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Highly siderophile elements (Platinum-group elements, Au and Re) are currently assumed to reside inside base metal sulfides (BMS) in the convecting upper mantle. However, fertile lherzolites sampled by Pyrenean orogenic peridotite massifs are unexpectedly rich in 0.5–3 µm large micronuggets of platinum-group minerals (PGM). Among those, sulfides from the laurite-erlichmanite series (Ru, Os(Ir)S(As)2), Pt–Ir–Os alloys and Pt–Pd–Te–Bi phases (moncheite–merenskyite) are predominant. Not only the BMS phases but also the PGM micronuggets must be taken into account in calculation of the PGE budget of orogenic fertile lherzolites. Laurite is a good candidate for equilibrating the whole-rock budget of Os, Ir and Ru while accounting for supra-chondritic Ru/IrN. Textural relationships between PGMs and BMS highlight heterogeneous mixing between refractory PGMs (laurite/Pt–Ir–Os alloys) inherited from ancient refractory lithospheric mantle and late-magmatic metasomatic sulfides precipitated from tholeiitic melts. “Low-temperature” PGMs, especially Pt–Pd bismuthotellurides should be added to the list of mineral indicators of lithosphere refertilization process. Now disseminated within fertile lherzolites, “lithospheric“ PGMs likely account for local preservation of ancient Os model ages (up to 2 Ga) detected in BMS by in-situ isotopic analyses. These PGMs also question the reliability of orogenic lherzolites for estimating the PGE signature of the Primitive Silicate Earth.  相似文献   
The composition and spatial distribution of various petroleum hydrocarbons (PHs), comprising both aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and selected chlorinated pesticides and PCBs were measured in biota and coastal sediments from seven countries in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman (Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates). Evidence of extensive marine contamination with respect to organochlorinated compounds and PHs was not observed. Only one site, namely the BAPCO oil refinery in Bahrain, was considered to be chronically contaminated. Comparison of the results from this survey for Σ DDTs and Σ PCBs in rock oysters from the Gulf of Oman with similar measurements made at the same locations over the past two decades indicates a temporal trend of overall decreasing Σ PCB concentrations in oysters, whereas Σ DDTs levels have little changed during that period.  相似文献   
The combination of age determination and geochemical tracers allows understanding the source evolution during magmatism. We studied the Sapat Complex, in the exhumed Cretaceous Kohistan Paleo-Island Arc, to reconstruct the formation of the juvenile lower arc crust and the evolution of the mantle source during arc magmatism. High precision ID-TIMS U/Pb dating on zircon, shows that a protracted period of magmatic accretion formed the Sapat Complex between 105 and 99 Ma. Since continued melt percolation processes that formed the lower crust obscured the original bulk rock Nd–Pb–Sr isotopic composition, we rely on the Hf isotopic composition of zircons of different ages to unravel the source evolution. Nd and Pb bulk isotopic compositions coupled with Hf isotopic composition on zircons allow reconstructing a geodynamical scenario for the Sapat Complex, and the Cretaceous history of the Arc. We suggest that trenchward migration of the hot mantle source at 105 Ma explains the small heterogeneous εHf signal between + 14 and + 16. This heterogeneity vanished within ca. 2 million years, and the εHf of the source evolved from + 16 to + 14 at 99 Ma. Integrated to the Kohistan Cretaceous history, which has a baseline of εHf  14, these data pinpoint two geodynamical events, with slab retreat and the formation of the Sapat Complex followed by splitting of the Kohistan island arc at 85 Ma.  相似文献   
An experimental slope of gradient 12° was constructed, comprising two 5 m × 2 m × 0·3 m contiguous strips of natural soils. Soil freezing and thawing took place from the surface downwards in an open hydraulic system, water being supplied at the base of each soil. Thermal conditions, porewater pressures and soil displacements were monitored using a PC-based logging system, with readings taken at half-hourly intervals. Soil surface displacements due to frost heave and solifluction were measured using linear voltage displacement transducers. Soil temperatures were determined using thermistors and semiconductor temperature sensors. Antifreeze-filled miniature ceramic-tipped pressure transducers were used to determine porewater pressure variations. The potential of this experimental approach for precise monitoring of mass movement processes associated with thawing of ice-rich soils is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Pollen analysis was carried out on the Core MD982194 of 29.78 m retrieved from the Middle Okinawa Trough which was dated as old as~200 ka BP.The results revealed that pollen assemblages mainly presented an alternation of coniferous and herb pollen.The coniferous saccate pollen,principally Pinus and Tsuga,predominated in most parts of the core,especially highlighted in the interstadial stages including MIS 1,3,5 and MIS7,whereas the herb pollen significantly increased in the glacial periods.Thus the pollen flora and their percentages showed the sensitive changes under the influence of ice volume during the glacial and interglacial periods.Our record from this core has first documented that the percentage of Cyperaceae was extremely high in the glacial stages with a notable increase in Artemisia,Gramineae,Asteraceae,Chenopodiaceae,and freshwater algae,which can be used as a proxy for sea-level change at the study site because of their close negative correlation of the orbital-scale changes in sea level.The distance between the continental coastline and the Okinawa Trough has deeply shortened due to the sea-level drop in the LGM.As a result,the sediment materials from Yangtze River were extensively deposited on the flat,exposed continental shelf owing to the rapid decline of river flow speed,leading to that pollen grains from Okinawa Trough are derived mainly from the flat coastal vegetation of exposed continental shelf at glacial stages.Changes of pollen assemblage were consistent with the variation of temperature and humidity,which showed that the percentage of arboreal pollen was highly augmented at MIS 7,5 and MIS 1,corresponding to the strengthening of the East Asian summer monsoon and increasing of rainfall.Moreover,the peak of Pinus percentage in MIS 5.3,5.1 and MIS 3.3 may be closely linked by orbital and sub-orbital cycles of solar radiation and monsoonal variability.The present study of core MD981294 implied lower temperature and precipitation during the lowest sea-level stage(LGM),and more visibly testified that the vegetation of the flat plain on the exposed continental shelf was dominated by intrazonal communities such as halophyte grasslands and freshwater wetlands instead of zonal steppe or semi-arid desert.All above evidence demonstrated that the fundamental changes of pollen assemblage and their origins in Okinawa Trough since~200 ka BP were affected by combine factors including the coastline position and climate fluctuation.Moreover,the substantial shortening of distance between shoreline and the Okinawa Trough driven by orbital insolation cycles was clearly indicated by the pollen spectra,whereas the source-area climate signal of the pollen record was largely weakened.  相似文献   
