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Farside explorer: unique science from a mission to the farside of the moon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Farside Explorer is a proposed Cosmic Vision medium-size mission to the farside of the Moon consisting of two landers and an instrumented relay satellite. The farside of the Moon is a unique scientific platform in that it is shielded from terrestrial radio-frequency interference, it recorded the primary differentiation and evolution of the Moon, it can be continuously monitored from the Earth–Moon L2 Lagrange point, and there is a complete lack of reflected solar illumination from the Earth. Farside Explorer will exploit these properties and make the first radio-astronomy measurements from the most radio-quiet region of near-Earth space, determine the internal structure and thermal evolution of the Moon, from crust to core, and quantify impact hazards in near-Earth space by the measurement of flashes generated by impact events. The Farside Explorer flight system includes two identical solar-powered landers and a science/telecommunications relay satellite to be placed in a halo orbit about the Earth–Moon L2 Lagrange point. One lander would explore the largest and oldest recognized impact basin in the Solar System— the South Pole–Aitken basin—and the other would investigate the primordial highlands crust. Radio astronomy, geophysical, and geochemical instruments would be deployed on the surface, and the relay satellite would continuously monitor the surface for impact events.  相似文献   
Lacustrine sediments contain a wide range of proxies that enable paleoenvironmental reconstructions. For instance, charcoal can be used to document past fire regime changes. In order to analyse high-temporal- and spatial-resolution records, however, it is necessary to develop fast, low-cost and high-stratigraphic-resolution methods. We developed a new paleo-fire proxy by studying a lacustrine core from the Esterel Massif, SE France, an area affected by two recent fire events, in AD 1987 and 2003. For this purpose, we searched for charcoal deposited and preserved in the lake sediments by combining a number of complementary methods, including: classic macrocharcoal tallying, scanning spectrophotometry, scanning hyperspectral imaging and high pressure liquid chromatography analyses. Macrocharcoal quantification is efficient, but time-consuming, and only provides intermediate-resolution data (cm scale). Spectrophotometry, used classically to quantify colour, is very fast, provides high-resolution data (4 mm) and is non-destructive (core preservation). Hyperspectral data have the same advantages as spectrophotometry, but offer higher spatial resolution (64-µm pixel size) and higher spectral resolution (6 nm) for core logging applications. The main result of this research is based on hyperspectral analysis at very high stratigraphic resolution using the I-band index. This index usually measures reflectance values at [660, 670 nm] corresponding to the trough in red reflectance produced by Chlorophyll a and its diagenetic products. This [660, 670 nm] reflectance trough, however, is also affected by the presence of altered organic matter and decreases with altered organic matter such as charcoal particles. Charcoal effect on the reflectance of Chlorophyll a and its diagenetic products is identified on first derivative spectra by a characteristic pattern around 675 nm, which is also in agreement with the Chlorophyll a concentrations measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography and charcoal particles. The I-band index is hence suitable for detecting burned organic matter, by quantifying the dilution of the chlorophyll signal by the charcoal signal. Thus, this adaptation of the I-band index can be applied in fire reconstruction studies.  相似文献   
Scheelite-bearing calc-silicate gneisses (CSG) oceur in the Montagne Noire within a series of dominant micaschists. Detailed petrographical and mineralogical studies reveal three successive stages of metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration: (1) stage 1, a regional metamorphism at 550°C and 4.5 kb where no mineralization is formed; (2) stage 2a, a hydrothermal alteration at 500 to 450°C and 4 to 3 kb which is characterized by an intense sericitization of feldpars and deposition of Sn in Sn-bearing cale-silicates; and (3) stage 2b, a hydrothermal alteration characterized by the crystallization of idocrasegrossular in CSG with concomittant precipitation of scheelite. Tungsten was transported through the micaschist environment and deposited as scheelite only in the CSG of stage 2b at relatively low pressures. To characterize the mechanism of tungsten transport, tungsten speciation at high P-T and scheelite solubility in aqueous solations buffered by the CSG and by the micaschists assemblages were calculated. It was found that H2WO 0 4 , HWO - 4 and WO 2- 4 are the dominant tungsten aqueous species in H2O–NaCl (one molal) solutions at 500°C and 2–4 kb. Calculations also indicate that scheelite deposition is controlled by decreasing pressure and increasing activity of aqueous calcium in this system. This is consistent with the petrographical and mineralogical observations. The consequences of the presence of volatiles (N2, CH4, CO2) in the regional fluids were examined by determining the effect of N2 on tungsten speciation and scheelite solubility. The addition of N2 (up to 10 mol%) to the mineralizing fluids results in a marked increase in H2WO 0 4 and HWO - 4 concentrations relative to WO 2- 4 and in a large decrease of scheelite solubility. This mechanism favours scheelite precipitation and accounts for the commonly observed association of W (and Sn) deposits with graphitic series generating mixed volatiles fluids.  相似文献   
