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在分析滑坡体工程地质条件和滑带土特征的基础上,分析影响因子对滑坡稳定性的敏感性.采用不平衡推力法和简布法,模拟多种外部条件,分析滑坡稳定性表明,滑坡整体处于稳定状态,局部可能失稳,对大坝安全运行不造成巨大危害. 相似文献
本文研究了南洞庭湖杨树清理1 a、2 a后的迹地(简称1 a和2 a)和未清理杨树洲滩(ck)涨水前后土壤种子库特征变化及其与地上植被的关系.结果显示:杨树清理迹地土壤种子库共萌发物种23科59属65种,涨水前后土壤种子库密度和种类均表现出1 a > 2 a > ck的趋势,且随着土层加深而递减.退水后ck、1 a、2 a不同土层物种数量和密度较涨水前均有所减少,其中一或二年生物种较涨水前有所减少,多年生物种占比增加;湿生物种与中生物种数目较涨水前均有所减少,而2 a土壤种子库中生物种比例较涨水前有所增加.涨水前后土壤种子库Shannon-Wiener和Simpson指数变化较小,退水后Margalef指数较涨水前有所下降.退水后地上植被物种Shannon-Wiener和Simpson指数高于涨水前地上植被,而Margalef指数有所下降.涨水前Sørensen相似性系数表现为1 a > 2 a > ck的趋势,退水后表现为2 a > 1 a > ck的趋势,涨水前后不同恢复年份土壤种子库和地上植被优势物种所占比例有所差异.研究表明,南洞庭湖杨树清理迹地退水后土壤种子库密度和种类显著下降,随着恢复年份和水淹频次的增加,一或二年生物种迅速减少,多年生物种比例增加,地上植被物种均匀性有所增加,可见水文因子是影响南洞庭湖杨树清理迹地种子库恢复能力的重要因素. 相似文献
鄂尔多斯盆地碳酸盐岩是当前的油气勘探热点.当前对鄂尔多斯盆地不同构造区的潜在碳酸盐岩储层及圈闭仍认识不清,阻碍了勘探目标优选.本文通过构造-沉积分异特征分析,揭示了鄂尔多斯盆地早古生代碳酸盐岩台地的构造-沉积分异演化过程及其后期构造改造分异特征.结果表明,受中央古隆起和陆表海环境的控制,盆地南缘以发育镶边礁滩相储层为特征,西缘以发育层状弱镶边礁滩储层为特征,内克拉通则以局限的台地潮坪白云岩储层为特征;三个不同构造-沉积分异区的碳酸盐岩建造都具备成藏条件,但遭受的构造形变具有显著差异,可分为西缘压性构造区、南缘张性构造区和内克拉通稳定构造区;西缘陆内前陆盆地的破碎褶皱带的有利圈闭包括逆掩断层遮挡圈闭和向斜中的次级背斜圈闭;南缘受渭北地堑影响形成的张性构造带发育基底潜山相关圈闭;内克拉通的伊陕斜坡带为一长期保持构造稳定的弱改造的大型单斜构造,以发育岩性圈闭型为特征,岩性圈闭的沉积相分布主要受陆表海旋转潮汐流的约束. 相似文献
海雾是一种发生在海面的灾害性天气现象,掌握海雾的分布与生消变化,能有效地减少海雾带来的危害。卫星遥感观测具有近实时、大范围覆盖、连续观测等特点,特别是高时间分辨率的静止卫星观测系统,能够对海雾的发生−发展−消亡过程进行动态跟踪观测。本文以2018‒2019年黄、渤海发生的海雾事件为样例,利用日本静止气象卫星Himawari-8(H-8)红外辐射数据,分析海雾的多通道红外亮温辐射特性,通过不同波段差和波段比组合,定义海雾和晴空水体分离指数、海雾和一般云系分离指数、多通道亮温差斜率指数以及中红外亮温纹理指数,提出基于多指数概率分布的夜间海雾监测算法;算法分别应用于H-8和韩国静止气象卫星GEO-KOMPSAT2A(GK-2A)数据,对2020年2‒6月发生的6次海雾事件多时次卫星观测识别出的海雾位置分布和覆盖面积进行对比实现互验证,结果表明,本文提出的夜间海雾监测算法能有效地实现夜间海雾的识别;选择2020年4月29日夜间H-8和GK-2A 每10 min一次连续观测数据的监测结果,对海雾的发生区域进行跟踪分析,清晰地展现出此次海雾事件的发生、发展演变过程,说明算法能清楚地监测出各时段海雾的分布,跟踪海雾的发展变化,可为海上大雾的防灾减灾提供科学依据和决策基础。 相似文献
近年来对扇三角洲相带及沉积模式的研究有力地支撑了油气勘探大发现,因而扇三角洲类型细化研究受到越来越多的重视。依据23口井岩心资料、大量录测井资料、古地貌和地震等资料,分析了准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷上乌尔禾组河控型扇三角洲沉积特征和控制因素。结果表明: (1)玛湖凹陷上乌尔禾组发育3大类、8亚类、23细类岩相类型,牵引流成因的岩相比例高,砾石间多为砂质充填或是半充填;(2)可分为辫状河道、碎屑流带、水下分流河道、河口坝等10个微相,以辫状河道与水下分流河道微相为主;(3)河控型扇三角洲平面形态多呈长轴扇形,玛湖凹陷上乌尔禾组发育中拐、克拉玛依、白碱滩、达巴松4个长轴形扇体;(4)河控型扇三角洲的沉积受潮湿气候和古地貌因素控制。在此基础上,建立了上乌尔禾组河控型扇三角洲沉积纵向相带序列模式和沉积模式,可为扇三角洲具体类型的判别以及类似盆地的油气勘探提供地质依据。 相似文献
XiaoLin Lu WanChang Zhang ShuHang Wang Bo Zhang QuanFu Niu JinPing Liu Hao Chen HuiRan Gao 《寒旱区科学》2020,12(6):418-429
MODIS snow products MOD10A1MYD10A1 provided us a unique chance to investigate snow cover as well as its spatial-temporal variability in response to global changes from regional and global perspectives. By means of MODIS snow products MOD10A1MYD10A1 derived from an extensive area of the Amur River Basin, mainly located in the Northeast part of China, some part in far east area of the former USSR and a minor part in Republic of Mongolia, the reproduced snow datasets after removal of cloud effects covering the whole watershed of the Amur River Basin were generated by using 6 different cloud-effect-removing algorithms. The accuracy of the reproduced snow products was evaluated with the time series of snow depth data observed from 2002 to 2010 within the Chinese part of the basin, and the results suggested that the accuracies for the reproduced monthly mean snow depth datasets derived from 6 different cloud-effect-removing algorithms varied from 82% to 96%, the snow classification accuracies (the harmonic mean of Recall and Precision) was higher than 80%, close to the accuracy of the original snow product under clear sky conditions when snow cover was stably accumulated. By using the reproduced snow product dataset with the best validated cloud-effect-removing algorithm newly proposed, spatial-temporal variability of snow coverage fraction (SCF), the date when snow cover started to accumulate (SCS) as well as the date when being melted off (SCM) in the Amur River Basin from 2002 to 2016 were investigated. The results indicated that the SCF characterized the significant spatial heterogeneity tended to be higher towards East and North but lower toward West and South over the