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The 8.0-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 damaged the ecology of northwestern Sichuan, China. This study assessed ecological changes within a few years of the earthquake through satellite observations of vegetation dynamics in the earthquake area. As an ecological indicator, the fractional vegetation cover was extracted using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index based on multi-year Landsat images and was validated using airborne images. We found that the entire mountainous disaster area had recovered by 68.45 % 3 years after the 2008 earthquake. After rapid recovery of vegetation in 2009, the recovery process slowed. The vegetation recovery rate (VRR) in the area heavily damaged by landslides was slightly lower but nearly that of the entire disaster area. In addition, because of differences in the proportions of soil and rock in the damaged areas, recovery of vegetation in the southwest portion of the study area was slower than in the northeast areas. Topographic analysis of vegetation recovery patterns indicated that damage to vegetation was closely related to slope, while recovery of vegetation was more sensitive to elevation. The landscape analysis showed that the recovery rate (65.21 %) of the excellent vegetation cover type was slower than the overall VRR. This study suggests that vegetation recovery is a slow ecological process and that ecological restoration should be implemented in mountainous regions affected by the earthquake.  相似文献   
柯鲁克湖水化学特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
柯鲁克湖目前是柴达木盆地内唯一的淡水湖。2012年10月采集了柯鲁克湖不同方向的表层湖水,分析了其总溶解固体(TDS)、pH、硬度及化学成分,与入湖河流性质进行对比,探讨了湖水的物质来源及影响因素。柯鲁克湖湖水整体呈弱碱性,属于硬度较高的淡水,湖水类型为Cl-·SO42--Na+·Ca2+型或以O.A.阿列金分类为Cl NaⅢ型水。pH值的整体变化较小,TDS及硬度在东西采样方向上变化显著。因降雨量小,湖水成分主要来源于地表河流及地下水输入的岩石风化产物。巴音河为主要入湖河流,河水性质不同于柯鲁克湖,属于HCO3--Ca2+型,造成两者差异的原因在于湖水发生强烈的蒸发-浓缩,湖水中的Ca2+和HCO3-以碳酸盐矿物的形式析出。  相似文献   
三峡库区大型的赵树岭滑坡区滑坡灾害极为发育。三峡工程蓄水后,水位上升导致原先许多非饱水的松散岩土体处于饱水状态,严重破坏了其稳定性。文章针对该滑坡区内广泛分布的松散岩土的基本类型和特点,设计了4种不同的浸泡环境,进行水-松散岩土相互作用的室内控制试验,通过监测阴离子浸出特征来揭示其化学变化规律。试验结果表明:在不同的pH值、不同的搅拌速度、不同的流速、以及同时改变pH值和搅拌速度的试验环境中,水岩化学作用所浸出的阴离子特征各异。研究结果可以为松散岩土-水化学作用机理研究提供资料,也对赵树岭滑坡体的工程治理具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
宋霁  焦养泉  李锦华 《地球科学》2015,40(5):851-862
为了全面了解测老庙坳陷早白垩世叠锥构造的沉积特征,并探讨其成因及形成环境等问题,运用野外露头实测、光薄片观察、X射线衍射分析、阴极发光照相、扫描电镜照相等方法,发现叠锥构造发育于钙质结核外侧,覆盖所有方向,呈放射状,直圆锥锥顶指向结核中心;叠锥矿物成分主要为纤维状低镁方解石,纤维状方解石呈锥形套叠,具波状消光;阴极发光显微镜下呈均一的棕红色,不具微量元素分异和析出的成岩色带;叠锥结核的发育规模明显受制于原生沉积环境.结果表明叠锥结核的发育具有明显的阶段性;其发育的原生沉积环境应为水深在5~30 m、水体能量较高的滨浅湖沉积环境.推测叠锥构造的形成可能是同沉积期生物沉积作用和胶结作用,以及后期上覆岩层静压力共同作用的结果.   相似文献   
金荣花  田伟红  矫梅燕 《气象》2007,33(12):9-15
为开发中国新一代业务集合预报系统的聚类产品,系统地介绍了集合预报技术先进国家的集合预报聚类分析方法,并采用Ward聚类法开发了中国集合预报系统的聚类产品。针对重大天气过程初步分析了中国集合预报系统的聚类产品的业务预报能力。结果表明,Ward聚类法以凝练预报信息和给出发生概率的形式,有效地划分出最有可能出现的环流形势类型,为预报员提供了有价值的预报参考信息,也为科学合理地使用集合预报产品提供方便。  相似文献   
