were both the largest (North Lagoon) and the smallest (Frontera Creek) at Humacao. Tilapia were most common in open lagoons rather than creeks or bays (except for Mandri Creek), and their distribution seemed unrelated to salinity. Tarpon (Megalops atlantica) were more abundant at low salinities, whereas other fish were more abundant at higher salinities.  相似文献   
Hickson's compact galaxy groups were classified using the statistical criterion which includes the radial velocities of galaxies as well as their relative positions. These groups on the whole and their components are identified as the confident and probable non-chance ones as well as probable and confident chance ones. All confident chance objects have the discordant radial velocities (the differences of radial velocitiesDV [1000; 20000] km s–1). The special class of objects bright discordants is selected. These galaxies have the discordant radial velocities withDV [825; 8440] km s–1 and have a strong tendency to be the brightest components of their groups. The lowest difference of radial velocities for the last class of objects DV = (1.0±0.2) × 103 km s–1 and we accept this value of DV as the lowest value of discordant radial velocities. It is found that the biggest part of Hickson's compact groups consist of non-chance aggregations of galaxies and some of the cases of discordant-redshifts require a special study in order to explain their origin from a dynamic or some other point of view.Present address.  相似文献   
The general problem of investigating multiple stellar systems is formulated. It is shown that the complete solution of this problem requires 1) a complex of astrometric and astrophysical observations of multiple stars, and the 2) maximum attainable precision of such observations. The conditions under which this precision can be achieved are discussed.The most important characteristics of the dynamical states of multiple systems are the total energy E and the relative energies Eij of the bodies in these systems. For eight triple systems (ADS 1630, 2926, 6175, 6650, 6811, 7114, 9626, 9909), statistical tests — a method of calculating the uncertainties E and Eij from the errors of the observational data — are used to find the probabilities for dynamical states and the values Etr±Etr and Ebin±Ebin.Only three triple stars appear certain to be physical systems with a dynamical connection between the components — ADS 6175 and 9909 with the probabilities P>0.80 are dynamical non-hierarchical unstable triple systems with a complicated motions of the components; the final state of these systems is an escape. In the triple system ADS 1630 a qualitative course of the component motions has not been determined because of the larger errors in the observed data. The dynamical evolution of the triple system ADS 9909 is under study.  相似文献   
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