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Summary The individual rock types of the differentiation series of minettes display different obliquity of potassium feldspars. In minettes,sensu stricto potassium feldspars with disordered monoclinic structure occur, in alkaline minettes both microcline and orthoclase are present, and in alkaline microgranites and microsyenites only microcline occurs. It may be assumed that the main factors controlling the ordering of K-feldspar structures in alkaline members of the minette series were the decrease of temperature below that of the orthoclase-microcline inversion and the presence of alkaline hydrothermal solution in the crystallizing magma.
Die Triklinität der Kalifeldspäte in der Differentiationsreihe der Minetten
Zusammenfassung Die einzelnen Gesteinstypen der Minetten-Differentiationsreihe enthalten Kalifeldspäte mit unterschiedlich geordneten Strukturen. Minettensensu stricto enthalten Kalifeldspäte mit ungeordneter monokliner Struktur; Alkaliminetten sowohl Mikroklin als auch Orthoklas; Alkalimikrogranite und-syenite hingegen nur Mikroklin. Die Ordnung der Strukturen der Kalifeldspäte in den Alkaligesteinen wurde wahrscheinlich durch den Temperaturfall unter die Temperatur der Orthoklas-Mikroklin-Inversion und durch die Anwesenheit alkalischer hydrothermaler Restlösungen im kristallisierenden Magma bewirkt.

With 1 Figure  相似文献   
秦岭八卦庙金矿金的矿化与铂族金属的富集   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
文章报道了八卦庙特大型金矿床中伴生的铂族金属矿化的地质特征,岩石矿物学特征和新发现矿物--自然(钨)钌矿的基本矿物学特征,铂族金属矿化与金矿化围岩蚀变的关系研究表明,八卦庙金矿中伴生的铂族金属富集于后期岩浆热液改造期,成矿物质主要来源于后期改造的热液,铂族金属的富集与金的富集呈明显的正消长关系,成矿的温度为140-500度,矿化深度>3.7km,成矿流体是以中酸性岩浆热液为主的多成因热国水,矿物组成以复杂的高温硫化物,合金类为主要特征;化学成分也比较复杂,以Au,Cu,As,Ag,Ni,Co,Sb,S和铂族金属Ru,Ir,Os异常等为特点,这类伴生铂族金属的金矿床将为秦岭成矿带寻找铂族金属提供了典型实例。  相似文献   
Geologists may want to classify compositional data and express the classification as a map. Regionalized classification is a tool that can be used for this purpose, but it incorporates discriminant analysis, which requires the computation and inversion of a covariance matrix. Covariance matrices of compositional data always will be singular (noninvertible) because of the unit-sum constraint. Fortunately, discriminant analyses can be calculated using a pseudo-inverse of the singular covariance matrix; this is done automatically by some statistical packages such as SAS. Granulometric data from the Darss Sill region of the Baltic Sea is used to explore how the pseudo-inversion procedure influences discriminant analysis results, comparing the algorithm used by SAS to the more conventional Moore–Penrose algorithm. Logratio transforms have been recommended to overcome problems associated with analysis of compositional data, including singularity. A regionalized classification of the Darss Sill data after logratio transformation is different only slightly from one based on raw granulometric data, suggesting that closure problems do not influence severely regionalized classification of compositional data.  相似文献   
We propose a simple pressure test that can be used in the field to determine the effective permeability of existing wellbores. Such tests are motivated by the need to understand and quantify leakage risks associated with geological storage of CO2 in mature sedimentary basins. If CO2 is injected into a deep geological formation, and the resulting CO2 plume encounters a wellbore, leakage may occur through various pathways in the “disturbed zone” surrounding the well casing. The effective permeability of this composite zone, on the outside of the well casing, is an important parameter for models of leakage. However, the data that exist on this key parameter do not exist in the open literature, and therefore specific field tests need to be done in order to reduce the uncertainty inherent in the leakage estimates. The test designed and analyzed herein is designed to measure effective wellbore permeability within a low-permeability caprock, bounded above and below by permeable reservoirs, by pressurizing the reservoir below and measuring the response in the reservoir above. Alternatively, a modified test can be performed within the caprock without directly contacting the reservoirs above and below. We use numerical simulation to relate pressure response to effective well permeability and then evaluate the range of detection of the effective permeability based on instrument measurement error and limits on fracture pressure. These results can guide field experiments associated with site characterization and leakage analysis.  相似文献   

The transition from the Alpine tectonic assembly to the exhumation of the units in the Rhodope metamorphic province in northernmost Greece has been refined by 40Ar/39Ar laserprobe mica analyses. Preservation of pre-Alpine (~ 280 Ma and 145 Ma) muscovite cooling ages at the western margin of the Rhodope indicate that subsequent events failed to reset the argon system thermally in white mica in the outcropping basement of this region. The central and eastern Rhodope are characterized by white mica cooling ages of 40–35 Ma with ages gradually decreasing to ca. 15 Ma near the eastern margin of the Strymon Valley. The Eo-Oligocene ages reflect the regional exhumation of the metamorphosed units to shallow crustal levels, with corresponding temperatures below ca. 350 °C, by 40–35 Ma. The younger cooling ages are attributed to the initiation and subsequent operation of the Strymon-Thasos detachment system since ca. 30 Ma. This study provides a crucial contribution to future regional tectonic models for the Rhodope region as it recognizes an early stage of development of the Strymon-Thasos detachment system, and has constrained the regional exhumation of the Rhodope metamorphic province since 40 Ma indicating that the regionally observed amphibolite facies metamorphism had terminated by this time. © 2000 Editions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
