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We analytically relate hydrostatic stress to strain in a random dense pack of identical spheres cemented at their contacts. The spheres are elastic and the cement is perfectly plastic. This solution for the sphere pack is based on a solution for the normal interaction of two cemented spheres. Initially, the two spheres touch each other at a point. We show that, as loading increases and cement becomes plastic, a finite (Hertzian) direct-contact area between the spheres necessarily has to develop and progress. The stress-strain behavior of the pack depends on the cement's yield limit and on the amount of cement. At the same hydrostatic stress, the deformation of the cemented aggregate is smaller than that of the uncemented one. This difference becomes large as the yield limit increases. We calculate the bulk modulus of an aggregate from the stress-strain curve. In the plasticity domain, the bulk modulus of the cemented aggregate is smaller than that of the uncemented one. The difference between the two may easily reach 50%. Of course, as the cement's yield limit decreases, the aggregate's stress-strain curve and the bulk modulus approach those of the uncemented sphere pack. This theoretical conclusion is qualitatively supported by experiments on epoxy-cemented glass beads. The maximum contact stress in the cemented aggregate may be less than a half of that in the uncemented one. This result explains an experiment where an uncemented glass bead sample failed at a hydrostatic stress of 50 MPa, whereas an epoxy-cemented sample stayed intact.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Eine Analyse der Randstrukturen des Witwatersrand-Beckens im nördlichen Oranje-Freistaat-Goldfeld zeigt, daß das tektonische Bild der Beckenrandregion nacheinander durch verschiedene Deformationsakte von unterschiedlichem Charakter geprägt worden ist. Auf eine Einengungsphase von spät-Witwatersrand-Alter, die zur Bildung einer randlichen Aufrichtungszone und zum Aufreißen eines Systems von 'normalen und antivergenten Aufschiebungen führte, folgte während des Unteren Ventersdorp eine jüngere Zerrungsphase, bei der es zu einem staffeiförmlgen Zerbrechen der ursprünglich eingeengten Scholle kam. Die Zerrung hängt sehr wahrscheinlich mit dem Zerbrechen der Beckenrandregion während oder unmittelbar nach der Extrusion der Unteren Ventersdorp-Laven zusammen. Dabei wurde ein schmaler randparalleler Streifen der Beckenfüllung in einem Graben versenkt ('Odendaalsrus-Graben). Die abgesunkenen Schollenteile sind in sich noch stark zerbrochen und gewöhnlich schiefgestellt. Da der versenkte Streifen durch ein primäres Einmuldungsstadium hindurchgegangen ist, deutet die Grabenbildung offenbar eine Fortsetzung der Beckenbildungsvorgänge 'mit anderen Mitteln an. — Die Bewegungen haben ein Alter von etwa 2,1 Mrd. Jahren; sie fallen somit ins frühe Präkambrium und sind keinesfalls 'intraalgonkisch, wie es noch bis in die jüngste Vergangenheit angenommen wurde.Tektonische Experimente haben ergeben, daß sich die wichtigsten Störungssysteme der realen Beckenrandstrukturen bei entsprechend gewählter Versuchsanordnung auch künstlich erzeugen lassen.
The Orange Free State goldfield represents the southernmost part of the Witwatersrand Basin (Fig. 1) which is completely buried under a cover of Ventersdorp and Karroo rocks. The pre-Karroo geology of this area is characterized by a major rift system trending SSW-NNE ('Odendaalsrus graben), followed to the east by a V-shaped horst and two minor rift blocks (Fig. 2). The main graben is bounded by two principal faults (Border Fault, De Bron Fault, Fig. 4) which are roughly parallel to the western rim of the basin.A tectonic analysis of the basin-edge structures in the northern part of the graben reveals that the basin rim has been subjected to a sequence of deformational acts working over a considerable period of time. A primary compression of the basin-edge region in Upper Witwatersrand times resulted in the formation of a marginal fold; since sedimentation continued, the different stages of the folding process were sometimes preserved by a set of minor unconformities within the youngest sediments (Elsburg A Reefs, Fig. 5). With increasing lateral pressure a couple of reverse faults developed to support the folding (faults No. 10 and 11, Figs. 6 and 7); the minor thrust faults No. 19 and 21 represent the second component of this fault system. A reconstruction of the original depositional plain of the Lower Agglomerate shows that the main thrust faults (No. 10 and 11) are definitely older than the Elsburg A 1 Reef and have been obviously revived after the younger sediments had been laid down (Fig. 8 a).In a later stage compression gave way to tensional forces bringing about a fracturing of the overturned limb of the marginal fold along normal faults (faults No. 4 and 7, Figs. 6 and 7). There is reason to believe that the tensional phase was associated with the incipient rifting during early Ventersdorp times and that these faults were more or less contemporaneous with the general tilting of the basin-edge as displayed to-day (cf. Figs. 3 and 4). Because of the westerly tilt the Boulder Beds dip towards the west, although they must have been originally deposited on a ± horizontal or slightly basinward dipping plain. Faulting was mostly accomplished before deposition of the Ventersdorp sediments and the Upper Ventersdorp Lavas took place; the latter are seldom or only to a small degree affected by the fractures (Figs. 3 and 4). — The age of the tectonics is about 2,1×109 years, i. e. early Precambrian and not Algonkian as formerly supposed.Experimental work aiming at an imitation of the observed basin-edge structures has shown that the principal tectonic features can be produced artificially (Figs. 8 a and b). This refers in particular to the main system of thrust-faults as well as to the younger step-faults caused by tension.

