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Intermediate resolution (6Å) photoelectric spectral scans of Titan, Saturn, Saturn's Rings and the Moon appear in two forms: ratio spectra of Titan vs the Rings and of Saturn vs the Rings, and relative reflectivities, which are compared to previously published results. Titan's geometrical albedo of 0.094 ± 0.012 was measured at 4255Å with a 50Å bandpass. From this and the spectral measurements, we derived the geometrical albedo as a function of wavelength. We find that the wavelength dependences of Titan's uv spectrum and the spectrum of Saturn's Rings are remarkably similar. No trace of any absorption bands is apparent. These results imply that uv gaseous absorption and Rayleigh scattering play a strongly subdued role in Titan's atmosphere. Any homogeneous atmospheric model implies that the absorber responsible for Titan's uv spectral albedo varies strongly with wavelength. On the other hand, we find that the uv observations can be satisfied by an absorber having a relatively weak dependence upon wavelength if an inhomogeneous atmospheric model is employed. In particular, a fine dust, which absorbs as 1/λ, can explain the uv observations provided that it is preferentially distributed high up in Titan's atmosphere where the optical depth from Rayleigh scattering is low. The likely presence of such a dust in Jupiter's atmosphere and the difficulty in explaining the nature of a continuous uv absorber which varies rapidly with wavelength suggest that the gas and aerosol in Titan's atmosphere are inhomogeneously distributed.  相似文献   
Pyroclastic deposits from four caldera volcanoes in the Kermadec arc have been sampled from subaerial sections (Raoul and Macauley) and by dredging from the submerged volcano flanks (Macauley, Healy, and the newly discovered Raoul SW). Suites of 16–32?mm sized clasts have been analyzed for density and shape, and larger clasts have been analyzed for major element compositions. Density spectra for subaerial dry-type eruptions on Raoul Island have narrow unimodal distributions peaking at vesicularities of 80–85%, whereas ingress of external water (wet-type eruption) or extended timescales for degassing generate broader distributions, including denser clasts. Submarine-erupted pyroclasts show two different patterns. Healy and Raoul SW dredge samples and Macauley Island subaerial-emplaced samples are dominated by modes at ~80–85%, implying that submarine explosive volcanism at high eruption rates can generate clasts with similar vesicularities to their subaerial counterparts. A minor proportion of Healy and Raoul SW clasts also show a pink oxidation color, suggesting that hot clasts met air despite 0.5 to >1?km of intervening water. In contrast, Macauley dredged samples have a bimodal density spectrum dominated by clasts formed in a submarine-eruptive style that is not highly explosive. Macauley dredged pyroclasts are also the mixed products of multiple eruptions, as shown by pumice major-element chemistry, and the sea-floor deposits reflect complex volcanic and sedimentation histories. The Kermadec calderas are composite features, and wide dispersal of pumice does not require large single eruptions. When coupled with chemical constraints and textural observations, density spectra are useful for interpreting both eruptive style and the diversity of samples collected from the submarine environment.  相似文献   
While palaeohydrological changes in non-outlet lakes provide a key proxy indicator of past climatic fluctuations, for lake systems which have been chemically insensitive, it is necessary to use indicators of water depth rather than salinity to reconstruct their hydro- climatic histories. A study of diatoms in the modern sediments of Sidi Ali, a non-outlet lake in the Middle Atlas of Morocco, has shown a statistically significant correlation between water depth and the ratio of planktonic to littoral diatoms. This relationship is used to calibrate fossil diatom assemblages from a lake sediment core from the same lake to provide a quantitative index of water levels over the pastc. 6500 years. Palaeoecological evidence suggests that climatically induced hydrological variations have dominated the bulk of the mid-late Holocene lake sediment record, with significant human-induced catchment disturbance only occurring during the twentieth century. The pattern of water depth fluctuations suggests that the response time of the regional groundwater system to climatic forcing is <100 years.This is the third in a series of papers published in this issue on the paleolimnology of arid regions. These papers were presented at the Sixth International Palaeolimnology Symposium held 19–21 April, 1993 at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Dr A. R. Chivas served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   
We develop a methodology to obtain a consistent velocity model from calibration shots or microseismicity observed on a buried array. Using a layered 1D isotropic model derived from checkshots as an initial velocity model, we invert P‐wave arrival times to obtain effective anisotropic parameters with a vertical axis of symmetry (VTI). The nonlinear inversion uses iteration between linearized inversion for anisotropic parameters and origin times or depths, which is specific to microseismic monitoring. We apply this technique to multiple microseismic events from several treatments within a buried array. The joint inversion of selected events shows a largely reduced RMS error indicating that we can obtain robust estimates of anisotropic parameters, however we do not show improved source locations. For joint inversion of multiple microseismic events we obtained Thomsen anisotropic parameters ε of 0.15 and δ of 0.05, which are consistent with values observed in active seismic surveys. These values allow us to locate microseismic events from multiple hydraulic fracture treatments separated across thousands of metres with a single velocity model. As a result, we invert the effective anisotropy for the buried array region and are able to provide a more consistent microseismicity mapping for past and future hydraulic fracture stimulations.  相似文献   
