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The Sarliève marsh in the Limagne plain, in the heart of the French Massif Central, functioned as an endorheic lake during the Late Glacial and the Early and Middle Holocene. During the Late Boreal and the Atlantic it experienced drastic lowering of the water level as a result of dry and warm climatic episodes. Then, pre-evaporitic conditions triggered the deposition of sediment rich in organic matter (OM) and in carbonates including dolomite. Fifty-one samples from a ca. 1.8 m sediment core section covering the period were analysed using Rock–Eval pyrolysis and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Throughout the interval, the OM content remained notable to high [up to 13.35% total organic carbon (TOC)] and of good quality as indicated by low oxygen index (OI) values (<200 mg CO2 g−1 TOC) and high hydrogen index (HI) values (160–660 mg HC g−1) which, as a rule, increased with increasing TOC content.In contrast to the acid fractions, which sometimes contained notable proportions of n-C16 or n-C18 fatty acids (FAs; analysed as the methyl esters, FAMEs), the neutral fractions were almost devoid of low molecular weight compounds. The latter were probably biodegraded during early diagenesis. Conversely, high molecular weight compounds were abundant in both fractions and were dominated by n-alkanols, n-alkanes, steroids and hopanoids in the neutrals and even numbered FAs and hopanoids in the acid fractions. The hopanoids were dominated by regular bishomohopanoids, accompanied by 2-methylated bishomohopanoids, as well as by unidentified bishomohopanoids with methylation in either the D or E ring. These distributions, typical for bacteria, provide support for previous hypotheses on the contribution of microorganisms to the studied record and for providing conditions for the precipitation and growth of dolomite and other pristine carbonate minerals [Bréheret, J.G., Fourmont, A., Macaire, J.J., Négrel, Ph., 2008. Microbially mediated carbonates in the Holocene lacustrine deposits of the Marais de Sarliève (French Massif Central) testify to the evolution of a restricted environment. Sedimentology 55, 557–578]. The preservation of the compounds was probably ensured by persistent reducing conditions during diagenesis, despite variable climatic conditions and related changes in lake level and sedimentation rate. Comparable distributions of hopanoic acids and hopanols, as well as roughly parallel variation with depth in the corresponding components in both fractions, strongly suggest that all the hopanoids derive from the same microbial precursors, slight shifts in the acid/alcohol ratio being governed by limited changes in redox conditions during early diagenesis.  相似文献   
Field and petrostructural investigations in the Central Mauritanides provide new precisions on the polyorogenic character of the nappe edifice of this belt. The upper structural unit exposed in the Gaouâ area includes anatectic gneisses and high-grade metasediments affected by medium temperature, high-pressure metamorphism and cut by granitoids. They represent a basement unconformably overlain by a monometamorphic cover, the Gaouâ Group, of assumed lower Paleozoic age. Late Paleozoic regional metamorphism of metapelites from this cover is characterized by pyrophyllite–kyanite–chloritoid assemblages equilibrated at T around 420 °C and P = 1 GPa. In the lower structural unit exposed in the south around Boufkerine-Farkâkâ, metapelites of the Gadel Group display slightly retrogressed garnet–kyanite–staurolite–rutile assemblages that equilibrated at T around 600 °C and P ? 1.2 GPa before the intrusion of 639 Ma old plutons . The Gadel Group locally overlies in unconformity polycyclic gneisses. This continental assemblage represents an outboard terrane inserted between two monocyclic greenschist facies terranes: remnants of oceanic lithosphere in the east and arc-derived metasediments and metavolcanics cut by 670 Ma old calc-alkaline plutons in the west. All units have been involved in late Paleozoic nappes emplaced to the east above the West African craton and its late Neoproterozoic to Cambro-ordovician cover. Though an east-directed vergence is locally recorded in the Neoproterozoic units, most early E-W trending stretching and mineral lineations are synchronous with greenschist facies metamorphism developed during the Late Paleozoic and roughly coeval with the Applachian nappe system.  相似文献   
