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The Spessart district (SW Germany), located at the southwestern margin of the Permian Kupferschiefer basin in Central Europe, hosts abundant stratabound and structurally controlled base metal mineralization. The mineralization styles identified are (1) stratabound Cu-Pb-Zn-(Ag) ores in Zechstein sedimentary rocks, (2) structurally controlled Cu-As-(Ag) ores in Zechstein sedimentary rocks, (3) crosscutting Co-Ni-(Bi)-As and Cu-Fe-As veins, (4) stratabound metasomatic Fe-Mn carbonate ores in Zechstein dolomite, (5) barren barite veins, and (6) Fe-Mn-As veins in Permian rhyolites. Building on previous work that involved mineralogical, textural, and chemical characterization of the major mineralization types, we have performed a comprehensive sulfur isotope study that applied both conventional and novel laser-ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry techniques. The δ34S values of sulfide minerals from the different ore types are consistently negative and highly variable, in the range between −44.5‰ and −3.9‰, whereas the δ34S values of barite are all positive in the range between 4.7‰ and 18.9‰. Remarkably, stratabound and structurally controlled mineralization in Zechstein sedimentary rocks has the least negative δ34S values, whereas vein-type deposits have consistently more negative δ34S values. The observed pattern of sulfide δ34S values can be best interpreted in terms of fluid mixing at the basement-cover interface. Hydrothermal fluids originating from the crystalline basement migrated upward along subvertical fault zones and were periodically injected into groundwaters that were flowing in the post-Variscan sedimentary cover. These groundwaters had interacted with the Zechstein sedimentary rocks, resulting in fluids characterized by elevated concentrations of reduced sulfur (with negative δ34S values) and alkaline pH. Repeated mixing between both chemically contrasting fluids caused rapid and efficient precipitation of sulfide ore minerals in hydrothermal veins with highly variable but distinctly negative δ34S values.  相似文献   
This study presents a new deterministic 3D model of the fracture zones observed in the granitic reservoir of the Soultz European geothermal project. The major fracture zones encountered around 6 wells (4550, EPS1, GPK1, GPK2, GPK3 and GPK4) consist in 53 main structures that are located and characterized in terms of size and orientation: 39 fracture zones, 8 microseismic structures and 6 structures derived from vertical seismic profiles are represented in the 3D model using Discrete Fracture Network tools of the gOcad modelling platform (Paradigm?, Earth Decision?). This work illustrates the complexity of 3D fracture zone correlation and interpretation in crystalline rock masses characterized at meter scale (borehole) and at the reservoir scale (kilometer) thanks to geophysical imaging techniques.  相似文献   
In EGS projects, fault zones are considered as the structures controlling deep flow at the reservoir scale. Using a large set of petrophysical properties (porosity, density, permeability, thermal conductivity [TC]) measured on cores collected along the EPS-1 borehole, a model of fault zone is proposed to describe them. A fault zone is a complex structure, showing different parts with different kinds of deformations and/or materials that could explain chemical and physical processes observed during fluid-rock interactions. The different parts composing the fault zone are: (1) the fault core or gauge zone; (2) the damage zone; (3) and the protolith. They are usually heterogeneous and show different physical properties. The damage zone is a potential high permeability channel and could become the main pathway for fluids if secondary minerals seal the fault core. Porosity is the lowest within the protolith, between 0.5 and 1%, but can go up to 15% in the fault zone. Permeability ranges from 10?20 m2 in the fresh granite to, at least, 10?15 m2 in the fault core, and TC ranges from 2.5 W K?1m?1 to 3.7 W K?1m?1. Finally, variations in specific surface are set over two orders of magnitude. If the lowest values usually characterize the fresh granite far from fault zones, physical properties could show variations spread over their whole respective ranges within these fault zones.  相似文献   
Towards an understanding of the Of?p star HD 191612: optical spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present extensive optical spectroscopy of the early-type magnetic star HD 191612 (O6.5f?pe–O8fp). The Balmer and He  i lines show strongly variable emission which is highly reproducible on a well-determined 538-d period. He  ii absorptions and metal lines (including many selective emission lines but excluding He  ii λ4686 Å emission) are essentially constant in line strength, but are variable in velocity, establishing a double-lined binary orbit with   P orb= 1542 d, e = 0.45  . We conduct a model-atmosphere analysis of the spectrum, and find that the system is consistent with a ∼O8 giant with a ∼B1 main-sequence secondary. Since the periodic 538-d changes are unrelated to orbital motion, rotational modulation of a magnetically constrained plasma is strongly favoured as the most likely underlying 'clock'. An upper limit on the equatorial rotation is consistent with this hypothesis, but is too weak to provide a strong constraint.  相似文献   
