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This study investigates the behaviour of the geochronometers zircon, monazite, rutile and titanite in polyphase lower crustal rocks of the Kalak Nappe Complex, northern Norway. A pressure–temperature–time–deformation path is constructed by combining microstructural observations with P–T conditions derived from phase equilibrium modelling and U–Pb dating. The following tectonometamorphic evolution is deduced: A subvertical S1 fabric formed at ~730–775 °C and ~6.3–9.8 kbar, above the wet solidus in the sillimanite and kyanite stability fields. The event is dated at 702 ± 5 Ma by high‐U zircon in a leucosome. Monazite grains that grew in the S1 fabric show surprisingly little variation in chemical composition compared to a large spread in (concordant) U–Pb dates from c. 800 to 600 Ma. This age spread could either represent protracted growth of monazite during high‐grade metamorphism, or represent partially reset ages due to high‐T diffusion. Both cases imply that elevated temperatures of >600 °C persisted for over c. 200 Ma, indicating relatively static conditions at lower crustal levels for most of the Neoproterozoic. The S1 fabric was overprinted by a subhorizontal S2 fabric, which formed at ~600–660 °C and ~10–12 kbar. Rutile that originally grew during the S1‐forming event lost its Zr‐in‐rutile and U–Pb signatures during the S2‐forming event. It records Zr‐in‐rutile temperatures of 550–660 °C and Caledonian ages of 440–420 Ma. Titanite grew at the expense of rutile at slightly lower temperatures of ~550 °C during ongoing S2 deformation; U–Pb ages of c. 440–430 Ma date its crystallization, giving a minimum estimate for the age of Caledonian metamorphism and the duration of Caledonian shearing. This study shows that (i) monazite can have a large spread in U–Pb dates despite a homogeneous composition; (ii) rutile may lose its Zr‐in‐rutile and U–Pb signature during an amphibolite facies overprint; and (iii) titanite may record crystallization ages during retrograde shearing. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret U–Pb ages from different geochronometers in a polyphase deformation and reaction history, they are ideally combined with microstructural observations and phase equilibrium modelling to derive a complete P–T–t–d path.  相似文献   
The diversity of heterotrophic flagellates was examined at marine sediments around Cape Tribulation, Australia. The species described belong to the Alveolates, Apusomonadidae, Cercomonadida, Choanoflagellida, Cry ptomonadida, Diplomonadida, Euglenozoaincertae sedis, Kathablepharidae, Kinetoplastida, Pedinellids, Stephanopogonidae, Stramenopiles, Stramenopilesincertae sedis, Thaumatomonadidae and Protistaincertae sedis. Among the 51 species from 38 genera encountered in this study is one new taxon:Glissandra similis n. sp., and two new names are introduced:Goniomonas abrupta (Skvortzov 1924) nomen nodum andCercomonas skvortzovi (Skvortzov 1977) nomen nodum. There was little evidence for endemism because most flagellates including one new taxon described here have been reported.  相似文献   
Since the 1980s, the coastal wetlands in Korea have been rapidly degraded and destroyed mainly due to reclamation and landfills for coastal development. In order to recover damaged coastal environments and to develop wetland restoration technologies, a 4-year study on ecological the restoration of coastal vegetated ecosystems was started in 1998. As one of a series of studies, a small-scale experiment on salt marsh restoration was carried out from April 2000 to August 2001. The experiment was designed to find effective means of ecological restoration through a comparison of the changes in environmental components and species structure between two different experimental plots created using sediment fences, one with and one without small canals. Temporal variation in surface elevation, sedimentary facies, and benthic species were measured seasonally in each plot and in the adjacent natural reference sites. Monthly exposure occurred from 330 cm to mean sea level, which represents the critical tidal level (CTL) at which salt marsh plants colonize. Vegetation, especially Suaeda japonica, colonized the site the following spring and recovered to a similar extent in the natural marshes 16 months later. The sedimentary results indicated that the sediment fences had effects on particle size and sediment accumulation, especially in the plot with small canals. This experiment also showed that tidal height, especially that exceeding the CTL, is an important factor in the recovery of the benthic fauna of salt marshes. From these results, we suggested that designs for the restoration of salt marsh ecosystems must consider the inclusion of a tidal height exceeding CTL, as this may allow reconstruction of the previous natural ecosystem without artificial transplanting.  相似文献   
