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基于GML/SVG的WebGIS体系结构设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着Internet的飞速发展,WebGIS也进入了蓬勃发展的阶段,而制约WebGIS发展的问题也日益突出。本文针对WebGIS中存在的地理空间数据语义共享和网络带宽日益紧张的问题,引入了GML和SVG,在此基础上提出并论证的基于GML和SVG的WebGIS系统的方案和应用模式,并详析了实现该系统的体系结构和相关技术,最后给出了该系统的应用实例。  相似文献   
休闲旅游——国内外研究现状、差异与内涵解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
休闲旅游是当前我国旅游业发展的热点,政府和业界都对休闲旅游的发展高度重视,国内学术界也对这一问题进行了大量研究,但迄今为止有关休闲旅游的内涵仍缺乏统一的认识,这不利于人们对休闲旅游做进一步的深入研究。该文基于对国内外研究现状的分析,阐释了休闲旅游与休闲、旅游、观光旅游和度假旅游等概念之间的关系,并结合我国旅游发展的情境和特点,尝试性地对休闲旅游的内涵进行了解析,以期能够为休闲旅游未来的研究和实践发展提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   
DCMT活动光栅的控制系统是主测微器的主要部分,本控制系统操作灵活,它既能联机工作又能脱机工作,并具有自动报警和自动复位功能。主测微器承担测定天体和5个自准直像的位置,要比传统的活动光栅复杂得多.本设计的独特之处在于用分区、分时并配以光栏控制诸方法确定全部像的位置。保证了所有的观测在同一个系统之内.经一年来的实际观测证明,本系统精度优于0”.03,达到了同类别微器的先进水平.  相似文献   
How supermassive black holes(SMBHs) are spun-up is a key issue in modern astrophysics. As an extension to the study in Wang et al., here we address the issue by comparing the host galaxy properties of nearby(z 0.05) radio-selected Seyfert 2 galaxies. With the two-dimensional bulge+disk decompositions for the SDSS r-band images, we identify a dichotomy in various host galaxy properties for radio-loud SMBHs. By assuming that radio emission from the jet reflects a high SMBH spin, which stems from the well-known Blandford-Znajek mechanism of jet production, high-mass SMBHs(i.e., MBH 107.9 M⊙)have a preference for being spun-up in classical bulges, and low-mass SMBHs(i.e., MBH = 106-107 M⊙)in pseudo-bulges. This dichotomy suggests and confirms that high-mass and low-mass SMBHs are spun-up in different ways, i.e., a major "dry" merger and a secular evolution respectively.  相似文献   
The East Asian monsoon has a tremendous impact on agricultural production in China. An assessment of the risk of drought disaster in maize-producing regions is therefore important in ensuring a reduction in such disasters and an increase in food security. A risk assessment model, EPIC(Environmental Policy Integrated Climate) model, for maize drought disasters based on the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator crop model is proposed for areas with the topographic characteristics of the mountainous karst region in southwest China. This region has one of the highest levels of environmental degradation in China. The results showed that the hazard risk level for the maize zone of southwest China is generally high. Most hazard index values were between 0.4 and 0.5,accounting for 47.32% of total study area. However,the risk level for drought loss was low. Most of the loss rate was 0.1, accounting for 96.24% of the total study area. The three high-risk areas were mainlydistributed in the parallel ridge–valley areas in the east of Sichuan Province, the West Mountain area of Guizhou Province, and the south of Yunnan Province.These results provide a scientific basis and support for the reduction of agricultural drought disasters and an increase in food security in the southwest China maize zone.  相似文献   
中国地壳运动观测网络基准站GPS观测的位移时间序列结果   总被引:23,自引:9,他引:23  
对中国地壳运动观测网络基准网于1998年9月-2001年10月GPS连续观测结果所获得的位移时间序列进行了初步分析,讨论了适用于地震分析预报的位移时间序列生成中的基准选择。选东部长期相对水平位移很小的9个站组成的一组稳定点作为基准,得到水平位移时间序列;选分布于不同区域相对垂直位移较小的7个站为稳定点组,得到垂直位移时间序列。2000-2001年我国西部的基准站出现2次明显的水平与垂直位移异常变化,这种异常变化有可能与南北地震带上云南地区发生的6级左右地震活动有一定的关系。  相似文献   
