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近46年辽宁省降水集中程度研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
利用辽宁省25个台站1960—2005年逐候的降水资料,运用降水集中度和集中期分别讨论了辽宁省降水时空分布特征和变化规律,同时对多水年和少水年的集中度进行了比较。结果表明降水集中度和集中期能够定量地表征降水量在时空场上的非均一性,降水集中度平均为0.655,最大为0.749,最小为0.509;集中期平均为40.953候,最大值为45.221候,最小值为37.697候。年降水集中度和汛期降水集中度均呈减小趋势,汛期降水集中度减小的趋势明显。降水集中度的EOF分析显示取前3个特征值对应的特征向量可解释70%以上的方差。第一特征向量表现为全省一致性,而第二特征向量表征为东南与西北地区的反相,第三特征向量表征为东部山区与西部和沿海地区的反相。多水年的降水集中度明显比少水年的偏大且多水年的降水集中度分布较少水年复杂。  相似文献   
Dai  Aiguo  Huang  Danqing  Rose  Brian E. J.  Zhu  Jian  Tian  Xiangjun 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(11):4515-4543
Climate Dynamics - Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) refers to the total global warming caused by an instantaneous doubling of atmospheric CO2 from the pre-industrial level in a climate system....  相似文献   
综述了亚洲中部干旱气候若干研究进展,并对亚洲中纬度干旱区形成机理进行了深入分析。依据大尺度气候分类法将全球陆地划分为季风、地中海及西风带气候区,分别对应于年内季节循环中多雨—高温的同位相、反位相及不相关等类型水—热配置特征。亚洲中部干旱区南北部分属地中海和西风带气候区,其不同水—热位相配置又对应于不同的水汽通量及其散度等特征。研究揭示了欧亚大陆中部干旱区形成于降水不足且季节性水—热配置不当,起因于大气环流平均槽脊季节变化引起的大气动力—热力配置,其根源是海陆热力差异及大地形对大气环流强迫的结果。本文还讨论了季风区与非季风区之间平均气流水汽散度的季节性互动,以及行星尺度上不同气候区之间平均气流与瞬变涡动水汽散度之间的配置等问题。  相似文献   
There has been a rapid growth of reactive nitrogen (Nr) deposition over the world in the past decades. The Pearl River Delta region is one of the areas with high loading of nitrogen deposition. But there are still large uncertainties in the study of dry deposition because of its complex processes of physical chemistry and vegetation physiology. At present, the forest canopy parameterization scheme used in WRF-Chem model is a single-layer “big leaf” model, and the simulation of radiation transmission and energy balance in forest canopy is not detailed and accurate. Noah-MP land surface model (Noah-MP) is based on the Noah land surface model (Noah LSM) and has multiple parametric options to simulate the energy, momentum, and material interactions of the vegetation-soil-atmosphere system. Therefore, to investigate the improvement of the simulation results of WRF-Chem on the nitrogen deposition in forest area after coupled with Noah-MP model and to reduce the influence of meteorological simulation biases on the dry deposition velocity simulation, a dry deposition single-point model coupled by Noah- MP and the WRF-Chem dry deposition module (WDDM) was used to simulate the deposition velocity (Vd). The model was driven by the micro-meteorological observation of the Dinghushan Forest Ecosystem Location Station. And a series of numerical experiments were carried out to identify the key processes influencing the calculation of dry deposition velocity, and the effects of various surface physical and plant physiological processes on dry deposition were discussed. The model captured the observed Vd well, but still underestimated the Vd. The self-defect of Wesely scheme applied by WDDM, and the inaccuracy of built-in parameters in WDDM and input data for Noah-MP (e.g. LAI) were the key factors that cause the underestimation of Vd. Therefore, future work is needed to improve model mechanisms and parameterization.  相似文献   