The calc-alkaline volcanic magmas,which formed the Mesozoic uraniferous volcanic complex of Xiangshan,resulted from partial melting of the mixture of lower crust and enriched mantle with a high mixing proportion in a specific tectonic setting such as active continental margin or ocean-continent collision zone.The preliminary concentrations of Uand Th occur in low-degree par-tial melts.Only small part of these melts was rapidly extracted and erupted and most intruded into the high-level magma chamber(depth:12-13 km) of the compressed upper lithosphere ,in which occurred a strong differentiation which would resulted in strong preconcentrations of the high-hygromagmaphile elements U and Th associated with strong depletion of the 3-d transition ele-ments Ti,Sc,Co,Zr,etc.At the final stage of subduction of the West-Pacific-Kula plate towards the Asian continental plate,the regional tectonic environment was transformed from a compressive in-to a tensional setting.The strongly differentiated,U(and Th) enriched silicic alkalic magmas in high level magma chamber extensively erupted,extruded and intruded.The hydrothermal fluids released as a result of late volcano-degassing and dewatering during crystallization-solidification of magmas,re-sulted in the remobilization,leaching,migration and reconcentration of uranium ,which had been preconcentrated in volcanic rocks.Therefore,specific regional petrogeochemical criteria are expected for the uraniferous volcanic series.  相似文献   
A series of amphiboles along the magnesioriebeckite—Na2Mg3Fe3+ 2Si8O22(OH)2– ferri-clinoholmquistite—Li2Mg3Fe3+ 2Si8O22(OH)2 - join, defined by the BLiB Na–1 exchange vector, were hydrothermally synthesized at 700°C, 0.4 GPa, NNO + 1 redox conditions. Powder XRD and SEM-EDAX showed a very high (> 90%) amphibole yield for all samples. X-ray patterns were indexed in the C2/m space group; refined cell-parameters show a linear decrease of a and as a function of chemistry. IR spectra in the OH-stretching region show four main and rather sharp bands; these are assigned to Mg and Fe2+ at M(1,3), and indicate that the obtained amphiboles depart from the nominal octahedral composition (M1,3Mg3). The IR spectra also show that there is an increasing filling-up of the A-site for increasing Na in the system (increasing solid-solution toward, arfvedsonite). Mössbauer spectra show four well-defined quadrupole doublets which are assigned to Fe3+ at M2 and to Fe2+ at M1, M3 and M4, respectively. The Fe3+/Fe2+ content derived from fitted peak areas show variable Fe3+ concentration along the series. Mössbauer spectra also show a distinct alteration of 57Fe hyperfine parameters with changing Na–Li at M4. The most evident variation is observed for the quadrupole splitting of Fe3+ at M2, which increases by 50% from ferri-clinoholmquistite to magnesio-riebeckite; this suggest that the M2 octahedron in ferri-clinoholmquistite is much closer to the ideal geometry than the M2 octahedron in magnesio-riebeckite. Mössbauer spectra show also a well-defined increase in the Fe2+ quadrupole splitting of the M1 and M3 octahedra, which is attributed to the Na–Li distribution at the B-sites.  相似文献   
The Shaitian granite complex(SGC) spans more than 80 Ma of crustal growth in the Arabian–Nubian Shield in southeast Egypt.It is a voluminous composite intrusion(60 km~2) comprising a host tonalite massif intruded by subordinate dyke-like masses of trondhjemite,granodiorite and monzogranite.The host tonalite,in turn,encloses several,fine-grained amphibolite enclaves.U-Pb zircon dating indicates a wide range of crystallization ages within the SGC(800 ± 18 Ma for tonalites;754 ± 3.9 Ma for trondhjemite;738 ± 3.8 Ma for granodiorite;and 717 ± 3.2 Ma for monzogranite),suggesting crystallization of independent magma pulses.The high positiveεNdi(+6–+8) indicate that the melting sources were dominated by juvenile material without any significant input from older crust.Application of zircon saturation geothermometry indicates increasing temperatures during the generation of melts from 745 ± 31 ℃ for tonalite to 810 ± 25 ℃ for trondhjemite;840 ± 10 ℃ for granodiorite;and 868 ± 10 ℃ for monzogranite.The pressure of partial melting is loosely constrained to be below the stability of residual garnet(10 kbar) as inferred from the almost flat HREE pattern((Gd/Lu)N= 0.9–1.1),but 3 kbar for the stability of residual amphibole as inferred from the significantly lower NbNand TaNcompared with LREENand the sub-chondrite Nb/Ta ratios exhibited by the granitic phases.The inverse relation between the generation temperatures and the ages estimates of the granitoid lithologies argue against a significant role of fractional crystallization.The major and trace element contents indicate the emplacement of the SGC within a subduction zone setting.It lacks distinctive features for melt derived from a subducted slab(e.g.high Sr/Y and high(La/Yb)Nratios),and the relatively low MgO and Ni contents in all granite phases within the SGC suggest melting within the lower crust of an island arc overlying a mantle wedge.Comparison with melts produced during melting experiments indicates an amphibolite of basaltic composition is the best candidate as source for the tonalite,trondhjemite and