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目前大部分民用无人机没有准确测量风速、风向和预警风场的功能,然而森林火灾扑救等多种场景需要无人机可以提供准确的风速。本文提出了一种基于旋翼无人机坐标数据测算风速风向的技术,通过无人机主机RTK坐标信息及方位角、倾角数据精准获取螺旋桨点相对坐标信息,选择不同负载条件下无人机以1~16 m/s的不同速度分别飞行30 s以上,根据螺旋桨坐标信息变化数值,结合风洞测试数据及风场动力学原理,研究风速与旋翼无人机倾角关系,并通过风洞试验检验该方法精度;并可根据无人机RTK推算出的螺旋桨坐标变化信息判断风向。结果表明,无人机风速与旋翼无人机倾角呈正相关关系;无人机负载加重时,对应受风速干扰的倾角会相对减小;无人机飞行受阵风干扰出现噪点的概率,高海拔区域大于低海拔区域;并建立六旋翼无人机飞行倾角的风速估算模型y=-1.043 5+1.150 1x,该模型测算风速的中误差值为0.966,绝对值小于1,满足应急指挥现场对无人机测量风速精度要求。该方法得到风速测算精度高,可以为旋翼无人机实时获取风速风向提供一种可行方法,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
战区军事地理系列专题地图制图研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了制作战区军事地理系列专题图的必要性和可能性:以济南战区为例,以军事地理学和地图制图学为基础理论,探讨了战区军事地理系列专题地图的图幅构成与设计的基本原理和方法;并在微机上初步研制了制作该系列专题地图的软件系统。  相似文献   
TLS技术在环境地质灾害监测中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杜超  赵进  任宪友  张亮  庄艳华 《测绘科学》2018,(6):65-71,105
针对地面三维激光扫描技术在环境地质灾害监测中的应用问题,该文在系统介绍此技术关键指标和数据处理的基础上,从滑坡监测、土壤侵蚀监测、敏感地貌微变形监测和水灾害边界追踪4个方面,详细介绍了该技术在环境地质灾害监测领域的应用历史和现状,其研究热点包括该技术在应用中的适宜性评价、监测精度评价、滤波算法的开发及灾害发生趋势预判等方面。另外,应用中高植被覆盖度和降雨天气的干扰问题可通过继续优化软硬件并加强与其他技术联合应用予以弥补。  相似文献   
Trends in graded precipitation in China from 1961 to 2000   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Daily precipitation rates observed at 576 stations in China from 1961 to 2000 were classified into six grades of intensity, including trace (no amount), slight (≤ 1 mm d^-1), small, large, heavy, and very heavy. The last four grades together constitute the so called effective precipitation (〉 1 mm d^-1). The spatial distribution and temporal trend of the graded precipitation days are examined. A decreasing trend in trace precipitation days is observed for the whole of China, except at several sites in the south of the middle section of the Yangtze River, while a decreasing trend in slight precipitation days only appears in eastern China. The decreasing trend and interannual variability of trace precipitation days is consistent with the warming trend and corresponding temperature variability in China for the same period, indicating a possible role played by increased surface air temperature in cloud formation processes. For the effective precipitation days, a decreasing trend is observed along the Yellow River valley and for the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and Southwest China, while an increasing trend is found for Xinjiang, the eastern Tibetan Plateau, Northeast China and Southeast China. The decreasing trend of effective precipitation days for the middle- lower Yellow River valley and the increasing trend for the lower Yangtze River valley are most likely linked to anomalous monsoon circulation in East China. The most important contributor to the trend in effective precipitation depends upon the region concerned.  相似文献   
Three transformation models (Bursa-Wolf, Molodensky, and WTUSM) are generally used between two data systems transformation. The linear models are used when the rotation angles are small; however, when the rotation angles get bigger, model errors will be produced. In this paper, we present a method with three main terms: ① the traditional rotation angles θ , φ ,ψ are substituted with a , b, c which are three re-spective values in the anti-symmetrical or Lodrigues matrix; ② directly and accurately calculating the formula of seven parameters in any value of rotation angles; and ③ a corresponding adjustment model is established. This method does not use the triangle function. Instead it uses addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and the complexity of the equation is reduced, making the calculation easy and quick.  相似文献   
All gravity field functionals obtained from an Earth gravitational model (EGM) depend on the underlying terrestrial reference frame (TRF), with respect to which the EGM’s spherical harmonic coefficients refer to. In order to maintain a coherent framework for the comparison of current and future EGMs, it is thus important to investigate the consistency of their inherent TRFs, especially when their use is intended for high precision studies. Following the methodology described in an earlier paper by Kleusberg (1980), the similarity transformation parameters between the associated reference frames for several EGMs (including the most recent CHAMP/GRACE models at the time of writing this paper) are estimated in the present study. Specifically, the differences between the spherical harmonic coefficients for various pairs of EGMs are parameterized through a 3D-similarity spatial transformation model that relates their underlying TRFs. From the least-squares adjustment of such a parametric model, the origin, orientation and scale stability between the EGMs’ reference frames can be identified by estimating their corresponding translation, rotation and scale factor parameters. Various aspects of the estimation procedure and its results are highlighted in the paper, including data weighting schemes, the sensitivity of the results with respect to the selected harmonic spectral band, the correlation structure and precision level of the estimated transformation parameters, the effect of the estimated differences of the EGMs’ reference frames on their height anomaly signal, and the overall feasibility of Kleusberg’s formulae for the assessment of TRF inconsistencies among global geopotential models.  相似文献   
