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Two Pleistocene channel fills located in two different geological settings, on Guadeloupe in the lesser Antilles and along the Coppermine River in the Northwest Territories of Canada, have different clast compositions, scale, and origin of fragmentation but have similar depositional characteristics. Massive bedding or absence of structures caused by traction, sharp non-erosive contacts, reverse coarse-tail grading, matrix-supported clasts together indicate a debris-flow mechanism in which mixtures of fine and coarse sediments moved downslope by laminar flow. Field evidence suggests subaqueous deposition for both deposits. Both bed thickness (BTh)/maximum grain size (MGS) ratios and correlations appear characteristic of subaqueous masses capable of flowing on slopes less than 1°. The two channel fills have random BTh and MGS variations, they do not thin and fine up-section. It is suggested that fills originating from laminar mass transport could normally have random BTh and MGS up-section variations. In flysch and volcaniclastic sequences, where coarse sediments interpreted as laminar flow deposits are common, up-section BTh and MGS variations may result from processes related to source, slope, and flow characteristics rather than from the environment in which the sediments accumulate (channel).  相似文献   
Mourer-Chauviré, C., Philippe, M., Quinif, Y., Chaline, J., Debard, E., Guérin, C. & Hugueney, M. 2003 (September): Position of the palaeontological site Aven I des Abîmes de La Fage, at Noailles (Corrèze, France), in the European Pleistocene chronology. Boreas , Vol. 32, pp. 521–531. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
The palaeontological locality of Aven I des Abîmes de La Fage, at Noailles, Corrèze, France, is a limestone swallow hole filling which includes a rich fauna of micro- and macromammals, and one of the most complete Pleistocene avifaunas in the Palearctic. According to the mammal fauna and to the sedimentological study, the filling was previously assigned to the penultimate, Saalian, glaciation. U/Th datings made on a stalagmitic floor deposited in a lateral gallery on top of the filling confirm this previous attribution. Revised lists of the mammal and bird faunas are provided. The comparison of the La Fage fauna with that of other European localities, radiochronologically or biostratigraphically dated, leads to the conclusion that most of the fossiliferous layers were deposited during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 8 (242 to 301 ka).  相似文献   
The origin of Antarctic precipitation: a modelling approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The contribution of different moisture sources to Antarctic precipitation for present‐day and glacial conditions is estimated with the NASA/GISS Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Despite its low horizontal resolution (8°×10°), this model simulates reasonably well the broad features of the observed present‐day hydrological cycle. Simulated present‐day Antarctic precipitation is dominated throughout the year by moisture from a subtropical/midlatitude band (30°S−60°S). The moisture supplied to a given coastal area of Antarctica originates mostly in the adjacent oceanic basin; closer to the pole, other oceanic basins can also contribute significantly. Replacing the present‐day sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice cover in the GCM with those from the CLIMAP oceanic reconstruction for the last glacial maximum (LGM), greatly increases the simulated latitudinal temperature gradient, with the consequence of slightly enhancing the contribution of low latitude moisture to Antarctic precipitation. It also changes the seasonality of the different contributions and thus their budget, particularly in coastal regions. Because the nature of LGM tropical SSTs is still under debate, we performed an additional LGM simulation in which the tropical SSTs are reduced relative to those of CLIMAP. The resulting decrease in the latitudinal gradient brings the relative contributions to Antarctic precipitation more in line with those of the present‐day simulation.  相似文献   
The Middle Miocene evaporites in the Red Sea rift were deposited within a complex system of fault-bounded basins that were episodically active during sedimentation. Such a tectonic framework is known to be highly favourable to resedimentation processes. An offshore petroleum well in the north-western Red Sea has cored, below a massive salt unit, an anhydrite-bearing succession which provides an excellent opportunity to study the processes of gravity induced redeposition of Ca-sulphates in a deep basin. Anhydrite deposits, interbedded with siliciclastic layers and thin halite layers, are composed of resedimented facies ranging from fine-grained laminated sediments to coarse-grained breccias. The components derive from the reworking of shelf sediments deposited initially in shallow water to supratidal settings on the surface and edges of structural highs bordering depressions: proximal siliciclastic deposits with interstitial anhydrite (cement patches, nodules) or gypsum and dolostones with early diagenetic anhydrite facies (nodular, chicken-wire) formed in sabkha conditions, interstitially grown gypsum crystals and subaqueous gypsum crusts precipitated in hypersaline ponds, and diatom-rich oozes formed in marine, shallow-water conditions. The homogeneity of the stable isotope composition and petrography of sulphates argue for the initial crystallization of Ca-sulphates within brines of the same origin and in closely interconnected sedimentary settings. The unconsolidated sediments redeposited as slope-foot accumulations were carried both as anhydrite (nodules, soft masses, various fragments, individual grains or crystals released by disintegration of large masses) and gypsum (crystalline aggregates or single crystals) later converted to anhydrite during burial. Layers of chaotic breccia are interpreted as the result of seismic events, whereas the fine-grained deposits could be related to redistribution by nepheloid layers of suspensions of finer grains released by disintegration of the soft anhydrite masses during downslope transport, or of in situ deposits removed by the turbiditic flows.  相似文献   

