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Zusammenfassung Anläßlich der Pfingstexkursion 1959 der Geologischen Vereinigung nach Südtirol, kam es zu einer Diskussion, ob und inwieweit die Quarzporphyre der Bozener Porphyrplatte Ignimbrite seien. Es wird versucht, unter Berücksichtigung der zugänglichen Literatur, den Begriff Ignimbrit in seiner eigentlichen Bedeutung zu fassen. Dabei wird auf die Gefahr hingewiesen, die in der Doppelverwendung als Gesteinsname und als Bezeichnung für einen Eruptionsmechanismus liegt. An Hand der jüngsten Literatur über die Bozener Quarzporphyre und eigener Beobachtungen wird die Beteiligung von Ignimbriten an dem komplexen vulkanischen Gesteinsaufbau der Porphyrplatte erörtert.  相似文献   
The intramolecular kinetic oxygen isotope fractionation between CO2 and CO32− during reaction of phosphoric acid with natural smithsonite (ZnCO3) and cerussite (PbCO3) has been determined between 25 and 72°C. While cerussite decomposes in phosphoric acid within a few hours at 25°C, smithsonite reacts very slowly with the acid at 25°C providing yields of CO2 < 25% after 2 weeks. The low yields result in a low precision for oxygen isotope measurements of the acid-liberated CO2 (±1.65‰, 1σ, n = 9). The yield and reproducibility of oxygen isotope values of the acid-liberated CO2 from smithsonite can be improved, the latter to ∼±0.15‰, by increasing the reaction temperature to 50°C for 12 h or to 72°C for 1 h. Our new phosphoric acid fractionation factor for natural cerussite at 25°C deviates significantly from a previously published value on synthetic material. The temperature dependence of the oxygen isotope factionation factor, α between acid-liberated CO2 and carbonate at 25 to 72°C is given by the following equations
Since 1990, a dense network of subvertical cracks has been observed at the upper part of the Albian sands of the site of radioactive waste storage operated by ANDRA. New studies carried out in 1999 during enlargement of the site of Soulaines and in 2003 on the nearby TFA site highlighted an especially well-developed network of periglacial features that are mainly of the sand-wedge type (subvertical stratified infill). These observations demonstrate the periglacial origin of these cracks, which are mainly superimposed on a dense network of former tectonic extension joints, and that rapidly disappear at the top of the underlying clays. In addition, these observations currently represent the only example of a large sand-wedge network developed during the Last Glacial in northern France. To cite this article: P. Antoine et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Numerical simulations have been performed to investigate the strain-dependent behaviour of rheological and kinematical responses to flow of two-phase rocks using the commercial finite-difference program FLAC2D. It was assumed that the two phases have Maxwell rheology. Plane strain and velocity boundary condition, which produces a simple shear deformation, were also assumed. Two types of geometries were considered: strong phase supported (SPS) and weak phase supported (WPS). We calculated strain-dependent variations of effective viscosity and partitioning of strain rate, vorticity and kinematic vorticity number during deformation in both SPS and WPS structure models.The results show that the strain-dependent behaviour is largely influenced by the geometry of the composite. SPS models show both strain hardening and strain softening during the simulations, with strain hardening preceding strain softening. A critical shear strain is necessary to begin the strain softening behaviour. Strain hardening and strain softening are accompanied by a reduction and an increase of the partition of strain rate into the weak phase, respectively. On the other hand, WPS models show only weak strain hardening and strain softening, being the strain-dependent behaviour close to a steady state flow. In addition, the following results are obtained on vorticity and kinematic vorticity number; (1) in both SPS and WPS models the partition of vorticity into weak phase increases with progressive shear strain, i.e. the strong phase becomes less rotational, (2) in SPS models weak inclusions changes from sub-simple shear to super-simple shear with progressive strain, whereas the strong matrix changes from super-simple shear to sub-simple shear, (3) in WPS models the strong inclusions with high viscosity contrasts are less rotational but can be in super-simple shear condition to high strains.The observed strain-dependent behaviours have been compared with previous proposed analytical models. The degree of agreement is variable. Balshin and Ryshkewitch–Duckworth models are only applicable to SPS models. Ji-generalized mixture rule model is applicable to both models.The results suggest that polyphase rocks with SPS structure during ductile shear deformation respond as strain softening materials, after an initial strain hardening stage that may drive to the strain localization into the material.  相似文献   
