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The changing palaeogeographical pattern of Alpine deposits across the European forelands can be traced by identifying mineral assemblages and establishing the chronology of Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits in Alpine foreland. In the late Miocene, the upper courses of the Rhine and the Aar flowed east from the Swiss molasse plain towards the Danube. In the early Pliocene (Brunssumian, 5-3.2 Ma), these same rivers headed north wards towards the Rhine Graben of Alsace. In the early Reuverian, these streams were captured south of the Rhine Graben by the Doubs. They ceased their northward flow and headed west to feed the Bresse Graben. This phase is dated to the Lower and Middle Reuverian (3.2-2.6 Ma). From the Upper Reuverian (2.6 Ma) to the present day, the Rhine has adapted approximately its present course towards the North Sea, south to north along the Rhine Graben and across the Rhine Schist Massif to feed the Dutch Grabens. This changing pattern of capture and alteration of the hydrographic system of the upper reaches of the Rhine and the Aar can be explained by local tectonic movements.  相似文献   
贵州双河洞是亚洲第一长洞,该洞先后分辨出近30多具大熊猫个体化石,是目前世界上发现完整大熊猫化石最多的洞穴。其中一支洞中竖井下方至少聚集了10余具个体化石。以此为研究对象,结合洞道发育形态特征及化石埋藏学特征,初步推测出这些大熊猫深入该支洞内经由竖井跌落并死亡的过程,表明喀斯特洞穴可以为大熊猫提供良好的栖息场所及化石保存环境。选取一例化石表面沉积的碳酸钙样品进行了铀系法测年,表明该个体至少生活在5.1万年前;对另一例个体的牙齿化石进行AMS14C测年,发现其生活在距今2.5万年左右,推断该洞道中大熊猫主要生活在晚更新世时期。  相似文献   
Analysis of the clay minerals in stratigraphically defined cores (23,000 years BP to the present) in the southeastern Levantine-Nile Cone sector of the eastern Mediterranean indicates that depositional processes are very significant in determining the distribution of clay assemblages. The interplay of long-distance transport by water mass circulation, downslope mass gravity transport and wind dispersal is recorded by the clay assemblages in each of the stratigraphic layers. The temporal variations and spatial distribution of smectite, the dominant clay mineral of the River Nile, can be related closely to downslope gravity-related processes and to deposition from water mass flow. Increased kaolinite, in part of wind-blown origin from North Africa, correlates with areas receiving low terrigenous input but influenced by enhanced suspended sediment transport. Illite and chlorite distributions are most closely associated with a northern Levantine provenance and dispersal by the circulation of eastern Mediterranean water masses. Climatically induced changes may have altered the clay minerals in the region and minor diagenetic changes may have occurred, but these factors do not fully explain observed vertical clay mineral changes in the Late Quaternary. We conclude that palaeoclimatic interpretations based on vertical clay mineralogical changes at single core localities should be approached cautiously in small ocean basins such as the Mediterranean.  相似文献   
Distinct, clay‐rich beds are common in fjord‐marine deposits in Trondheimsfjorden near the outlet of the Nidelva River. Their characteristic light‐grey colour makes the beds easily distinguishable from the surrounding brownish, bioturbated, muddy fjord sediments. The clay‐rich beds commonly display a clear stratification in clay, silt and very fine sand. The beds are interpreted as originating primarily from large quick‐clay landslides upstream along the Nidelva River. Such events resulted in a sudden increase in the supply of fines to the fjord from disintegrating landslide debris and heavily loaded effluent plumes, possibly favouring hyperpycnal flow. Typical beds can be divided into a clay‐rich lower section, reflecting an initial surge with high concentrations of suspended mud, and a sandier upper section reflecting pulses of higher energy. This development can be explained, for example, by a lowering in the supply of mud, an increasing activity of deltaic sediment gravity flows due to a higher availability of sandy sediments in the landslide‐affected river, and by flooding and/or breaching of landslide dams. The typical, stratified beds are interpreted as the result of one quick‐clay landslide, whereas exceptionally thick, less organized, stratified beds are possibly the result of several large and/or complex landslides. Radiocarbon dating of mollusc shells has helped to establish a chronology for major terrestrial landslides in the area. The frequency of landslides increases towards the end of the Holocene. This is explained by a progressively deeper incision of rivers during glacioisostatic rebound, possibly combined with a change to a wetter climate. The marine core record displays deformation structures and hiati representing submarine mass‐wasting events, and supports the evidence that the clay‐rich beds are weak layers in the fjord‐marine stratigraphy. The inherent weakness of these layers may be explained by their composition, immature texture, loose fabric and contrasting permeabilities in the deposits. Slide‐prone layers similar to the clay‐rich beds described here may be found in other comparable fjord‐marginal settings and are considered to be of importance for geohazard assessments.  相似文献   