Calcite precipitation is a phenomenon occuring in most hardwater lakes world-wide. On May 5th, 1990, a whiting in Lake Constance was observed by LANDSAT for the first time. Physical, chemical and biological ground data sets prove that the observed structures are caused by calcite precipitation. This satellite observation provides information about the patchiness of calcite crystals suspended in the surface water of the lake western basin.  相似文献   
Sediments of 13 piston cores from opposite continental slopes of the South China Sea, off southern China and Sabah (northern Borneo), were analyzed by sedimentological methods and dated by oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Sediments mostly consist of hemipelagic clay with 20% carbonate off Sabah and 40% off China. We calculated terrigenous and carbonate accumulation rates for up to 11 time-slices from the Holocene to oxygen-isotope stage 6. Terrigenous accumulation rates generally increase with water depth and reach a maximum at the middle slope off Sabah and at the lower continental slope off China. During glacial and interglacial times this distribution pattern did not markedly change, despite an increase of accumulation rates for glacial periods by a factor of 2 to 5 compared to interglacial periods. Rates are negatively correlated with positions of sea level, which controls the partition of fluviatile terrigenous material for deposition on shelf, slope, and abyssal plain. Carbonate accumulation rates are higher off China by a factor of 2 compared to Sabah, probably indicating higher calcareous plankton productivity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Eine Tiefbohrung der Gewerkschaft Elwerath im norddeutschen Flachland erbrachte einen Neuaufschluß von Rotliegend-Eruptivgestein, welches petrographisch beschrieben wird. Zum überwiegenden Teil handelt es sich um Porphyrite alkalisyenitischen Charakters, in die ein saurer Porphyr geringer Mächtigkeit eingeschaltet ist. Die Einsprenglingsfeldspäte sind nach Untersuchung mit dem U-Tisch Albite mit An < 10, für die femischen Minerale ist Chlorit kennzeichnend. Unter den Akzessorien ist Anatas relativ häufig. Schließlich wurden auch Pseudomorphosen von Muskowit-Illit nach Feldspat gefunden und näher untersucht.Von Herrn Dr.Philipp erscheint demnächst eine Veröffentlichung über Buntsandstein und Zechstein dieses Bereichs.Der Gewerkschaft Elwerath danke ich für die Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlidung, ganz besonders ihrem Chefgeologen, Herrn Direktor Dr.Roll, für die großzügige Förderung der Arbeit, ferner Herrn Dr.Füchtbauer, für zahlreiche Hinweise.  相似文献   
Zircon and apatite fission-track analyses from Late Carboniferous felsic volcanic rocks of the NE German Basin (Halle area and Friedland drilling) reveal at least two major post-emplacement thermal events. After initial cooling at ca. 300 Ma, the volcanic pile underwent a major thermal event at ca. 200 Ma that reached in most places ca. 250-280 °C and led to the new growth of clay minerals. This event is recorded in the zircon fission-track data and can be related to Jurassic-Triassic rifting in Europe. Another thermal event is recorded in the apatite samples at ca. 100 Ma. A close correlation is observed between apatite fission-track age, texture, and sample alteration. Coarse-grained samples are stronger altered and have younger fission-track ages. Hydrothermal alteration coupled with advective heating probably caused these Upper Cretaceous fission-track ages. The latter event can be related to block faulting and inversion of the European plate during the early stages of the Alpine orogeny.  相似文献   
This article is based on a position paper presented at the IGS Network, Data and Analysis Center Workshop 2002 in Ottawa, Canada, 8–11 April 2002, and introduces the IGS Ionosphere Working Group (Iono_WG). Detailed information about the IGS in general can be found on the IGS Central Bureau Web page: http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov. The Iono_WG commenced working in June 1998. The working group's main activity currently is the routine production of ionosphere Total Electron Content (TEC) maps with a 2-h time resolution and daily sets of GPS satellite and receiver hardware differential code bias (DCB) values. The TEC maps and DCB sets are derived from GPS dual-frequency tracking data recorded with the global IGS tracking network. In the medium- and long-term, the working group intends to refine algorithms for the mapping of ionospheric parameters from GPS measurements and to realize near–real–time availability of IGS ionosphere products. The paper will give an overview of the Iono_WG activities that include a summary of activities since its establishment, achievements and future plans. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
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