This study attempts to determine the relation between source parameters and mechanical properties of the rock matrix in which the microseismic events occur. For this purpose, accurate geological, mechanical and seismological data were acquired on a gas field experiencing induced seismicity due to its reservoir pressure drop. More than 30 deep boreholes (depth greater than 4 km) are concentrated in a 10×10×5 km volume, providing core samples for both geological and mechanical assessment. In this study, we focus on induced seismic events recorded by the local seismic network, over a three-year-long period. Characteristics of the seismic sources were obtained using spectral analysis and a dynamic model of failure. Results point out correlation between physical parameters of the seismic sources and the geomechanical properties of the rocks involved. Maximal static stress drops are found to be associated with the mechanical strength of the geological strata where the rupture occurs. The fracture size, using a circular model of failure, is also found to be dependent on the geomechanical setting. It is found that the size of the seismic fractures is dependent on the layer thickness and the prefracturation of the medium, both factors influencing the extension of preexisting discontinuities. The parameters of the seismic sources also show important changes when the gas reservoir is reached. The reservoir unit experienced a 45 MPa pore fluid pressure drop over a period of 20 years.  相似文献   
A 3D relocation technique permits precise locations of induced earthquakes. Geostatistical processing using the data of 87 boreholes provides the basis of a precise 3D structure, with a dome geometry. Conventional laboratory mechanical tests performed on deep rock samples (1000 m to 5000 m) define the rock properties at depths similar to those of the seismic events (1<M L<4.2) that range from 1 to 7 km.In the studied period, most (85%), of the events were located above the gas reservoir, with very few located in the reservoir itself. Because the production parameters (50 MPa depletion of the gas pressure reservoir) are homogeneous throughout the gas field, the lateral inhomogeneity of the seismic rupture locations are a consequence of variations in the rheological response of the dome to the deformation induced by gas production.Here a ratio of two is found between the elastic modulus of the seismic rock matrix and the elastic modulus of the aseismic rock matrix. The contrast in strength is at least as great, if not greater. Repeated measured surface deformations involve the whole structure. Spatial and temporal deformations indicate that aseismic deformation is quantitatively the main process of this structural deformation. The heterogeneous stress pattern inferred fromP-axes of induced earthquakes disagrees with the tectonic regional stress field. The radial distribution ofP-axes towards the gas reservoir probably reflects the production induced deformation. The inferred deformation of the dome occurs in response to weak induced stresses.  相似文献   
From August 1976 to June 1979, more than 220 seismic events were recorded by a 7-station network operating over an active gas field in France. 120 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 1.0 were selected for a detailed study in order to understand the seismic response to a decrease in the gas reservoir pressure of 50 MPa. Composite focal mechanisms were determined for these events. We found that where preexisting fractures were known from well-logs, faults with the most favorable orientation were reactivated. In the part of the gas field where no preexisting faults were known, orientation of the fracture planes was close to the orientations of stratigraphic interfaces.Our kinematic model, constrained by the distribution of the earthquakes and their focal mechanisms, consists of the downward dropping of a block located close to the top of the gas field. The main faults, as defined by the spatial density of the seismic activity, define the limits of this block. The displacements observed along these faults can be either normal or reverse mechanism, dependent on the preexisting orientation of each fault. Another important result is the evidence that the depletion of the gas reservoir exerts the major influence on local seismic displacements, obscuring the effect of regional setting.  相似文献   
A petrological and mineralogical study, using an electron microprobe, of a blue-amphibole eclogite occurring near Nantes (Massif Armoricain, France) has enabled us to characterize this amphibole as glaucophane resulting from a secondary reaction in the rock. This sodic amphibole was formed at the expense of primary eclogite paragenesis including omphacite, garnet and quartz, according to a sliding reaction which it was possible to study quantitatively: 3.24 omphacite+0.90 SiO2+0.76 garnet+1.08 H2O =1 glaucophane+0.55 grossular (S.S. in the garnet) +0.04 paragonite.This reaction is accompanied by a variation in the distribution of iron and magnesium between the amphibole, the garnet and the omphacite.The appearance of the glaucophane can be explained as the beginning of a retromorphic evolution from the stable physical conditions of the primary eclogite paragenesis (650±100° C; minimum pressure 15 Kb).  相似文献   