测量不确定度作为当今矿石主要的评定方式,其评定是表征并赋予测量结果的分散性,为最终的测量结果附带参数,以此来客观衡量测量量的分散性。根据数值的特点分为两个度量,符合统计规律的数值,称为A类不确定度;不符合统计规律的数值称为B类不确定度。将不确定度的评定方法运用到铜精粉中铜含量的测定中,最终得出样品铜精粉中19.94%~20.34%的铜含量,同时对铜精粉中铜的测量实验及实验结果不确定度的评定进行了系统的研究,并将整个实验及结果不确定度的计算过程简述,这样不仅达到了测量的目的,还能对不确定度进一步认识,也给冶炼工业的发展提供了可参考的研究方法。  相似文献   
在结构风工程中, 风湍流统计参数计算的正确与否直接影响到风荷载的计算精度。在实际风参数计算与分析中, 多选用风速较大的样本资料, 但过分强调大风可能产生不合理的计算结果。利用超声风速仪瞬时风速观测资料, 分别划分成相对强风和持续强风样本, 计算并比较其湍流统计特性参数, 发现湍流统计参数特性值 (湍流度、阵风因子、摩擦速度等) 与风速大小并不能很好匹配, 有时风速不大但其湍流特性值却很大, 反之也然。研究表明:选取的湍流风资料样本或统计方法不同, 都会影响风特性参数的计算结果, 进而影响到风荷载计算的精度。这一结果对于提高结构风工程中风参数计算与设计的科学性和合理性具有现实意义。  相似文献   
Chemical oxygen demand(COD)is widely used as an organic pollution indicator in wastewater treatment plants.Large amounts of organic matter are removed during treatment processes to meet environmental standards,and consequently,substantial greenhouse gases(GHGs)such as methane(CH4)are released.However,the COD indicator covers a great amount of refractory organic matter that is not a pollutant and could be a potential carbon sink.Here,we collected and analysed COD data from 86 worldwide municipal wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs)and applied a model published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to estimate the emission of CH4 due to recalcitrant organic compound processing in China’s municipal wastewater treatment systems.Our results showed that the average contribution of refractory COD to total COD removal was55%in 86 WWTPs.The amount of CH4 released from the treatment of recalcitrant organic matter in 2018 could have been as high as 38.22 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent,which amounts to the annual carbon sequestered by China’s wetlands.This suggests that the use of COD as an indicator for organic pollution is undue and needs to be revised to reduce the emission of GHG.In fact,leaving nontoxic recalcitrant organic matter in the wastewater may create a significant carbon sink and will save energy during the treatment process,aiming at carbon neutrality in the wastewater treatment industry.  相似文献   
Science China Earth Sciences - This paper briefly introduces the conception and research history of the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) in the early Paleoproterozoic and summarizes the primary...  相似文献   
通过对沙漠-黄土过渡带杨桥畔全新世地层中20种微量元素的地球化学特征分析,结合年代学资料,探讨了该地区13.0ka B.P.以来的气候环境变化过程。研究表明,微量元素地层分布规律明显,化学成分具有很高地一致性,Cr、Cs、Co、Cu、Mn与I可作为衡量东亚夏季风强度的古气候替代性指标。根据主要微量元素演替所揭示的古气候变化特征,将该地区气候变化可划分为5个阶段:13.0~11.7ka B.P.气候干燥寒冷;11.7~10.0ka B.P.气候略温偏干;10.0~6.4ka B.P.气候温暖湿润;6.4~1.60ka B.P.偏冷干气候恶化期;1.6ka B.P.以来气候继续朝冷干方向发展,并且冷暖干湿交替频繁。通过与黄土、石笋等记录变化对比,发现杨桥畔地区全新世气候演化过程与全球气候环境的变化基本一致。  相似文献   
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