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Glacier and ice sheet retreat exposes freshly deglaciated terrain which often contains small‐scale fragile geomorphological features which could provide insight into subglacial or submarginal processes. Subaerial exposure results in potentially rapid landscape modification or even disappearance of the minor‐relief landforms as wind, weather, water and vegetation impact on the newly exposed surface. Ongoing retreat of many ice masses means there is a growing opportunity to obtain high resolution geospatial data from glacier forelands to aid in the understanding of recent subglacial and submarginal processes. Here we used an unmanned aerial vehicle to capture close‐range aerial photography of the foreland of Isfallsglaciären, a small polythermal glacier situated in Swedish Lapland. An orthophoto and a digital elevation model with ~2 cm horizontal resolution were created from this photography using structure from motion software. These geospatial data was used to create a geomorphological map of the foreland, documenting moraines, fans, channels and flutes. The unprecedented resolution of the data enabled us to derive morphological metrics (length, width and relief) of the smallest flutes, which is not possible with other data products normally used for glacial landform metrics mapping. The map and flute metrics compare well with previous studies, highlighting the potential of this technique for rapidly documenting glacier foreland geomorphology at an unprecedented scale and resolution. The vast majority of flutes were found to have an associated stoss‐side boulder, with the remainder having a likely explanation for boulder absence (burial or erosion). Furthermore, the size of this boulder was found to strongly correlate with the width and relief of the lee‐side flute. This is consistent with the lee‐side cavity infill model of flute formation. Whether this model is applicable to all flutes, or multiple mechanisms are required, awaits further study. © 2016 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper describes the development of the first operational seasonal hydrological forecasting service for the UK, the Hydrological Outlook UK (HOUK). Since June 2013, this service has delivered monthly forecasts of streamflow and groundwater levels, with an emphasis on forecasting hydrological conditions over the next three months, accompanied by outlooks over longer time horizons. This system is based on three complementary approaches combined to produce the outlooks: (i) national-scale modelling of streamflow and groundwater levels based on dynamic seasonal rainfall forecasts, (ii) catchment-scale modelling where streamflow and groundwater level models are driven by historical meteorological forcings (i.e. the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction, ESP, approach), and (iii) a catchment-scale statistical method based on persistence and historical analogues. This paper provides the background to the Hydrological Outlook, describes the various component methods in detail and then considers the impact and usefulness of the product. As an example of a multi-method, operational seasonal hydrological forecasting system, it is hoped that this overview provides useful information and context for other forecasting initiatives around the world.  相似文献   
We discuss the use of symplectic integration algorithms in long-term integrations in the field of celestial mechanics. The methods' advantages and disadvantages (with respect to more common integration methods) are discussed. The numerical performance of the algorithms is evaluated using the 2-body and circular restricted 3-body problems. Symplectic integration methods have the advantages of linear phase error growth in the 2-body problem (unlike most other methods), good conservation of the integrals of the motion, good performance for moderately eccentric orbits, and ease of use. Its disadvantages include a relatively large number of force evaluations and an inability to continuously vary the step size.  相似文献   
Fluctuating global commodity prices affect the livelihoods of millions of tropical farmers worldwide. In recent years, systemic oversupply of many tropical agricultural products, grown in countries such as Indonesia, has meant that agricultural incomes have continuously fallen below subsistence levels. Within an increasingly open global trade regime, along with the limited ability of governments to protect domestic farm prices, quality-informed product differentiation appears to offer an escape route from the trap of low commodity prices. However, ownership and governance of quality constructions are fundamental to determining who benefits from such differentiation. This paper examines the use of geographical identities as a specific tool for value-adding in agricultural produce, presenting the case of specialty coffee production in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The potential for producer-driven geographical indications compete with corporate-driven quality constructions, where the latter are able to appropriate place-related quality associations by using trademarks, vertical integration and tightly coordinated supply chain controls. An emergent politic of quality governance and ownership in global commodity chains reveals the highly restricted institutional terrain within which growers of specialty coffee might attempt to retain a higher share of the economic rent associated with quality production.  相似文献   
As the latest drought has swept over the southwestern United States, most local and regional water providers have had to rely on ground water to meet their water demands as surface water supplies have diminished. In areas near major population centers this situation has continued to put strain and stress on already over-drafted regional aquifers. Metropolitan centers throughout the southwestern United States, as exemplified by Las Vegas, Nevada; Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona; and El Paso, Texas, have a history of over drafting their available ground water resources. How these stressed aquifers should be managed is an urgent issue. In El Paso, Texas long-term groundwater mining in the transboundary Hueco bolson aquifer has resulted in large water level drawdowns within the basin, particularly in several well fields. This situation has promoted the intrusion of brackish water into fresh water zones, and consequently reduced the volume of fresh water stored in the aquifer. Management of this aquifer is made more complex as the water resources of the region are shared across the United States/Mexico boundary and the transboundary region continues to grow rapidly. This paper describes the current situation within the Hueco bolson due to over drafting and continued reliance on the fresh water in storage and describes how understanding the dynamics of the aquifer as a complex system can offer managerial perspectives that can be used to establish operational procedures and programs for bringing drawdowns into equilibrium, increasing the longevity of the aquifer, gradually restoring water quality, and offering the hope of utilization of the resource in a sustainable manner.
