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The sand size carbonate fractions of beach and dune sands from the southeastern U.S. Atlantic coast were investigated from the standpoint of mineralogy, roundness and size distribution. The carbonate fractions of beach-dune sands used in this study range in abundance from less than 1% to over 40% and average about 10%. Calcium carbonate is least abundant in Georgia beaches and increases slightly to the north and greatly to the south. The size distribution of the carbonate fraction is similar to that of the non-carbonate fraction since both have been distributed by the same processes. The variable flat shape of calcareous fragments causes the carbonate fraction to be usually coarser and more poorly sorted than the acid insoluble residues of the samples. No regional relationship between roundness and wave energies was found in sand size materials although field observations indicate high energies strikingly round gravel sized calcareous fragments. There is some tendency for angularity to increase with decreasing grain size in the sand sizes as with quartz grains. The mineralogy of beach sand carbonate fractions is characterized by the almost total absence of high My calcite. Aragonite is the dominant mineral.  相似文献   
The extent and behaviour of the southeast margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in Atlantic Canada is of significance in the study of Late Wisconsinan ice sheet-ocean interactions. Multibeam sonar imagery of subglacial, ice-marginal and glaciomarine landforms on German Bank, Scotian Shelf, provides evidence of the pattern of glacial-dynamic events in the eastern Gulf of Maine. Northwest-southeast trending drumlins and megaflutes dominate northern German Bank. On southern German Bank, megaflutes of thin glacial deposits create a distinct northwest-southeast grain. Lobate regional moraines (>10km long) are concave to the northwest, up-ice direction and strike southwest-northeast, normal to the direction of ice flow. Ubiquitous, overlying De Geer moraines (<10 km long) also strike southwest-northeast. The mapped pattern of moraines implies that, shortly after the last maximum glaciation, the tidewater ice sheet began to retreat north from German Bank, forming De Geer moraines at the grounding line with at least one glacial re-advance during the general retreat. The results indicate that the Laurentide Ice Sheet extended onto the continental shelf.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. When American society, through deliberate government action, intervenes to preserve the family farm as the locus of “good” human values and “authentic” environmental conditions, the result can be described as a moral geography. Nowhere is this clearer than in the protection of traditional farming on the High, or Great, Plains through federal funding and programs. Protection began during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s; federal support came to a close with the passage of the 1996 farm bill. These shifts deserve assessment of historic American interests in the protection of an agricultural institution and of a region at risk.  相似文献   
The vertebrate fauna of the type Cromerian   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rich vertebrate fauna of the Upper Freshwater Bed of West Runton, Norfolk. England (pollen assemblage zone Cr II) is described and related to vegetational conditions based on analysis of fossil pollen and macroscopic plant remains. The general picture is of fishes associated with aquatic plants in a slow-flowing river, amphibious vertebrates living in water-side habitats, and a terrestrial fauna generally reflecting a regional mixed oak forest cover, but also including grassland voles associated with local herb-dominated communities on the river floodplain. The fossil assemblage appears to have accumulated largely from the remains of terrestrial vertebrates washed in as the river eroded its banks. A reassessment of the fossil voles indicates that only five species occur, although ten were previously described. The sparse fauna from the overlying marine gravel (zone Cr III) is also discussed. On the basis of vertebrate faunas and other evidence, sites in England and Germany arc correlated with the type Cromerian.  相似文献   
The spinel lherzolite massif at Balmuccia, northwest Italy,forms an elongate north-south trending lens (4.5 x 0.5 x 1.1km) within the pre-Alpine granulite basement complex of theIvrea zone. The western contact is a mylonite fault zone formedduring late emplacement cataclastic flow near the Insubric line;to the east the lherzolite massif is separated from the granulitesby a magmatic sheath of layered pyroxenites, pyroxene pegmatitesand meta-gabbros. Pyroxene reaction zones on gabbro dikes indunite pods which lie east of the main lherzolite massif showthat emplacement occurred at pressures >9 kb, based on peridotiteequilibria studies. Phase chemistry calculations on pyroxenitesand granulites show ambient P–T conditions to have been850 °C (Cpx–Opx equilibria) and 10–13 kb (Opx–Gt;Plg–Gt–Sill–Qtz) during emplacement of thelherzolite massif. Temperature calculations on 12 peridotitesfrom throughout the massif suggest an earlier high-T stage (1200°C; Ol–Px–Sp) followed by partial re-equilibrationat lower T (850–950 °C; Cpx–Opx). The areaswithin the lherzolite massif with the highest calculated Ol–Px–Sptemperatures have the lowest Cpx–Opx temperatures, suggestingthat the apparent Cpx–Opx temperatures are due to re-equilibrationduring emplacement. The spinel lherzolite probably originatedat 12 and 20 kb, based on the mineral assemblage Ol + Opx +Cpx + Sp + Hnbd. The inferred P–T ranges put both themassif and the granulites on a geotherm that is high for continentalcrust and implies a high surface heat flow at the time of emplacement(2.2 µcal/cm2 sec). The Balmuccia area later became thelocus of early Mesozoic rifting between the North and SouthAlpine plates. These relationships at Balmuccia are similarto the Great Basin of the western United States, where mantlexenoliths in young basalts that show P–T conditions of1100–1300 °C at 17–20 kb, occur in an area ofhigh heat flow (2.0 µCal/cm2 sec average) and extension.This suggests an association between up-welling of mantle peridotitesbelow continents and ensialic tensional tectonics.  相似文献   
