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Many cities around the world are developed at alluvial fans. With economic and industrial development and increase in population, quality and quantity of groundwater are often damaged by over-exploitation in these areas. In order to realistically assess these groundwater resources and their sustainability, it is vital to understand the recharge sources and hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in alluvial fans. In March 2006, groundwater and surface water were sampled for major element analysis and stable isotope (oxygen-18 and deuterium) compositions in Xinxiang, which is located at a complex alluvial fan system composed of a mountainous area, Taihang Mt. alluvial fan and Yellow River alluvial fan. In the Taihang mountainous area, the groundwater was recharged by precipitation and was characterized by Ca–HCO3 type water with depleted δ18O and δD (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O). Along the flow path from the mountainous area to Taihang Mt. alluvial fan, the groundwater became geochemically complex (Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3–Cl–SO4 type), and heavier δ18O and δD were observed (around −8‰ δ18O). Before the surface water with mean δ18O of −8.7‰ recharged to groundwater, it underwent isotopic enrichment in Taihang Mt. alluvial fan. Chemical mixture and ion exchange are expected to be responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater in Yellow River alluvial fan. Transferred water from the Yellow River is the main source of the groundwater in the Yellow River alluvial fan in the south of the study area, and stable isotopic compositions of the groundwater (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O) were similar to those of transferred water (−8.9‰), increasing from the southern boundary of the study area to the distal end of the fan. The groundwater underwent chemical evolution from Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3, to Na–SO4. A conceptual model, integrating stiff diagrams, is used to describe the spatial variation of recharge sources, chemical evolution, and groundwater flow paths in the complex alluvial fan aquifer system.  相似文献   
Sandy desert landscape is a geological product of arid climate and abundant sand materials supply in natural conditions, therefore the formation of sandy desert is an ideal studying object for understanding the interaction between various stratigraphic/epigenetic spheres of the earth system. However, until now, the knowledge about the provenance and formation of these deserts in Xinjiang, Central Asia is diverse and inconsistent, a systematic review is necessary. Ancient aeolian sand sediments in the internal areas of these deserts and their twin dust deposits in the Cenozoic strata surrounding the Xinjiang deserts are direct and indirect clues reflecting the provenance of sand materials and the formation and evolution of deserts. Based on the geochemical, mineralogical and isotopic evidences of desert sands and relevant deposits in the peripheral regions, this paper reviews the research progress on the development of the sandy deserts in Xinjiang, Northwest China. Many proofs proposed that desert sands in Xinjiang were mainly sourced from the ancient pluvial, alluvial and fluvial sediments and were eventually achieved because of the local sand supply. It pointed out that the settings of tectonic structure in Xinjiang had made sediments both in the Tarim Basin and the Junggar Basin being influenced greatly by regional hydrological system and aeolian processes originated from the planetary wind system of westerly, the East Asian winter monsoon and the topographical mountain-valley winds. However, the directions of transportation paths are different between the hydrological dynamics and the aeolian dynamics, which are decided by the slantwise structures of the basins tectonics and the regional atmospheric circulation routes, respectively, and have determined anisotropies of the transport pathway of these sediments delivered by different agents. This results in a geological cycle of detrital sediment transportation in the two large basins and thus largely increases the degree of sediment mixing, alternation and recycle between younger and older sediment sources, as well as the complexity and diversity of sand provenances.  