During the upper Pleistocene the Central Altiplano of Bolivia was repeatedly flooded by deep and extensive saline lakes in response to climatic fluctuations. Development of carbonate algal bioherms took place during at least three major periods of lacustrine highstands, discontinuously covering the 300-km-long and 100-km-wide lacustrine slopes and terraces up to an elevation of 100 m above the surface of the modern halite crust of Uyuni. Distribution, size and shape of the bioherms are diverse due to various factors, e.g. the nature and morphology of the substrate and the hydrodynamic conditions that prevailed during growth. On larger palaeoterraces, the build-ups coalesced to form platform-like carbonate accumulations. Although the morphologies closely resemble those induced by cyanobacteria, they were predominantly constructed by other plant communities, probably dominated by filamentous green algae. Cyanobacterial communities flourished in association with these plants, but they did not contribute significantly to the architecture of the bioherms; they participated to encrust the plant stems and algal bushes or to form thin laminated layers covering the build-ups. A prominent feature of some bioherms is their composite structure due to repeated algal growth during successive lacustrine episodes that were separated by subaerial exposures with moderate erosional effects. The build-ups located between 3660 and 3680 m elevation display up to three major parts: (1) a massive inner core formed during an early Minchin highstand, before 40 ka; (2) a large peripheral envelope deposited at about 40 ka (late Minchin) and (3) a thinner outermost crust formed during a late glacial event. Lake level dropped during interlacustrine stages, sometimes leading to desiccation and deposition of salt layers in the deepest parts of the system, i.e. the present-day salar of Uyuni.  相似文献   
Sediment in tectonically active, topographically restricted settings of the western Hellenic Arc, eastern Mediterranean, consists primarily of clayey silt and silty clay. Failure of metastable sediment temporarily stored on relatively steep slopes is triggered by earthquake tremors and eustatic oscillations. Redeposition of these materials by gravitative transport has resulted in markedly different lithofacies from site to site. Most piston cores include three Late Quaternary stratigraphic units that can be correlated with sections in other parts of the eastern Mediterranean; numerous radiocarbon-age determinations enhance the correlation. Seven fine-grained sediment types are identified in cores from eight distinct depositional environments. Some muds are closely related to specific environments (slump and debris flow deposits on slope and high-relief environments), or to time (well laminated mud during the latest Pleistocene-mid-Holocene), or to both (uniform and faintly laminated muds restricted to trench basins). Turbiditic and hemipelagic muds are common throughout the study area. Mud distribution patterns correlate closely with calculated sedimentation rates. We propose two depositional models for these sediments. The first emphasizes downslope transformations resulting in progressively reduced flow concentration during transport: from slump and debris flow–>turbidity current–>low density turbidity current or turbid layer mechanisms. The distal end-member deposits settling from low concentration flows are thick, rapidly emplaced, fine-grained uniform muds closely associated with faintly laminated muds. These were ponded in flat trench basin-plains. Planktonic and terrigenous fractions in the turbiditic, finely laminated and uniform muds record mixing of materials of gravitative and suspension origin during redeposition. This sequence prevails under conditions of minimal stratification of water masses, as characterized by the present Mediterranean. In the second model developed for conditions of well-developed water mass stratification, well laminated rather than uniform mud prevails as the end product of low concentration flows. These very finely laminated and graded muds record particle-by-particle settling from detached turbid layers concentrated along density interfaces; they include material from turbid layers complemented by the normal ‘rain’ of pelagic material. Stratification barriers resulted in region-wide distribution of such deposits, in both slope and trench environments.  相似文献   
