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The Ashland pluton is a calc-alkaline plutonic complex thatintruded the western Paleozoic and Triassic belt of the KlamathMountains in late Middle Jurassic time. The pluton comprisesa series of compositionally distinct magma pulses. The oldestrocks are hornblende gabbro and two-pyroxene quartz gabbro withinitial 87Sr/86Sr = 0{dot}7044, 18O = 8{dot}7%, and REE patternswith chondrite normalized La/Lu = 7. These units were followedby a suite of tonalitic rocks (LaN/LuN = 7) and then by a suiteof K2O- and P2O5 rocks of quartz monzodioritic affinity (LaN/LuN= 13–21; LaN/SmN = 2{dot}4–3{dot}) The quartz monzodioriticrocks were then intruded by biotite granodiorite and granitewith lower REE abundances but more fractionated LREE(LaN/LuN= 13–19; LaN/SmN = 4{dot}3–6 and they, in turn,were host to dikes and bosses of hornblende diorite. The latestintrusive activity consisted of aplitic and granitic dikes.Combined phase equilibria and mineral composition data, indicateemplacement conditions of approximately Ptotal = 2{dot}3kb,PH2O between 1{dot}5 and 2{dot}2 kb, and fO2 between the nickel-nickeloxide and hematite-magnetite buffers. Successive pulses of magma display increasing SiO2 togetherwith increasing 18O and decreasing initial 87Sr/86Sr. The isotopicdata are consistent with either (1) combined fractional crystallizationof andesitic magma and concurrent assimilation of crustal materialcharacterized by low Sr1 and high (18O or, more probably, (2)a series of partial melting events in which sources were successivelyless radiogenic but richer in 18O Each intrusive stage displaysevidence for some degree of crystal accumulation and/or fractionalcrystallization but neither process adequately accounts fortheir compositional differences. Consequently, each stage appearsto represent a distinct partial melting or assimilation event. The P2O5-rich nature of the quartz monzodiorite suite suggestsaccumulation of apatite. However, the suite contains abundantmafic microgranitoid enclaves and most apatite in the suiteis acicular. These observations suggest that magma mixing affectedthe compositional variation of the quartz monzodiorite suite.Mass balance calculations are consistent with a simple mixingprocess in which P2O5-rich alkalic basalt magma (representedby the mafic microgranitoid enclaves) was combined with a crystal-poorfelsic magma (represented by the tonalite suite), yielding aquartz monzodioritic magma that then underwent differentiationby crystal fractionation and accumulation.  相似文献   
This research reconstructs ice-sheet processes operating during the Late Devensian in northeast England. The article assesses the lithostratigraphy of the Devensian glacial tills of Whitburn Bay, eastern County Durham, and presents the first detailed analysis of petrological, geochemical and biostratigraphical data to reconstruct lithostratigraphy, provenance and iceflow pathways. Two Devensian tractions tills (the Blackhall and Horden tills) are separated by a boulder pavement, pointing to a switch in ice-bed conditions and the production of a melt-out lag prior to deposition of the upper traction till, the Horden Till. The Blackhall Till contains Magnesian Limestone, Carboniferous Limestone, Whin Sill dolerite and Old Red Sandstone, suggesting a northwesterly source, probably from the Midland Valley and the Southern Uplands. The Horden Till contains erratics and heavy minerals derived from crystalline bedrock sources in the Cheviot Hills and northeast Scotland. Within the Horden Till are numerous sand, clay and gravel-filled canals incised downwards into the diamicton which are attributed to a low-energy, distributed, subglacial canal drainage system. Coupled with hydro-fractures and the boulder pavement, this suggests that a partially decoupled, fast-flowing ice stream deposited the Horden Till. The uphill, landward direction of ice movement indicates that the ice stream was confined in the North Sea Basin, possibly by the presence of Scandinavian Ice.  相似文献   
Boundary Bay tidal flats on the inactive southern flank of the Fraser Delta have surface sediments consisting almost entirely of very fine to fine, well to very well sorted sands which show a gradual fining-shorewards trend. Five floral/sedimentological zones form distinct biofacies. These are, from the shoreline seaward, the saltmarsh, algal mat, upper sand wave, eelgrass and lower sand wave zones. The lower limit of the saltmarsh lies at a constant level above which the maximum duration of continuous exposure rises abruptly from ~ 12 to 40 days. Similarly, at the lower limit of the algal mat zone the maximum duration of continuous exposure jumps from 1 to ~ 2 days, and at the upper limit of the eelgrass zone from ~ 0·5 to ~ 0·8 days. These correlations between exposure and zonation are suggested to be causal. In the algal mat and eelgrass zones microtopography of biogenic origin, only a few centimetres high, creates lateral heterogeneity within the zonal biofacies. In the upper sand wave zone, very low amplitude (a~ 0·1 