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On July 12, 2008, two convective cells about 155 km apart produced a brief period of intense rainfall triggering large debris flows in the southern Sierra Nevada. The northernmost cell was centered over Oak Creek Canyon, an east-flowing drainage, and its tributaries near Independence, CA, USA. About 5:00 p.m., debris flows passed down the South Fork and North Fork of Oak Creek to merge into a large single feature whose passage affected the historic Mt. Whitney Fish hatchery and blocked California State Highway 395. At about the same time, the southernmost cell was largely centered over Erskine Creek, a main tributary of the west-flowing Kern River. Debris flows issued from several branches to coalesce into a large debris flow that passed along Erskine Creek, through the town of Lake Isabella, CA, USA and into the Kern River. It was observed reaching Lake Isabella about 6:30 p.m. Both debris flows caused significant disruption and damage to local communities.  相似文献   
麻扎塔格地区地层、地貌及构造变形特征的研究,对于认识塔里木盆地新生代构造演化过程、塔里木—西昆仑的盆山耦合关系、新构造运动对塔里木油气资源分布的影响以及塔克拉玛干沙漠的气候、环境变化都具有重要意义。本文通过卫星照片解译、野外变形观察、剖面实测、地球物理资料解释等手段,对该地区晚新生代的构造特征进行了研究,确定了麻扎塔格构造带为典型的逆冲—褶皱带,并探讨了麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带的构造指向、活动时限、隆升速率及缩短速率、东西方向的延伸等问题,取得如下认识:1)麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带为西昆仑山前陆褶皱冲断带的前缘部位,和田河气田就是处在逆冲前锋背斜顶部,晚新生代变形作用已明显地改造了塔里木盆地南部及中部的古生代和中生代构造,并促成了和田河气田的形成;2)麻扎塔格山在中新世末(约7 Ma)和中更新世(约780 ka B.P.)经历了两次构造隆升,后一次形成了麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带和麻扎塔格山现今的地貌特征;3)估算出麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带中更新世以来的隆升速率约为0.26~0.4 mm/a,缩短速率约为0.9 mm/a;4)认为麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带向西应与同属西昆仑山前褶皱—冲断带前缘的喀什背斜相连,东端的突然消失可能是由于东段和田河附近存在北东—南西向的走滑断层造成。  相似文献   
Adsorption studies with sediment from the Bay of Quinte (Lake Ontario) indicate that the adsorption isotherm for sulfate concentration greater than 20 mg/l can be described by a Langmuir-type equation. The accompanying changes in δ34S of the solutions range from +0.9 to +6.0‰ indicating enrichment of32S in the sediments. The corresponding isotopic fractionation between the adsorbed sulfate and the sulfate remaining in solution ranges from ?10 to ?24‰, the larger fractionations being associated with low sulfate concentrations. The adsorbed sulfate is shown to significantly afftect the isotopic composition of the sediment in contact with the sulfate-bearing solution. The desorption of adsorbed sulfate is considered a possible mechanism for enriching natural freshwaters with32S.  相似文献   
Lahar-Triggering Mechanisms and Hazard at Ruapehu Volcano,New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lecointre  Jerome  Hodgson  Katy  Neall  Vincent  Cronin  Shane 《Natural Hazards》2004,31(1):85-109
Late Holocene volcanic activity at Ruapehu has been characterizedby the generation of small (<105 m3) to very large (>107 m3) lahars and repeated,small to medium (VEI 1-3) tephra-producing eruptions. The Onetapu Formation groupsall lahar deposits that accumulated during the last 2,000 years on the southeastern Ruapehu ring plain. The andesitic tephras are grouped within the Tufa Trig Formation and are intercalated within the laharic sequence. By correlating these two formations with new radiocarbon ages obtained on interbedded paleosols, we reconstruct a detailed volcanic history of Ruapehu for this period.Clast assemblages identified in the laharic sequences record thelithologies of synchronous tephras and rocks within the source region. These assemblages suggest a strong genetic link between the development of Crater Lake, the variation in eruptivestyles, and the production of lahars.Lahar-triggering mechanisms include: (1) flank collapse ofhydrothermally altered and unstable portions of the cone; (2) phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions favoring the generation of snow-rich slurries and hyperconcentrated stream flows; (3) suddenCrater Lake rim collapse, releasing large amounts of water inducing debris flows; and (4) eruptions that generate large volumes of tephra on snow-covered slopes, later remobilized by heavy rain.Two major lahars in the Onetapu sequence had a volume 4 × 107 m3, roughly 1 to 2 orders of magnitude larger than the 1953event leading to the Tangiwai disaster (151 casualties). One of these lahars crossed over a lowinterfluve currently separating the Whangaehu River from a stream feeding the Tongariro River,sometime since peat accumulated between AD 1400 and AD 1660. A repetition of such a large-scaleevent would have devastating consequences on the infrastructure, economy and environment withinthe distal areas of the two catchments. The 1995–1996 eruptions were a timely reminder ofthe hazards posed by the volcano.  相似文献   
