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This study provided a picture of the spatial and temporal distributions of Cr, Co, Ni Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb in bottom sediments of Tolo Harbour. The concentrations of the eight heavy metals differed significantly between sites due to the poor tidal flushing in Tolo Harbour. The levels of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were generally enriched in sediments from inner Tolo Harbour, while sediments from outer Tolo Harbour (Tolo Channel) had higher levels of Cr, Co and Ni. The redox sensitive element arsenic showed no distinct spatial pattern in Tolo Harbour. The decreasing levels of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in sediments with increasing distance from land demonstrated a typical diffusion pattern from land to the direction of sea. Two hot spots of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in sediments were located near Tai Po and Sha Tin new town, indicating that Cu, Zn, Pb and Zn were from land-derived sources. The sites with relatively high levels of Cr, Co and Ni in sediments were located in areas close to waste spoil in sea floor. The natural and anthropogenic inputs from Sha Tin and Tai Po to Tolo Harbour were mostly responsible for Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb enrichment in sediments from inner Tolo Harbour. The waste spoil in sea floor was believed to contribute to the Cr, Co and Ni in outer Tolo Harbour. The results of correlation coefficient between the eight heavy metals showed that Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were strongly positively correlated, and Cr, Co and Ni were also significantly correlated with each other. The best explanation of strong correlation was their similar source. As, however, is not well correlated with the other seven heavy metals. The average concentrations of Cu and Zn displayed general increasing trends from 1978 to 2006 in Tolo Harbour, while the mean levels of Cr and Pb displayed a substantial decrease from 1978 to 1987, then a slight increase after 1987. No distinct temporal trends of the concentrations of Ni and As were observed from 1978 due to the inconsecutive data. On the other hand, the increasing trends of Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were observed since 1996.  相似文献   
秦皎 《岩土工程技术》2014,(1):45-47,55
依托珠江流域某冲填土场地工程实例,介绍了真空预压法的施工参数及应用效果,另对“薄弱部位”泥浆搅拌桩密封墙处地层的强度进行了定量分析,结果表明真空预压法适用于此类场地,加固效果明显,但密封墙位置强度降幅较大,需采取换填等措施二次处理后才能使用,可为其他类似工程提供参考经验.  相似文献   
Phenology is a sensitive and critical feature of vegetation and is a good indicator for climate change studies. The global inventory modelling and mapping studies (GIMMS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) has been the most widely used data source for monitoring of the vegetation dynamics over large geographical areas in the past two decades. With the release of the third version of the NDVI (GIMMS NDVI3g) recently, it is important to compare the NDVI3g data with those of the previous version (NDVIg) to link existing studies with future applications of the NDVI3g in monitoring vegetation phenology. In this study, the three most popular satellite start of vegetation growing season (SOS) extraction methods were used, and the differences between SOSg and SOS3g arising from the methods were explored. The amplitude and the peak values of the NDVI3g are higher than