Resumen A medida que la última sequía ha pasado ligeramente sobre el suroeste de Estados Unidos la mayoría de abastecedores locales y regionales de agua han tenido que depender del agua subterránea para satisfacer sus demandas de agua debido a que las fuentes de agua superficial han disminuido. En áreas cerca de centros poblados principales esta situación ha continuado ejerciendo presión en los ya sobre explotados acuíferos regionales. Los centros metropolitanos en todo el suroeste de Estados Unidos, por ejemplo Las Vegas, Nevada; Fénix y Tucson, Arizona; y El Paso, Texas tienen una historia de sobre explotar los recursos de agua subterránea disponibles.La gestión de estos acuíferos estresados constituye un problema urgente. En El Paso, Texas el minado de agua subterránea a largo plazo en el acuífero transnacional Hueco bolsón ha resultado en varios campos de pozos. Esta situación ha promovido la intrusión de agua salobre hacia zonas con agua fresca y reducido consecuentemente el volumen de agua fresca almacenado en el acuífero. El manejo de este acuífero se hace más complejo debido a que los recursos hídricos de la región son compartidos a través del límite Estados Unidos/México y la región transnacional continúa creciendo rápidamente. Este artículo describe la situación actual dentro del Hueco bolsón debido a la sobre explotación y continua dependencia en el agua fresca almacenada y describe como el entendimiento de la dinámica del acuífero como un sistema complejo puede ofrecer perspectivas de gestión que pueden utilizarse para establecer procedimientos operacionales y programas que conduzcan al equilibrio de los descensos, aumentando la longevidad del acuífero, gradualmente restaurando la calidad del agua, y ofreciendo la esperanza de utilizar el recurso de manera sostenible.

Résumé Alors que la dernière sécheresse a atteint toute la partie Sud-Ouest des Etats-Unis, la plus part des distributeurs deau, locaux et régionaux, doivent sapprovisionner en eau souterraine dés lors que les niveaux des eaux de surface ont diminués. Dans les zones proches des grands centres densément peuplés, cette situation a continuée a altérée des aquifères déjà surexploités. Les centres métropolitains du Sud-Ouest des Etats-Unis (Las Vegas dans le Nevada, Phoenix et Tucson dans lArizona, El Paso au Texas) sont connus historiquement pour surexploités leurs ressources en eaux souterraines. Il devient urgent de définir un mode de gestion de ses aquifères surexploités. A El Paso dans le Texas, le minage de laquifère transfrontalier engendre un rabattement important dans le bassin, et plus particulièrement autour des zones de captage. Cette situation a induit lintrusion deaux saumâtres dans des zones deaux douces, et a par conséquent réduit le volume deau douce stockée et exploitable dans laquifère. La gestion de cet aquifère est par ailleurs complexifiée par la situation transfrontalière, dautant que la zone frontalière connaît une croissance rapide. Cet article décrit la situation actuelle dans la vallée fermée du Hueco, due au sur-rabattement et à lexploitation continue des eaux douces, et décrit comment la compréhension de laquifère, vu comme un système complexe, peut offrir des perspectives de gestion amenant à des procédures opérationnelles et à des programmes à long terme permettant de ramener à léquilibre la baisse des niveaux deau. Ainsi la longévité de laquifère sera mieux garantie, la qualité de leau sera graduellement restaurée et lutilisation de leau respectera le souci de développement durable.
Peridotitic inclusions in alluvial diamonds from the Kankan region of Guinea in West Africa are mainly of lherzolitic paragenesis. Nevertheless, extreme Cr2O3 contents (max. 17 wt%) in some of the exclusively lherzolitic garnets document that the diamond source experienced a previous stage of melt extraction in the spinel stability field. This initial depletion was followed by at least two metasomatic stages: (1) enrichment of LREE and Sr and (2) introduction mainly of MREE–HREE and other HFSE (Ti, Y, Zr, Hf). The Ti- and HFSE-poor character of stage (1) points towards a CHO-rich fluid or carbonatitic melt, the high HFSE in stage (2) favour silicate melts as enriching agent. Eclogitic inclusions are derived from a large depth interval ranging from the lithosphere through the asthenosphere into the transition zone. The occurrence of negative Eu anomalies in garnet and clinopyroxene from both lithosphere and transition zone suggests a possible relationship to subducted oceanic crust. Lithospheric eclogitic inclusions are derived from heterogeneous sources, that may broadly be divided into a low-Ca group with LREE depleted trace element patterns and a high-Ca group representing a source with negative LREE–HREE slope that is moderately enriched in incompatible elements relative to primitive mantle. High-Ca inclusions of majoritic paragenesis are significantly more enriched in incompatible elements, such as in Sr and LREE. Calculated whole rock compositions require metasomatic enrichment even if a derivation from MORB is assumed. Received: 26 January 2000 / Accepted: 18 May 2000  相似文献   
This paper reviews and synthesizes several Holocene field examples of river response to lateral ground tilting. Key aspects of alluvial architecture modelling in extensional basins are addressed, including the nature of gradual lateral migration, the spatial and temporal history of avulsive sequences, and the underlying controls that determine whether a river responds to lateral tilting through gradual migration or avulsion. A new conceptual model for gradual lateral migration is proposed that unifies previously disparate models. Tilt-induced avulsion in several field examples is associated with sequences that move towards and away from the locus of subsidence during active and quiescent tectonic periods, respectively. These avulsion sequences closely correspond to those produced by several 2D and 3D alluvial architecture models. The rate of lateral tilt appears to control the style of channel movement, with gradual migration occurring at low tilt rates, and avulsion at higher rates. This apparent dependence on tilt rate suggests the mode of channel movement, and also the avulsion frequency, may in part be a function of the imposed tectonic regime.  相似文献   
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