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A detailed analysis of bathymetry and magnetic data of Visakhapatnam-Paradip shelf, east coast of India revealed three major structural lineaments over the shelf/slope of the area. Models derived from the anomalies associated with the trends indicate that trend A represents horst and graben type continental basement while trend B is due to a series of dyke intrusions. Trend C off Chilka lake forms the northward extension of 85°E lineation from deep sea Bengal Fan. A two stage evolution of the eastern continental margin of India has been inferred from the study of this part of the margin, viz., the rift stage evidenced by dyke intrusions of reverse polarity located within the inner part of the shelf and post-rift stage characterized by vertical tectonics in the form of a horst and graben type continental basement. The hotspot related aseismic 85°E ridge further complicated the tectonics of this part of the area.  相似文献   
In October and November of 2010, the gelatinous macroplankton in the northwestern Black Sea and at the Crimean shelf was represented by the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia aurita, three species of ctenophores (Beroe ovata, Mnemiopsis leidyi, and Pleurobrachia pileus), and three species of hydromedusae. A. aurita was more common at the shelf, M. leidyi and P. pileus prevailed at the deeper sea stations, and B. ovata was almost ubiquitous with a biomass from below 1 to 49 g/m2 A. aurita, which had an average biomass of 82–224 g/m2, was dominant at all the stations. M. leidyi, which had a biomass from below 1 to 115 g/m2, was recorded in October at only 14 of the 52 stations and in November at 20 of the 46 stations. The highest biomass of M. leidyi in October (105 to 116 g/m2) was recorded in the deep sea areas; in November, it was also the highest in these areas, but it reached at most 100 g/m2. The average daily ration of Aurelia ranged from 19.4 to 27.3 mg/m2 in October and from 7.0 to 17.2 mg/m2 in November; in both cases, it was insufficient to provide for the minimal physiological requirements. The average daily ration of the Mnemiopsis population (2.8–20.5 mg of zooplankton per m2) was invariably more than sufficient to provide for the minimal physiological requirements. Both predatory species together consumed less than 5% of the daily zooplankton production of the sea.  相似文献   
Landsat imagery have been interpreted visually and under Additive Colour Viewer to interpret the regional geology and geomorphology in parts of Subarnarekha-Baitarani basin. The area lies south of Singhbhum shear zone and represents Precamrain shield. Important Simlipal ultrabasic volcanic complex of Orissa is included in the area. Although detailed map of the area is available, yet an attempt has been made to interpret the imagery for evaluating the results provided in comparison to the existing maps. Delineation of main lithological groups is possible. Having some data from the existing maps, lithoiogical boundary delineation of Mica Schist-Phyllite-Quartzite, Granites and Gneisses, Dhanjori Lava, Anorthosite-Gabbro Complex and Dolerite dykes, all of Precambrian age, has been done. Laterite and Quaternary sediments are also picked up. Lineament mapping has been carried out from imagery, which is difficult to map in the field. N--S and NNW-SSE lineament system is very prominent in Simlipal complex whereas in other parts NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW trends are common. The major fault plane running NNE-SSW in the area is responsible for the present-day configuration of Subarnarekha river. Identification of different geomorphological units is perhaps best done on imagery. Several geomorphic units like structural Hill, Denudational Hill, Pediment, Buried Pediment, Lateritic Clay Plain, Laterite upland, Terrace Plain etc have been mapped. Valley fills are wellpicked up from imagery. Hydrogeological potentiality of the different geologic and geomorphic units have been evaluated qualitatively. Ground water occurrence, movement and potentiality are mainly controlled by structural, geological and geomorphological set-up of the area. Buried Pediment, Laterite upland, Laterite clay plain and alluvial fills are the potential zones from the view point of ground water occurrences. Comparative study of the different Landsat bands and band-filter combinations under Additive Colour Viewer has been undertaken to find out the enhancement capability in delineating features. It is found that small scale geological and geomorphological maps can be prepared from Landsat imagery.  相似文献   
A collection of quartz veinlets with ore mineralization sampled from the dumps of the abandoned pit of the Kirov mine was analyzed with defining the mineral assemblages productive for gold mineralization and determining the composition of the main ore minerals and their typomorphic features, which are used for interpreting the genesis of the mineral associations and the deposit as a whole.  相似文献   
A method for the estimation of the results of reconstruction of the trajectories of drifting buoys is proposed. It is based on the comparison of the estimates of power spectral densities for the components of current velocity computed according to three data sets: the data set of the coordinates of a drifting buoy with a built-in GPS receiver, the data set of coordinates formed on the basis of the first set but with data missing and observational errors corresponding to the actual trajectory measurements by the Argos satellite location and data collection system by the Doppler method, and the data set of coordinates obtained as a result of interpolation of the second set. As an example, we consider the procedure of realization of the proposed method and demonstrate the efficiency of its application for the improvement of the reliability of reconstruction of the trajectories of drifting buoys.  相似文献   
The interaction of water waves with arrays of bottom-mounted, surface-piercing circular cylinders is investigated theoretically. The sidewall of each cylinder is porous and thin. Under the assumptions of potential flow and linear wave theory, a semi-analytical solution is obtained by an eigenfunction expansion approach first proposed for impermeable cylinders by Spring and Monkmeyer (1974), and later simplified by Linton and Evans (1990). Analytical expressions are developed for the wave motion in the exterior and all interior fluid regions. Numerical results are presented which illustrate the effects of various wave and structural parameters on the hydrodynamic loads and the diffracted wave field. It is found that the porosity of the structures may result in a significant reduction in both the hydrodynamic loads experienced by the cylinders and the associated wave runup.  相似文献   
Résumé Au Lias inférieur (au moins au Sinémurien), la région du Todrha (feuille de Tinghir au 1/100.000) est caractérisée par une large plate-forme carbonatée peu profonde. Toutefois un sillon étroit et relativement profond s'est creusé parallèlement à la chaîne haut-atlasique et a contrôlé la sédimentation, la paléomorphologie et la paléoécologie.Dans cette région, on constate du sud au nord les faciès latéraux suivants: calcaires dolomitiques, calcaires massifs plus ou moins récifaux, calcaires lités biodétritiques et calcaires turbiditiques, calcaires dolomitiques massifs et enfin dolomies litées à tipis et calcaires oolithiques.
During the Lower Lias (Sinemurian), the area of Todrha has been characterised by a carbonate tidal flat platform, however a small trough with deeper water environments was situated parallel to today's central High Atlas mountains.In the Todrha region the following facies changes from south to north are developed: dolomitic limestones, reefal massive limestones, biodetritic bedded limestones and turbiditic limestones, massive dolomitic limestones and thinly bedded dolomites with teepees and oolitic limestones.

