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根据对云南腾冲青海湖泊沉积钻孔样品的粒度特征、总有机碳、碳酸盐、磁化率及年代学分析测试, 探讨了各指标的变化特点及其环境指示意义, 指出了云南高原湖泊沉积物化指标的特殊性及其变化特点。在此基础上, 重建了云南腾冲地区末次冰消期(15830a B.P.)以来沉积环境与气候干湿变化历史。通过青海沉积物年代序列的重建和综合各物化参数分析得出, 云南腾冲地区自15830a B.P.以来总体呈现冷湿-温湿-暖干-温和偏干的气候演变过程, 并可分为4个阶段, 即15830~12790a B.P.气候温凉偏湿; 12790~4680a B.P.为温暖湿润期, 湖泊水位高, 气候湿暖, 降水多; 4680~312a B.P.气候特征呈现出从温湿到暖干气候逐渐演化, 降水减少, 湖泊水位下降; 312a B.P.以来气候特征为前期温和湿润, 后期具有暖干化特征, 反映了近几十年来全球气候变暖导致的气候变化趋势并叠加了研究区人类活动对区域环境的影响。  相似文献   
为了探讨中国西南地区二叠系乐平统(上二叠统)龙潭组中下部煤系不同煤组分中砷、硒的含量和演化及古环境意义,对近10年来采集于中国西南扬子地台的二叠系乐平统龙潭组主采煤层的原煤、亮煤、煤矸石、黄铁矿结核等样品中砷、硒元素含量进行了测定和分析,并与中国华北地台一些煤矿的上石炭统-下二叠统太原组、山西组的原煤、镜煤、亮煤、煤矸石、黄铁矿结核等样品中砷、硒含量进行对比分析。结果表明:西南地区乐平统龙潭组煤的砷、硒含量变化较大,但总体高于华北晚石炭世和早二叠世煤的砷、硒含量;西南二叠系乐平统龙潭组大多数的亮煤中砷、硒含量高于原煤全煤样(刻槽样)中的砷、硒含量,也远远高于同煤层煤矸石的含量,龙潭组部分亮煤的砷含量尤其高,为55~338 mg/kg,还发现砷含量为89 mg/kg的亮煤。但华北上石炭统-下二叠统的镜煤中的砷、硒含量与之相反,低于原煤全煤样的砷、硒含量,其中砷含量非常低,为063~129 mg/kg。说明西南地区上二叠统煤中的砷和硒与煤的有机质密切相关,可能主要来源于成煤古植物。在西南乐平世早、中期第Ⅰ幕陆生生物集群灭绝事件期间,陆生动物的食物--植物中有毒有害元素砷、硒含量明显增加,陆生环境或泥炭沼泽中可溶性砷、硒含量增加。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地东部中二叠统平地泉组(相当于芦草沟组)发育一套陆内裂谷背景下的湖泊相砂岩、泥岩、灰岩、白云岩、凝灰岩互层以及它们的过渡岩石,是区内最主要的烃源岩和储集层。近年来,在帐北断褶带、石树沟凹陷和吉木萨尔凹陷中二叠统平地泉组暗色泥岩、泥晶白云岩中发现了一类特殊的沉积岩,该类岩石发育类似火山岩的斑状结构。“斑晶”主要为粗晶白云石、方解石、黄铁矿及方沸石等,在岩心标本上呈“树枝状”或“雪花状”散布于基质中;基质则主要由泥晶白云石或泥质沉积物构成,富含有机质,发育水平层理及小型变形层理等。岩石学和矿物学分析表明,“斑晶”往往为粗晶方解石或白云石的集合体,也常见黄铁矿、方沸石与碳酸盐矿物共生,“斑晶”方解石发育环带,而白云石未见明显环带。电子探针分析表明“斑晶”方解石具有低镁、低铁及锶分布不均匀的特点,而“斑晶”白云石(FeO含量介于7.272%~11.086%之间)与“基质”泥晶白云石(FeO含量为1.027%)相比具有明显富铁的特点。流体包裹体分析表明“斑晶”方解石均一温度平均为180.68,℃,“斑晶”白云石均一温度平均为320.95,℃。这种特殊 “斑状”白云岩和“斑状”泥质岩很可能是湖底热液喷流作用的结果。当湖水沿深大断裂下渗至地下深处,与围岩发生物质交换并被加热后再沿断裂返回地表喷涌而出,热液流体携带的离子达到过饱和后就会析出方解石、白云石及黄铁矿等集合体,随热液的喷涌作用上升并破碎散落于湖底细粒沉积物内。“斑状”白云岩的发现对新疆北部中二叠统热水喷流沉积作用及该区油气的成因研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
牛方曲  杨欣雨  孙东琪 《热带地理》2020,40(6):1109-1116
文章关注于产业、人口与资源环境要素的作用关系,建构了资源环境承载力综合评价框架,并以海南省为案例区开展应用研究。该框架首先对区域产业重要性进行评价并分级,为产业结构调整提供依据;其次解析了区域产业、人口资源消耗与污染排放强度,最后,基于产业评价结果设定不同的产业结构调整情景,结合产业和人口的资源消耗与污染排放强度评价不同产业结构下的资源环境承载力,即产业和人口的规模上限。结果表明:2016年海南省的经济规模并未超载,产业有进一步发展空间。其中土地资源成为海南省发展的首要限制因素,其次是水环境;海南经济效益较高的支柱产业和基础性产业多为高耗水、高污染的产业,亟需加强水资源的集约利用,并降低污染排放强度。为提升经济发展规模上限,需要培育低能耗、低排放的产业。文章建构的资源环境承载力评价方法将产业、人口与资源环境相联系,其评价结果政策意义更为明确,可为优化产业结构调整、控制产业及人口发展规模提供决策参考。  相似文献   
青藏高原冬季平均温度、湿度气候特征的REOF分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
通过对青藏高原123个测站, 1961~1998年冬季 (12月至翌年2月) 平均温度、相对湿度资料做气候特征分析, 得到32°~33°N附近地区可能是高原南北温湿变化的分水岭, 以北主要受干冷空气影响, 以南主要受暖湿空气影响。用方差极大正交旋转EOF (即REOF) 方法对以上资料进行分析, 可以将青藏高原温度、相对湿度进行分型、分区, 并对各区的温度、相对湿度特征进行分析。结果表明, 近40年来, 各区的温度总趋势是在波动中逐步升高的。增温时段主要出现在1978~1981年及1983年至今。1983年开始的增温, 是近40年来最强的一次, 增温幅度大且持续时间长, 但从90年代开始增温幅度及范围出现波动。从温度线性倾向来看, 东部高原增温幅度从南到北存在“大—小—大”的现象。高原大部分地区湿度变化总趋势是在波动中逐步增湿的, 但高原北界以变干为主。从80年代后期至今高原进入显著增湿阶段, 但从90年代中后期开始增湿幅度及范围出现波动。从湿度线性倾向来看东部高原增湿幅度从南到北存在逐步减小现象, 甚至祁连山地区出现变干现象。  相似文献   
