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Diversity of bacteria was studied in deep-sea sediments from the Shikoku Basin in the Northwest Pacific Ocean by PCR, RFLP and sequence analysis of 16S rDNA and comparing with Genbank database. Based on the RFLP profile generated, 77 clones from the 16S rDNA library were divided into 27 types. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the 27 independent clones fell into four groups: Proteobacteria (62.96%), Chloroflexi (14.81%), Planctomycetes (14.81%) and Acidobacteria (7.41%). Among all sequenced clones, 6 were related to the sulfur or sulfate metabolism bacteria and the results also demonstrated that some bacteria in deep-sea sediments had relation to matter-energy circulation.  相似文献   
金山金矿位于胶东栖霞-蓬莱金成矿带中,属于热液交代蚀变岩型金矿床,严格受小庄-金山-大庄头韧性剪切带控制。该文在介绍研究区成矿地质特征的基础上,将该矿床的构造-成矿作用期次划分为3个成矿阶段:成矿前韧性剪切变形阶段、成矿期韧脆性变形阶段和成矿后脆韧性变形阶段,每个阶段对矿脉的形成和分布起着不同的控制作用。其中,在主成矿期左形张剪构造应力场作用下,在断裂带不同部位分别形成不同类型矿脉(体),这种构造控矿模式是胶东地区中生代伸展构造背景的反映。  相似文献   
当水流通过泄洪建筑物下泄时,水体中所溶解的温室气体(二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)等)会因为所受压力的瞬间改变而导致溶解度降低,从而造成气液之间传质的发生及水中温室气体的排放.然而,目前对于泄流条件下水中温室气体排放的研究还较为缺乏.鉴于原型观测与模型试验的局限性,本文建立了大坝泄流条件下温室气体排放速率的数学模型...  相似文献   
为开展琼州海峡跨海通道地壳稳定性评价,避免潜在的地质灾害对跨海通道工程安全性产生不利影响,利用侧扫声纳、单道地震、多波束等地球物理探测方法对琼州海峡海底展开了地形地貌调查,获得了琼州海峡跨海通道工程区海域活动断层分布、西线规划区地形地貌及地质条件等基础地质资料。工程地质评价认为西线线路断裂、地震、火山活动性弱,海底水深小、地形较为平坦、地貌简单,上新世望楼港组低液限粘土及上新世浅海相砂层作为基础持力层,岩土工程力学性质尚可,利于开展跨海通道桥梁方案施工。规划线路穿越1处侵蚀沟槽,影响长度约5 km,地形高差达60 m,且线路东临1处海釜,分布有陡坎,且部分地段分布有滑塌堆积。建议西线线路北段局部西移约1.5 km,同时关注西口潮流侵蚀沟槽、规划区南部淤泥质软土、古河道砂性土沉积、海峡谷底活动沙坡等不良地质作用影响。   相似文献   
Tan  Liangcheng  Liu  Wen  Wang  Tianli  Cheng  Peng  Zang  Jingjie  Wang  Xiqian  Ma  Le  Li  Dong  Lan  Jianghu  Edwards  R. Lawrence  Cheng  Hai  Xu  Hai  Ai  Li  Gao  Yongli  Cai  Yanjun 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(10):1622-1632
Evaluating anthropogenic impacts on regional vegetation changes during historical time is not only important for a better understanding of the Anthropocene but also valuable in improving the vegetation-climate models. In this study, we analyzed stable isotopes(δ~(18)O, δ~(13)C) and trace elements(Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) of a stalagmite from Huangchao Cave in central Shandong, northern China.~(230)Th and AMS~(14)C dating results indicate the stalagmite deposited during 174BC and AD1810, with a hiatus between AD638 and 1102. Broad similarities of the δ~(18)O and trace elements in the stalagmite suggest they are reliable precipitation indexes. The δ~(13)C of the stalagmite, a proxy of vegetation change, was generally consistent with local precipitation and temperature variations on a centennial-scale before the 15th century. It typically varied from –9.6‰ to –6.3‰, indicating climate controlled C3 type vegetation during this period. However, a persistent and marked increasing trend in the δ~(13)C record was observed since the 15th century, resulting in δ~(13)C values from –7.7‰ to –1.6‰ in the next four centuries. This unprecedented δ~(13)C change caused by vegetation deterioration cannot be explained by climate change but is fairly consistent with the dramatically increasing population and farmland in Shandong. We suggest that the increasing deforestation and reclamation in central Shandong began to affect vegetation in the mountain region of central Shandong since the 15th century and severely destroyed or even cleared the forest during the 16th–18th century.  相似文献   
中国对虾复眼的研究 Ⅰ.解剖与组织结构   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
中国对虾具一对有眼柄的复眼,复眼约由55000个小眼构成。每个小眼由角膜,成角膜细胞、晶状体、晶状体束、小网膜细胞及其细胞膜突出的微绒毛汇合而成的感杆束等部分组成,在复眼中还有起调节进入小网膜光量的远端色素和近端色素。小网膜细胞形成轴索,穿过基膜上的网眼,联系神经节瓣。  相似文献   
Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers(GDGTs)serve as important tools for the quantitative reconstruction of paleoclimate and paleoecology in both continental and marine environments.Previous studies of GDGTs in the terrestrial environments focused primarily on the soils from the relatively warm-humid or cold-dry regions.However,it is still unclear how GDGTs respond to environmental variables in the cold-humid regions.Here,we collected soils along an altitudinal transect of Mountain(Mt.)Changbai,which has a typical cold-humid climate,to investigate the distribution of GDGTs and the response of GDGT-based proxies to changes in climate along the transect.The shift in the distribution of archaeal isoprenoidal GDGTs(iso GDGTs)revealed that the archaeal community varied significantly along the transect,which can affect the relationship between TEX_(86)and mean annual air temperature(MAT).In addition,the increased temperature