m) symmetrical sand waves (λ~ 30 m) of probable storm-wave origin have a similar effect. In the lower sand wave zone, sand waves (a~ 0·5 m, λ~ 60 m) are formed by tidal currents or wave action and physical sedimentary structures dominate over biogenic ones. The densities of the following macrofaunal organisms which produce distinctive biogenic sedimentary structures were determined on two surveyed transects: Callianassa californiensis and Upogebia pugettensis, both thalassinidean shrimps; three polychaete worms, Abarenicola sp., Spio sp. and Clymenella sp.; the bivalve Mya arenaria and the gastropods Batillaria attramentaria and Nassarius mendicus. Callianassa excavate unlined temporary feeding burrows, whereas Upogebia build mud-lined permanent dwelling burrows. Upogebia are restricted to below mean sea-level where continuous exposure is < 0·5 days, whereas Callianassa extend up to a level, just below mean higher high water, where maximum continuous exposure rises abruptly from 4 to 9 days. This difference in range is probably due to the latter's greater anoxia tolerance—a necessary adaptation for life in an unlined feeding burrow.  相似文献   
Gabbroic plutons are part of the intrusive substructure of theSmartville Complex, a late Jurassic, rifted, ensimatic arc locatedin the northern Sierra Nevada of California. The plutons rangefrom unzoned, equant bodies of olivine gabbro less than 1 kmin diameter to elongate intrusions up to 25 km in length thatare reversly zoned from olivine gabbro cores to quartz dioriterims. The felsic rocks dip inward beneath the mafic core, indicatingthat this zoning reversal continues to depth. The zoned plutonshave relatively shallow keels. We interpret the reversed zoningas an emplacement feature, analogous to the compositional zoningin a zoned tephra sheet. It formed as a result of tapping analready zoned, deeper level magma chamber. Whether the originalzoning of the magma was concentric or stratiform cannot be readilydeduced. During emplacement, considerable amounts of cumulaterocks were mobilized. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the reversely zoned plutonsindicate that they contain two suites of rocks: a cumulate suiterepresented by olivine gabbro and olivine clinopyroxenite anda differentiated suite of non-cumulate olivine gabbros, gabbronorites,and diorites that lie along a compositional continuum and approximateliquid compositions. Plagioclase and olivine compositions inthe Smartville Complex cumulate suite are identical to thosein modern arc cumulates and are characteristic of the arc cumulatesuite. The differentiated rocks form a compositionally continuousseries that is geochemically very similar to a differentiatedsuite of arc tholeiitic basalts and andesites. Fractionationmodeling indicates that removal of mineral phases found in thecumulate gabbros from the mafic members of the differentiatedsuite can produce the lithologic variation seen in the zonedplutons. Plutons such as those in the Smartville Complex indicatethat there is a genetic link between cumulate rocks and a basalt-andesitefractionation trend in arcs, supporting the hypothesis thatarc andesites form by crystal fractionation. The gabbroic plutonsand related Alaska-type ultramafic complexes contain ultramaficcumulates that can rectify the discrepancy between the cumulatemode predicted by fractionation models and the observed modeof gabbroic cumulates in arcs.  相似文献   
Oligo–Miocene carbonates associated with the Padthaway Ridge form the southern margin of the Murray Basin, South Australia. The carbonates are a thin, somewhat condensed succession of echinoid and bryozoan‐rich limestones that record accumulation in the complex of islands and seaways and progressive burial of the Ridge through time. The rocks are grainy to muddy bioclastic packstones, grainstones and floatstones, composed of infaunal echinoderms, bryozoans, coralline algae and benthic foraminifera, with lesser contributions from molluscs and serpulid worms. Locally as much as half of these skeletal components are Fe‐stained, relict grains that imbue the lithologies with a conspicuous yellow to orange hue. This variably lithified succession is partitioned into metre‐scale, firmground‐bounded and hardground‐bounded beds textured by extensive Thalassinoides burrows. Dominant lithologies are interpreted as temperate seagrass facies. Limestones contain attributes indicative of both seagrass‐dominated palaeoenvironments and carbonate production and accumulation on unconsolidated, barren sandflat palaeoenvironments. Together these two depositional systems are thought to have generated a single multigenerational, amalgamated facies recording sedimentation within a complex temperate seagrass environment. Limestones overlying the Padthaway Ridge reflect a gradually warming climate, increasing water temperature and decreasing nutrient content, within the framework of a ridge gradually being buried in sediment. This succession from cool–temperate to warm–temperate to subtropical through time permits recognition of the relative influence of changing oceanography on a seagrass‐dominated shallow inter‐island sea floor. Criteria are proposed herein to enable future recognition of similar temperate seagrass facies in Cenozoic limestones elsewhere.  相似文献   
