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Control over water supply and distribution is critical for agriculture in drylands where manipulating surface runoff often serves the dual purpose of erosion control. However, little is known of the geomorphic impacts and legacy effects of rangeland water manipulation infrastructure, especially if not maintained. This study investigated the geomorphic impacts of structures such as earthen berms, water control gates, and stock tanks, in a semiarid rangeland in the southwestern USA that is responding to both regional channel incision that was initiated over a century ago, and a more recent land use change that involved cattle removal and abandonment of structures. The functional condition of remnant structures was inventoried, mapped, and assessed using aerial imagery and lidar data. Headcut initiation, scour, and channel incision associated with compromised lateral channel berms, concrete water control structures, floodplain water spreader berms, and stock tanks were identified as threats to floodplains and associated habitat. Almost half of 27 identified lateral channel berms (48%) have been breached and 15% have experienced lateral scour; 18% of 218 shorter water spreader berms have been breached and 17% have experienced lateral scour. A relatively small number of 117 stock tanks (6%) are identified as structurally compromised based on analysis of aerial imagery, although many currently do not provide consistent water supplies. In some cases, the onset of localized disturbance is recent enough that opportunities for mitigation can be identified to alter the potentially damaging erosion trajectories that are ultimately driven by regional geomorphic instability. Understanding the effects of prior land use and remnant structures on channel and floodplain morphologic condition is critical because both current land management and future land use options are constrained by inherited land use legacy effects. Published 2017. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA 相似文献
Subglacial water flow drives the excavation of a variety of bedrock channels including tunnel valleys and inner gorges. Subglacial floods of various magnitudes – events occurring once per year or less frequently with discharges larger than a few hundred cubic metres per second – are often invoked to explain the erosive power of subglacial water flow. In this study we examine whether subglacial floods are necessary to carve bedrock channels, or if more frequent melt season events (e.g. daily production of meltwater) can explain the formation of substantial bedrock channels over a glacial cycle. We use a one‐dimensional numerical model of bedrock erosion by subglacial meltwater, where water flows through interacting distributed and channelized drainage systems. The shear stresses produced drive bedrock erosion by bed‐ and suspended‐load abrasion. We show that seasonal meltwater discharge can incise an incipient bedrock channel a few tens of centimetres deep and several metres wide, assuming abrasion is the only mechanism of erosion, a particle size of D=256 mm and a prescribed sediment supply per unit width. Using the same sediment characteristics, flood flows yield wider but significantly shallower bedrock channels than seasonal meltwater flows. Furthermore, the smaller the shear stresses produced by a flood, the deeper the bedrock channel. Shear stresses produced by seasonal meltwater are sufficient to readily transport boulders as bedload. Larger flows produce greater shear stresses and the sediment is carried in suspension, which produces fewer contacts with the bed and less erosion. We demonstrate that seasonal meltwater discharge can excavate bedrock volumes commensurate with channels several tens of metres to a few hundred metres wide and several tens of metres deep over several thousand years. Such simulated channels are commensurate with published observations of tunnel valleys and inner gorges. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Pamela A. Morgan Michele Dionne Richard MacKenzie Jeremy Miller 《Estuaries and Coasts》2015,38(4):1274-1287
Fringing marshes are important but often overlooked components of estuarine systems. Due to their relatively small size and large edge to area ratio, they are particularly vulnerable to impacts from adjacent upland development. Because current shoreland zoning policies aim to limit activities in upland buffer zones directly next to coastal habitats, we tested for relationships between the extent of development in a 100-m buffer adjacent to fringing salt marshes and the structure of marsh plants, benthic invertebrates, and nekton communities. We also wanted to determine useful metrics for monitoring fringing marshes that are exposed to shoreline development. We sampled 18 fringing salt marshes in two estuaries along the coast of southern Maine. The percent of shoreline developed in 100-m buffers around each site ranged from 0 to 91 %. Several variables correlated with the percent of shoreline developed, including one plant diversity metric (Evenness), two nekton metrics (Fundulus heteroclitus %biomass and Carcinus maenas %biomass), and several benthic invertebrate metrics (nematode and insect/dipteran larvae densities in the high marsh zone) (p?<?0.05). Carcinus maenas, a recent invader to the area, comprised 30–97 % of the nekton biomass collected at the 18 sites and was inversely correlated with Fundulus %biomass. None of these biotic metrics correlated with the other abiotic marsh attributes we measured, including porewater salinity, marsh site width, and distance of the site to the mouth of the river. In all, between 25 and 48 % of the variance in the individual metrics we identified was accounted for by the extent of development in the 100-m buffer zone. Results from this study add to our understanding of fringing salt marshes and the impacts of shoreline development to these habitats and point to metrics that may be useful in monitoring these impacts. 相似文献