seasonality at higher altitudes exerted a significant impact on TEX_(86).We proposed a global calibration of TEX_(86)for the growing season temperature reconstruction in the soil environments:T=85.19×TEX_(86)-46.30(R~2=0.84,p0.001).The methylation indices for 5-methyl branched GDGTs(br GDGTs)including MBT′_(5me)and MBT_(5/6),showed correlation with soil water content but no relationship with MAT,indicating that MBT′_(5me)and MBT_(5/6)from cold-humid environments may be not suitable for temperature and altitude reconstruction.In contrast,the recently developed p H proxies,including MBT′_(6me)(the methylation index for 6-methyl br GDGTs),CBT(Cyclisation index of Branched Tetraethers),IR_(IIa’)(Isomer ratio of IIa′)and IR_(IIIa′)(Isomer ratio of IIIa′)exhibited significant correlations with soil p H,suggesting these proxies can still be used for soil p H reconstruction in the coldhumid regions.The combination of MBT′_(5me)and MBT′_(6me)was strongly related to different types of climate(cold-dry,warmhumid,cold-humid,and warm-dry).For example,MBT′_(5me)0.65 and MBT′_(6me)0.55 are diagnostic for the cold-humid climate.Thus,the combination of MBT′_(5me)and MBT′_(6me)has the potential as a tool for the identification of different types of paleoclimate.  相似文献   
The EST database of the Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus) was mined for developing mierosatellite markers. A total of 1476 EST sequences were registered in GenBank when data mining was performed. Fifty sequences (approximately 3.4%) were found to contain one or more mierosatellites. Based on the length and GC content of the flanking regions, duster analysis and BLASTN, 13 microsatellite-containing ESTs were selected for PCR primer design. The results showed that 10 out of 13 primer pairs could amplify seorable PCR products and showed polymorphism. The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 13 and the values of Hoand He varied from 0.1222 to 0.8611 and 0.2449 to 0.9311, respectively. No significant linkage disequilibrium (LD) between any pairs of these loci was found, and 6 of 10 loci conformed to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). These EST-SSRs are therefore potential tools for studies of intraspecies variation and hybrid identification.  相似文献   
异质人脸图像合成旨在生成逼真、可识别的多种视觉形态的人脸肖像,包括画像、漫画等多种模态.异质人脸图像合成在公共安全和数字娱乐领域具有广泛的应用前景和重要的研究价值,已成为当前研究热点之一.近年来,随着生成对抗网络的发展以及其在多种图像风格转换任务中的成功,研究人员利用生成对抗网络构建了多种异质人脸图像合成的新方法.本文简要回顾了异质人脸图像合成的发展历史,并从异质人脸图像合成的应用进展、模型结构、性能评估、数据集和定性分析等方面综述了该领域最新的关键技术的发展情况,展望了异质人脸图像合成面临的挑战以及其关键技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   
The Ejina basin, which is located in arid and semi‐arid areas of northwest China, has experienced severe environmental deterioration in the past several decades, and an exploratory project was launched by the Chinese Government in 2001 to restore this degraded ecosystem. In this study, multi‐scale remotely sensed data and field investigations were used to quantify the responses of vegetation to the implementation of integrated water management under this project. In terms of the seasonal accumulated Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (SAN) variation, (1) the vegetation in 80·4% of the oasis regions showed an increasing or recovering trend, and increasing SAN trends with a magnitude greater than 0·14 a?1 mainly resulted from cultivated land reclamation; (2) the vegetation in 91·5% of the desert regions presented an increasing trend, and the statistically significant trends mainly appeared in the middle and lower Ejina basin; (3) the vegetation in 19·6% of oasis and 5·1% of desert regions showed a decreasing or degrading trend, mainly where rivers diminished and along artificial concrete canals; and (4) opposite signs of vegetation trends occurred simultaneously along some natural rivers experiencing water reduction, with a decreasing trend generally appearing in the high SAN regions, whereas an increasing trend was seen in the low SAN regions. The broad vegetation recovery observed was due to the comprehensive improvement of the water environment, which was attributed to both the increase in runoff entering the Ejina basin and the adoption of engineering measures. Vegetation degradation in the area mainly resulted from deterioration of the local water environment, which was closely related to the problems of water management. The results of this study can be used as a reference for adjusting the current water resource management strategy to effectively restore this ecosystem. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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