Xenotime overgrowths on detrital zircon in siliciclastic sediments have been reported in numerous studies. However, in natural samples, solid solution of zircon and xenotime is limited to near-end-member compositions. In order to characterize the interface region between both minerals and to draw inferences on the growth mechanisms of authigenic xenotime, we studied xenotime overgrowths on detrital zircon grains from two Phanerozoic sandstone samples with contrasting post-depositional histories. In one sample, the small (≤10 μm), pyramidal xenotime overgrowths are of diagenetic origin and grew without major discontinuity on the detrital zircon grain. The second sample shows up to >50-μm-wide, porous and inclusion-rich, hydrothermal xenotime overgrowths on detrital zircon, whereas the transition zone between both minerals is accompanied by large pore volume. Chemical compositions of the xenotime precipitates from the two samples differ particularly in Y, REE, Th and Sc concentrations, whereas high MREE availability in the diagenetic sample and the presence of Sc in the hydrothermal sample, respectively, appear to have promoted xenotime growth. Transmission electron microscopy on electron-transparent foils cut from the interface region shows that both the diagenetic xenotime and the hydrothermal xenotime are crystalline and grew in optical and crystallographic continuity to their detrital zircon substrata. Only a narrow transition zone (≤90 nm—diagenetic sample, 200–300 nm—hydrothermal sample) between zircon and xenotime is in part made up of nanometre-scale crystalline domains that are slightly distorted and may have formed from dissolution–re-precipitation processes at the zircon rim along with precipitation from the respective fluid.  相似文献   
Andesitic pillow lavas containing biogenic, solid bitumen (SB) are a constituent of a Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary sequence (Teplá-Barrandian unit, Bohemian Massif) in the Mítov area of the Czech Republic. A black shale formation that is crosscut by these andesitic basalts is 565 Ma old. Carbon disulfide extracts of two powdered samples of SB contain 0.2 and 0.3 ppm of C60, respectively, as determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The peak assignment based on retention time is fully supported by high-resolution electron ionization mass spectrometry (EI-MS). No C70 was detected, nor was C60 found in two other SB samples from this locality. Other investigated carbonaceous samples from Bohemia (coals and anthracites of Upper Paleozoic age and anthraxolite, graphitoids, and graphite of Upper Proterozoic age) did not contain fullerenes at concentrations above the detection limit of 0.01 ppm. The absence of C60 in these samples was confirmed by EI-MS. The proposed mechanism of fullerene formation involves a primary algal phase, generation of a hydrocarbonaceous mixture in the course of thermal evolution of the sedimentary series, and their high-temperature transformation related to the extrusion of basalt. An important feature for fullerene conservation was the enclosure of fullerenes in SB with a structure similar to glasslike carbon, where the fullerene was protected against oxidation.  相似文献   
The possibility of filling empty underground spaces, which exist owing to the extraction of mineral raw materials, with fly ash and cement fly ash mixes has been studied for the purpose of reducing the impact of deep mining on the surface. The method of physical modelling was used to study the behaviour of fly ash mixes deposited in extracted mine spaces. The models were constructed for two different geometries of underground extracted mine spaces: into cavities of the type of large slits created in the course of mining in steeply lode deposits without subsequently filling the empty space and in vertical shafts of rectangular or circular cross-section with horizontal side headings that have partly caved in due to mine shocks or other seismic events.  相似文献   
In Vietnam, the coastal sand barriers and dunes located in front of the steep slopes of the high rising Truong Son Mountains are sensitive to climate and environment change and give evidence for Holocene sea-level rise. The outer barrier sands were deposited shortly before or contemporaneous with the local sea-level high stand along the Van Phong Bay postdating the last glacial maximum (LGM). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating yielded deposition ages ranging from 8.3 ± 0.6 to 6.2 ± 0.3 ka for the stratigraphically oldest exposed barrier sands. Further periods of sand accumulation took place between 2.7 and 2.5 ka and between 0.7 and 0.5 ka. The youngest period of sand mobilisation was dated to 0.2 ± 0.01 ka and is most likely related to reworked sand from mining activities. At the Suoi Tien section in southern central Vietnam, the deposition of the inner barrier sands very likely correlate with an earlier sea-level high stand prior to the last glaciation. OSL age estimates range from 276 ± 17 to 139 ± 15 ka. OSL dating significantly improves our knowledge about the sedimentary dynamics along the coast of Vietnam during the Holocene.  相似文献   
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