Acting as efficient earth-movers, soldiers can be viewed as significant geomorphological drivers of landscape change when replaced in the recent debates on Anthropocene Geomorphology. ‘Polemoforms’, generated by military activities, correspond with a set of human-made landforms of various sizes and geometries. They are particularly common on the World War One battlefield of Verdun (France) which ranks among the largest battles of attrition along the Western Front. The artillery bombardments and building of defensive positions in that battle significantly altered the landscape, resulting in thousands of shell craters, dugouts, and gun positions that have altered both the meso and microtopography. This paper proposes an innovative methodology to make an exhaustive inventory of these small-scale conflict-induced landforms (excluding linear features such as trenches) using a digital terrain model (DTM) acquired by airborne LiDAR on the whole battlefield. Morphometric analysis was conducted using Kohonen's self-organizing maps (SOMs) and hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) in order to quantify and classify the high number of war landforms. This combined approach allowed for mapping more than one million landforms which can be classified into eight different shapes including shell craters and various soldier-made landforms (i.e. shelters, gun positions, etc.). Detection quality evaluation using field observations revealed the algorithm successfully classified 93% of shell craters and 74% of anthropologically constructed landforms. Finally, the iconographic database and map series produced will help archaeologists and foresters to better manage the historic site of Verdun, today covered by a large forest of ~10 000 ha. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The marine environment is very complex, with several important chemical, biological, and sedimentological interactions. Sediments constitute a reservoir for numerous pollutants, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are known by their mutagenic and/or carcinogenic effect. This study evaluates contamination levels in Bizerte Lagoon with respect to PAHs. The extraction efficiency of PAHs from sediment has been evaluated using Soxhlet or ultrasonic procedures, based on the recovery of an internal standard (9,10-dihydroanthracene). Several PAHs were found, including sixteen that are reported in the priority list of pollutants of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). PAHs analysis was carried out by GC–FID and GC–MS for 16 samples sampled in two seasons: summer and winter. Results permit an assessment of PAHs pollution in the Bizerte Lagoon. To cite this article: N. Mzoughi et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 893–901.  相似文献   
Olivier Coutard 《Geoforum》2008,(6):1815-1820
This paper introduces a collection of case studies aimed at “Placing Splintering Urbanism”, in reference to the thesis developed by Graham and Marvin [Graham, S., Marvin, S., 2001. Splintering Urbanism. Networked Infractructures, Technoloical Moblilities and the Urban condition. Routledge, London]. Whilst acknowledging the value of the thesis as an analytical framework in opening the way to innovative understandings of contemporary urban dynamics, the paper argues that, taken together, the articles in this themed issue seriously challenge the “splintering urbanism” thesis theoretically, empirically and methodologically. They question in particular the postulated universality of the “modern infrastructural ideal” and of “unbundling” and “bypass” processes — all of which are key elements in Graham and Marvin’s argument — as well as the assertion that reforms in infrastructure sectors should generally result in more discriminatory, socially regressive patterns of provision of essential services and more splintered urban spaces. Based on these fundamental critiques, the paper concludes that one cannot speak of “splintering urbanism in general” — i.e., as a global trend — in any meaningful analytical way.  相似文献   
The OMEGA imaging spectrometer onboard the Mars Express spacecraft is particularly well suited to study in detail specific regions of Mars, thanks to its high spatial resolution and its high signal-to-noise ratio. We investigate the behavior of atmospheric water vapor over the four big volcanoes located on the Tharsis plateau (Olympus, Ascraeus, Pavonis and Arsia Mons) using the 2.6 μm band, which is the strongest and most sensitive H2O band in the OMEGA spectral range. Our data sample covers the end of MY26 and the whole MY27, with gaps only in the late northern spring and in northern autumn. The most striking result of our retrievals is the increase of water vapor mixing ratio from the valley to the summit of volcanoes. Corresponding column density is often almost constant, despite a factor of ∼5 decrease in air mass from the bottom to the top. This peculiar water enrichment on the volcanoes is present in 75% of the orbits in our sample. The seasonal distribution of such enrichment hints at a seasonal dependence, with a minimum during the northern summer and a maximum around the northern spring equinox. The enrichment possibly also has a diurnal trend, being the orbits with a high degree of enrichment concentrated in the early morning. However, the season and the solar time of the observations, due to the motion of the spacecraft, are correlated, then the two dependences cannot be clearly disentangled. Several orbits exhibit also spatially localized enrichment structures, usually ring- or crescent-shaped. We retrieve also the height of the saturation level over the volcanoes. The results show a strong minimum around the aphelion season, due to the low temperatures, while it raises quickly before and after this period. The enrichment is possibly generated by the local circulation characteristic of the volcano region, which can transport upslope significant quantities of water vapor. The low altitude of the saturation level during the early summer can then hinder the transport of water during this season. The influence of the coupling between atmosphere and surface, due mainly to the action of the regoliths, can also contribute partially to the observed phenomenon.  相似文献   
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