Alpha Mound and Beta Mound are two cold‐water coral mounds, located on the Pen Duick Escarpment in the Gulf of Cadiz amidst the El Arraiche mud volcano field where focused fluid seepage occurs. Despite the proximity of Alpha Mound and Beta Mound, both mounds differ in their assemblage of authigenic minerals. Alpha Mound features dolomite, framboidal pyrite and gypsum, whereas Beta Mound contains a barite layer and predominantly euhedral pyrite. The diagenetic alteration of the sedimentary record of both mounds is strongly influenced by biogeochemical processes occurring at shallow sulphate methane transition zones. The combined sedimentological, petrographic and isotopic analyses of early diagenetic features in gravity cores from Alpha Mound and Beta Mound indicate that the contrast in mineral assemblages between these mounds is caused by differences in fluid and methane fluxes. Alpha Mound appears to be affected by strong fluctuations in the fluid flow, causing shifts in redox boundaries, whereas Beta Mound seems to be a less dynamic system. To a large extent, the diagenetic regimes within cold‐water coral mounds on the Pen Duick Escarpment appear to be controlled by fluid and methane fluxes deriving from layers underlying the mounds and forcings like pressure gradients caused by bottom current. However, it also becomes evident that authigenic mineral assemblages are not only very sensitive recorders of the diagenetic history of specific cold‐water coral mounds, but also affect diagenetic processes in turn. Dissolution of aragonite, lithification by precipitation of authigenic minerals and subsequent brecciation of these lithified layers may also exert a control on the advective and diffusive fluid flow within these mounds, providing a feedback mechanism on subsequent diagenetic processes.  相似文献   
Despite many studies on land degradation in the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia, quantitative information regarding long-term changes in land use/cover(LUC) is rare. Hence, this study aims to investigate the LUC changes in the Geba catchment(5142 km2), Northern Ethiopia, over 80 years(1935–2014). Aerial photographs(APs) of the 1930 s and Google Earth(GE) images(2014) were used. The point-count technique was utilized by overlaying a grid on APs and GE images. The occurrence of cropland, forest, grassland, shrubland, bare land, built-up areas and water body was counted to compute their fractions. A multivariate adaptive regression spline was applied to identify the explanatory factors of LUC and to create fractional maps of LUC. The results indicate significant changes of most types, except for forest and cropland. In the 1930 s, shrubland(48%) was dominant, followed by cropland(39%). The fraction of cropland in 2014(42%) remained approximately the same as in the 1930 s, while shrubland significantly dropped to 37%. Forests shrank further from a meagre 6.3% in the 1930 s to 2.3% in 2014. High overall accuracies(93% and 83%) and strong Kappa coefficients(89% and 72%) for point counts and fractional maps respectively indicate the validity of the techniques used for LUC mapping.  相似文献   
Knowledge of both the electrical resistivity ρ and the dielectric permittivity ? of the ground is important for the determination of characteristics such as granularity, porosity, moisture and salt content. Whereas the measurement of ρ is very common and can be achieved using either the d.c. resistivity method or a wide variety of EM devices, ? remains practically unknown in the low-frequency domain between the IP domain and the high-frequency domain. Following the principle of the quadrupole technique used in d.c. prospecting and of the quadrupolar probe for measuring the complex permittivity of the ionosphere, we propose a new approach which does not require any galvanic contact between the poles and the ground. The transfer impedance can be evaluated using the quasi-static approximation for low frequency or the full EM theory for higher frequencies. The conditions under which both calculations apply are discussed. At low frequencies and for low resistivity ground, the electrostatic quadrupole measures ρ exactly as with the d.c. technique; for higher resistivities or frequencies the simultaneous measurement of both properties becomes possible. Examples in archaeological prospecting are presented and checked against independent d.c. resistivity measurements or excavation analyses.  相似文献   

Standardized regional mean annual rainfall series are analysed over the period 1951–1989 from a data set of 891 rainfall stations which covers 23 countries of West and Central Africa. Missing values are estimated by using regionalized indexes computed on the basis of a morpho-climatic delimitation of 44 homogeneous climatic units. Searches for statistical discontinuities in rainfall series show no discontinuity for most units of Central Africa. For several units of West Africa the first discontinuity occurs at the end of the 1950s. The main discontinuity period occurs between 1968 and 1970, followed by a second one at the beginning of the 1980s. Rainfall deficit is greater north of 10°N, and is also important in the Guinean Mountains and on the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea, west of the Atakora Mountains. Regions leeward of mountainous areas experienced moderate rainfall decrease.  相似文献   
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