The Tin Zebane gabbro–anorthosite layered mafic intrusion represented by plagioclase-rich cumulates forms a set of small lenticular to round-shaped mainly undeformed bodies intruding the Pan-African high-pressure metamorphic rocks from western Hoggar (Tuareg shield, southwest Algeria). The coarse-grained anorthosites are mainly made of slightly zoned bytownite (An86–74) with the higher anorthite content at the cores. Anorthosites are interlayered with leucogabbros and gabbros that show preserved magmatic structures and with olivine gabbros characterised by coronitic textures. The primary assemblage in gabbros includes plagioclase (An93–70), olivine (Fo77–70), zoned clinopyroxene (En43–48Fs05–13Wo41–49 with Al2O3 up to 4.3 wt.%) and rare orthopyroxene (En73–78). Pyroxenes and olivine are commonly surrounded by Ca-amphibole. The olivine–plagioclase contact is usually marked by a fine orthopyroxene–Cr-spinel–amphibole symplectite. A magnesian pigeonite (En70–75Fs19–20Wo6–10) is also involved in corona. The coronitic minerals have equilibrated with the primary mineral rims at PTaH2O conditions of 797 ± 42 °C for aH2O=0.5 and 808 ± 44 °C for aH2O=0.6 at 6.2 ± 1.4 kbar. The Tin Zebane gabbroic rocks are depleted in REE with a positive Eu anomaly, high Sr (>10 * chondrite) and Al2O3 concentrations (17–33%) that support plagioclase accumulation with the extreme case represented by the anorthosites. The REE patterns can be modelised using plagioclase, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene REE signature, without any role played by accessory minerals. High MgO content points to olivine as a major cumulate phase. Anorthositic gabbros Sr and Nd isotopic initial ratios are typical of a depleted mantle source (Sri=0.70257–0.70278; Nd=+5.9 to +7.8). This isotopic signature is identical to that of the 10-km wide 592 Ma old dyke complex composed of alkaline to peralkaline granites and tholeiitic gabbros and one single bimodal complex can be inferred. The source of the Tin Zebane basic rocks corresponds to the prevalent mantle (PREMA). The Tin Zebane complex was emplaced along the mega-shear zone bounding to the west the Archaean In Ouzzal metacraton. The model proposed suggests a linear lithospheric delamination along this rigid and cold terrane due to post-collisional transtensional movements. This allowed the asthenosphere to rise rapidly and to melt by adiabatic pressure release. Transtension along a rigid body allowed these mantle melts to reach the surface rapidly without any crustal contamination.  相似文献   
The Thau Lagoon, a French Mediterranean shallow lagoon, is a site where extensive shellfish farming occurs. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the role of this activity on nutrient exchange at the sediment-water interface in relation to organic matter (OM) sedimentation and degradation. Two stations inside (C5) and outside (C4) of the shellfish farming areas were sampled at three seasons. Porewater chemistry surveys and calculated diffusive fluxes were used to evaluate the trophic status of the Thau lagoon. Quantitative (Particulate Organic Carbon) as well as qualitative OM (Hydrogen Index, Carbohydrates) analyses were performed on sediments to assess OM characteristics. Results emphasized that surficial sediments at C5 are always more enriched in OM. Porewater nutrient concentrations are 10-20 times higher at C5 than at C4. In June 2003, the porewater profiles exhibit a sharp gradient at the bottom waters, indicating a hypereutrophic status, leading to an anoxic crisis.  相似文献   
Garnet pyroxenite from high pressure granulite facies occurs with different mineral assemblages which involve garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole and quartz with spinel developing as symplectite with orthopyroxene and plagioclase in large cracks. Three successive parageneses have been identified. The primary assemblage is characterised by the presence of quartz. The second assemblage involves orthopyroxene–plagioclase–hornblende symplectite, and the third assemblage is characterised by the development of spinel in symplectites with orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Using THERMOCALC (V2.7), a quantitative pseudosection in the system CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O has been calculated. The assemblage involving quartz developed at high pressure, while the assemblage involving spinel developed at lower pressure. The peak of metamorphism in Tin Begane was calculated at 860 °C and 13.5 kb with aH2O=0.2. These conditions are followed by a decrease of pressure down to 4.8 kb.  相似文献   
Recent work on late stages of evolution has raised the possibility that the stars in the mass range from 4–8M bd may ignite carbon violently off-center. Hydrodynamic evolution has been carried out for models with various central densities and for temperature profiles both with and without an inversion. It has been found that, provided ignition leads to a detonation, both types of presupernova models have essentially the same final post detonation behavior. In particular, an off-center detonation is unable to prevent a complete disruption of the star if ignition occurs at low density.  相似文献   
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