granodiorite magmas whereas the monzogranite magma is most consistent with fusion of a tonalite protolith.Given the overlapping Sm-Nd isotope ratios as well as several trace element ratios between monzogranite and tonalite samples,it is reasonable to suggest that the renewed basaltic underplating may have caused partial melting of tonalite and the emplacement of monzogranite melt within the SGC.The emplacement of potassic granite(monzogranite) melts subsequent to the emplacement of Na-rich granites(tonalitetrondhjemite-granodiorite) most likely suggests major crustal thickening prior arc collision and amalgamation into the over thickened proto-crust of the Arabian-Nubian shield.Eventually,after complete consolidation,the whole SGC was subjected to regional deformation,most probably during accretion to the Saharan Metacraton(arc–continent collisions) in the late Cryogenian-Ediacaran times(650–542 Ma).  相似文献   
Over several years many partition coefficients have been measured between framework silicates, sheet silicates and hydrothermal solutions. Only trace alkaline cations are considered in the present work. It is well known that the difference between ionic radii of the trace cation and the major cation is replaces is not satisfactory for a good correlation with the partition coefficients PX. A structural parameter δc is therefore defined, taking into consideration the adaptation of the trace cation to the cavity in which it occurs. This cavity may be the entire site of the major element, or a part of this site in the case of small cations, or a structural cavity located out of the alkali-ion site. The adaptation parameter δc is the difference between the ionic radius of the trace cation and the radius of that cavity. This paper shows that the partition coefficient PX of the trace alkali-ion from the hydrothermal solution is an exponential function of the adaptation parameter δc, whatever the silicate may be.  相似文献   
Prolonged grinding increases the energy of solids by the production of stored energy in the form of new surfaces and internal defects. Moreover, grinding also generates quasi-hydrostatic pressures which can result in polymorphic transformations and mineral decomposition. Here we demonstrate the solid-state transformation of metastable to stable polymorphs (aragonite → calcite, anatase → rutile); the transformation of low-pressure to high-pressure phases (calcite → aragonite); and the lowering of the dehydration and decarbonation temperatures of minerals (siderite → magnetite or hematite, diaspore → corundum).In the presence of a fluid phase, stored energy from grinding can be released, resulting in accelerated reaction rates and, more importantly, phase transformations. In this paper we demonstrate the following transformations: ground calcite → magnesian calcite (at low Mg2+ concentration in solution), ground calcite → aragonite (at high Mg2+ concentration), ground magnesite → hydromagnesite, and ground dolomite → aragonite + Mg2+.Assuming an analogy between laboratory and natural grinding, tectonic activity may have important consequences on the release of hydrothermal fluids, the solubilization of minerals and on solid-state transformations. As examples the possible role of deformation on the formation of metamorphic aragonite and diaspore-bauxites is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract A multidisciplinary study was conducted on the section of the Siwalik Group sediments, approximately 5000 m thick, exposed along the Karnali River. Analysis of facies, clay mineralogy and neodymium isotope compositions revealed significant changes in the sedimentary record, allowing discussion of their tectonic or climatic origin. Two major changes within the sedimentary fill were detected: the change from a meandering to a braided river system at ca 9.5 Ma and the change from a deep sandy braided to a shallow sandy braided river system at ca 6.5 Ma. The 9.5‐Ma change in fluvial style is contemporaneous with an abrupt increase of ?Nd(0) values following a ?Nd(0) minimum. This evolution indicates a change in source material and erosion of Lesser Himalayan rocks within the Karnali catchment basin between 13 and 10 Ma. The tectonic activity along the Ramgarh thrust caused this local exhumation. By changing the proximity and morphology of relief, the forward propagation of the basal detachment to the main boundary thrust was responsible for the high gradient and sediment load required for the development of the braided river system. The change from a deep sandy braided to a shallow sandy braided river system at approximately 6.5 Ma was contemporaneous with a change in clay mineralogy towards smectite‐/kaolinite‐dominant assemblages. As no source rock change and no burial effect are detected at that time, the change in clay mineralogy is interpreted as resulting from differences in environmental conditions. The facies analysis shows abruptly and frequently increasing discharges by 6.5 Ma, and could be linked to an increase in seasonality, induced by intensification of the monsoon climate. The major fluvial changes deciphered along the Karnali section have been recognized from central to western Nepal, although they are diachronous. The change in clay mineralogy towards smectite‐/kaolinite‐rich assemblages and the slight decrease of ?Nd(0) have also been detected in the Bengal Fan sedimentary record, showing the extent and importance of the two major events recorded along the Karnali section.  相似文献   
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