Clayey and saline soils have been shown to be problematic for time domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements. This study presents some of these problems and discusses solutions to them. Thirteen solute transport experiments were carried out in three undisturbed soil columns of swelling clay soil from Tunisia, labelled S1, S2, and S3 respectively. The columns were collected at three different physiographical regions within a catchment. Water fluxes ranged from 1.2 to 7.2 cm day?1. The large solute transport heterogeneity and large tailing indicated that preferential flow was most pronounced in S1. The preferential flow took place in voids between structural elements and in wormholes. In S3, preferential flow was also evident, but not to the same extent as in S1. In S2, the solute transport was more uniform with little preferential flow. The heterogeneity of the solute transport increased with the water flux in S1 and to a smaller extent in S3, whereas it remained constant in S2. In a previous dye experiment in the field, preferential flow in cracks was observed at those sites where S1 and S3 were collected. In the column experiments, preferential flow in these cracks was less due to the higher initial water content compared to the dye experiments, indicating that the desiccation cracks were closed by the swelling clay.  相似文献   
During late austral summer and winter 1998, black carbon (BC) aerosols were monitored with an Aethalometer at 2 sites of La Réunion Island (Indian Ocean): Saint‐Denis, the main city and Sainte‐Rose, a quite uninhabited region situated at the east coast. BC concentration data at Saint‐Denis show a marked diurnal cycle, which may be primarily attributed to traffic. The background data found at night‐time display average BC concentrations, ranging from about 80 to 250 ng/m3 whereas during the day, BC concentrations increase by a factor of at least 4. In comparison, BC concentrations vary in the range of 10 to 60 ng/m3 at Sainte‐Rose. Ozone concentration was also measured at Saint‐Denis using a Dasibi photometer and found to be at significant levels (means: 16.5–23 ppbv in April and 28.5–34 ppbv in September). A noticeable increase of ozone concentrations during the day points out the build‐up of pollutants enhancing photochemical transformations. However, during traffic pollution peaks, ozone concentration displays systematic depletion. The comparison of ozone and BC measurements at both seasons points to some possible effects of heterogeneous interaction of ozone and its precursors with BC particles. These interactions were also simulated with a 0D time‐dependent chemistry model using conditions of a polluted site. The measured ozone concentration characteristics (mean concentration and range of variation) are well simulated in the presence of BC. Our model results show that at La Réunion Island adsorption of ozone and its precursors onto BC aerosol particles could be one of the important steps determining ozone concentration characteristics, especially in absence of photochemistry during night‐time.  相似文献   
Five new palynological sequences in the Bresse valley (France), covering Reuverian, Praetiglian, Tiglian and Eburonian-Waalian times, yielded rodent teeth of the Mimomys occitanus-savini lineage evolving in Eurasia by phyletic gradualism. For the first time the west European palynological zonation is correlated with the Eurasiatic rodent one, leading to the following attributions: Mimomys occitanus: Reuverian; Mimomys polonicus : Praetiglian to early Tiglian; Mimomyspliocaenicus : Tiglian; Mimomys ostramosensis: Eburonian to early Waalian; Mimomys savini occurring from Waalian to Cromerian. As a result, the Neogene biozones MN15 to MN17 can be defined by nine new subdivisions.  相似文献   
Solar irradiance during the last 1200 years based on cosmogenic nuclides   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Based on a quantitative study of the common fluctuations of 14C and 10Be production rates, we have derived a time series of the solar magnetic variability over the last 1200 years. This record is converted into irradiance variations by linear scaling based on previous studies of sun‐like stars and of the sun's behavior over the last few centuries. The new solar irradiance record exhibits low values during the well‐known solar minima centered at about 1900, 1810 (Dalton) and 1690 ad (Maunder). Further back in time, a rather long period between 1450 and 1750 ad is characterized by low irradiance values. A shorter period is centered at about 1200 ad , with irradiance slightly higher or similar to present day values. It is tempting to correlate these periods with the so‐called "little ice age" and "medieval warm period", respectively. An accurate quantification of the climatic impact of this new irradiance record requires the use of coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (GCMs). Nevertheless, our record is already compatible with a global cooling of about 0.5‐1°C during the "little ice age", and with a general cooling trend during the past millenium followed by global warming during the 20th century (Mann et al., 1999).  相似文献   
Mount Telout, situated at the edge of the Murzuq Basin, is a 325 m high conical hill within a circular collapse structure that records 0·5 km3 of sand intrusion into Silurian shales. Based on a comparison with other similar circular collapse structures around the Murzuq Basin, it is argued that sand injection in the form of pipes occurred during the Devonian. The overpressures triggering the process are inferred to result from a combination of: (i) tectonic uplift at a basin scale that initially focused regional ground water flows; and (ii) igneous intrusion within the sand‐rich Cambrian–Ordovician strata. The palaeorelief buried under the regionally extensive Silurian shales may have locally focused overpressures and localized sand injection at the 1 to 10 km scale. The Mount Telout injected sandbody and related features offer exceptional, seismic‐scale outcrop analogues for sand injections that are often identified in seismic reflection data. Large‐scale sand injections might be essential in petroleum exploration of the North African Lower Palaeozoic basins as they form seal‐bypass systems.  相似文献   
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