The coastal upwelling system off central Namibia is one of the most productive regions of the oceans and is characterized by frequently occurring shelf anoxia with severe effects for the benthic life and fisheries. We present data on water column dissolved oxygen, sulfide, nitrate and nitrite, pore water profiles for dissolved sulfide and sulfate,35S-sulfate reduction rates, as well as bacterial counts of large sulfur bacteria from 20 stations across the continental shelf and slope. The stations covered two transects and included the inner shelf with its anoxic and extremely oxygen-depleted bottom waters, the oxygen minimum zone on the continental slope, and the lower continental slope below the oxygen minimum zone. High concentrations of dissolved sulfide, up to 22 mM, in the near-surface sediments of the inner shelf result from extremely high rates of bacterial sulfate reduction and the low capacity to oxidize and trap sulfide. The inner shelf break marks the seaward border of sulfidic bottom waters, and separates two different regimes of bacterial sulfate reduction. In the sulfidic bottom waters on the shelf, up to 55% of sulfide oxidation is mediated by the large nitrate-storing sulfur bacteria, Thiomargarita spp. The filamentous relatives Beggiatoa spp. occupy low-O2 bottom waters on the outer shelf. Sulfide oxidation on the slope is apparently not mediated by the large sulfur bacteria. The data demonstrate the importance of large sulfur bacteria, which live close to the sediment-water interface and reduce the hydrogen sulfide flux to the water column. Modeling of pore water sulfide concentration profiles indicates that sulfide produced by bacterial sulfate reduction in the uppermost 16 cm of sediment is sufficient to account for the total flux of hydrogen sulfide to the water column. However, the total pool of hydrogen sulfide in the water column is too large to be explained by steady state diffusion across the sediment-water interface. Episodic advection of hydrogen sulfide, possibly triggered by methane eruptions, may contribute to hydrogen sulfide in the water column.  相似文献   
Petrographic and geochemical studies of peridotites from the South Sandwich forearc region provide new evidence for the evolution of the South Sandwich arc–basin system and for the nature of interactions between arc magma and oceanic lithosphere. Peridotites from the inner trench wall in the north-east corner of the forearc vary from clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgites, through samples transitional between harzburgites and dunites or wehrlites, to dunites. The harzburgites are LREE depleted with low incompatible element abundances and have chromites with intermediate Cr# (ca. 0.40). Modelling shows that they represent the residues from 15–20% melting at oxygen fugacities close to the QFM buffer. The dunites have U-shaped REE patterns, low incompatible element abundances and high Cr# (0.66–0.77). Petrography and geochemistry indicate that the latter are the product of intense interaction between peridotite and melt saturated with olivine under conditions of high oxygen fugacity (QFM + 2). The transitional samples are the product of lesser interaction between peridotite and melt saturated with olivine ± clinopyroxene. The data demonstrate that the harzburgites originated as the residue from melting at a ridge (probably the early East Scotia Sea spreading centre), and were subsequently modified to transitional peridotites and dunites by interaction with South Sandwich arc magmas. The second dredge locality, near the South Sandwich Trench–Fracture Zone intersection, yielded rocks ranging from lherzolite to harzburgite that could similarly have resulted from a two-stage melting and enrichment process, but involving a more fertile mantle residue and a reacting melt that is transitional between MORB and island arc tholeiite. The South Sandwich peridotites have a similar petrogenetic history to those from Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc in the sense that both involved interaction between arc magma and pre-existing mantle lithosphere of different provenance. However, the precise compositions of the magma and mantle components vary from location to location according to the precise tectonic setting and tectonic history. Overall, therefore, data from the South Sandwich and Izu–Bonin–Mariana systems emphasise the potential significance of peridotite geochemistry in unravelling the complex tectonic histories of forearcs past and present. Received: 31 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   
A diffusion-diagenesis model of the sulfur cycle is developed to calculate theoretical distributions of stable sulfur isotopes in marine sediments. The model describes the depth variation in δ34S of dissolved sulfate and H2S. and of pyrite. The effects of sulfate reduction, sulfate and H2S diffusion. and of sedimentation are considered as well as the bacterial isotope fractionation and the degree of pyrite formation. Under open system conditions of sulfur diagenesis the isotopic difference, ΔSO2?4 — H2S, tends to increase with depth being smaller than the bacterial fractionation factor near the sediment surface and larger in deeper layers. The two isotopes in SO2?4 or in H2S do not diffuse in the same proportion as they occur in the porewater. This explains why sulfur, which is incorporated from seawater sulfate by diffusion and precipitation as pyrite, can be enriched in 32S relative to the seawater sulfate. The model calculations demonstrate the importance of taking the whole dynamic sulfur cycle into account before drawing conclusions about sulfur diagenesis from the stable isotope distribution.  相似文献   