Zusammenfassung Während des Unterlias, zumindest im Sinemurium, bestand im Gebiet der Todrha eine Karbonat-Plattform im Gezeitenbereich. Sie wurde von einem schmalen Trog tieferen Wassers durchzogen, welcher parallel zum Streichen des zentralen Hohen Atlas verlief.Folgende Fazies sind im Todrha-Gebiet entwikkelt (von S nach N): Dolomitische Kalke, massige Riffkalke, biodetritische Bankkalke und turbidische Kalke, massige dolomitische Kalke sowie dünnbankige Dolomite mit Teepee-Strukturen und oolithische Kalke.

, , - , , / Todrha . , . Todrha : , , , , Teepee' .
Time-dependent behaviour of deep clays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The time-dependent behaviour of deep saturated clays is related both to the effects of hydraulic diffusion and of viscosity. In this paper, we present first, by means of an experimental approach, the main features of the mechanical properties of deep clays. Then, we study the effects of these specific behaviours on the time-dependent behaviour of underground structures. We present theoretical and numerical investigations of the effects of pore pressure diffusion resulting from a tunnel excavation in a poroplastic or poroviscoplastic medium. Finite-element calculations show that the time-dependent convergence of the tunnel wall is non negligible. Then, we focus on the behaviour of a cylindrical thermal source buried in a deep clay.

Coupling effects between thermal, hydraulic and mechanical behaviours are very important in soft and low permeable deep clays (saturated compressible clays with high porosity). We show in particular that the displacements and the stresses are very sensitive to the constitutive model. Irreversible behaviour may be traduced by appearance of residual stresses within the rockmass.  相似文献   

The criteria for the evaluation of the REE composition of phosphorites and sedimentary rocks have been determined. These data are required to reconstruct depositional environments. Literature data on the geochemistry of some phosphorite deposits of Eurasia are considered. The REE patterns of Mesozoic phosphorites of the East European Platform are studied. On the basis of REE contents, the ratios of lanthanides and fields on the La–(Nd + Sm)–(Y + Dy), La–(Ce + Nd + Sm)–(Y + Dy), and LREE–MREE–(HREE×10) diagrams have been determined as indicators of climate and the depth and facies conditions of sedimentation.  相似文献   
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