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关于控制水体中重金属含量的因素,六十年代以来文献陆续有所报导.在海水体系中粘土矿物对重金属的固定作用的研究,较早期的有Chester(1965)的伊利石吸附海水中钴和锌的研究.近五年来又见有Rermers[1]、Murray[2]、Meyers[3]、O'conner[4]、Weijden[5]以及Robin[6]等进一步分别探讨了粘土矿物对重金属吸附作用的影响因素、吸附能力及吸附动力学等问题,其中有的还提出了吸附作用的模式.  相似文献   
三峡工程对长江口区无脊椎动物资源影响的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江大量径流给其河口及邻近海域带来丰富的营养物质,维持了长江河口生态系统的巨大生产力,并使之成为多种重要经济鱼虾类的索饵和产卵场。长江口生态环境的变化,对我国最大、最重要的浙江舟山渔场和江苏吕四渔场的渔业资源有举足轻重的影响。三峡工程的兴建将使长江入海径流量及其季节分配有很大改变,也不可避免地影响到河口和近海的海洋环境、经济动物的组成及资源状况。为研究长江口无脊椎动物资源结构及其分布特征,以及预测三峡工程对自然生态环境的影响,于1985年9月至1986年8月进行了无脊椎动物资源底拖网试捕调查。本文系统整理调查所得资料,结合历史资料进行分析研究。  相似文献   
西太平洋暖池区气象学特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据TOGA-COARE强化观测资料及卫星资料分析讨论了西太平洋暖池区11-2月间海面气象要素的平均特征。分析发现海面气压平均日变化似乎同中纬度区明显不同。文中还分析讨论了在西太暖池区西风爆发、赤道浅涡、信风逆温及ITCE和南太平洋辐合带SPCZ的变化特征。  相似文献   
AstudyonbenthiccommunitystructureinwestoftheTaiwanStraitandneartheTaiwanShoals¥WuQiquan;JiangJinxiang;XuHuizhou;CaiErxiandLin...  相似文献   
有效地排除钻渣是钻井液的主要功能之一。本文结合实验及相关工程情况,从力学角度对水平孔中钻渣的运移机理及相关影响因素进行分析,采用牛顿力学定律对钻渣在钻井液中的运移速度进行了解析建模。  相似文献   
目前山区地震测量施工主要的困难体现在山区放样难、内业数据处理复杂、测量成果无法进行异常检查等方面,其严重影响后续资料处理和解释质量。针对以上难点,利用AUTOCAD为平台,开发了一套物探测量数据处理系统。该系统具有展点、点内插、绘制测线剖面图、管理测点信息、打印成果报表等功能,实现了地震勘探测量数据的快速处理及有效检核.提高了野外测量放样的施工效率和数据的准确度。另外其图层管理及系统辅助功能,还可为地震勘探施工设计提供参考。  相似文献   
The fact that magnetically structured regions exist in the solar atmosphere has been known for a number of years. It has been suggested that different kinds of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves can be efficiently damped in these regions and that the dissipated wave energy may be responsible for the observed enhancement in radiative losses. From a theoretical point of view, an important task would be to investigate the propagation and dissipation of MHD waves in these highly structured regions of the solar atmosphere. In this paper, we study the behavior of MHD body and surface waves in a medium with either a single or double (slab) magnetic interface by use of a nonlinear, two-dimensional, time-dependent, ideal MHD numerical model constructed on the basis of a Lagrangean grid and semi-implicit scheme. The processes of wave confinement and wave energy leakage are discussed in detail. It is shown that the obtained results depend strongly on the type of perturbations imposed on the interface or slab and on the plasma parameter, . The relevance of the obtained results to the heating problem of the upper parts of the solar atmosphere is also discussed.  相似文献   
本文在系统分析静海台井下地震记录图的基础上,发现并解决了具有一定实际和理论意义的两个问题:其一是证明了最初误认为是干扰的“双脉冲”图形实际上均是微地震。从而指出研究静海周围地区的地震活动性应考虑微震活动问题。其二确认静海周围地区微震波形的4个主要震相是P、PP、S和SS,并对地面反射波PP和SS能够观测到的条件作了初步分析,其结果进一步说明井下地震记录较之地面记录更为“逼真”,复杂和丰富。  相似文献   
We investigate, via a two-dimensional (nonplanar) MHD simulation, a situation wherein a bipolar magnetic field embedded in a stratified solar atmosphere (i.e., arch-filament-like structure) undergoes symmetrical shear motion at the footpoints. It was found that the vertical plasma flow velocities grow exponentially leading to a new type of global MHD-instability that could be characterized as a Dynamic Shearing Instability, with a growth rate of about 8{ovV} A a, where {ovV} A is the average Alfvén speed and a –1 is the characteristic length scale. The growth rate grows almost linearly until it reaches the same order of magnitude as the Alfvén speed. Then a nonlinear MHD instability occurs beyond this point. This simulation indicates the following physical consequences: the central loops are pinched by opposing Lorentz forces, and the outer closed loops stretch upward with the vertically-rising mass flow. This instability may apply to arch filament eruptions (AFE) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).To illustrate the nonlinear dynamical shearing instability, a numerical example is given for three different values of the plasma beta that span several orders of magnitude. The numerical results were analyzed using a linearized asymptotic approach in which an analytical approximate solution for velocity growth is presented. Finally, this theoretical model is applied to describe the arch filament eruption as well as CMEs.  相似文献   
The Menilite Shales (Oligocene) of the Polish Carpathians are the source of low-sulfur oils in the thrust belt and some high-sulfur oils in the Carpathian Foredeep. These oil occurrences indicate that the high-sulfur oils in the Foredeep were generated and expelled before major thrusting and the low-sulfur oils in the thrust belt were generated and expelled during or after major thrusting. Two distinct organic facies have been observed in the Menilite Shales. One organic facies has a high clastic sediment input and contains Type-II kerogen. The other organic facies has a lower clastic sediment input and contains Type-IIS kerogen. Representative samples of both organic facies were used to determine kinetic parameters for immiscible oil generation by isothermal hydrous pyrolysis and S2 generation by non-isothermal open-system pyrolysis. The derived kinetic parameters showed that timing of S2 generation was not as different between the Type-IIS and -II kerogen based on open-system pyrolysis as compared with immiscible oil generation based on hydrous pyrolysis. Applying these kinetic parameters to a burial history in the Skole unit showed that some expelled oil would have been generated from the organic facies with Type-IIS kerogen before major thrusting with the hydrous-pyrolysis kinetic parameters but not with the open-system pyrolysis kinetic parameters. The inability of open-system pyrolysis to determine earlier petroleum generation from Type-IIS kerogen is attributed to the large polar-rich bitumen component in S2 generation, rapid loss of sulfur free-radical initiators in the open system, and diminished radical selectivity and rate constant differences at higher temperatures. Hydrous-pyrolysis kinetic parameters are determined in the presence of water at lower temperatures in a closed system, which allows differentiation of bitumen and oil generation, interaction of free-radical initiators, greater radical selectivity, and more distinguishable rate constants as would occur during natural maturation. Kinetic parameters derived from hydrous pyrolysis show good correlations with one another (compensation effect) and kerogen organic-sulfur contents. These correlations allow for indirect determination of hydrous-pyrolysis kinetic parameters on the basis of the organic-sulfur mole fraction of an immature Type-II or -IIS kerogen.  相似文献   
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