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Since the United States proclaimed its 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone in 1983, US agencies have given little attention to the need to develop effective management principles and strategies for the resources of this vast ocean area. Instead, they have relied upon existing programs and authorities to oversee the development of ocean energy and fisheries. This approach has been criticized by marine policy analysts because it perpetuates the existing, fragmented single-sector ocean regime characterized by inconsistent policies and endemic use conflicts.This paper proposes the adoption of certain principles deriving from the common law public trust doctrine in the management of EEZ resources and space. Historically, the public trust doctrine protected the public's rights and interests in nearshore resources and uses (commerce, navigation, and fishing). These traditional public rights were held by the crown or the government in trust for the people and could not be readily destroyed even though shorelands and coastal waters subject to the public trust might be conveyed into private ownership. In modern times the doctrine has been expanded in the United States to protect public rights in other uses and activities (e.g. conservation, scenic and ecological values, and preservation of open space and habitat) and extended geographically to apply to inland rivers, streams, and lakes.The public trust doctrine already applies in many states to the space, resources, and uses of the territorial sea. Because of the overlap of EEZ and territorial sea resources and uses, this paper considers the advantages of applying public trust principles and concepts to managing the EEZ. These principles include the need to preserve trust lands, waters, and resources for public use and benefit. The doctrine also provides a basis for distinguishing between, and ranking, public uses of trust resources, and imposes both substantive and procedural standards against which the conduct of the govermental trustees of trust, resources may be measured.The authors contrast the public trust doctrine with the ‘public trust’ deriving from the property clause of the US Constitution, and conclude that the broad discretion afforded federal officals under the latter is inconsistent with effective environmental management. Finally, the authors recommend a set of ‘presumptions’ derived from public trust principles that federal courts might follow to resolve serious EEZ space and resource-use conflicts.  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to understand the movement of unexploded ordnance that may become unburied and forced by currents. Symmetrical, smooth, finite-length, unrestrained cylinders were studied in steady, uniform flows over a range of Reynolds numbers in a smooth-bottomed, horizontal flume. The study uses PIV tracking methods in the laboratory to identify the movement of ordnance simulated by unrestrained cylinders. The PIV is supported with a numerical analysis using a RANS flow solver. The simulations showed that at low Reynolds numbers the cylinders should roll at speeds near 70% of the free-stream flow.  相似文献   
Analyses of rim-to-interior samples of fresh tholeiitic pillow basalts, deuterically altered holocrystalline basalts, and older, weathered tholeiitic basalts from the deep sea indicate that 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the older basalts are raised by low temperature interaction with strontium dissolved in sea water. 87Sr/86Sr correlates positively with H2O in these basalts; however, there is little detectable modification of the strontium isotope composition in rocks with H2O contents less than 1%. The isotope changes appear to be a function of relatively long-term, low-temperature weathering, rather than high-temperature or deuteric alteration. Strontium abundance and isotopic data for these rocks suggest that strontium content is only slightly modified by interaction with sea water, and it is a relatively insensitive indicator of marine alteration. Average Rb-Sr parameters for samples of apparently unaltered basalt are: Rb= 1.11ppm; Sr= 132ppm; 87Sr/86Sr= 0.70247.  相似文献   
Water samples collected for the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are often preserved with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to inhibit the biotransformation of the analytes of interest until the chemical analyses can he performed. However, it is theoretically possible that residual free chlorine in the HCl can react with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to form chloroform via the haloform reaction. Analyses of 1501 ground water samples preserved with HCl from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program indicate that chloroform was the most commonly detected VOC among 60 VOCs monitored. The DOC concentrations were not significantly larger in samples with detectable chloroform than in those with no delectable chloroform, nor was there any correlation between the concentrations of chloroform and DOC. Furthermore, chloroform was detected more frequently in shallow ground water in urban areas (28.5% of the wells sampled) than in agricultural areas (1.6% of the wells sampled), which indicates that its detection was more related to urban land-use activities than to sample acidification. These data provide strong evidence that acidification with HCl does not lead to the production of significant amounts of chloroform in ground water samples. To verify these results, an acidification study was designed to measure the concentrations of all trihalomethanes (THMs) that can form as a result of HCl preservation in ground water samples and to determine if ascorbic acid (C6H8O6) could inhibit this reaction if it did occur. This study showed that no THMs were formed as a result of HCl acidification, and that ascorbic acid had no discernible effect on the concentrations of THMs measured.  相似文献   