Résumé Les structures tectoniques au bord du Bassin de Witwatersrand dans le district de mines d'or septentrional de la République d'Orange (Afrique du Sud) ont été analysées. Il s'est montré qu'elles sont déterminées par l'action de plusieurs phases de déformation successives de caractères différents. Une phase de compression d'âge Witwatersrand supérieur a d'abord amené un redressement des couches dans une zone marginale du bassin, avec chevauchements à vergences «normales» et inverses. Elle était suivie pendant le Ventersdorp inférieur d'une phase de traction qui produisit des cassures en gradins dans le secteur primitivement comprimé. La traction est très vraisemblablement en relation avec l'effondrement de la zone marginale du bassin pendant ou peu après l'extrusion des laves inférieures de Ventersdorp. Une bande étroite de sédiments, parallèle au bord du bassin, fut alors affectée d'un affaissement (formation du «graben d'Odendaalsrus») où de nombreuses cassures à l'intérieur des compartiments affaissés ont résulté dans la formation de blocs plus ou moins inclinés. Puisque cette zone a d'abord passé par un stade synclinal, on a l'impression que l'effondrement du graben ne représente que la reprise de l'affaissement général du bassin à l'aide d'une «technique nouvelle». - Les mouvements ont un âge de 2.1 milliards d'années, ils datent par conséquent du Précambrien inférieur et ne sont point «intra-algonkiques» comme il fut encore admis tout récemment.Il a été possible de reproduire artificiellement les systèmes de failles les plus importants de la zone marginale du bassin, si les conditions de l'expériment étaient favorables.

Witwatersrand . . 2,1 , . . . , .
M. G. LAIRD 《Sedimentology》1968,10(2):111-120
Curved or planar discordant surfaces occurring within a limited stratigraphic range immediately beneath shallow marine deposits represent penecontemporaneous shear surfaces along which slumps have moved. Rotated packets of strata frequently retained within the curved discordant surfaces show both internal and external evidence of having moved laterally. Movement is considered to have been triggered off by a sudden shock or shocks which may have been either of sedimentary or tectonic origin. The slumping occurred at the change in gradient between slope and shallow marine shelf deposits.  相似文献   
Discrimination diagrams have been developed that source Egyptian basaltic artefacts using whole‐rock major element geochemistry. These include K2O versus SiO2, TiO2 and P2O5 against MgO/Fe2O3t (total Fe as Fe2O3), and a discriminant analysis diagram using SiO2, Fe2O3t, CaO, and MnO. A complementary set of diagrams uses easily obtained trace element data (Nb/Y versus Zr/Nb; Zr [ppm] versus Rb/Sr; TiO2 [wt % volatile free] versus V; and Cr [ppm] versus Zr/Y) to determine the bedrock sources. These diagrams have been applied to seven First Dynasty basalt vessels (Abydos), two Fourth Dynasty basalt paving stones (Khufu's funerary temple, Giza), and two Fifth Dynasty paving stones (Sahure's complex, Abu Sir). They show that the bedrock source for all the artefacts was the Haddadin flow in northern Egypt. Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis applied to the whole‐rock data (major elements and trace elements together) and previously published mineral fingerprinting studies confirm these results. Comparing mineral versus whole‐rock fingerprinting techniques, a major advantage of the former is the small sample size required (0.001 g compared to ≥ 0.1 g). Analytical costs are similar for both methods assuming that a comparison (bedrock) database can be assembled from the literature. For most archaeological problems, a whole‐rock bedrock database is more likely to exist than a mineral database, and whole‐rock analyses on artefacts will generally be easier to obtain than mineral analyses. Whole‐rock fingerprinting may be more sensitive than mineral‐based fingerprinting. Thus, if sample quantity is not an issue, whole‐rock analysis may have a slight cost, convenience, and technical advantage over mineral‐based methods. Our results also emphasize that the Egyptians cherished their Haddadin basalt flow and used it extensively and exclusively for manufacturing basalt vessels and paving stones for at least 600 years (∼3150 B.C. to 2500 B.C., approximate ages of the vessels and Abu Sir paving stones, respectively). © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Temper sands in prehistoric potsherds of the Mariana Islands include terrigenous detritus derived from Paleogene volcanic bedrock and calcareous grains derived chiefly from modern fringing reefs, but also in part from uplifted Neogene limestones overlying volcanic bedrock. Calcareous sands are nondiagnostic of island of origin, but volcanic sands and the terrigenous component of hybrid sands composed of mixed terrigenous and calcareous grain types can be traced to geologic sources on Saipan and Guam, the only occupied islands where volcanic bedrock is extensively exposed. Quartzose tempers of several types were derived exclusively from dacitic volcanic rocks on Saipan. Nonquartzose tempers of andesitic parentage derive from both Saipan and Guam, but abundance of orthopyroxene as well as clinopyroxene is diagnostic of Saipan andesitic tempers, the presence of olivine is diagnostic of selected tempers from Guam, and placer temper sands rich in heavy ferromagnesian minerals occur only in sherds on Guam. Temper analysis documents widespread ceramic transfer from Saipan to other islands throughout Mariana prehistory, and more restricted ceramic transfer from Guam to nearby Rota, although the origin of some andesitic temper types is petrographically indeterminate. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Lamprophyric lavas in the Colima graben,SW Mexico   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
