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Characteristics of deformation in the thrust belt and sequence stratigraphic framework in the foreland basin, structural features of the basin margin, and the episodic thrusting are studied in this paper by combining the eastern Qilian thrust belt and the Late Triassic foreland basin on the southwestern margin of Ordos. On this basis, a geological model and a mechanical model of coupling mechanism were established for the pair of thrust belt and foreland basin, and the subsidence and deposition process of the foreland basin were simulated on given parameters.  相似文献   
The Sanzhao depression and Qijia-gulong depression are two of the most important hydrocarbon-bearing sub-depressions in the Songliao basin, dominated by Cretaceous fluvial and lacustrine strata with volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. In this paper, the pressure distributions and hydrochemistry variations in those two depressions are investigated. It is found that the Qijia-gulong depression is dominated by overpressure, but the Sanzhao depression is dominated by underpressure, especially in the Quantou formation. The salinity of formation water ranges from 1.0 g/L to 20 g/L, with a mean of 4 g/L in most formations. Water composition is dominated by NaHCO3 water type but varies greatly in salinity and ionic ratios in the different depressions. The results of mass balance calculation reveal that, fluid chemistry in the Qijia-gulong depression is dominated by dissolution of silicate minerals and halite, whereas in the Sanzhao depression it is dominated by silicate mineral dissolution, evaporite dissolution (halite and gypsum), carbonate mineral dissolution/precipitation, and cation exchange.  相似文献   
以湖南洞庭湖地区为研究区域,探讨了土壤有机质、pH值、P、N对Pb在土壤-作物系统中迁移的影响,研究了Pb、Cd复合污染对水稻Pb、Cd富集的作用。相关分析结果表明:随土壤有机质含量的增加,离子交换态Pb含量减少,但通过转化可以被植物吸收利用的有机质的结合态Pb含量增加,进而增加了水稻对土壤Pb的吸收量;土壤为中性偏碱性时,土壤中Pb的活性和水稻Pb的富集能力均较酸性土壤中有所降低;在土壤中增施氮肥和磷肥可降低土壤中离子交换态Pb的含量,减少水稻对Pb的吸收。因此,土壤有机质、pH值、P、N是影响水稻Pb含量及土壤Pb活性的重要因素。Pb-Cd复合污染研究结果表明:土壤中同时存在Pb、Cd时,Pb元素的存在促进了水稻对Cd元素的吸收,而Cd却抑制了水稻对Pb的吸收。  相似文献   
运用奇异谱分析方法对郑州市1951 2006年的年降水资料进行分析,结果表明:郑州市近56 a来的年降水趋势变化不太显著,主要以波动变化为主,存在9、7、5、3 a的振荡周期,各振荡周期存在年代际变化,不同阶段各周期强弱表现不同。  相似文献   
埃默里冰架前缘水的特性和海流结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用中国第19次南极科学考察普里兹湾内埃默里冰架前缘水域观测的LADCP、 CTD资料,研究并分析了普里兹湾内埃默里冰架前缘水域水的温、盐特性和海流结构。资料显示,在冰架前缘的水域中存在着四种典型的夏季水团;流速分布显示出东进西出的特征。此外在普里兹湾内的上层和中层海洋中还存在着逆时针和顺时针方向的涡旋:逆时针涡旋西侧是普里兹湾向冰架入流的位置所在;入流的源地是普里兹湾东侧的沿岸西向流。这些特征涉及到夏季普里兹湾内的环流形式、冰架底部的消融速率和冰架水的生成规模以及冰架区域与冰架外普里兹湾内的水交换形式。  相似文献   
1 Introduction The soilerosion in Loess Plateau is mostserious on the globe mainly due to the destroying of naturalvegetation and cultivation on slope land overextensive areas(Yang and Yu,1992;Jiang, 1997).To convertsloping cropland (cropped land on slope…  相似文献   
从大尺度环流形势场、西风环流指数、阻塞高压、副热带高压和南亚高压等方面 ,对 2 0 0 1年汛期强降水多发时段的中期天气特征进行了分析 ,结果表明 :①极涡由一个中心分裂为多个中心 ,北半球极涡呈偶极型或多极型 ,其中有一较强中心位于东半球偏于亚洲一侧 ;②亚欧中高纬环流形势为两脊一槽型 ,亚洲中部为一低压槽 ;③连续性强降水发生在西风环流指数由峰值向谷点过度的过程中 ;④鄂霍次克海阻塞高压的建立是造成我省连续性强降水的关键 ;⑤西太平洋副热带高压在短时间内迅速西伸北跳 ,14 0°E副高脊线位置位于 30°N附近并稳定 ;⑥10 0hPa南亚高压脊线北跳至 33°N以北 ,且中心位置自西向东震荡并稳定于 90°E以东地区  相似文献   
Erosion environment in the sediment-rich area on the Loess Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the investigation and analysis of characteristics of precipitation, natural environment, socio-economic factors and soil erosion, this paper indicates that the precipitation is the main driving force for the soil erosion in the sediment-rich area, its variability determines the characteristics of soil and water loss; the natural conditions such as the drainage systems, geological and topographic features, the composition of soil and land surface materials, vegetation and climate determine the seriousness of soil and water loss; irrational socio-economic activities of human beings usually accelerated soil and water loss; meanwhile, the low preservation rate and inferiority of soil and water conservation measures made it impossible to make rapid progress on soil and water loss control. Furthermore, the characteristics of erosion environment endowed this area with more sediment that is the main reason for the flooding disasters by the Yellow River. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on the enhancement of soil and water conservation. The soil loss prediction models will provide scientific basis for the planning of soil and water conservation, the designing of soil and water conservation measures and the valuation of effects of soil and water loss control. According to the analysis of the previous studies on soil loss prediction, and the water-sediment variation features, it is thought that study on soil loss prediction under various rainfall conditions and soil-water conservation measures should be carried out.  相似文献   
近2000年来气候环境变化的冰芯记录研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
文章通过对古里雅冰芯中δ18O、冰川积累量和Ca等指标的研究,恢复了过去近2000a来气候环境的变化。作为温度指标的δ18O反映了过去近2000a来气候在冷暖波动中逐渐变暖的趋势。作为降水指标的冰川积累量反映出降水变化具有和温度变化相似的特征,即降水在增减波动中显示出逐渐增大的趋势。与温度升高和降水增大的趋势相反,冰芯中的Ca含量呈现明显的减少趋势,说明大气中尘埃含量随气候的变暖逐渐减少。这和我们研究中所得出的冷期时大气尘埃增加,暖期时大气尘埃减少的结论是一致的  相似文献   
The Shaerqiaoke Gravel, more than 400 m in thickness, on the north piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains, is located at the exit of the Urümqi River Valley and belongs to the Molasse construction of the Tianshan Mountains. Another uplift event with the tectonic boundary expansion ended the deposition of the Shaerqiaoke Gravel, and resulted in folding, faulting and down-erosion in the frontier of the deposit. The ESR dating indicates that the top of the Shaerqiaoke Gravel accumulated before 1148 kaBP, probably responding to the Kunlun-Huanghe movement of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. After that time, erosion-deposition cycle occurred and 9 terraces developed. The TL and ESR dating techniques were employed to date these terraces, and the results indicate that Terrace 3 was formed at MIS 6. Terrace 2 at Houxia also developed simultaneously. Terraces 5 and 6 were accumulated in 338 kaBP and 562-591 kaBP, respectively. The oldest glaciation, named Gao Wangfeng, correlates to MIS 12.  相似文献   
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