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In 2009, New Zealand's new National-led government abandoned the Carbon Neutral Public Service (CNPS) programme, a Labour-led government initiative intended to help Government achieve carbon neutrality within its core agencies. This short analysis article provides an overview and brief assessment of the CNPS initiative by drawing on the relevant scholarly literature and public documents relating to New Zealand's climate change agenda. It is argued that although the CNPS programme faced a range of challenges it was successful in some respects. Although the Labour-led government was keen to act on climate change mitigation, New Zealand no longer intends to take a lead on carbon neutrality under the National-led government.  相似文献   
Simulations of the Arctic sea ice cover over the last 32 years generated by the HadGEM1 coupled climate model are able to capture the observed long term decline in mean September ice extent. HadGEM1 is also capable of producing an episode of low September ice extent of similar magnitude to the anomalously low extent observed in 2007. Using a heat budget analysis, together with diagnostics partitioning the changes in ice and snow mass into thermodynamic and dynamic components, we analyse the factors driving the long term decline in the ice mass and extent as well as those causing the modelled low ice event. The long term decline in the mass of ice and snow in HadGEM1 is largely due to extra melting during the summer, partly at the top surface of the ice, and partly via extra heating from the ocean as it warms due to the ice retreat. The episode of low summer ice extent is largely driven by the synoptic conditions over the summer moving the ice across and out of the Arctic basin, and also due to pre-conditioning of the snow and ice which is thinner than usual in the Eastern Arctic at the start of the melt season. This case study demonstrates that although HadGEM1 does not capture the persistent dipole pressure anomaly observed during the summer of 2007, it represents broadly similar mechanisms of generating a low ice extent.  相似文献   
The effects of ionizing radiation on simple solution systems have been studied by computer simulations of radiolysis in salt brine and dilute groundwater. The codes assume a closed homogeneous solution system in which reactants and products cannot enter or leave the system and species cannot diffuse towards or away from the source of radiation. Radiolysis of simple dilute groundwaters appears to be rather insensitive to the expected range of pH, temperature, and pressure in repositories. It is unclear whether this conclusion also holds for salt brine.

The waste-package environment is much more complex than systems that have typically been studied in the past. None of the conceptual models account for potential interactions with the solids present in the waste-package and host rocks. This limitation results primarily from a lack of data and the currént restriction to homogeneous (solution only) reactions. Because the rocks and waste-package materials are the primary pH, Eh, and chemical buffers in the system, radiolysis experiments that neglect their presence cannot definitively address the expected influence of radiation on solution chemistry.

Experimental evidence suggests that radiolysis will not cause significant changes in waste-form leaching, or significant degradation in the physical stability of clays, crystalline host rock, and packing materials. However, experiments in salt suggest that irradiation and heat could produce corrosive species that might affect canister corrosion and waste-form leaching. The possibility of enhanced container corrosion resulting from nitric acid formation in the moist air of an unsaturated tuff repository also warrants attention.  相似文献   