Bacteria and dissolved humic substances are capable of binding significant concentrations of metals in natural environments. Recent advances in understanding bacteria-metal and humic-metal complexation have provided a framework for directly comparing the binding capacities of these components. In this study, we use chemical equilibrium modeling to construct an internally consistent set of thermodynamic equilibrium constants for proton and Cd binding onto dissolved humic substances, using a variety of published data sets. Our modeling approach allows for the direct comparison of humic substance binding constants and site densities to those previously published for proton and Cd binding onto natural consortia of bacteria. We then combine these constants into a unified model that accounts for the competition between bacterial surfaces and humic and fulvic acids in order to determine the relative importance of each component on the total Cd budget. The combined model is used to examine the relative contributions of bacteria and dissolved humic substances to Cd complexation in natural settings. Calculations are performed for three representative systems: (1) one with a maximum realistic concentration of bacteria and a minimum realistic concentration of humic substance, (2) one with a maximum realistic concentration of humic substance and a minimum concentration of bacteria, and (3) one with an intermediate concentration of both components.Our modeling results indicate that dissolved humic substances have 2 orders of magnitude more available binding sites than bacterial surfaces (per gram). Humic substances also have a greater affinity than bacterial surfaces for binding Cd over circumneutral pH ranges. The combined model results demonstrate that, depending upon their relative concentrations, both Cd-humic and Cd-bacteria complexes are capable of dominating Cd-speciation in specific natural environments. This modeling approach is useful in that it can easily be extended to include other metals and binding ligands; however, thermodynamic data must be gathered on additional components to facilitate the modeling of more realistic systems. 相似文献
Miocene igneous rocks in the 1,600 km-long E–W Gangdese belt of southern Tibet form two groups separated at longitude ~89° E. The eastern group is characterized by mainly intermediate–felsic calc-alkaline plutons with relatively high Sr/Y ratios (23 to 342), low (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.705 to 0.708), and high εNdi values (+5.5 to ?6.1). In contrast, the western group is characterized by mainly potassic to ultrapotassic volcanic rocks with relatively high Th and K2O contents, low Sr/Y ratios (11 to 163), high (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.707 to 0.740), and low εNdi values (?4.1 to ?17.5). The eastern plutonic group is associated with several large porphyry Cu–Mo ± Au deposits, whereas the western group is largely barren. We propose that the sharp longitudinal distinction between magmatism and metallogenic potential in the Miocene Gangdese belt reflects the breakoff of the Greater India slab and the extent of underthrusting by the Indian continental lithosphere at that time. Magmas to the east of ~89° E were derived by partial melting of subduction-modified Tibetan lithosphere (mostly lower crust) triggered by heating of hot asthenospheric melt following slab breakoff. These magmas remobilized metals and volatile residual in the crustal roots from prior arc magmatism and generated porphyry Cu–Mo ± Au deposits upon emplacement in the upper crust. In contrast, magmas to the west of ~89° E were formed by smaller volume partial melting of Tibetan lithospheric mantle metasomatized by fluids and melts released from the underthrust Indian plate. They are less hydrous and oxidized and did not have the capacity to transport significant amounts of metals into the upper crust. 相似文献
Jeremy C. Stalker Rene M. Price Victor H. Rivera-Monroy Jorge Herrera-Silveira Sara Morales Jorge A. Benitez David Alonzo-Parra 《Estuaries and Coasts》2014,37(6):1376-1387
Oxygen isotopes and strontium concentrations were used as geochemical tracers to discern the sources of water to Celestún Lagoon, a small subtropical estuary on the western side of the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. Celestún Lagoon is underlain by karstified limestone with numerous locations where groundwater is observed discharging directly to the lagoon. In this study, samples of groundwater, lagoon surface water, and seawater (SW) were collected in April 2008 and June 2009 and analyzed for salinity, stable isotopes of oxygen, and strontium (Sr2+) concentrations. These geochemical tracers were used in two tertiary mixing models to calculate the relative ratio inputs of fresh groundwater, brackish groundwater, and SW to the lagoon. Two sources of groundwater were found to contribute to the surface water in the lagoon; one fresh and the other brackish with an average salinity of 19 psu. The fresh groundwater had an oxygen isotopic signature (δ18O) and strontium concentration (Sr2+) of δ18O?