Amur River Basin. The inter-annual variations of SCF showed an insignificant increase in general with slight fluctuations in majority part of the basin. Both SCS and SCM tended to be slightly linear varied and the inter-annual differences were obvious. In addition, a clear decreasing trend in snow cover is observed in the region. Trend analysis (at 10% significance level) showed that 71% of areas between 2,000 and 2,380 m a.s.l. experienced a reduction in duration and coverage of annual snow cover. Moreover, a severe snow cover reduction during recent years with sharp fluctuations was investigated. Overall spatial-temporal variability of Both SCS and SCM tended to coincide with that of SCF over the basin in general. 相似文献
地震波CT成果具有图像直观可靠、信息量丰富及适用性强等优点。实践成果表明,地震波CT技术在工程地质勘查、建筑物无损检测、大坝安全检测以及防渗墙质量检测等方面都有良好的探测效果。SIRT算法是地震波CT理论较为成熟的算法。本文提出一种基于Eikonal解的思想,费马原理,惠更斯原理及弯曲波前假设的有限元分析的FDM算法的Matlab计算机程序。该算法程序克服了SIRT算法的缺点,可以成功地处理任意变化的速度、高速对比、尖锐的边界和任意的测量布局。给出几个数值模拟实例进行实践,将两者结合在一起,前后对比,得出结论,并指导工程实践应用。 相似文献
Most ecological and environmental issues faced by human society can only be solved at the ecosystem, watershed,regional and even global scale. Thus, ecological research is developing rapidly towards macro-scale studies. With the rapid development of observational networks and information technology, the spaceborne-aircraft-ground based observation system is becoming an important feature of ecosystem monitoring in the new era. With the gradual formation of the global new-generation observational systems and the rapid expansion of massive multi-source heterogeneous data, ecology has entered the era of big data, big science, and big theory. How to integrate ecological big data, discover valuable ecological laws and mechanisms, and further expand them to solve eco-environmental issues that closely relate to human development are the major opportunities and challenges in this field. In this paper, we systematically summarized the research progresses in ecological big data, reviewed the opportunity and demand of integrative ecology, and further discussed the main approaches of ecological big data integration by using meta-analysis, data mining, and data-model fusion. Finally, we proposed the prospects and research directions of integrative ecology and suggested that future researches need to integrate big data into land models so as to improve the accuracy of ecological forecasting. It can be foreseen that under the background of global change and the rapid development of big data in the future, integrative ecology will be extensively applied and developed to serve the sustainable development of human society. 相似文献
Updating the block configuration on the basis of additive decomposition and its linearized expression of the displacement increment leads to the low calculation accuracy of the original discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) and false volume expansion. In this study, the displacement expressions of a small deformation, a large rotation, and the corresponding velocity and acceleration terms on the basis of the initial configuration are presented using multiplicative decomposition. With the use of the principle of virtual work, the stiffness matrix, mass matrix, and force vector of blocks are obtained. Compared with the original DDA, each of the block deformation parameters has obvious physical meaning as a parameter of mechanics, which can be obtained by adding the incremental deformation components of each time step directly without co-ordinate transformation. Moreover, the proposed modification automatically considers the block deformation produced by centrifugal and Coriolis forces. The analysis of some typical numerical examples have verified the accuracy of the strain and stress calculated by the proposed method, and the current configuration is updated by the total displacements, which completely overcomes the false volume expansion and provides reasonable linear strains. 相似文献