Sulfide inclusions in diamonds from the 90-Ma Jagersfontein kimberlite, intruded into the southern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton, were analyzed for their Re–Os isotope systematics to constrain the ages and petrogenesis of their host diamonds. The latter have δ13C ranging between −3.5 and −9.8‰ and nitrogen aggregation states (from pure Type IaA up to 51% total N as B centers) corresponding to time/temperature history deep within the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Most sulfides are Ni-poor ([Ni + Co]/Fe = 0.05–0.25 for 15 of 17 inclusions), have elevated Cu/[Fe + Ni + Co] ratios (0.02–0.36) and elemental Re–Os ratios between 0.5 and 46 (12 of 14 inclusions) typical of eclogitic to more pyroxenitic mantle sources. Re–Os isotope systematics indicate two generations of diamonds: (1) those on a 1.7 Ga age array with initial 187Os/188Os (187Os/188Osi) of 0.46 ± 0.07 and (2) those on a 1.1 Ga array with 187Os/188Osi of 0.30 ± 0.11. The radiogenic initial Os isotopic composition for both generations of diamond suggests that components with high time-integrated Re–Os are involved, potentially by remobilization of ancient subducted oceanic crust and hybridization of peridotite. A single sulfide with higher Os and Ni content but significantly lower 187Os/188Os hosted in a diamond with less aggregated N may represent part of a late generation of peridotitic diamonds. The paucity of peridotitic sulfide inclusions in diamonds from Jagersfontein and other kimberlites from the Kaapvaal craton contrasts with an overall high relative abundance of diamonds with peridotitic silicate inclusions. This may relate to extreme depletion and sulfur exhaustion during formation of the Kaapvaal cratonic root, with the consequence that in peridotites, sulfide-included diamonds could only form during later re-introduction of sulfur.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology -  相似文献   
Cation partitioning and speciation in an aqueous soil suspension may depend on the coupling of reaction time, sorbate amount and mineral weathering reactions. These factors were varied in sediment suspension experiments to identify geochemical processes that affect migration of Sr2+ and Cs+ introduced to the subsurface by caustic high level radioactive waste (HLRW). Three glacio-fluvial and lacustrine sediments from the Hanford Site (WA, USA) were subjected to hyperalkaline (pH > 13), Na-Al-NO3-OH solution conditions within a gradient field of (i) sorptive concentration (10−5-10−3 m) and (ii) reaction time (0-365 d). Strontium uptake (qSr) exceeded that of cesium at nearly all reaction times. Sorbent affinity for both Cs+ and Sr2+ increased with clay plus silt content at early times, but a prolonged slow uptake process was observed over the course of sediment weathering that erased the texture effect for Sr2+; all sediments showed similar mass normalized uptake after several months of reaction time. Strontium became progressively recalcitrant to desorption after 92 d, with accumulation and aging of neoformed aluminosilicates. Formation of Cs+ and Sr2+-containing cancrinite and sodalite was observed after 183 d by SEM and synchrotron μ-XRF and μ-XRD. EXAFS data for qSr ≈ 40 mmol kg−1 showed incorporation of Sr2+ into both feldspathoid and SrCO3(s) coordination environments after one year. Adsorption was predominant at early times and low sorbate amount, whereas precipitation, controlled largely by sediment Si release, became increasingly important at longer times and higher sorbate amount. Kinetics of contaminant desorption at pH 8 from one year-weathered sediments showed significant dependence on background cation (Ca2+ versus K+) composition. Results of this study indicate that co-precipitation and ion exchange in neoformed aluminosilicates may be an important mechanism controlling Sr2+ and Cs+ mobility in siliceous sediments impacted by hyperalkaline HLRW.  相似文献   
The remote First Nation (FN) communities of the Mushkegowuk Territory on the west coast of James Bay, Ontario, Canada are currently facing increased development pressures and the imposition of a government land use planning process. The land use planning process is mandated in the Far North Act (received Royal Assent on September 23, 2010). There is a need for capacity enhancement for community-based natural resource planning and management in the Territory. A number of frameworks are emerging for addressing change brought on by resource development and building resilience to such change at the community level. Among these include the concept of adaptive capacity. In collaboration with FN community leaders, we explored the use of “collaborative geomatics” tools to foster adaptive capacity. Our action research suggests that collaborative geomatics technologies should enhance the Mushkegowuk First Nations’ adaptive capacity to address environmental and policy change by allowing them to collect and manage data collaboratively (e.g., traditional environmental knowledge, western science) to create opportunities for innovative community development, including natural resource development and management.  相似文献   
We present a set of 39 new determinations of heat flow and radiogenic heat production for several different geological environments in the State of New Hampshire (U.S.A.). With the extensive data set now available for the state, the linear relation of heat flow and heat production appears as a very useful generalization for the study of the heat flow field of a geological province. Our measurements indicate that the vertical distribution of radiogenic heat production is similar in plutonic and metasedimentary rocks. Our data are compatible with the linear relationship established earlier by F. Birch and his co-workers in 1968. Young granites are markedly enriched in radioactive elements and those which do not outcrop are revealed by anomalies in the general relation of heat flow versus radioactivity.Heat flow is high for plutons by low elsewhere. The mean heat flow through metasedimentary formations is 1.15 μcal/cm2 s (48 mW/m2), a value near the mean heat flow for old cratons. The lowest heat flow measured is 0.76 μcal/cm2 s (32 mW/m2) for a unit poor in radioactivity. The heat flow field grades smoothly into the low heat flow regions of the Canadian Shield.The New Hampshire region is in thermal equilibrium: its heat flow is in secular equilibrium with the heat generated by crustal sources and that supplied from the mantle. In this area, the thermal perturbations due to orogenic events decrease below the detection level in less than 200–275 Ma. The thickness of the layer which is thermally affected during continent-continent collision-type orogenies cannot be greater than about 190 km.  相似文献   
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