Log-probability plots of grain-size distribution from the Platte, North Platte, and South Platte rivers are composed of four or five straight line segments. The line segments are grouped, dividing each curve into three regions. These regions are interpreted as subpopulations moved by different transport mechanisms. Consideration of the criterion for suspension and calculation of shear velocities associated with dominant discharges support this interpretation. The grain size cumulative curves are similar to each other but distinct from curves of fluvial systems transporting only fine-grained material, the difference being the presence of a subpopulation of grains moved in traction transport. One of two possible relationships seems to exist between the grain-size distributions and flow conditions within the Platte River system. Estimated shear velocities derived by varying flow conditions within reasonable limits predict a range of grain sizes within which the break between the intermittent suspension and traction loads should occur. This break appears to be associated with intermediate shear velocities if truncated normal distributions are assumed; but if overlapping distributions are assumed, the ‘break'is associated with estimated maximum shear velocities.  相似文献   
A simulation model of alluvial stratigraphy   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The quantitative model presented simulates the development of a two-dimensional alluvial sedimentary succession beneath a floodplain traversed by a single major river. Several inter-related effects which influence the distribution of channel-belt sand and gravel bodies within overbank fines are accounted for. These are (a) laterally variable aggradation, (b) compaction of fine sediment, (c) tectonic movement at floodplain margins, and (d) channel avulsion. Selected experiments with the model show how the interconnectedness and areal density of channel-belt deposits decrease with increasing floodplain width/channel-belt size, mean avulsion period, and channel-belt aggradation rate. Separation of stream patterns based on interconnectedness and channel deposit density is difficult. Tectonic movements do not have a significant influence upon the successions unless a preferred direction of tilting is maintained (half-graben). Then channel-belt deposits showing offlap tendencies tend to cluster adjacent to the active floodplain margin, leaving dominantly fine-grained alluvium to accumulate on the inactive side. Individual channel-belt deposits thicken during aggradation, although a self-regulating limit to such thickening is likely to operate. ‘Multistorey’features resulting from aggradation may be difficult to tell apart from those arising through superposition of distinct channel-belt deposits of avulsive origin.  相似文献   
Lichen diameters and radiocarbon dates from the western and southern margins of the Barnes Ice Cap yield a growth curve similar to that from southeastern Baffin Island. As a consequence, the moraine chronology of the northern and western Barnes Ice Cap needs revision, as does the chronology of the large proglacial lakes that existed north of the present Barnes Ice Cap. The revised chronology indicates that moraines were formed along the western margin of the Barnes Ice Cap during the following intervals: (1) less than 100 years ago; (2) 400–500 B.P.; (3) ca. 750 B.P.; (4) ca. 1000 B.P.; (5) ca. 1600 B.P.; (6) ca. 2100 B.P.; and (7) 2800 to 3100 B.P. As the western margin of the Barnes Ice Cap retreated, punctuated by stillstands and readvances, the northern margin of the Barnes Ice Cap lay athwart a series of westerly draining valleys, and a complex of proglacial lakes were dammed between the ice margin and the height of land. This sequence is traced by means of well-developed shorelines, lacustrine deltas, and spillways; specific lake levels are dated by lichenometry.
The Barnes Ice Cap moraine sequence is more complex than other Neoglacial records fringing mountain glaciers in Colorado, Alaska and Lappland. However, the chronology for the western Barnes Ice Cap closely resembles independent moraine chronology of mountain glaciers in Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, and thus indicates that the difference between the Baffin Island climatic record and the general Neoglacial/Holocene climatic record (Denton & Karlén, Quaternary Research 7 , 1977) is real. Comparison of specific data from Swedish Lappland and Baffin Island shows substantial agreement. Although Neoglacial records may be globally synchronous, the case for a 2500 year periodicity of glacial fluctuations is not proven: a 300 to 600 year return interval is suggested for the period between 0 and 3000 B.P.  相似文献   
Instrumental neutron activation analytical data, for eighteen trace elements (Ba, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Rb), Sb, Sc, Ta, Th, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu), Hd2O and Fe203 in eleven French geoche-mical reference samples are presented and discussed briefly.  相似文献   
Tills are described which occur in ridges and mounds arranged both parallel and transverse to the flow direction of the depositing glacier. Field localities are drawn from the English Midlands, Western Canada, and South Victoria Land, Antarctica. The tills retain textural and structural properties associated with glacial transport, and have suffered a minimum of redistribution suhsequent to their release from glacier ice. It is shown that ridges and mounds cannot he explained in terms of preferential till accretion. An alternative mechanism is presented in which form and structurc are a result of redistribution of debris in transport by secondary flows in ice.
Flutings are longitudinal forms which are related to helicoidal flow cells. Fabric distributions, patterns of till thickness, and internal structure support the helicoidal flow hypothesis.
Debris entrainment by Antarctic cold-based glaciers is explained by consideration of the morphology and sedimentology of the ice margin and the pattern of glacier flow. Deposition by sublimation and melt-out produces an upwards succession of (1) undisturbed proglacial deposits; (2) a complex of poorly sorted flow deposits intercalated with sorted and stratified water-lain deposits; (3) foliated till with sub-horizantal jointing and isolated clasts. A section shobbing this succession is described from Taylor Valley, Antarctica.
Transverse asymmetric ridges are related to till stacking by over-folding in the marginal compressive zone of cold-based glaciers. Plastic deformation of the debris-laden ice may be enhanced by incorporated salts. The folding process is illustrated by structures within Taylor glacier, and is used to explain Pleistocene landforms and structures in Shropshirc, England and Taylor Valley, Antarctica.  相似文献   
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