Despite the complexity of wave propagation in anisotropic media, reflection moveout on conventional common-midpoint (CMP) spreads is usually well described by the normal-moveout (NMO) velocity defined in the zero-offset limit. In their recent work, Grechka and Tsvankin showed that the azimuthal variation of NMO velocity around a fixed CMP location generally has an elliptical form (i.e. plotting the NMO velocity in each azimuthal direction produces an ellipse) and is determined by the spatial derivatives of the slowness vector evaluated at the CMP location. This formalism is used here to develop exact solutions for the NMO velocity in anisotropic media of arbitrary symmetry. For the model of a single homogeneous layer above a dipping reflector, we obtain an explicit NMO expression valid for all pure modes and any orientation of the CMP line with respect to the reflector strike. The contribution of anisotropy to NMO velocity is contained in the slowness components of the zero-offset ray (along with the derivatives of the vertical slowness with respect to the horizontal slownesses) — quantities that can be found in a straightforward way from the Christoffel equation. If the medium above a dipping reflector is horizontally stratified, the effective NMO velocity is determined through a Dix-type average of the matrices responsible for the ‘interval’ NMO ellipses in the individual layers. This generalized Dix equation provides an analytic basis for moveout inversion in vertically inhomogeneous, arbitrarily anisotropic media. For models with a throughgoing vertical symmetry plane (i.e. if the dip plane of the reflector coincides with a symmetry plane of the overburden), the semi-axes of the NMO ellipse are found by the more conventional rms averaging of the interval NMO velocities in the dip and strike directions. Modelling of normal moveout in general heterogeneous anisotropic media requires dynamic ray tracing of only one (zero-offset) ray. Remarkably, the expressions for geometrical spreading along the zero-offset ray contain all the components necessary to build the NMO ellipse. This method is orders of magnitude faster than multi-azimuth, multi-offset ray tracing and, therefore, can be used efficiently in traveltime inversion and in devising fast dip-moveout (DMO) processing algorithms for anisotropic media. This technique becomes especially efficient if the model consists of homogeneous layers or blocks separated by smooth interfaces. The high accuracy of our NMO expressions is illustrated by comparison with ray-traced reflection traveltimes in piecewise-homogeneous, azimuthally anisotropic models. We also apply the generalized Dix equation to field data collected over a fractured reservoir and show that P-wave moveout can be used to find the depth-dependent fracture orientation and to evaluate the magnitude of azimuthal anisotropy.  相似文献   
Rainfall over Vietnam is highly variable from north to south, due to the interaction of the monsoonal winds with the terrain. There is high rainfall from April to September, and little rainfall from October to March (except along the central Vietnam coast). In order to study the ability of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation stretched-grid Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM) to capture the climatic and interannual variability of rainfall, downscaled simulations at approximately 20 km horizontal resolution over the region were produced for the period 1979–2001. A scale-selective digital filter was used to force the winds, temperature and sea-level pressure from the ERA-Interim reanalysis for length scales greater than about 700 km. For wind and temperature, the forcing is applied for pressure-sigma levels above about 0.9. ERA-Interim sea surface temperatures were used over the oceans. The simulations were primarily validated against the gridded Asian Precipitation Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Toward Evaluation of the Water Resources rainfall dataset and station observations using standard statistical methods. It was found that CCAM reproduces well the amount and spatial variability of rainfall, with an area-averaged bias for the entire study domain of less than 1 mm day?1; CCAM is also able to capture the rainfall pattern under different El Niño Southern Oscillation phases reasonably well for the dry season. For interannual variability, the simulation generally performed better for North and Central Vietnam than for South Vietnam, where rainfall variability was overestimated.  相似文献   
The infrared absorption cross-sections for eight commonly used halogenated methanes and ethanes have been measured as a function of temperature from 203 to 293 K. High resolution spectra (0.03 cm-1) have been used to derive integrated band strengths and peak cross-sections associated with the spectral features in the infrared region from 600 to 1500 cm-2. The values obtained in this study are compared to those from previous reports, and recommendations are made for uses in atmospheric sensing and radiative energy transfer models. The observed temperature dependence in the spectral features is also discussed.  相似文献   
Water quality of a lowland stream in a New Zealand dairy farming catchment   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
A small stream in a predominantly dairying catchment in the Waikato region of New Zealand was monitored for 2 years at three sites. Total nitrogen (TN) concentrations were up to 7.09 g m‐3 in winter, with the bulk comprising nitrate nitrogen (NO 3‐N). During summer NO 3‐N was near zero and TN mostly comprised organic nitrogen. Maximum concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) were 1.64 and 0.555 g m‐3, respectively, and peaks coincided with spring and autumn applications of phosphorus fertiliser. Ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations exceeded 1 g m‐3 on several occasions and mean concentrations at the three sites were 0.165–0.272 g m‐3. Faecal coliform and enterococci bacteria concentrations were 64–26000 and 7–23000 cfu per 100 ml, respectively. Specific yields of TN and NO 3‐N (35.3 and 30.7 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were much greater than any previously reported for New Zealand pasture catchments, whereas TP and DRP yields (1.16 and 0.54 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were more in accord with other studies. Greater use of land treatment of liquid wastes will reduce stream inputs of faecal organisms, NH4‐N and P.  相似文献   
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