利用阿勒泰地区3个采样点的西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)树轮样本,建立了区域树轮宽度标准化年表。单相关普查发现,阿勒泰地区区域树轮宽度标准化年表与该区域5个气象站上年7月至当年6月降水量相关显著(R=0.714,P<0.00001)。用区域树轮宽度标准化年表可较好地重建该区域上年7月至当年6月的降水量,解释方差达51.0%,验证表明降水重建序列是可信的。重建序列经历了4个偏湿期和4个偏干期。存在2.2~2.5 a的显著周期(P<0.05)及146、2.8、2.1、2.0 a的较显著周期。在1889年发生从少到多的突变。空间相关分析表明重建结果对阿勒泰地区降水具有较好的代表性。重建结果与阿尔泰山、天山中部地区、吉尔吉斯斯坦东部天山北坡的降水变化趋势和干湿阶段具有较好的一致性,与PDSI变化趋势也有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
We continuously monitor the long-term seismic velocity variation of one of the major ruptured faults of the devastating 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in China from July 2009 to January 2012,jointly using accurately controlled routinely operated signal system active source and seismic noise-based monitoring technique.Our measurements show that the temporal velocity change is not homogeneous and highly localized in the damaged fault zone and the adjacent areas.Velocity variations from the active and passive methods are quite consistent,which both are characterized by ±0.2 % seasonal variation,with peak and trough at winter and summer,respectively.The periodic velocity variation within fault zone exhibits remarkably positive correlation with barometric pressure with stress sensitivity in the order of 10-6Pa-1,suggesting that the plausible mechanism might be the crack density variation of the shallow subsurface medium of the damaged fault zone in response to the cyclic barometric pressure loading.  相似文献   
This paper presents the analyses of regional climate change features and the local urbanization effects on different weather variables over Southeast China. The weather variables considered are: daily mean (Tm), minimum (Tmin), and maximum (Tmax) near surface air temperature, diurnal temperature range (DTR), relative humidity (RH), and precipitation (P). With analysis of two datasets (a station dataset for the period from 1960 to 2005 that is mainly used and a grid dataset for the period 1960–2000), this study reveals that the trends in the variations of these weather variables can be separated into two periods, before and after 1984. Before 1984, there were no significant urbanization effects, and Tmin, RH, and P steadily increased but Tmax decreased, resulting in a considerable decrease in DTR and a slight decrease in Tm. After 1984, Tmin and Tmax increased considerably, and the urbanization influence on Tmin, but not Tmax, is observable. The urbanization effect causes an extra increasing trend in Tmin with a rate of about 0.6°C/decade and, accordingly, extra decreasing trends in DTR and RH. The analysis of the seasonal trends reveals that the urbanization influence results in a near-uniform increase of Tmin for all four seasons and a strong decrease of RH in summer and autumn. Moreover, there is no significant change in P at the annual scale and an increasing rate of 11.8%/decade in summer. With the urbanization influence, a considerable increase in P is noticeable at the annual scale; specifically, the increasing rates of 18.6%/decade in summer and 13.5%/decade in autumn are observed.  相似文献   
