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Geomorphic analysis, employing topographic, morphologic, geologic, and bathymetric maps, and field studies show that the morphology of the southern coast of Mexico can be linked to lateral variations in the geometry and tectonism of the subduction zone. A reconnaissance study, based on the regional morphological characteristics and correlation with seismotectonic segments, regional tectonics and major bathymetric features, allows identification of several morphotectonic zones along the coast of southern Mexico: (1) Jalisco zone, (2) Colima zone, (3) Michoacan zone, (4) Guerrero zone, (5) Oaxaca zone, and (6) Tehuantepec zone. A range of geomorphological evidence, including marine terraces, river terraces, uplifted notches, and elevated wave-cut platforms, indicates local and regional uplift along the coast of the Jalisco, Michoacan, Guerrero and Oaxaca zones. Coasts of the Colima and Tehuantepec zones show morphological evidence of subsidence.  相似文献   
Modern geostatistical techniques allow the generation of high-resolution heterogeneous models of hydraulic conductivity containing millions to billions of cells. Selective upscaling is a numerical approach for the change of scale of fine-scale hydraulic conductivity models into coarser scale models that are suitable for numerical simulations of groundwater flow and mass transport. Selective upscaling uses an elastic gridding technique to selectively determine the geometry of the coarse grid by an iterative procedure. The geometry of the coarse grid is built so that the variances of flow velocities within the coarse blocks are minimum. Selective upscaling is able to handle complex geological formations and flow patterns, and provides full hydraulic conductivity tensor for each block. Selective upscaling is applied to a cross-bedded formation in which the fine-scale hydraulic conductivities are full tensors with principal directions not parallel to the statistical anisotropy of their spatial distribution. Mass transport results from three coarse-scale models constructed by different upscaling techniques are compared to the fine-scale results for different flow conditions. Selective upscaling provides coarse grids in which mass transport simulation is in good agreement with the fine-scale simulations, and consistently superior to simulations on traditional regular (equal-sized) grids or elastic grids built without accounting for flow velocities.  相似文献   
Facing natural disasters is a priority challenge for cities, exacerbated by increases in urban population and climate change. Improving the resilience of cities is a critical need for the international community and especially for territories exposed to multiple risks, such as Chile. Although disasters are always tragic, the recovery and reconstruction post-disaster may provide a unique opportunity to prevent future suffering, enhancing the resilience of local communities. This paper presents the analysis of two Chilean reconstruction programmes applied in Mehuin and Dichato, after the earthquake and tsunami of 22 May 1960 and 27 February 2010, respectively. In both cases, reconstruction programmes were supported by the Chilean Government, but using different approaches: one focused on providing housing for people injured in the earthquake, while the other also included urban amenities and services. This article proposes an urban morphology analysis framework; in addition, it presents the assessment of the two case studies before and after a disaster, thus evaluating their resilience. By comparing urban morphology resilience pre- and post-disaster, a discussion about the effectiveness of two reconstruction approaches is presented. Finally, conclusions and recommendations to better integrate resilience into urban planning are proposed, with the aim of opening the discussion about how to make cities more resilient to natural disasters.  相似文献   
Solar global radiation was measured in several places in Costa Rica during the total solar eclipse that occurred on July 11, 1991. In two of these places, Puntarenas and Santa Cruz, measurements in the ultraviolet range (295–385 nm) were also taken. In Santa Cruz, a normal incidence pyrheliometer with Schott filters OG530 and RG630 was used to measure direct solar radiation in its whole range, and in the 530–2800 nm and 630–2800 wavebands respectively. Global radiation, and consequently direct, diffuse and irradiance in any of the wavebands considered, decreased gradually as the sun was being eclipsed and reached zero during the totality, then increased to their normal values. Data registered in Santa Cruz were used to determine Ångstrom's atmospheric turbidity parameters and. Computations show that between 13:00 and 14:30 LT (local time), decreased and increased significantly. This indicates that atmospheric turbidity was high and large particles were more abundant than small ones. The size of hygroscopic particles increased during the eclipse when temperature decreased and relative humidity increased in a comparatively short time.  相似文献   