We conducted testing to determine whether stipe length is a useful indicator of reproductive maturity in the kelp Ecklonia cava, a species that plays a pivotal role in ecosystem functioning and services in subtidal areas. Approximately 100 sporophytes with stipes of various lengths were collected during the fertile period (July–November, 2013). We investigated the relationships between stipe length and other morphological characteristics to determine whether stipe length could indicate the age of reproductive maturity. Primary blade length, longest blade length, thallus height, and total length showed significant relationships with stipe length. The length of the primary and longest blades gradually declined as stipe length increased above 125 mm. Zoosporangial sori were found on the blades of more than 70% of individuals with stipes longer than 125 mm, but on only 8% of individuals with stipes less than 125 mm long. Stipe length therefore seems to be an acceptable proxy for reproductive maturity. Another factor to consider, however, is that all specimens with zoosporangial sori, regardless of stipe length, had a dry weight of 80 g or more; thus, individual biomass may also be an important parameter influencing the initiation of reproduction.  相似文献   
The paper analyses long-term variability of wave climate near Poland for the 1958–2002 period. With spectral and cross-spectral analysis, linear regression and singular spectrum analysis the modes of long-term variability were quantified for the most energetic months (November–February). For monthly indices of North Atlantic Oscillation from 1950 until 2006, it was established that the long-term trends of NAO and significant wave height demonstrate a gentle coupling. For Januaries this relationship is strongest and dates back to 1960, for Februaries a certain consistency appears since 1975. For Novembers and Decembers no statistically discernible coupling was found. Thus, the Baltic Sea appears to be the easternmost NAO-affected region, despite its separation from the Atlantic. The hydrodynamic variability also includes a non-trivial oscillation in the January wave energy records with T=8 years. The same periodicity was identified with the multi-channel SSA technique in the long-term shoreline data of a neighboring beach. The study shows that even almost entirely isolated water bodies are becoming exposed to global climatic phenomena and accelerated erosion of sandy beaches, typical for the South Baltic region. On the other hand, the 8-year hydrodynamic cycle can be viewed as the driver of long-term shoreline evolution.  相似文献   
Milan Jeřábek 《GeoJournal》1994,32(3):215-219
The NW part of Bohemia belongs to the most intensely exploited territories, both from the functional and ecological standpoints. In a sense, it is an open air laborarory, offering many topics to be discussed, researched and solved. The author strives to give a sociogeographical outline of the current state, with respect to the landscape evolution. This picture focuses on historical developments in recent decades as well.Rapid economic expansion of the examined territory started in the second half of the 19th century, having followed the pre-industrial period. A similar abrupt change of social and economic structures occurred 100 years later, in the post-war period. It was the growth of open-cast brown coal mining and corresponding activities (especially coal-fired plants) which resulted in large scale environmental disturbances, affected the settlement system and harmed the health of the population. Thus, further economic and ecological development should be based on a reclamation of the previous state.  相似文献   
