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A data space approach to magnetotelluric (MT) inversion reduces the size of the system of equations that must be solved from M × M , as required for a model space approach, to only N × N , where M is the number of model parameter and N is the number of data. This reduction makes 3-D MT inversion on a personal computer possible for modest values of M and N . However, the need to store the N × M sensitivity matrix J remains a serious limitation. Here, we consider application of conjugate gradient (CG) methods to solve the system of data space Gauss–Newton equations. With this approach J is not explicitly formed and stored, but instead the product of J with an arbitrary vector is computed by solving one forward problem. As a test of this data space conjugate gradient (DCG) algorithm, we consider the 2-D MT inverse problem. Computational efficiency is assessed and compared to the data space Occam's (DASOCC) inversion by counting the number of forward modelling calls. Experiments with synthetic data show that although DCG requires significantly less memory, it generally requires more forward problem solutions than a scheme such as DASOCC, which is based on a full computation of J .  相似文献   
We discuss the present-day sediment transport by rivers, and hence the erosion rate in upstream basins, based on the example of Taiwan Rivers where large datasets are available. After data correction, the values of the suspended sediment load in the lower Kaoping River are nearly three times smaller than those from the literature. On the other hand, we add the bed load evaluated from numerical modelling, despite limitations from data and models. Whereas the contribution of the chemical denudation rate in Taiwan is minor, the bed load is significant and must be evaluated. We point out that biases in data collection may favour high values of suspended load data, and that large series of datasets are needed to reduce uncertainties and smooth the time variability effect. To cite this article: F.-C. Li et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Hydroacoustic signals detected in late 2000 by seismic stations in Polynesia are shown to originate from huge icebergs which at the time were drifting in the Ross Sea after calving off the Ross Ice Shelf. The signals present a broad variety of spectral characteristics, most of them featuring prominent eigenfrequencies in the 4-7 Hz range, often complemented by overtones. Most epicenters, obtained by combining observations of distant hydroacoustic and regional seismic records, follow the spatio-temporal evolution of the drift of iceberg B-15B. Most of the signals are generated during a 36-day time window when it is speculated that B-15B collided with smaller icebergs or was scraping the ocean floor on the shallow continental shelf. We speculate on the possible physical nature of the resonator generating the signals, which could correspond to an elastic mode of the iceberg, or to the oscillation of fluid-filled cracks in the ice.  相似文献   
A cold-air outbreak over the Mediterranean, associated with a Tramontane event, has been simulated with the atmospheric non-hydrostatic model Meso-NH using a horizontal resolution of 2 km. Results are compared with in situ aircraft, airborne lidar and satellite measurements. On average, the mean and turbulent parameters simulated in the surface layer and mixed layer compared well with in situ measurements. The model was able to reproduce accurately the Foehn effect in the wake of Cape Creus, as well as the occurence of rolls in the coastal region in connection with cloud streets observed with AVHRR. Over the sea, the threshold value of turbulent kinetic energy defining the height of the atmospheric boundary-layer top in the model (defined as 25% of the maximum turbulent kinetic energy in the profile) enables the simulated atmospheric boundary-layer height to match the one retrieved from lidar measurements. Nevertheless, the model did not handle very well the abrupt gradients of all meteorological parameters observed at the top of the atmospheric boundary-layer. Reasons for this are investigated.  相似文献   
A large travertine outcrop south of Errachidia, southern Morocco, was studied and U/Th dated. The carbonate fraction was provided by groundwaters then, as now, from the eastern High Atlas percolating through the regional Infra-Cenomanian aquifer. There were two main periods of accumulation at ca 262 kyr BP and 20–11.5 kyr BP separated by a long discontinuity with some limited weathering and erosion and correlated in part with a period of erosion at 30–20 kyr BP further to the west. The two travertine-deposition periods suggest increased rainfall and/or cooler thermal conditions in the eastern High Atlas source regions. Massive travertine accumulation ceased at the end of the Upper Pleistocene. To cite this article: L. Boudad et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).To cite this article: L. Boudad et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
We report on the development of an inexpensive radiative condenser for collecting atmospheric vapor. Based on the experience gained using a small working model in Grenoble (France), a prototype of 10×3 m2 was established in Ajaccio (Corsica, France). The condensing surface is a rectangular foil made of TiO2 and BaSO4 microspheres embedded in polyethylene and has an angle of 30° with respect to horizontal. The hollow part of the device, thermally isolated, faces the direction of the dominant nocturnal wind. Dew measurements were correlated with meteorological data and compared to dew condensed on a horizontal polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA, Plexiglas) reference plate. The plate served as a reference standard unit and was located nearby. Between July 22, 2000 and November 11, 2001 (478 days), there were 145 dew days for the reference plate (30%), but 214 dew days for the condenser (45%). This yield corresponds to 767 l (3.6 l, on average, per dew day). The maximum yield in the period was 11.4 l/day. Dew mass can be fitted to a simple model that predicts dew production from simple meteorological data (temperature, humidity, wind velocity, cloud cover). Chemical analyses of the water collected from the plate were performed from October 16, 1999 to July 16, 2000 and from the condenser, from July 17, 2000 to March 17, 2001. The following parameters were investigated: suspended solids, pH, concentration of SO42−, Cl, K+, Ca2+ ions. Only Cl and SO42− ions were sometimes found significant. Wind direction analyses revealed that Cl is due to the sea spray and SO42− to the combustion of fuel by an electrical plant located in the Ajaccio Gulf. Except for a weak acidity (average pH≈6) and high concentration of suspended solids, dew water fits the requirements for potable water in France with reference to the above ions.  相似文献   
Numerous observations indicate that faults play a major role on the migration pathways of fluids in the Bolivian sub-Andean Zone. Most oil seeps in the foothills are located on faults, but oil fields in the foredeep are closed by faults. In the foothills, analysis of cements in fractures inside and around fault zones indicates that the faults act as barriers for transversal migration but can be preferential lateral migration pathways for both hydrocarbons and water. A detailed study of these apparent contradictions suggests that the hydraulic behaviour of faults changes with depth in relation with sandstone diagenesis, but it is strain-independent. From microstructural analyses of fault zones, we suggest that the main controlling factor is temperature, which facilitates or inhibits quartz precipitation. This result implies that the same fault is a barrier for lateral and transversal migration at depths >3 km, due to sealing of fractures by authigenic quartz at T>80 °C, and is a lateral drain in its shallower parts. As a result, the various thrust sheets are isolated from a hydraulic point of view, whereas migration in the foreland may take place over long distances (>100 km).  相似文献   
The Cretaceous constitutes a turning point in the tectonic, magmatic, and metallogenic history of Chile. The geological evidence indicates that a major change occurred in late Neocomian time when superplume emplacement (Mid-Pacific Superplume) and plate reorganization processes took place in the Pacific. The superplume event resulted in a major ridge-push force resulting in increased coupling between the subducting and overriding plates. This completely changed the tectonic setting of Chile ending the Early Cretaceous extensional period (aborted rifting in the back-arc basin), and increasing stress at a crustal scale. As a consequence, overpressurized dioritic magmas were pushed up mainly along the best possible structural path in northern Chile, i.e., the Atacama Fault Zone, eventually forming a +500-km-long belt of Kiruna-type iron deposits with reserves of ~2,000 Mt (60% Fe), a unique case in Chile's geological history.  相似文献   
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