新型城镇化的人地耦合异速增长分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新型城镇化背景下的城市人口规模与用地面积变化具有复杂性,研究两种要素城镇化水平的相对增长关系,有助于探索人地耦合发展的协同态势及变化动因。本文选取广州市2000—2015年的Landsat时序影像与2000、2010和2015年的人口普查与年鉴数据,在街道(乡镇)尺度上计算人口土地城镇化耦合指数识别4种耦合类型,并在此基础上提出年均增长率异速关系拟合方法。研究结果表明:① 2000—2015年广州市街道(乡镇)人口和土地城镇化呈现明显的圈层结构(核心、内、外圈层)特征,4种人地耦合类型的异速增长分别呈现正异速、负异速、负幂律3种形式,证明人地耦合分类的异速增长建模方法有助于分析人地城镇化的动态演化过程;② 基于人地耦合指数的异速标度分析表明,核心圈层—内圈层—外圈层结构上分别形成了高度集约—集约—相对粗放式扩张的发展格局,结合城市更新改造的空间分析,说明这一特色新型城镇化模式在广州具有一定成效,已初步形成了核心圈层与内圈层协同发展的态势,但需要注意防控外圈层的粗放型增长。研究结果可为新型城镇化理论内涵的认知探索和广州市案例的实证研究提供支持。  相似文献   
Niu  Jiaohong  Sun  Chengjun  Yang  Bo  Xie  Lei  Jiang  Fenghua  Cao  Wei  Chen  Yan  Ding  Haibing  Huang  Yuhuan  Gao  Xianchi 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2023,41(1):118-137

The composition and concentration of dissolved free amino acid (DFAA) of seawater samples collected in May 2016 from the surface to the hadal zone of the northern region of the Yap Trench were analyzed by pre-column derivatization of o-phthalaldehyde. Results show that the average concentration of DFAA in the study area was 0.47±0.36 µmol/L. In different sampling stations, the concentrations of DFAA with water depth showed complex variation patterns. At the sediment-seawater interface, the concentrations of DFAA in the western side of the trench were obviously higher than that in its eastern side. In the study area, there were no significant correlations between the concentrations of DFAA and the environmental parameters such as concentrations of chlorophyll a (Chl a), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), indicating that the concentrations of DFAA in seawater of the trench are affected by many factors, such as photosynthesis, respiration, temperature, pressure, illumination, and circulation. The dominant DFAA are similar in different water layers of sampling stations, including aspartic acid (Asp), glutamic acid (Glu), glycine (Gly), and serine (Ser). The composition of different amino acids, and the relative abundance of acidic, basic, and neutral amino acids might be related to the sources and consumption of various amino acids. Nine pairs of amino acids in the DFAA showed significantly positive relationship by correlation matrix analysis, suggesting that they might share similar biogeochemical processes. The degradation index (DI) of the DFAA in seawater of the Yap Trench could reflect the degradation, source, and freshness of DFAA in the trench to some extents. This is a preliminary study of amino acids from sea surface to hadal zone in the ocean, more works shall be done in different trenches to reveal their biogeochemical characteristics in extreme marine environments.

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