He  Di  Wang  Jing  Pan  Zhihua  Dai  Tong  Wang  Enli  Zhang  Jianping 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2017,130(1-2):477-486
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Wheat production in Southwest China (SWC) plays a vital role in guaranteeing local grain security, but it is threatened by increasingly frequent seasonal...  相似文献   
气候条件和流行性脑脊髓膜炎的流行期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试以流行性脑脊髓膜炎(以下简称流脑)为例,对江苏省苏州市(不含各县)和新沂市的气象和流脑疫情数据,用有序聚类的方法进行分期,进而分析气候环境和流脑疫情变化的关系。    相似文献   
利用郑州市1951—2007年日平均气温资料,按照国家采暖规范从气候角度上确定了符合郑州特点的采暖初终日,较规定的初、终日(11月15日至次年3月15日)有明显推迟和提前的趋势,并分析了采暖期长度及采暖期的气候变化特征,结果表明:进7.90年代特别是21世纪初采暖期明显缩短,平均较80年代缩短了14d左右。在此基础上研究了近57a来采暖期气候条件的变化,并通过构建采暖强度、采暖指数指标,讨论这种变化对能源消耗和环境保护的影响,从科学角度提出节能的可能性。  相似文献   
毛嘉富  王斌  戴永久 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1379-1391
对动态全球植被模型M-SDGVM (Modified Sheffield Dynamic Global Vegetation Model), 在1996~1998年15个欧洲森林通量站碳通量和水汽通量的季节和年际变化进行模拟和评估研究, 总的来说, 模型能够合理再现各个站点春、 夏季节碳的吸收, 秋、 冬季节碳的释放, 以及水汽释放的季节变化趋势, 其中, 对水汽通量的模拟更为理想。对模型的上述适应性评估研究表明, 改进后的M-SDGVM有能力研究不同气候条件下欧洲森林生态系统碳、 水循环过程及其响应机制, 但是, 模型对部分站点的模拟仍存在不确定性, 通过对这些偏差及其可能的产生机理进行分析, 有助于模型的进一步发展和应用研究。  相似文献   
彭亮  姚展予  戴进  濮江平  汪晓滨  廖菲 《气象》2007,33(5):3-11
云降水的宏微观物理特征的观测和研究,有助于建立典型的云降水多尺度结构模型,为确定科学的人工增雨催化方案提供重要依据。借助于雷达、卫星等多种遥感探测手段,结合飞机的云中观测,对2004年3月31日河南云降水观测外场试验区(31.5-35°N,111-114°E)的一次云降水过程实施了综合探测,综合分析了此次云降水过程的宏微观物理特征。此次云降水系统属于比较典型的低槽、冷锋活动所造成的一次小至中雨过程。根据GOES卫星云图和天气图可以看出,沿锋面云系的后部,有一槽线,它对试验区的降水起主要作用,地面冷锋位于云带的前沿。雷达PPI回波显示为一条窄而长的回波带,宽度较窄,强度不大;RHI显示回波高度不高,回波云顶高度平均在5-6km左右,除存在一些20-30dBz的回波团外,回波强度比较均匀,回波中存在明显的0℃层亮带。这次降水为锋上高积云(Ac)和其下部液水较为丰沛的层积云(Sc)结合而成,在Ac云的4340m(-4.8℃)和3670m(0℃)液态水含量出现高值,分别为0.072g/m^3和0.086g/m^3,在Sc云中的0℃附近液态水含量出现高值。降水形成前,云中粒子谱型主要为单峰型,粒子直径大部分在5-10μm之间变化,大粒子浓度很低,不到0.1个/cm^3,且呈不连续分布,随着云中微物理过程的发展和降水的形成,粒子谱型逐渐转为双峰或多峰型,粒子浓度明显增高,粒子直径逐渐增大。  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel approach for assessing the precision of the wet refractivity field using BDS (BeiDou navigation satellite system) simulations only,GPS,and BDS+GPS for the Shenzhen and Hongkong GNSS network.The simulations are carried out by adding artificial noise to a real observation dataset.Instead of using the δ and σ parameters computed from slant wet delay,as in previous studies,we employ the Bias and RMS parameters,computed from the tomography results of total voxels,in order to obtain a more direct and comprehensive evaluation of the precision of the refractivity field determination.The results show that:(1) the precision of tropospheric wet refractivity estimated using BDS alone (only 9 satellites used) is basically comparable to that of GPS; (2) BDS+GPS (as of current operation) may not be able to significantly improve the data's spatial density for the application of refractivity tomography; and (3) any slight increase in the precision of refractivity tomography,particularly in the lower atmosphere,bears great significance for any applications dependent on the Chinese operational meteorological service.  相似文献   
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