Water exchange across the sediment–water interface of streams impresses a characteristic thermal pattern at the interface. The use of fibre optic distributed temperature sensing at the sediment–water interface in a small sand‐bed stream identifies such temperature patterns. Groundwater and interflow can be differentiated based on the temporal evolution of temperature patterns. Additionally, sudden temperature changes at the sediment–water interface observed during the transit of floods enable spatial identification of local up and downwelling. Electromagnetic induction geophysics can detect subsurface texture structures that support groundwater–surface water exchange. Our results show that areas of permanent temperature anomalies observed with fibre optic distributed temperature sensing match areas of comparatively homogeneous electrical conductivity. This indicates groundwater discharge and enables differentiating groundwater discharge from interflow and local downwelling.  相似文献   
The IODP‐ICDP Expedition 364 drilled into the Chicxulub crater, peering inside its well‐preserved peak ring. The borehole penetrated a sequence of post‐impact carbonates and a unit of suevites and clast‐poor impact melt rock at the top of the peak ring. Beneath this sequence, basement rocks cut by pre‐impact and impact dykes, with breccias and melt, were encountered at shallow depths. The basement rocks are fractured, shocked and uplifted, consistent with dynamic collapse, uplift and long‐distance transport of weakened material during collapse of the transient cavity and final crater formation.  相似文献   
A diverse fauna of wasps of the extinct parasitoid family Stigmaphronidae (Ceraphronoidea) are recorded in Early Cretaceous (Lower Albian) amber from Spain. Seven new species in five genera are described and figured based on 51 specimens, representing more material than in all the world’s other amber deposits combined. New species include: Elasmophron mari sp. nov., Libanophron sugaar sp. nov., Hippocoon basajauni sp. nov., Burmaphron jentilak sp. nov., B. sorginak sp. nov., B. iratxoak sp. nov., and Tagsmiphron olentzero sp. nov. The significance of the fauna is discussed and compared with that of other Cretaceous amber deposits, in particular the tremendous richness of the Spanish fauna is contrasted with the complete absence of stigmaphronids in the slightly younger and nearby French amber. Whether this stark difference represents particularly favorable conditions for these parasitoids, or their hosts, in the Cretaceous Spanish archipelago, or whether it is owing to taphonomic factors is discussed.  相似文献   
We carried out a detailed rock-magnetic and paleointensity study of the ~187-Ma volcanic succession from northern Chile. A total of 32 consecutive lava flows (about 280 oriented standard paleomagnetic cores) were collected at the Tocopilla locality. Only 26 samples with apparently preserved primary magnetic mineralogy and without secondary magnetization components were pre-selected for Thellier paleointensity determination. Eleven samples coming from four lava flows yielded reliable paleointensity estimates. The flow-mean virtual dipole moments range from 3.7±0.9 to 7.1±0.5(1022 A m2). This corresponds to a mean value of (5.0±1.8)×1022 A m2, which is in reasonably good agreement with other comparable quality paleointensity determinations from the Middle Jurassic. Given the large dispersion and the very poor distribution of reliable absolute intensity data, it is hard to draw any firm conclusions regarding the time evolution of the geomagnetic field. To cite this article: J. Morales et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
Landslides are a main cause of human and economic losses worldwide. For this reason, landslide hazard assessment and the capacity to predict this phenomenon have been topics of great interest within the scientific community for the implementation of early warning systems. Although several models have been proposed to forecast shallow landslides triggered by rainfall, few models have incorporated geotechnical factors into a complete hydrological model of a basin that can simulate the storage and movement of rainwater through the soil profile. These basin and full hydrological models have adopted a physically based approach. This paper develops a conceptual and physically based model called open and distributed hydrological simulation and landslides—SHIA_Landslide (Simulación HIdrológica Abierta, or SHIA, in Spanish)—that is supported by geotechnical and hydrological features occurring on a basin-wide scale in tropical and mountainous terrains. SHIA_Landslide is an original and significant contribution that offers a new perspective with which to analyse shallow landslide processes by incorporating a comprehensive distributed hydrological tank model that includes water storage in the soil coupled with a classical analysis of infinite slope stability under saturated conditions. SHIA_Landslide can be distinguished by the following: (i) its capacity to capture surface topography and effects concerning the subsurface flow; (ii) its use of digital terrain model (DTM) to establish the relationships among cells, geomorphological parameters, slope angle, direction, etc.; (iii) its continuous simulation of rainfall data over long periods and event simulations of specific storms; (iv) its consideration of the effects of horizontal and vertical flow; and (vi) its inclusion of a hydrologically complete water process that allows for hydrological calibration. SHIA_Landslide can be combined with real-time rainfall data and implemented in early warning systems.  相似文献   
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