Historically, large volumes of fresh water from the Everglades reached Florida Bay in the form of overland sheet flow. South Florida's extensive canal system has diverted fresh water from its historic course, resulting in shorter hydroperiods and higher salinities than would have occurred in an unaltered system. The mixing zone between the freshwater Everglades and euryhaline Florida Bay is primarily characterized as a dwarf red mangrove forest. The small, demersal fishes found in this habitat are an important food source for a variety of predators and are excellent bioindicators for both short-term and long-term perturbations in the system. I examine the effect of fluctuating water level, salinity, and temperature on this fish community in order to better understand the impact water diversion has had on the ecotone. Fish were collected at four sites within the ecotone over a t-yr period using a 9-m2 drop trap. Principal components analysis was used to generate 10 composite variables (PCs) from a temporal array of 59 physicochemical variables. These composite variables were used in regression analyses to evaluate spatial and temporal changes in the fish community. Regression analysis indicated fish density was significantly related to short-term and long-term changes in water level and with long-term temperature variation (r2=0.50). An ANOVA of density between sites supports the regression results, indicating that sites with longer hydroperiod had higher density than sites with shorter hydroperiod. The impact of changes in density on biomass was reflected by regression analysis, which indicated that increased water level and decreased variability in depth were correlated with higher biomass (r2=0.61). Biomass was also influenced by changes in the salinity regime, presumably through increases in individual fish body size or through a shift in the community toward heavier-bodied fish species. An ANOVA of biomass between sites indicates sites with longer freshwater periods had higher biomass than sites with shorer freshwater periods. The first two axes of a detrended correspondence analysis on community biomass explained 59.2% of the variance in the community and supported the hypothesis that salinity was a primary determinant of community structure. These results indicate historic changes in water deliver could have altered the mangrove fish community, thereby lowering prey availability for higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
The reef fauna connectivity of the West Indian Ocean (WIO) is one of the least studied globally. Here we use genetic analyses of the grouper Epinephelus merra (Bloch 1793) to determine patterns of connectivity and to identify barriers to dispersal in this WIO marine area. Phylogeographic and population‐level analyses were conducted on cytochrome b sequences and microsatellites (13 loci) from 557 individuals sampled in 15 localities distributed across the West Indian Ocean. Additional samples from the Pacific Ocean were used to benchmark the WIO population structure. The high level of divergence revealed between Indian and Pacific localities (of about 4.5% in sequences) might be the signature of the major tectonic and climatic changes operating at the Plio‐Pleistocene transition, congruently with numerous examples of Indo‐Pacific speciation. In comparison, the E. merra sequences from the Indian Ocean constitute a monophyletic clade with a low average genetic distance (d < 0.5%). However both genetic markers indicated some structure within this ocean. The main structure revealed was the isolation of the Maldives from the WIO localities (a different group signature identified by clustering analysis, great values of differentiation). Both marker types reveal further significant structure within the WIO, mainly the isolation of the Mascarene Islands (significant AMOVA and isolation‐by‐distance patterns) and some patchy structure between the northernmost localities and within the Mozambique Channel. The WIO genetic structure of E. merra appeared congruent with main biogeographic boundaries and oceanographic currents.  相似文献   
The conversion of secondary lead orthophosphate [PbHPO4] into chloropyromorphite [Pb5(PO4)3Cl] in ca. 10?1 M NaCl solutions has been investigated at 25°C. From the composition of the supernatant solutions, the solubility product constant for Pb5(PO4)3Cl has been calculated to be 10?84.4±0.1, corresponding to ΔG?° of ?906.2 kcal mol?1. The solution equilibria and phase relationships in the system PbCl2-PbO-P2O8-H2O are discussed along with the geological implications.  相似文献   
The Malvern howardite contains glass, probably formed by impact on the surface of a parent body. This achondrite also contains a large xenolith, a breccia in breccia. A mineralogical and chemical study of the stone has been carried out by means of electron microprobe and neutron activation analysis.Individual mineral and bulk compositions show the eucritic character of the xenolith. Most of the stone results from mechanical mixing of possibly related rocks, with glass derived by total or partial melting. Foreign components seem to be present as well.  相似文献   
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