云南省防洪空间信息系统构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过讨论应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,立足现实对相关空间数据进行集成和整合处理,实现防洪空间信息的数字化、标准化,为优化防汛指挥工作手段提供基础。系统数据库饭知不同比例尺精度的空间基础数据以满足不同目的的需求,对相关水文、防洪设施、全省洪涝风险和重点区风险图、土地利用等图件进行系统整合。系统有较强的管理功能和分析功能,可提高云南省防洪空间信息的共享度和系统有效管理,为政府统一组织和指挥抗洪救灾提供重要的辅助决策支持手段。  相似文献   
农村居民点作为当前国土资源利用效率提升的重要潜力空间,对其进行调控研究是促进可持续乡村建设的重要内容。城镇作为区域社会经济文化中心,村城关系在一定程度上影响着农村居民点发展的空间潜力;土地作为农村居民点发展的支撑条件和空间载体,村地关系在一定程度上体现了农村居民点布局的适宜性及资源利用的协调性。在扎实推进新农村建设、统筹城乡发展、促进土地集约节约利用的背景下,将“城—村—地”纳入统一分析框架,有利于统筹不同空间尺度要素对居民点整理的影响。本研究立足农村行为主体的空间关联性,综合“城—村—地”三级空间对象,提出农村居民点整理策略分析框架;基于对农村居民点地域系统要素构成和结构层次的分析,从城镇发展辐射性、村域布局适宜性、土地利用协调性等三方面构建了农村居民点整理潜力评价体系,进而探讨了相应的农村居民点整理途径。最后选取江苏省新沂市进行实证分析,将其划分为优先整理区、重点整理区、适度挖潜区、优化调整区及特殊整理区等居民点用地整理类型,提出相应的整理模式及优化路径,以期为农村居民点的整理优化提供有益借鉴,助推可持续的城乡空间重构。  相似文献   
戴尔阜  王昊  吴绍洪  靳京 《地理研究》2007,26(3):461-469
将作物生产潜力模型(PS123模型)与常规方法相结合,对1999~2001年海伦市玉米、大豆、小麦作物生产潜力进行计算;选取产量损失量、资源满足率和资源组合利用率,定量评价资源利用效率,寻找影响资源集约高效利用的限制性因子及其定量制约程度。结果显示,自然资源中温度对于产量的限制最大,其次为水分和土壤,如果把光温生产潜力作为目标产量,玉米、大豆、小麦的光温生产潜力分别为11998、7068、8813 kg/hm2,资源利用率分别为51.0%、29.0%、20.2%,海伦市粮食生产仍有较大潜力。在特定自然资源状况下,海伦市的社会经济状况是限制潜力实现的重要因素,在实地调查基础上,本文提出了提高该市作物产量的主要措施。  相似文献   
Based on statistical data and population flow data for 2016,and using entropy weight TOPSIS and the obstacle degree model,the centrality of cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt(YREB)together with the factors influencing centrality were measured.In addition,data for the population flow were used to analyze the relationships between cities and to verify centrality.The results showed that:(1)The pattern of centrality conforms closely to the pole-axis theory and the central geography theory.Two axes,corresponding to the Yangtze River and the Shanghai-Kunming railway line,interconnect cities of different classes.On the whole,the downstream cities have higher centrality,well-defined gradients and better development of city infrastructure compared with cities in the middle and upper reaches.(2)The economic scale and size of the population play a fundamental role in the centrality of cities,and other factors reflect differences due to different city classes.For most of the coastal cities or the capital cities in the central and western regions,factors that require long-term development such as industrial facilities,consumption,research and education provide the main competitive advantages.For cities that are lagging behind in development,transportation facilities,construction of infrastructure and fixed asset investment have become the main methods to achieve development and enhance competitiveness.(3)The mobility of city populations has a significant correlation with the centrality score,the correlation coefficients for the relationships between population mobility and centrality are all greater than 0.86(P<0.01).The population flow is mainly between high-class cities,or high-class and low-class cities,reflecting the high centrality and huge radiating effects of high-class cities.Furthermore,the cities in the YREB are closely linked to Guangdong and Beijing,reflecting the dominant economic status of Guangdong with its geographical proximity to the YREB and Beijing's enormous influence as the national political and cultural center,respectively.  相似文献   
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