Lake Pupuke, situated in the North Island of New Zealand near Auckland (Latitude 36° 53'S, Longitude 174° 52'E), is a small, circular body of water (maximum width 1.2 km, maximum depth 55 m). From November 1966 to November 1967 observations on its physico‐chemical factors were made twice monthly.

The range of temperatures in the year was 12.0–24.2°c at the surface and 11.3–14.5°c at 40 m. A thermocline farmed between early October and early January, when it became strongly developed at about 17 m and persisted until late April. Between early May and late June the stratification was breaking down and between mid July and mid September the lake was isothermal.

The values for light transmitted per metre through the water were high from mid August to mid December (53–76% per metre), very low from mid December until mid February (23–49% per metre), high in March (75% per metre) and relatively constant over the winter months (53–64% per metre). The amount of light transmitted depended closely on the density of phytoplankton. Changes in the depth at which a Secchi disc disappeared paralleled the light transmission values, and the mean Secchi depth was 2.2 m, range 1.0–5.2 m.

Oxygen concentrations down to 30 m were highest at all depths from mid November to early January (112–134% saturation). From early January to late April oxygen was strongly stratified (epilimnion 55–100% saturation, hypolimnion 24–77% saturation). During winter oxygen values gradually increased at all depths.

The range of pH was 7.8–9.5 units at the surface and 7.8–8.6 units at 30 m. From early January to late April pH values were strongly stratified but from mid July to mid August they were nearly uniform. The range of alkalinity (mainly HCO3 ? ions) was 76.0–80.8 ppm CaCO3 and values showed stratification in summer. Carbonate ion was present from early October to mid June, but free carbon dioxide was only found in trace amounts.