=?-3.30‰ and Sr2+?=?0.03 mmol/l, respectively. The brackish groundwater observed in the northern end of the lagoon add a dissimilar oxygen isotopic signature and Sr2+ concentration of δ18O?=?3.01‰ and Sr2+?=?0.12 mmol/l, respectively. Local SW had an isotopic oxygen signature and Sr2+ concentration between the two fresher sources (δ18O?=?1.40‰, Sr2+?=?0.09 mmol/l). The lagoonwide results of the two tracer mixing models (δ18O and Sr2+) agreed well (within 5 %) and indicated a ratio of brackish groundwater–fresh groundwater– SW of 31 %–26 %–43 % (±5 %) for the Sr2+ model and 35 %–25 %–40 % (± 5 %) for the δ18O model. Brackish groundwater is dominant in the northern portion of the lagoon, while SW dominates the southern portion. Fresh groundwater discharge is a significant contributor of water along the entire eastern boundary of the lagoon where mangrove forests are the dominant vegetation. 相似文献
Larry Buckley Jeremy Collie Lisa A. E. Kaplan Joseph Crivello 《Estuaries and Coasts》2008,31(4):745-754
The genetic population structure of winter flounder larvae was examined in Narragansett Bay, RI. Winter flounder larvae collected
from 20 stations within Narragansett Bay and one station outside of the Bay were analyzed for six microsatellite loci. When
analyzed by geographic collection sites, there were 16 distinct genetic populations of winter flounder larvae (R
ST values from 0.1 to 0.6). The presence of distinct genetic populations was supported by assignment of individual larvae to
populations by Bayesian analysis. Bayesian analysis resulted in 14 distinct genetic populations that overlapped with the geographically
distributed populations (R
ST values from 0.1 to 0.6). Young-of-the-year juveniles collected in the same year as the larvae were also analyzed at the same
six microsatellite loci. Juveniles were assigned to larvae populations by both a Bayesian approach and a neural network approach.
Juveniles collected from within Narragansett Bay were found to arise from geographically adjacent Narragansett Bay winter
flounder larval populations (>99%), suggesting no widespread movement of juveniles away from spawning grounds. These results
are discussed in the context of winter flounder population biology in Narragansett Bay, RI. 相似文献
Jeremy J. Davis Martín E. Avendaño Daniele Mortari 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》2013,116(4):339-356
Flower Constellations (FCs) have been extensively studied for use in optimal constellation design. The Harmonic FCs (HFCs) subset, representing the symmetric configurations, have recently been reformulated into 2-D Lattice Flower Constellations (2D-LFCs), encompassing the complete set of HFCs. Elliptic orbits are generally avoided due to the deleterious effects of Earth’s oblateness on the constellation, but here we present a novel concept for avoiding this problem and enabling more effective global coverage utilizing elliptic orbits. This new 3D Lattice Flower Constellations (3D-LFCs) framework generalizes the 2D-LFCs, Walker constellations, elliptical Walker constellations, and many of Draim’s global coverage constellations. Previous studies have shown FCs can provide improved performance in global navigation over existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). We found a 3D-LFC design that improved the average positioning accuracy by 3.5 % while reducing launch $\varDelta v$ Δ v requirements when compared to the existing Galileo GNSS constellation. 相似文献
Jeremy S. Heyl & Lars Hernquist 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,300(2):599-615
Recent ROSAT measurements show that the X-ray emission from isolated neutron stars is modulated at the stellar rotation period. To interpret these measurements, one needs precise calculations of the heat transfer through the thin insulating envelopes of neutron stars. We present nearly analytic models of the thermal structure of the envelopes of ultramagnetized neutron stars. Specifically, we examine the limit in which only the ground Landau level is filled. We use the models to estimate the amplitude of modulation expected from non-uniformities in the surface temperatures of strongly magnetized neutron stars. In addition, we estimate cooling rates for stars with fields B ∼ 1015 − 1016 G, which are relevant to models that invoke 'magnetars' to account for soft γ-ray emission from some repeating sources. 相似文献
Elhanan Almoznino Noah Brosch Ido Finkelman Hagai Netzer Erez R. Yacoby Jeremy Topaz Nachman Saar 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2009,320(4):321-341
We describe in detail the procedures used for the ground testing and calibration of the flight model of the TAUVEX space telescope.
We present the measurements done for this purpose, the various assumptions adopted during the ground calibration process,
the results obtained, and provide a first approximation to the real performance of the experiment.
The results of the ground-based calibration are that the system complies with the predicted performance in all aspects except
for the total throughput, which is a factor of ∼5 smaller than expected. However, the instrument sensitivity measurement is
highly uncertain due to known limitations of the available equipment and a more accurate calibration will be performed in
orbit. 相似文献