During the ascent, emplacement and post-emplacement deformation of igneous rocks, two or more phases of deformation that overprint each other are often depicted. These overprints, when magnetic minerals are present, are recorded in magnetic fabric. In this contribution, overprints are studied by means of numerical modeling, following several basic scenarios common to igneous rocks. Biotite and amphibole that occur often together in igneous rocks are considered as carriers of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. Modeling shows that (1) a constrictional fabric with a low degree of anisotropy as commonly recorded in magmatic rocks may result from a deformation overprint and not necessarily from an extensional/transtensional regime, and (2) that the constrictional AMS fabrics originates from orthogonal superimposition of a deformation event on an AMS fabric inherited from earlier magma emplacement history. Therefore, the interpretation of a constrictional fabric must be performed with caution. Numerical modeling may provide a suitable help in strengthening the interpretation of real magnetic fabric data.  相似文献   
During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), long valley glaciers developed on the northern and southern sides of the High Tatra Mountains, Poland and Slovakia. Chlorine-36 exposure dating of moraine boulders suggests two major phases of moraine stabilization, at 26–21 ka (LGM I — maximum) and at 18 ka (LGM II). The dates suggest a significantly earlier maximum advance on the southern side of the range. Reconstructing the geometry of four glaciers in the Sucha Woda, Pańszczyca, Mlynicka and Velicka valleys allowed determining their equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) at 1460, 1460, 1650 and 1700 m asl, respectively. Based on a positive degree-day model, the mass balance and climatic parameter anomaly (temperature and precipitation) has been constrained for LGM I advance. Modeling results indicate slightly different conditions between northern and southern slopes. The N–S ELA gradient finds confirmation in slightly higher temperature (at least 1 °C) or lower precipitation (15%) on the south-facing glaciers during LGM I. The precipitation distribution over the High Tatra Mountains indicates potentially different LGM atmospheric circulation than at the present day, with reduced northwesterly inflow and increased southerly and westerly inflows of moist air masses.  相似文献   
During the Late Precambrian to Early Cambrian a large basin with a homogeneous psammitic-pelitic sediment fill existed in the area of the NW-Argentine Andes. It is now exposed in different tectonic levels. This basin of meridional elongation was situated on a stable continental margin at the western edge of the Brazilian shield. It was underlain by segmented older continental crust. According to the modal and chemical composition of the greywackes and subgreywackes a predominant metasedimentary source may be supposed. Four clastic facies types indicate a transport by gravity currents within a submarine fan system, while massive red pelites represent cut-off periods, and rare carbonates deposition on rises. The gravity currents derived from easterly directions. The sedimentation age is proved by a rich ichnofauna and some medusoid impressions.
Zusammenfassung Im Jungpräkambrium bis Unterkambrium existierte im Bereich der NW-argentinischen Anden ein ausgedehnter Trog mit homogener psammitisch-pelitischer Füllung, die heute in verschiedenen Gebirgsstockwerken aufgeschlossen ist. Dieses Becken lag an einem stabilen Kontinentalrand im Westen des Brasilianischen Schildes und war von segmentierter älterer, kontinentaler Kruste unterlagert. Nach der modalen und chemischen Zusammensetzung der Grauwacken und Subgrauwacken sind überwiegend metasedimentäre Herkunftsgesteine anzunehmen. Vier klastische Faziestypen lassen auf Transport durch Trübeströme in submarine Fächer schließen, während mächtige Rotpelite Ruhezeiten und die seltenen Karbonate Ablagerungen auf Schwellen anzeigen. Die Schüttungen stammen aus östlichen Richtungen. Das Sedimentationsalter ist durch eine reichhaltige Ichnofauna und einige Medusenabdrücke dokumentiert.

Résumén Durante el Precámbrico superior hasta el Cámbrico inferior en los Andes del NW Argentino se extendía una larga cuenca rellena de sedimentos psamo-pelíticos homogéneos, que hoy afloran en distintos pisos tectónicos. Esta cuenca de elongación meridional estaba situada en un margen continental estable al lado occidental del escudo brasileño, sobre corteza continental segmentada más antigua. Según su composición modal y química, las grauvacas y subgrauvacas derivaron predominantemente de rocas metasedimentarias. Cuatro tipos de facies clásticas indican su transporte en corrientes de gravedad, provenientes del este, y sedimentación en conos submarinos. Pelitas rojas macizas representan períodos de sedimentación pelágica, mientras que los escasos carbonatos se depositaron en dorsales. Una icnofauna amplia y algunas impresiones de medusoides documentan la edad de sedimentación.

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