To understand the origin of the methane distributions in sediments of Eckernförde Bay, three sites were sampled in May 1994 for determination of methane, sulfate and chloride concentrations in the sediment porewaters. In much of the Bay, bubbles of biogenic methane gas within the sediments lead to widespread ‘acoustic turbidity’ seen in acoustic surveys, masking the sedimentary structure below the gassy horizon. Acoustic windows, where the gas does not appear to be present, occur in several locations in the Bay, often surrounded by acoustically turbid sediments. Pockmarks, shallow depressions in the sediment, are also found in Bay sediments and may show acoustic turbidity at even shallower depths below the interface than surrounding sediments. One site of each type was sampled in this study. The site probably representative of much of the bay below 20 m water depth, revealed methane saturated conditions by about 75 cm depth below the interface, confirming inferences from acoustic scattering data that free gas was present in the sediment. Above this, the methane concentration profile was concave-upward, indicative of methane oxidation in the overlying, sulfate-reducing sediments. These porewaters showed a slightly decreasing chlorinity with depth. At an acoustic window site, methane concentrations rose to a maximum at about 125 cm depth, but did not reach saturation. Below this depth they decreased in a concave-down pattern. Chloride concentrations decreased markedly with depth, indicative of vertical freshwater flow from below. The third site was a pockmark exhibiting very shallow acoustic turbidity at about 25 cm depth. Here methane concentrations rose to exceed saturation within 25 cm depth below the interface and the porewaters became almost fresh by 1.5 m depth, indicative of a stronger flow of freshwater from below. These groundwater flows have competing effects on the methane inventory. They help exclude sulfate from the sediment, allowing the earlier/shallower onset of methanogenesis, but they also aid loss of methane through advection. A diagenetic model that couples the biogeochemistry of sulfate and methane is used to explain the presence or absence of methane gas in these sediments in relation to the flow rate of fresh groundwater from below. Model results indicate that acoustic windows within otherwise acoustically turbid sediments of the bay are likely due to relatively higher rates of vertical advection of fresh groundwater. The gassy pockmark, however, with an even higher vertical advection rate, seems to require the input of additional reactive organic carbon to explain its vertical methane distribution.  相似文献   
An exhaustive analysis of 3000 macroscopic fractures encountered in the geothermal Hot Dry Rock borehole, EPS-1, located inside the Rhine graben (Soultz-sous-Forêts, France), was done on a continuous core section over a depth interval from 1420 to 2230 m: 97% of the macroscopic structures were successfully reorientated with a good degree of confidence by comparison between core and acoustic borehole imagery. Detailed structural analysis of the fracture population indicates that fractures are grouped in two principal fractures sets striking N005 and N170 °, and dipping 70 °W and 70 °E, respectively. This average attitude is closely related to the past tectonic rifting activity of the graben during the Tertiary, and is consistent with data obtained from nearby boreholes and from neighbouring crystalline outcrops. Fractures are distributed in clusters of hydrothermally altered and fractured zones. They constitute a complex network of fault strands dominated by N–S trends, except within some of the most fractured depth intervals (1650 m, 2170 m), where an E–W-striking fracture set occurs. The geometry of the pre-existing fracture system strikes in a direction nearly parallel to the maximum horizontal stress. In this favorable situation, hydraulic injections will tend both to reactivate natural fractures at low pressures, and to create a geothermal reservoir.  相似文献   
Summary On the dayside of the Earth, a huge current system, the so-called equatorial electrojet, flows along the magnetic dip equator in the ionosphere, mainly in easterly direction. At the surface of the Earth it generates strong variations of the geomagnetic field which severely impair marine geomagnetic measurements. Independent of its changing intensity, the position of the current system is remarkably constant.For marine geomagnetic measurements in the South China Sea and the Sulu Sea the latitude dependence of the variations was determined from the data themselves, using an appropriate functional relation. By a digital filter it was taken into consideration that the slowly changing parts are less latitude-dependent. Thus, with one recording station, it was possible to reduce the variations to only 15% of their original size for distances up to 500 km.Using the comprehensive data set of two research cruises into the Dangerous Grounds area of the South China Sea, it is shown which statements on the structure of the crust are possible with the corrected data.
