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Zuo Jiahui Niu Fenglin Liu Lu Da Shuai Zhang Houzhu Yang Jidong Zhang Lele Zhao Yang 《Surveys in Geophysics》2022,43(3):673-701
Surveys in Geophysics - In 2D anisotropic media, non-stationary filters and low-rank approximation methods are classical strategies to compute the decomposition operators, but they suffer from... 相似文献
Zizhen Jin Qiudong Zhao Xiang Qin Jingtian Zhang Hui Zhang Jia Qin Yu Qin Hongyuan Li Jizu Chen Yushuo Liu Yanzhao Li Lihui Wang 《水文研究》2021,35(10):e14392
Quantifying the impact of landscape on hydrological variables is essential for the sustainable development of water resources. Understanding how landscape changes influence hydrological variables will greatly enhance the understanding of hydrological processes. Important vegetation parameters are considered in this study by using remote sensing data and VIC-CAS model to analyse the impact of landscape changes on hydrology in upper reaches of the Shule River Basin (URSLB). The results show there are differences in the runoff generation of landscape both in space and time. With increasing altitude, the runoff yields increased, with approximately 79.9% of the total runoff generated in the high mountains (4200–5900 m), and mainly consumed in the mid-low mountain region. Glacier landscape produced the largest runoff yields (24.9% of the total runoff), followed by low-coverage grassland (LG; 22.5%), alpine cold desert (AL; 19.6%), mid-coverage grassland (MG; 15.6%), bare land (12.5%), high-coverage grassland (HG; 4.5%) and shrubbery (0.4%). The relative capacity of runoff generation by landscapes, from high to low, was the glaciers, AL, LG, HG, MG, shrubbery and bare land. Furthermore, changes in landscapes cause hydrological variables changes, including evapotranspiration, runoff and baseflow. The study revealed that HG, MG, and bare land have a positive impact on evapotranspiration and a negative impact on runoff and baseflow, whereas AL and LG have a positive impact on runoff and baseflow and a negative impact on evapotranspiration. In contrast, glaciers have a positive impact on runoff. After the simulation in four vegetation scenarios, we concluded that the runoff regulation ability of grassland is greater than that of bare land. The grassland landscape is essential since it reduced the flood peak and conserved the soil and water. 相似文献
Xixi Zhao Peter Riisager Ulrike Draeger Zhong Zheng 《Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors》2004,141(2):131-140
We present new Thellier-Thellier palaeointensity results from three cooling units (32 samples) of Inner Mongolia lava flows (91.7 Ma) emplaced during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS). Based on rock-magnetic and microscopy observations the magneto-mineralogy of all samples is determined to be primary and unaltered high-Ti titanomagnetite. Accepted palaeointensity determinations, obtained in the 80-200 °C temperature interval, are of good technical quality with positive standard partial thermoremanent magnetisation (pTRM) checks and pTRM-tail checks. Obtained palaeointensity estimates range from 14.7 to 28.0 μT, with virtual axial dipole moments (VADM) of 2.4 to 4.6 (× 1022 Am2). The data agree well with recently published results from the same region and, combining the two datasets, we obtain independent estimates from six different cooling units yielding a time-averaged VADM of 3.2 ± 1.6 (× 1022 Am2). These data suggest a relatively low dipole moment towards the end of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. 相似文献