对福建东南沿海GPS地壳形变监测网的两期观测资料的处理方法及其精度进行了深入讨论,并根据复测资料的对比,对该地区现今地壳运动的基本特征进行了初步的分析。结果表明两期GPS观测资料经严密处理后其基线重复性精度优于10- 8,高程分量的精度固定误差小于7m m ,比例误差优于10- 8,满足了研究该地区现今地壳运动的基本需要。利用统一处理后的两期GPS观测结果获得了该地区现今地壳运动的基本图象,表明该地区相对于全球ITRF框架整体呈南东东向运动,台湾和福建沿海大陆相对运动是北西向压缩。这个结果和本地区北西向主压应力的构造应力场状态一致。GPS测区范围内测点的相对运动表明测网所跨越的北东、北东东向断裂呈右旋走滑趋势,其活动量为毫米。  相似文献   
The exploitation and utilization of the tour resources of tournament athletics, including skiling, boat sail-ing, archery, ice engraving, snow engraving, has become a new trend of the development of Chinese tourism. Due tothe unique cold climate and superior geographic location, Harbin is a promising city for developing tour resources of tourna-ment athletics. Based on the analysis of the superiority and peculiarity of Harbin, the speculation on development of tour resources of tournament athletics in Harbin is proposed as follows : 1 ) Harbin should develop its special tour resources of tournament athletics associated with needs of market; 2) Harbin should take the advantages of rich resources and devel-op ice and snow entertainment in winter and travel for sight-seeing and spending summer;, 3) the adjustment of the layoutof ice and snow resources should be based on the idea of taking Harbin as the center and all-side opening at the largescale in the way of radiation; 4) tourism should be developed by the combined efforts of various departments to make feasi-ble plan, and the organizers should pay much attention to ensuring the safetv of tourists.  相似文献   
Geological disasters will happen in cold regions because of the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on rocks or soils, so studying the effects of these cycles on the mechanical characteristics and permeability properties of rocks is very important. In this study,red sandstone samples were frozen and thawed with 0,4, 8 and 12 cycles, each cycle including 12 h of freezing and 12 h of thawing. The P-wave velocities of these samples were measured, and the mechanical properties and evolution of the steady-state permeabilities were investigated in a series of uniaxial and triaxial compression tests. Experimental results show that, with the increasing of cyclic freeze-thaw times, the P-wave velocity of the red sandstone decreases. The number of freeze-thaw cycles has a significant influence on the uniaxial compressive strength, elastic modulus, cohesion, and angle of internal friction. The evolution of permeability of the rock samples after cycles of freeze-thaw in a complete stress-strain process under triaxial compression is closely related to the variation of the microstructure in the rock. There is a highly corresponding relationship between volumetric strain and permeability with axial strain in all stages of the stress-strain behaviour.  相似文献   
The thermal condition anomaly of the western Pacific warm pool and its zonal displacement have very important influences on climate change in East Asia and even the whole world. However, the impact of the zonal wind anomaly over the Pacific Ocean on zonal displacement of the warm pool has not yet been analyzed based on long-term record. Therefore, it is important to study the zonal displacement of the warm pool and its response to the zonal wind anomaly over the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Based on the NCDC monthly averaged SST (sea surface temperature) data in 2°×2° grid in the Pacific Ocean from 1950 to 2000, and the NCEP/NCAR global monthly averaged 850 hPa zonal wind data from 1949 to 2000, the relationships between zonal displacements of the western Pacific warm pool and zonal wind anomalies over the tropical Pacific Ocean are analyzed in this paper. The results show that the zonal displacements are closely related to the zonal wind anomalies over the western, central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Composite analysis indicates that during ENSO events, the warm pool displacement was trigged by the zonal wind anomalies over the western equatorial Pacific Ocean in early stage and the process proceeded under the zonal wind anomalies over the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean unless the wind direction changes. Therefore, in addition to the zonal wind anomaly over the western Pacific, the zonal wind anomalies over the central and eastern Pacific Ocean should be considered also in investigation the dynamical mechanisms of the zonal displacement of the warm pool.  相似文献   
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