Breaks in the slope of log-probability plots of cumulative grain-size distributions of bed material are compared with frequency distributions of bedload and suspended sediment over a range of discharges at two stations on the Platte River in south-central Nebraska. The break between suspension and intermittent suspension as determined from the bed-material curve coincides with the upper limit of the grain-size overlap between bedload particles and suspended-sediment particles, whereas the break between intermittent suspension and traction corresponds to the grain size at the lower limit of overlap of bedload particles and suspended-sediment particles. Although grain-size distributions of bedload change little with discharge, the size of the coarsest grains in suspension increases with increasing discharge. Thus, the length of overlap of bedload and suspended-sediment distributions increases with increasing discharge. The limits of grain-size overlap of bedload and suspended-sediment distribution curves associated with near-flood discharges most closely approximate the breaks in the bed material grain-size distribution.  相似文献   
The complex pattern of biological accretion, internal sedimentation, early lithification, and biological destruction, that characterizes modern reefs and many fossil reefs has been recognized in archaeocyathid-rich patch reefs of Lower Cambrian age in the Forteau Formation, southern Labrador. Patch reefs occur as isolated masses or complex associations of many discrete masses of archaeocyathid-rich limestone and skeletal lime sands, surrounded by well-bedded skeletal limestones and shales. Each reef is composed of many loafshaped mounds stacked on top of one another. The limestone of each mound comprises archaeocyathids and Renalcis or Renalcis-like structures in a matrix of argillaceous lime mud rich in sponge spicules, trilobite and salterellid skeletons. Numerous growth cavities roofed by pendant Renalcis-like organisms and Renalcis are partially to completely filled with geopetal sediment indicating that much of the matrix was deposited as internal sediment. Two stages of diagenetic alteration are recognized: (1) syn-depositional, which affected only the reefs, and (2) post-depositional, which affected both reefs and inter-reef sediments. On the sea floor reef sediments were pervasively cemented and fibrous carbonate was precipitated in intraskeletal and growth cavities. These limestones and cements as well as archaeocyathid skeletons, were subsequently bored by endolithic organisms. Later post-depositional subaerial diagenesis resulted first in dissolution of certain skeletons and precipitation of calcite cement above the water table, followed by extensive precipitation of pore-filling calcite below the water table. These carbonate reefs are similar in structure to the basal pioneer accumulations of much younger lower and middle Palaeozoic reefs. They did not develop into massive ‘ecologic’ reefs because archaeocyathids never developed the necessary large, massive, hemispherical skeletons. This occurrence indicates that reefs developed more or less coincident with, and not long after, the appearance of skeletal metazoans in the Lower Cambrian.  相似文献   
Rocks exposed at Punta Cono include very fine-grained to coarse-grained tuffs, lapilli tuffs, and tuff breccias deposited in a deep marine environment. Syndepositional basaltic intrusive activity was common. In one locality a hyaloclastite-peperite complex formed. Slumped sections with fluidal basalt ‘clasts’, derived from intrusions that entered the sediment pile from below, are present elsewhere. Abundant soft-sediment folds in fine-grained laminated subaqueous fall-out tuff suggest steep gradients; these are cut by shallow channels filled with coarse-grained tuff, lapilli tuff, and rare tuff breccia. The combination of marine fossils, extreme textural immaturity, abundant slump features, and syndepositional magmatism indicates deposition upon the submarine flanks of an active volcano. Recognition of magma-wet sediment interaction is hampered in volcaniclastic rocks because of the similarity between host and intrusive fragments. Products of magma-water-sediment interactions at Punta Maria include: (1) jigsaw-puzzle hyaloclastite, formed by non-explosive hydroclastic fragmentation of magma upon contact with water and water-bearing sediment; (2) peperites, produced by mixing of magma with sediment; and (3) an unusual tuff breccia unit, the result of non-explosive mixing of ‘wisps’of lava with sediment during remobilization of an unconsolidated section. Low-explosivity magma-water-sediment interactions are favoured by relatively high hydrostatic pressures in sub-wave base settings.  相似文献   