The range of nitrate ion concentrations was 0.05–0.31 ppm; nitrate became obviously depleted in summer. Only one nitrite value was significant, 0.25 ppm. other nitrite values never exceeded 0.10 ppm. The concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen built up to a summer maximum of 0.95 ppm in the hypolimnion (annual range 0–0.95 ppm); values for albuminoid ammonia (0.016–1.03 ppm of nitrogen) varied with the quantity of living matter present.

The annual mean for total ion concentration (3.30 meq./1) was high and the order of ions was Na+>Mg2+>Ca2+>K+ and HCO3 ?>CI?>SO4 2?. Such dissolved salts may have arrived as airborne particles, dissolved in rain, or as sea spray.  相似文献   
We examined the response of four species of New Zealand marine algae (Ecklonia radiata, Apophlaea lyallii, Rhodymenia spp., Ulva lactuca) and a sea urchin (Evechinus chloroticus) to spatial variation in ultraviolet radiation (UV‐R) by examining the concentration of UV‐R absorbing compounds known as mycosporine‐like amino acids (MAAs). The purpose was to understand how, and the degree to which, local marine species could potentially respond to any future increases in incident UV‐R in the New Zealand marine environment. The research was undertaken in Doubtful Sound, where we observed a gradient of water column UV‐R transmission along the 40 km length of the fiord. We examined spatial differences in MAAs along the UV‐B gradient in the macrophytes and temporal changes in MAAs in sea urchin gonads. Among the algae, thallus MAA concentrations (nmol mg–1 protein) ranged from 12.5 to 87.8 in E. radiata, from 433.1 to 1446.4 in A. lyallii, 12.7 to 103.4 in Rhodymenia spp., but were not detected in U. lactuca. For E. chloroticus, gonadal MAA concentrations ranged from 83.9 to 224.3 nmol mg–1 protein spatially, and over the year from 1.85 to 14.12 nmol mg–1 dry weight (DW) depending on site and gametogenic cycle. Laboratory manipulations indicated that concentrations of MAAs in E. chloroticus gonads and eggs are influenced by diet. MAA concentration could be correlated with UV‐B intensities in two of the algal species. E. chloroticus MAA concentrations could also be correlated with UV‐B transmission, which we concluded was a reflection of the greater ingestion and accumulation of MAA‐rich macrophytes at those sites where higher ambient UV‐R induced greater MAA concentrations to occur in the algae. Given this, we suggest that one response of marine species to increases in UV‐B would be an increase in the synthesis and/or accumulation of MAAs for photoautotrophs and a dietary accumulation of those MAAs in E. chloroticus, an important herbivore in this system.  相似文献   
New high-precision Pb–Sr–Nd isotope, major and traceelement and mineral chemistry data are presented for the submarinestage of ocean island volcanism on Santiago, one of the southernislands of the Cape Verde archipelago. Pillow basalts and hyaloclastitesin the Flamengos Valley are divided into three petrographicand compositional groups; the Flamengos Formation lavas (4·6Ma) dominate the sequence, with the younger Low Si and Coastalgroups (2·8 Ma) found near the shoreline. Olivine andclinopyroxene compositions and isotopic data for minerals andtheir host melts indicate disequilibrium between some crystalsand the melt. Intra-sample disequilibrium suggests homogenisationof liquids but eruption before complete equilibration betweencrystals and melt preserves the heterogeneity. Pressures ofcrystallization for clinopyroxene (0·4–1·1GPa) indicate stalling and crystallization of the magmas overa range of depths in the lithosphere. Major element compositionsindicate melting of a carbonated eclogite source. Sr–Nd–Pbisotope data suggest the involvement of FOZO-like and EM1-likecomponents in the mantle source, which are simultaneously availableat all depths in the melting column. The Flamengos Valley lavasdisplay large compositional variations, often between stratigraphicallyadjacent flows; these frequent abrupt changes of magma compositionsuggest stalling and crystallization of discrete magma batcheson transport through the lithosphere. KEY WORDS: Cape Verde; crystal–melt disequilibrium; submarine volcanism; source heterogeneity; Pb–Sr–Nd isotopes  相似文献   
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