An experimental study is conducted on fully grouted reinforced masonry shear walls(RMSWs) made from concrete blocks with a new configuration. Ten RMSWs are tested under reversed cyclic lateral load to investigate the influence of different reinforcements and applied axial stress values on their seismic behavior. The results show that flexural strength increases with the applied axial stress, and shear strength dominated by diagonal cracking increases with both the amount of horizontal reinforcement and applied axial stress. Yield displacement, ductility, and energy dissipation capability can be improved substantially by increasing the amount of horizontal reinforcement. The critical parameters for the walls are derived from the experiment: displacement ductility values corresponding to 15% strength degradation of the walls reach up to 2.6 and 4.5 in the shear and flexure failure modes, respectively; stiffness values of flexure- and shear-dominated walls rapidly degrade to 17% – 19% and 48% – 57% of initial stiffness at 0.50 D max(displacement at peak load). The experiment suggests that RMSWs could be assigned a higher damping ratio(~14%) for collapse prevention design and a lower damping value(~7%) for a fully operational limit state or serviceability limit state. 相似文献
Chen Shun-yun Xu Zhao-yong Yang Run-hai Zhao Jin-ming Hao Jin-qi Wang Yun-yun Xiong Bing-heng Wang Zheng-rong 《地震学报(英文版)》2002,15(6):656-666
Based on the phenomena that the deformation gap was observed before the great Tangshang earthquake, this paper discusses the
strain gap according to test and theory. The (strain) patterns were recorded photographically by realtime holographic interferometry
and shadow optical method of caustics, as soon as the loading process started. In the meantime, the AE (acoustic emission)
signals were recorded by a micro crack information storage-analysis system. According to damage theory and location of micro
fracture, we have studied the stain gap and gained: a) It is necessary that strain gap appears under the condition of linear
elasticity theory, and its situation is relatively stable, corresponding to stress concentration. b) Micro fractures, which
appear initially at area of high stress, occur rarely at the strain gap, and their locations are finally in the zone between
the stress concentration area and the strain gap, which indicate the clusters or groups. However, the major macro fracture
(final rupture) started from the shadow areas, and then grew quickly towards the strain gaps, which resulted in failure of
Foundation item: The Dual Project of China Seismological Bureau (9691309020301), the Specialized Funds for National Key Basic Study (G1998040704),
the project for the MOST under contract (2001BA601B02) and Youth Funds for applied basic study of the Science and Technology
Bureau of Yunnan Province (98D019Q). 相似文献
为探讨摇摆-自复位(Rocking Self-Centering,RSC)桥墩的滞回行为并为其数值建模提供依据,基于OpenSees地震分析平台发展此类结构的多弹簧模型并开展系统性讨论。结合RSC桥墩的构造特点发展多弹簧模型的整体建模思路,着重对比三种弹簧分布(基于Gauss积分和Lobatto积分的分布及均匀分布)模式下RSC桥墩的整体力-位移响应,对弹簧所需设置个数进行优化分析,并讨论了弹簧刚度的校准过程。最后,基于现有研究的5个RSC桥墩试件的试验结果,通过对比滞回曲线,发现所建议的模拟方法可较为准确地模拟RSC桥墩在拟静力荷载下的刚度、强度、滞回行为及残余位移。 相似文献
渤海位于渤海湾盆地的东部,是我国华北地区新构造活动最强烈的地区之一,盆地内的沉积盖层(N-Q)中断裂极为发育。许多研究者从不同角度对渤海新构造进行过研究,但认识不一。笔者基于以往的工作,对该区新构造作了较深入的分析,确定渤海新构造运动起始于中新世晚期(12~10Ma BP)。从三维空间分析盖层断裂,并按其与盆地基底断裂的成因关系,将新构造活动的断裂分为继续活动断裂和新生断裂,并划分出3条主要的新构造活动断裂带:北东(偏北)向营口-潍坊断裂带北段是继续活动构造带,右旋逆平移活动,活动性弱;北西西向北京-蓬莱断裂带亦为继续活动构造带,左旋正平移活动,活动性较强;北东向庙西北-黄河口断裂带为新生构造带,右旋平移活动,活动性强。后两者组成一对以庙西北-黄河口断裂带为主的偏共轭活动构造带,该区域地震活动与之关系密切。最后探讨了渤海地区新构造期北东东-南西西至近东西向水平挤压的构造应力场及其与新构造活动断裂带发育的关系。提出新构造应力场与古近纪盆地裂陷阶段的应力场截然不同,新构造为地壳共轭剪切破裂系统,古近纪盆地构造是发育于地壳上部的伸展构造系统,这是两期不同体制的构造系统。 相似文献