The Colima graben, located in SW Mexico, is one of three grabens which intersect about 50 km SSW of Guadalajara, forming a triple junction. The 90 km long, 20–60 km wide Colima graben represents a N-S rift of the E-W trending Mexican Volcanic Belt. Since the Early Pliocene, the Colima graben has served as a locus for the eruption of alkaline lavas, the most recent of which are basanites and minettes erupted from Late Pleistocene cinder cones (Luhr and Carmichael 1981). In this paper, we report on older alkaline lavas which crop out in the graben's walls. These rocks include phlogopite- and hornblende-bearing lamprophyres, a phlogopite-kalsilite-ankaratrite, and high-K andesites. These lavas crop out throughout the Colima graben area, and are intimately associated with calc-alkaline lavas in the field. Compared to these, the alkaline rocks are strikingly enriched in the incompatible elements, particularly Ba, Sr, P, and the LREE. Unlike the younger Late Pleistocene alkaline cinder cone lavas, most of the graben wall lamprophyres and the high-K andesites represent magmas that appear to have undergone significant evolution since their generation, including fractionation, crustal contamination, and possible magma mixing. Least-squares modeling indicates that the cinder cone minettes represent reasonable parental magmas for the graben lamprophyres. The occurrence of these alkaline lavas in an active calc-alkaline volcanic arc is unusual, and we suggest that they are a manifestation of the rifting processes which produced the Colima graben.  相似文献   
Although europium speciation in silicate melts partly reflects prevailing oxygen fugacities, melt composition and structure play the major role in determining Eu2+/ Eu3+ ratios and europium partitioning into mineral phases. Experimental evidence by different investigators on the magnitude of the compositional effect on Eu2+/Eu3+ provides consistent results only if account is taken of the oxygen buffer system employed in the experiments. The medium-dependent reduction of europium can be understood in terms of the preferential stabilization of Eu2+ by a strong aluminosilicate complex in the melt phase, and to a much lesser degree by metasilicate complexes. The stability of these complexes increases as the field strength of the associated cation species decreases. Hence Eu2+-aluminosilicate complexes are preferentially stabilized relative to trivalent lanthanides in melts of appropriate composition and their presence minimizes the enthalpy of the melt. The influence of these complexes is particularly pronounced in melts with a high feldspathic component and a strongly polymerized structure. Their petrogenetic influence is best documented through the behaviour of europium relative to the other lanthanides during anhydrous anatexis in high-grade metamorphic terrains and in the anomalous europium partition coefficients of phenocryst phases which formed during the crystallization of highly silicic magmas.  相似文献   
This paper presents one of the richest and most complete vertebrate faunas of the late Middle Miocene (~12 Ma) of Central Europe. Up to now, sixty-two vertebrate taxa, comprising all major groups (fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals), have been recorded. Based on sedimentological and palaeobiological evidences, this Fossillagerstätte is assumed to originate from a floodplain paleosol formed on top of a braided river sequence. The fauna points to a highly structured, somewhat vegetated landscape with a wide array of habitats (e.g., fluvial channels, sporadically moist floodplains, short-lived ponds, savannah-like open areas and screes). It was preserved due to a rapid drowning and the switch to a freshwater lake environment. Palaeoclimatological data, derived from pedogenic features as well as from biota, indicate an overall semi-arid, subtropical climate with distinct seasonality (mean annual precipitation 486 ± 252 mm, mean annual temperature ~15°C). This underlines the late Middle/early Late Miocene dry-spell in Central Europe. From taphonomical point of view, the irregularly distributed but roughly associated larger vertebrate remains refer to an in situ accumulation of the bone bed. Splintered bones, gnawing marks as well as rhizoconcretions and root corrosion structures record some pre- and post-burial modification of the taphocoenose. However, the findings of pellet remains argue for a very fast burial and thus to a low degree of time-averaging. For this reason, the fossil fauna reflects the original vertebrate community rather well and is a cornerstone for the understanding of late Middle Miocene terrestrial ecosystems in this region. Certainly, Gratkorn will be one of the key faunas for a high-resolution continental biostratigraphy and the comprehension of Europe’s faunal interchanges near the Middle/Late Miocene transition.  相似文献   
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