Die Reduktion erdmagnetischer Messungen auf See in der Nähe des magnetischen Äquators
Zusammenfassung Entlang des magnetischen Inklinations-Äquators fließt auf der Tagseite der Erde in der Ionosphäre ein riesiges Stromsystem, der sogenannte Äquatoriale Elektroje. Es erzeugt an der Erdoberfläche starke zeitliche Veränderungen des erdmagnetischen Feldes, die seemagnetische Vermessungen erheblich beeinträchtigen. Die Lage des Stromsystems ist auch bei wechselnden Stromstärken bemerkenswert konstant. Für seemagnetische Messungen im Südchinesischen Meer wurde die Breitenabhängigkeit der Variationen unter Benutzung eines geeigneten Funktionsansatzes aus den Daten selbst bestimmt. Durch eine Filterung wurde berücksichtigt, daß langsam veränderliche Anteile weniger stark breitenabhängig sind. Dadurch gelang es, die Variationen unter Benutzung einer einzigen Registrierstation in Entfernungen bis 500 km auf nur 15% zu reduzieren.An Hand des umfangreichen Meßdatensatzes zweier Forschungsfahrten in das Gebiet der Dangerous Grounds im Südchinesischen Meer wird gezeigt, welche geowissenschaftlichen Aussagen über den Aufbau der Erdkruste nach der Verbesserung möglich werden.

Réduction des mesures de magnétisme à la mer effectuées au voisinage de l'équateur géomagnétique
Résumé Du côté jour de la terre, un flux plasmatique puissant appelé électrojet équatorial s'écoule le long de l'équateur magnétique (champ total et composante horizontale identiques) dans l'ionosphère, principalement en direction de l'Est. Ce flux engendre à la surface du globe de fortes variations du champ géomagnétique, qui ont pour effet de perturber sévèrement les mesures de magnétisme à la mer. La position de ce courant est d'une constance remarquable, et indépendante de ses variations d'intensité.Pour les mesures de magnétisme effectuées dans les mers de Chine Sud et de Sulu, les variations en fonction de la latitude ont été déterminées à partir des données elles-mêmes, au moyen de relations fonctionelles appropriées. L'emploi d'un filtre digital a permis de tenir compte du fait que les éléments variables lentement sont moins dépendants de la latitude. C'est ainsi qu'avec une station d'enregistrement, il a été possible de réduire les variations à 15% seulement de leur valeur originale jusqu'à des distances de 500 km.En s'appuyant sur la collection très complète de données recueillies au cours de deux campagnes de recherche effectuées dans la zone des Hauts-fonds dangereux, au Sud de la mer de Chine, on montre les hypothèses qu'il est possible de formuler quant à la structure de la croûte, à partir des données corrigées.
Geological processes at trench-arc-back arc systems are some of the most complex tectonic processes in need of study. A large amount of data based on geological and geophysical observations has been accumulated. To synthesize these data, mathematical models have proven to be very useful. Because geological processes are directly related to the dynamical behavior of the solid earth, many of them can be investigated in terms of fluid flow models. Some applications of fluid flow principles in studying tectonic processes at convergent plate boundaries are discussed in this paper. When mantle processes are modeled as convective systems, they are found to have direct implications for the determination of slab dip angles. Additionally, they can also account for the high heat flows in the back arc basins, provide a mechanism for back arc opening, and resolve the question whether subducted oceanic crust can reach melting at shallow depth for island arc magma generation. Besides mantle processes, flow models can also be used to study surface processes. A simple one-parameter plane flow theory is used to model the evolution of trench geometries. This model is able to fit simulataneously the trench curvature and the differential paleomagnetic rotation between volcanic islands for the Mariana. Despite the simplicity of many of these models, their ability to synthesize geological and geophysical data at convergent plate boundaries is quite remarkable.  相似文献   
Hypoxia, periods of reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations, has been observed not only in the Chesapeake Bay but also in the deeper waters of the Virginia estuaries that are tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay. When water temperature exceeded 20°C, minimum oxygen concentrations were observed to be <50% of saturation concentrations in 75%, 50% and 2% of the surveys in the estuaries of the Rappahannock, York and James rivers, respectively. The observation that hypoxia rarely occurred in the James River is surprising, given the fact that it receives the greatest amount of wastewater. Analysis of the oxygen budgets in these estuaries indicates that the variations in the frequency, duration, and severity of hypoxia are related to the net movement of bottom waters. This relationship has significant implications for the management of water quality and marine fisheries.  相似文献   
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