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通过龙永煤田现有煤矿状况调查分析发现:许多矿井已步入“花甲之年”,接近矿井服务年限。为了保障我省能源安全,应当采用有效勘探方法,方能使它们“返老还童”。研究发现危机矿山延长服务年限的几种勘探模式是:其一为扩大(延伸)勘探模式;其二为小型井田(块段)勘探模式;其三为资料分析研究模式。经探采对比发现,采用这三种勘探模式后,产生了巨大的经济效益,使一大批老矿井青春再度焕发。  相似文献   
第二代小波在GPS双差观测值消噪中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论第二代小波变换的基本原理和变换过程,并将第二代小波变换引入到GPS数据处理中.实验证明,第二代小波变换对GPS信号去除高频噪声具有一定的效果.  相似文献   
古近系双阳组是在吉林省伊通盆地莫里青断陷中,油气赋存的主要层位,储层主要为湖底扇和扇三角洲的砂体。依据双阳组储层的大量薄片、扫描电镜、粘土矿物分析的资料研究了该储集层的成岩作用。研究结果表明双阳组储集层:成岩作用经历了压实、压溶、胶结、交代和溶解6方面的作用。双储集层中的自生粘土矿物蒙皂石向伊利石转化具有明显的特征:主要演化过程经历了蒙皂石渐变带,第一迅速转化带和第二迅速转化带,相应的成岩作用阶段可划分为早成岩阶段B期、晚成岩阶段A1期和晚成岩阶段A2期。依据在垂向上的成岩变化,建立了莫里青断陷双阳组储集层的成岩作用演化序列。在垂向上成岩作用的类型和强度均存在明显的差异,造成了储层物性的垂向分带。  相似文献   
As a mega-city constrained by resources and the environment, Beijing has developed a leading service sector, and it is necessary to evaluate the service sector circular economy in this major global city. Here, we establish an indicator system including internal subsystem (economic production, resources consumption, waste emissions, and waste recycling), external subsystem (industry correlation) and mutualistic subsystem (society development), and use AHP modeling to evaluate the period from 2000 to 2013. We found that the development of the service sector circular economy in Beijing experienced an increase from 2000 to 2008, then a decrease from 2009 to 2013. This change mainly resulted from the decrease in Beijing’s GDP following the international financial crisis in 2008. The internal subsystem greatly influences the service sector circular economy:synthetic weight of economic production, resource consumption, waste emissions and waste recycling was 0.367,0.136,0.136 and 0.075, respectively. Within the external subsystem, industrial correlation has a weak connection with Beijing’s service sector circular economy with asynthetic weight of 0.143, this result illustrates that the development of the service sector circular economy has an intimate relationship with other cities or provinces around Beijing, such as Tianjin and Hebei. As are presentative of the mutualistic subsystem, society development has a positive nexus with the service sector circular economy with asynthetic weight of 0.143, proving that the development of the service sector circular economy can improve the service sector employment ratio in Beijing. We conclude with some suggestions on how to develop the service sector circular economy in Beijing.  相似文献   
金塔盆地属甘肃省河西走廊沙漠化强烈发展地区,倘若水资源利用不当更加加剧沙漠化过程。因此,合理开发利用地下水资源是本区农业生产持续发展和环境保护的关键问题之一。本文作者建议以盆地为整治单元,全面规划、定向控制,坚特以开源与节流结合,"蓄、引、灌、排、补"并举,综合整治山、水、田、林、路。统一管理地表水与地下水开发利用,并建立绿洲防护体系,以建立高效稳定的农业生态绿洲。  相似文献   
不同GPS接收机RTK定位精度比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
讨论了高遮挡环境下采用双星接收机与单星接收机进行RTK作业时的精度问题,针对性地设计了测试方案,通过实际作业比较了其定位精度的差异。  相似文献   
本文构造了一种快速数论变换算法,该算法是一种以数论为基础,有效高速的数论变换算法,并且这种算法易于在计算机上实现。  相似文献   
冀东太平寨紫苏花岗岩类深熔成因的矿物标志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冀东太平寨地区紫苏花岗岩的矿物学研究结果表明,该类岩石中的主要组成矿物具有残晶相和结晶相矿物共存特点。残晶相和结晶相矿物与围岩中同类矿物对比研究表明,该区的紫苏花岗岩类是由其围岩—石英闪长质-英云闪长质紫苏斜长片麻岩深熔而成。  相似文献   
The northern margin of the Alxa block is the junction of a tectonic units. Four first-order tectonic units are distinguished: 1. the Yagan structural zone characteristic of an immature island arc; 2. the Zhusileng-Hangwula structural zone, which was a passive continental margin in the Early Palaeozoic and was transformed into an active continental margin in the Late Palaeozoic;3. the Shalazha structural zone characteristic of a mature island arc; 4. the Nuru-Langshan structural zone, which was a Proterozoic orogenic belt and later evolved into an extensional transtional crust in the Palaeozoic. The above-mentioned tectonic units differ remarkably in sedimentary formations, magmatic rock associations, metamorphism and geochemistry and are bounded by faults between one another.  相似文献   
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