those of the NDVIg curve, which indicated that the SOS derived from the NDVIg (SOSg) was significantly later than that derived from the NDVI3g (SOS3g) based on all the methods, for the whole northern hemisphere. In addition, SOSg and SOS3g both showed an advancing trend during 1982–2006, but that trend was more significant with SOSg than with SOS3g in the results from all three methods. In summary, the difference between SOSg and SOS3g (in the multi-year mean SOS, SOS change slope and the turning point in the time series) varied among the methods and was partly related to latitude. For the multi-year mean SOS, the difference increased with latitude intervals in the low latitudes (0–30°N) and decreased in the mid- and high-latitude intervals. The GIMMS NDVI3g data-sets seemed more sensitive than the GIMMS NDVIg in detecting information about the ground, and the SOS3g data were better correlated both with the in situ observations and the SOS derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer NDVI. For the northern hemisphere, previous satellite measures (SOS derived from GIMMS NDVIg) may have overestimated the advancing trend of the SOS by an average of 0.032 d yr–1.  相似文献   
董晓波  王晓青  付娇  胡海涛  张权  杨洋  吕峰 《气象》2020,46(6):850-856
由于受到高空风场的影响,人工增雨防雹火箭真实的弹道轨迹和射程与理论弹道值具有不一致性。为增强实施增雨防雹作业的科学性、精准性及其作业效果评估准确性,研制了一套人工增雨防雹火箭播撒作业跟踪系统。该系统分为火箭定位系统和数据传输系统两部分,利用卫星定位模块加上数据传输电台模式将火箭飞行轨迹实时传输至地面。并开展了一次人工增雨防雹火箭弹道跟踪实弹发射试验,发射两发人工增雨防雹测试火箭,除初始阶段4~5 s卫星定位失锁而没有数据外,其余时间所有数据均接收完整。结合高空风场数据对人工增雨防雹测试火箭进行风偏修正后的实际弹道更接近于理论弹道,风偏修正意义明显,有利于增雨防雹火箭精准作业。  相似文献   
地震前兆群体空间非均匀性指标Cv值研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王晓青  李志雄 《中国地震》1999,15(3):199-209
本文描述了排除地台站空间分布不均匀、台站观测项目数量不同等非地震成因因素影响后的前兆群体空间非均匀性研究思路及其指标Cv值,确定了Cv值反映的前兆群体空间分布图象的类型及其判定方法。利用Cv值对华北地区1995年以来的水氡短临前兆异常群体空间非均匀性及其与地震的关系进行了分析,结果表明,华北地区1995年1月1日至1998年2月1日发生的5次5级以上中强地震前,前兆群体空间分布出现5次非均匀性增强  相似文献   
史岚  万逸波  张狄  王茜雯  杨娇 《气象科学》2018,38(5):616-624
以2001—2010年中国地面自动站降水资料为基准,对中国大陆范围内CMPA(CMPA_Daily)降水资料进行精度评价研究,并与CMORPH1.0(CPC MORPHing technique gauge-satellite)、TRMM3B43V7(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3B43)降水资料精度进行对比,并进一步结合高程、坡度、坡向、坡向修正因子分析地形因子对数据质量的影响并探讨不同地貌类型下数据的精度。结果显示:CMPA在年、月尺度上均能较好地反映降水的多寡,与站点实测数据具有较高的相关性,误差波动较为平稳,数据质量及稳定性优于CMORPH与TRMM;从时间序列曲线显示CMPA的精度呈现较为明显的季节性差异,均方根误差夏季高于冬季,相关系数、百分比偏差、平均相对误差冬季高于夏季,总体而言CMPA夏季的误差高于冬季,由于夏季降水的基数大而导致了百分比偏差以及平均相对误差较低;分析地形的影响表明,高程、坡度对数据质量的影响大于坡向与坡向修正因子;在复杂地形下,高海拔与高坡度地区CMPA精度均有所降低,但降水资料的精度仍然优于CMORPH与TRMM。  相似文献   
颠簸是航空气上重要预告内容之一,历史上由于颠簸引起的飞行事故及征候占有一定的比例,颠簸预报也是气象预报的难点,颠簸对飞行的影响至关重要,轻则引起航行中的飞机摆动偏航,重则造成飞机解体,近年来随着太原机场卫星广播传真数值预报产品的使用,我们也在逐步尝试使用数值产品分析颠簸,使颠簸的预报有了明显提高。  相似文献   
具体分析了本文Ⅱ的模拟试验结果。结果表明,该试验较清楚地再现了青藏高原地形对西风气流的影响,也显示了不同地形、急流的有无、强度和位置以及初始槽强度和基本气流斜压性的强度对东移槽的影响。这些结果有的清楚地再现了过去熟知的或还不很清楚的地形影响事实,有的可为东移槽的预报提供着眼点。  相似文献   
年最大日雨量极值分布拟合与推算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹文有  郑皎  王继红  程林 《气象科技》2011,39(2):137-140
采用红河州12个站近48~58年的年最大日雨量资料,用PearsonⅢ型分布、耿贝尔分布、对数正态分布等3种概率分布模型分别进行了拟合,选择拟合最好的分布模型来估算最大给定重现期极值.结果表明:3种分布均能较好地拟合年最大日雨量的分布,在红河州12个站的拟合中,有7个站用耿贝尔分布,4个站用Pearson-Ⅲ分布,1个...  相似文献   
为了比较不同长、短波辐射参数化方案对江苏省大雾过程的模拟效果,本文利用WRF模式,通过设计不同长、短波辐射参数化方案,对江苏省2015年5月18—21日和12月20—21日2次典型大雾过程进行了数值模拟,讨论了模式中不同长、短波辐射参数化方案对江苏省大雾过程的模拟影响。采用平均绝对误差(MAR)、均方根误差(RMSE)、皮尔逊相关系数(r)及中国气象局颁布的雾区预报规定,评价得到不同条件的最优模拟方案。结果表明:(1)热力条件与水汽条件,模拟最优方案为长波GFDL方案与短波RRTMG方案组合。(2)动力条件,最优辐射参数化方案组合为CAM方案与FLG方案组合。(3)雾区的模拟,效果最好的方案为长波GFDL方案与短波RRTMG方案的组合。  相似文献   
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