相似文献   

内蒙古中部地区处于板块结合部位,经历了多期构造活动和岩浆活动,浅层水热型地热资源丰富,但对其深部干热岩地热资源仍缺少深入研究。基于区域地质与构造背景、大地电磁探测结果与地热异常显示,系统探讨内蒙古中部地区干热岩地热资源成因机制与地球动力学过程,建立干热岩成因模式。研究表明:内蒙古中部地区深层干热岩型地热资源的热源主要为深部局部熔融体和残余高温岩浆囊,热流通道包括板块缝合带、区域深大断裂带及其交汇部位、次级断裂及塑性流变韧性剪切带等壳内薄弱层;干热岩储层主要为新生代基性侵入岩,即辉绿岩和辉长岩体,被高温岩浆和侵入体加热的花岗岩类也可作为研究区潜在干热岩储层;干热岩区域性盖层为白垩系、新近系和第四系沉积地层。西伯利亚板块与华北克拉通板块之间的大陆碰撞、拼合,形成易于破坏的碰撞带,晚中生代−新生代以来的古太平洋板块对华北板块的西向俯冲作用,导致岩石圈底部熔融,岩石圈伸展、减薄,地幔软流圈热物质上涌,并伴随强烈的新生代断裂与断陷活动,共同导致晚中生代−新生代岩浆、火山活动强烈。内蒙古中部地区存在3种聚热模式:Ⅰ. 新生代辉绿岩、辉长岩储层高温干热岩系统,为研究区优势干热岩储层;Ⅱ. 新生代以前花岗岩储层中高温干热岩系统,为潜力干热岩储层;Ⅲ. 浅部碎屑岩、花岗岩或变质岩储层水热系统,为浅层水热型优势储层。内蒙古中部地区浅部高温水热型地热系统与深部干热岩地热系统存在同源共生关系,浅层高温异常区的圈定对于深部干热岩的发现具有重要的指示意义。

皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)精子的超微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
皱纹盘鲍(Haliotisdiscushannai)的精子属于“原始型”,由顶体(2.2μm×1.0μm)、细胞核(3.1μm×0.83μm)、中段(0.74μm×1.4μm)和鞭毛(52μm×0.22μm)组成。顶体弹头状,由两部分组成:(1)顶体的前端是一呈卵形的高电子密度的部分;(2)顶体的后端为一呈翼状的低电子密度的部分。细胞核呈长柱状。在顶体凹陷和细胞核凹陷之间为顶体下腔,内有微丝束结构。中段包括5或6个线粒体,一对中心粒及一些泡状结构。鞭毛为典型的“9+2”结构。  相似文献   
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - Seismic interpolation can provide complete data for some multichannel processing techniques such as time lapse imaging and wave equation migration. However, field...  相似文献   
侧扫声纳在琼州海峡跨海通道地壳稳定性调查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为开展琼州海峡跨海通道地壳稳定性评价,利用Sonar Beam S-150D侧扫声纳系统在琼州海峡海底开展了地形地貌调查,获得了琼州海峡跨海通道工程区的侧扫声纳影像。通过数据分析、图像判读,分析了地质灾害类型及其可能的危害。在琼州海峡海底发现软土、活动沙波、岸坡及活动构造等微地貌单元,跨海通道工程施工、运行阶段都将遭受相关地质灾害的危害。这些资料和分析为跨海通道工程地壳稳定性评价提供了基础资料,为工程规划线路优选、建设实施提供了技术支撑。研究表明侧扫声纳技术可应用于海底地壳稳定性调查与评价工作中。   相似文献   
钻孔应变仪体应力灵敏系数的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别计算了水泥弹性模量、水泥层厚度、钢筒厚度、岩石弹性模量等对钻孔应变仪体应力灵敏系数的影响,得出:1)在水泥弹性模量小于某个固定值时,体应力灵敏系数随水泥弹性模量的增大而增大,大于这个值时,体应力灵敏系数又随水泥的弹性模量增大而变小;2)当水泥层厚度比N<2时,体应力灵敏系数变化剧烈,受水泥层厚度影响较大;3)体应力灵敏系数随钢筒厚度及岩石弹性模量的增大而变小。  相似文献   
岩层倾斜对体应变受气压影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台站实测资料反映地表倾斜时,体应变气压干扰系数明显变大.通过理论计算,求出了地表倾斜度与体应变气压系数的关系,去除气压干扰后,体应变观测的固体潮汐明显改善.  相似文献   
河流有机碳输出是北极碳循环的重要组分,对气候变化十分敏感。本文利用ArcticGRO的径流及有机碳数据,通过数理统计分析等方法,对2004—2017年间俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的鄂毕河、叶尼塞河和勒拿河有机碳输出进行研究。结果显示:西伯利亚3大河流的年均有机碳输出总量约23 Tg,其中溶解有机碳(DOC)输出约18.55 Tg,占北极地区50%以上,接近颗粒有机碳(POC)输出的4倍。2009—2017年间的年均DOC输出量较1999—2008年存在较大差异,鄂毕河增加18%,叶尼塞河下降13%,而勒拿河增加了近70%。春、夏两季有机碳输出总量占全年85%以上,春季为有机碳输出高峰期,而在鄂毕河流域春、夏季贡献率相当。各流域河流有机碳输出特征不同且具有季节性变化,主要受径流、冻土及人类活动等的影响。其中,DOC输出总量在年际与季节性变化特征上均与径流变化呈显著正相关,随径流增加DOC浓度也相应增大;而多年冻土也因类型及分布差异对河流DOC与POC具有不同程度的影响。研究气候变化下的北极河流有机碳输出特征及影响要素,有助于深入理解北极河流有机碳输出对气候及环境变化的综合响应,为揭示气候变化下的北极碳循环过程奠定基础。  相似文献   
研究目的】柳东地区位于右江盆地东缘,近年来该地区早三叠世石炮组中首次发现一套火山岩夹层,为研究盆地东缘的构造演化特征提供了重要依据。【研究方法】本文以新发现的柳东地区火山岩为研究对象,通过LAICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄及Hf同位素分析,研究右江盆地东缘火山岩的形成时代及岩浆源区特征。【研究结果】结果表明,火山岩的岩性为凝灰岩-凝灰质熔岩-凝灰质火山角砾岩组合,指示了典型的火山岩特征。其2件凝灰岩样品中锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb加权平均年龄分别为(244.0±1.9) Ma和(247.1±0.9) Ma,锆石微量元素(U、Th、Hf、Nb)表现出大陆岩浆弧属性特征。锆石Hf同位素结果显示εHft)为-13.2~-1.2,二阶段模式年龄(TDMC)为1.35~2.06 Ga,其岩浆源区主要为地壳物质,平均地壳存留年龄为1.7~2.06 Ga。【结论】该火山岩夹层与其所出露的地层时代基本相符,属于早三叠世末期—中三叠世早期火山喷发产物,火山岩形成于火山弧-同碰撞的构造环境,代表了弧后盆地的沉积环境,与印支期古特提斯洋的闭合相关。该成果为古特提斯构造域的演化研究提供了新的基础资料,具有重要意义。创新点:柳东地区火山岩属于早三叠世末期—中三叠世早期火山喷发产物,形成于印支期古特提斯洋的闭合条件下的火山弧-同碰撞构造环境。  相似文献   
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