Geochemical and petrographic data suggest early submarine cementation of hardgrounds from the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation, Middle Jurassic, England. The three hardgrounds, from Cowthick, Castle Bytham and Leadenham quarries, developed in tidal-inlet, on-barrier and lagoonal sub-environments of a carbonate barrier-island complex. At Cowthick early composite (acicular-bladed) radial-fibrous cements, which pre-date aragonite dissolution, completely fill intergranular pore-space at the hardground surface; away from it isopachous fringing cements decrease in thickness. Microprobe analyses demonstrate zoning within the fringes with magnesium concentrations (> 2 wt % MgCO3) higher than those in allochems or later, ferroan cement (?0.5 wt % MgCO3, 1.7 wt % FeCO3). At Castle Bytham early granular isopachous cements, which post-date aragonite dissolution, occur within 5 cm of the surface. At Leadenham early lithification is superficial and represented by ferruginous crusts and micritic internal sediment. Late blocky cement fills residual pore-space in all three examples. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of whole-rock samples taken at intervals away from each hardground surface demonstrate the increasing proportion of late 18O depleted cements (δ18O – 8 to – 10). Early cements must have a marine isotopic composition; different δ18O values from each hardground reflect the intensity of early lithification and exclusion of late cements at the hardened surface. There is no isotopic evidence for subaerial cement precipitation during possible emergence at Castle Bytham. Oyster samples (with δ18O, – 2.9 and δ13C, 2.4) give estimated palaeotemperatures of 22–25°C. Early cements from Cowthick are enriched in 18O and 13C (δ18O = 0 δ13C ? 3‰) compared to the oyster values. In conjunction with trace element data this is interpreted as evidence for high-magnesium calcite precursor cements which underwent replacement in a system with a low water: rock ratio. The intensity of early lithification is related to depositional environment: maximum circulation of sea-water producing the most lithified hardground (Cowthick). This is directly analogous to the formation of Recent hardgrounds.  相似文献   
Rocks in the outer selvage of the Skaergaard intrusion havea range of textures and compositions, and among these are materialsrepresenting quenched Skaergaard magma. Pristine chilled marginalgabbro (CMG), however, is not ubiquitous at the intrusive contact,because many of the "contact" rocks have been hydrothermallyor metasomatically altered, contaminated with gneiss or olivinexenocrysts, while others contain accumulated minerals. Materialrepresenting quenched magma appears to be restricted to contactrocks that are texturally and mineralogically similar to diabase,and free of accumulated minerals. Where it exists, the CMG isfound within one to three meters of the exposed intrusive contactexcept at the roof of the intrusion where its thickness is greater.CMG was distinguished from the diverse group of contact rocksby petrographic and geochemical screening of over 80 specimens.Samples of CMG from the eastern and western margins and fromthe roof of the intrusion have relatively uniform compositionsimilar to that of ferrobasalt, and are noticeably richer iniron (mg-number=0?51-0?54), TiO2 K2O, and P2O5 than other unmodifiedcontact rocks. CMG's also have trace element compositions distinctfrom most other rocks in the outer Marginal Border Series (MBS).They have incompatible element contents up to 3–6 timesgreater than in LZa-type cumulates, negligible Eu anomalies,and Ni and Cr contents and Ni/Cr ratios that are among the lowestof rocks in the outer MBS. The results of melting experiments corroborate selection ofthis material as CMG. The composition of glasses obtained frompartial melting experiments of LZa-type cumulates are essentiallyidentical to those of the CMG. The 1-atm. liquidus phase relationsfor one of the CMG samples (KT-39) is largely consistent withthe sequence and composition of cumulus minerals observed withdistance inward through the MBS and upward through the LayeredSeries. Solidification of magma at the outer margin of the intrusionis interpreted to have involved locally efficient quench crystallizationfollowed by initial primocryst growth in an undercooled transitionzone a short distance inward that finally extended into regionsof near equilibrium crystallization. The similarity in composition between samples of chilled marginalgabbro from the exposed roof and sides of the intrusion, andthose of reconstituted trapped liquid from early cumulates inthe outer MBS suggests that a single magma, similar in compositionto ferrobasalt, was parental to the Skaergaard intrusion. Thisinterpretation corroborates geophysical evidence of a significantlysmaller mass for the intrusion than that estimated by Wager,and provides a basis for revision of models of its chemicalevolution. Samples chosen by Wager as chilled marginal gabbrobelong spatially, texturally, and compositionally to the groupof LZa-type cumulates in the MBS, and should no longer be regardedas chilled marginal gabbro.  相似文献   
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